I'm just an actor

Chapter 432 Talent

Chapter 432 Talent
Cui Xinqin looked at Xu Rong, who was sitting on Zhu Tong's left, and turned to look at Zhai Tianlin, who was standing on the side of the podium, with a satisfied and regretful smile on his face.

She is a well-known "star godmother" in the film and television industry, and she has taken Chen Kun, Huang Xiaoming, Zhao Wei, Xu Rong, Yang Mi and other famous film and television stars by hand.

Among the students she has taught, Xu Rong is the most special, especially after the performance of "Thunderstorm" starring him was retained in the online voting, which completely refreshed the public's inherent perception of Nortel.

Nortel can only cultivate the pertinent cognition of movie stars.

For her personally, Xu Rong's promotion of status has also raised her status in the industry in disguise. As an authority in today's performance industry and a famous young performing artist, Xu Rong's teacher should naturally be an authority in performance, not just a A teacher who only cultivates stars.

She was overjoyed and caught off guard, but Zhai Tianlin didn't even make a sound, and became a blockbuster, so that she occasionally felt a sense of trance, are these really the students she taught?

It was their personalities that made her confirm that she was not dreaming. Just like Chen Kun, Huang Xiaoming and others, both Xu Rong and Zhai Tianlin had their own advantages and disadvantages.

Xu Rong has a lot of advantages, but his disadvantages are also obvious. He is too thoughtful, and he is always kind to anyone. She remembers that he was not like this when he was just in college, but she couldn't remember exactly why. From then on, it was difficult to clearly distinguish emotions from his face.

She can't say it's good or bad, but she always feels that his life is a bit too tiring. The only thing that makes her feel gratified is that she has also cultivated another person who is not outstanding in all aspects and has gone to another extreme with Xu Rong. schoolgirl.

At the wedding years ago, she felt that it was her luck that Xu Rong and Zhang Xiaofei were able to get married, Xu Rong's luck, and Zhang Xiaofei's luck.

The deputy editor-in-chief is roughly equivalent to the deputy director.

After some introductions, Zhai Tianlin walked up to the three-foot podium unhurriedly. Standing behind the podium, his eyes slowly swept across the crowded auditorium, and he said in a sonorous and forceful voice: "First of all, I would like to thank all the leaders, teachers, and classmates. We're here, I'm Zhai Tianlin, a second-year graduate student, and a film and television actor, and I'm honored to be able to share with you a little bit of my humble opinion on acting, and if there's anything wrong, please criticize and correct me."

With one hand in his pocket, he walked down the podium slowly, passed in front of Xu Rong and the others, walked slowly along the steps to the back of the classroom, and said in a loud and clear voice: "The original definition of experience is the art of experiencing."

"The most widely disseminated, it is the first volume that systematically introduces Steiner's system theory. It is usually called "Actor's Self-cultivation" in China. In fact, it is actually the American version of "An Actor" that has been severely deleted and edited. Prepares."

"Wow wow wow."

Zhai Tianlin noticed the eye contact between Xu Rong and Zhu Tong who were sitting in the first row, and also recognized that it was the sight of appreciation. Although he was only one month younger than Xu Rong, he was also delighted by his appreciation. According to the announcement, Xu Rong will be the head teacher of the new troupe of Renyi, and he heard from Mr. Cui that Xu Rong will be promoted to the vice president of Renyi next year with a high probability. The appreciation of future bigwigs in various industries is no less important than that of Zhu Tong who is beside him.

But the expressions of these three people now seem to be interesting.

A little curiosity arose in Xu Rong's heart. He also knew that Teacher Cui always liked to use exaggerated rhetorical techniques, but even if he squeezed out [-]% of the water, it was quite an amazing achievement.

"Xu Rong, director of the Department of Chinese Opera Acting and a well-known young actor."

"Wow wow wow."

"Wow wow wow."

Zhang Huijun noticed the subtle changes in the expressions of the three of them, and doubts arose in his heart.

"Deputy Director of the Department of Chinese Opera Performance, Hao Sui."

The key is that he has seen things in him that many people don't have.

Originally, she disapproved of it. It was too ostentatious for a second-year graduate student to give a lecture, but she couldn't resist Zhai Tianlin's pleading. Moreover, she published an article in such an important journal, and it was indeed held by Nortel. Qualifications for lectures.

But today they were lucky enough to see a live Stanislav? !
After the applause fell, Cui Xinqin and others said with a smile: "Before the lecture officially begins, let me solemnly introduce a few important guests. They are Zhu Tong, the deputy editor-in-chief of CCTV and a well-known scholar."

Zhai Tianlin looked firmly at the middle of the lecture hall where even the coughing sound was completely silent, stretched out a finger and put it in the air, and said sonorously.

A confidence that comes from the inside out!
This is the strong self-confidence that only people who have the real thing in their stomachs can exude naturally!
He clapped his hands lightly, glanced at Zhu Tong, and happened to find that he also turned his head, the two looked at each other and smiled at the same time.

In this kind of situation, the most common thing in life is "you are so annoying". A woman may say this kind of words to anyone, but even if she says these four words to the same person, the emotions expressed always exist. All kinds of differences.

The smile on Xu Rong's face gradually froze, he felt like a monkey being played by another monkey.

Actors have different understandings of the script because of their own life experiences and life interests. "You are so annoying" can be disgusting, it can also express coquettishness, of course it can also be flirting, especially the latter two are easy to confuse, but both Can impress the audience.

Therefore, the highest pursuit of a performer should be to complete the script. If the highest pursuit of a performance is to impress the audience, it will fall into a dead end, because "impressing the audience" is a metaphysical standard, beautiful, ugly, good and bad. Yes, but the best and easiest way is to refresh the lower limit of the audience's understanding of ethics and morality.

After knowing that Xu Rong would come, he also did relevant homework, dug out the video material of Xu Rong's last speech and watched it carefully.

"I think the highest pursuit of a performer is to impress the audience."

The trio sitting next to them, especially Xu Rong and Hao Tamarin, are experts in domestic academia today, with rich practical experience and solid theoretical foundation. Most importantly, they are not the kind of experts who only talk about theory. Their authority is based on the foundation of their works step by step. Of course, it is their rank that makes them wear the crown of authority.


Zhai Tianlin is also quite excellent in all aspects, and compared to Xu Rong who was honed the day after tomorrow, he is the kind of born transparent, the kind that is transparent at a point, the only fly in the ointment, Zhai Tianlin really loves to show off, accompanied by the natural Transparent, he was born with a desire to stand in the center of the stage and be admired, amazed, and admired.

In order to get Xu Rong's favor, he even specially practiced Xu Rong's hand gestures during his speech.

Is it too good, or too bad?

"An Actor's Work on Himself originally planned by Steiner, that is, "Actor's Self-cultivation" consists of three volumes, and the corresponding English versions are "An Actor Prepares", "Building a Character", "Creating a Role" , that is, "Actor's Preparation", "Building Characters", "Creating Characters."

At first glance, it seems that there is no problem, but it can only be heard at first glance.

"Before that, I would like to introduce this classmate next to me. His name is Zhai Tianlin. He graduated from Nortel's 06-level acting department. He is now a second-year student in the acting department. Just half a month ago, he wrote His "Study on the Basic Theory of the Stuart System" was published in "THE DRAMA REVIEW", which caused a great sensation in foreign academic circles. Today we specially invited Zhai Tianlin to give us the "Discussion on the Basic Theory of the Stuart System" Lecture."

"Wow wow wow."

"In the book, Stanislav refers to his performance method, or The System, as 'art of experiencing', which means the art of experience. Therefore, in China, the genre of performances that follow Stanislav's system theory is called experientialism."

Xu Rong gradually felt a little uncomfortable. He always felt that Zhai Tianlin was suspected of showing off his English, although the addition of English vocabulary made these basic knowledge suddenly sound very advanced.

Among the performance training, there is a typical "I hate you" training, that is, actors need to express a variety of completely different emotions by saying the three words "I hate you".

Some teachers and students recognized Zhu Tong the moment he entered the lecture theater, and some of them just looked familiar, but more or less realized the importance, because the dean and Xu Rong accompanied him on the left and right, and when they heard the title, it turned out that The doubts in my heart suddenly became clear.

Just like today's lecture.

Accompanied by the sound of gasping for air, there was thunderous applause in the lecture hall. Although they had never heard of "Drama Review", Steiner and Brecht were both recognizable names.

He picked up the microphone, walked out from behind the podium, stood in the center of the podium, and slowly swept across the auditorium with a calm gaze, saying: "Before the lecture officially starts, I would like to ask everyone sitting here a question, As actors and performers, what should our highest pursuit be?"

He can stand here today because of the cultivation of Huang Xiaoming and Cui Xinqin, but in comparison, Xu Rong has greater influence than them both now and in the future.

Seeing the four people seated, Cui Xinqin, who is today's host, picked up the microphone and said, "Dear leaders, teachers, and students, good morning everyone."

But is it possible to judge the performance of that character?

The highest pursuit of a performer is to impress the audience? ? ?
He turned his head slowly, looked at each other with Zhu Tong and Hao Sui, and they both noticed the bewilderment in each other's eyes.

"Nortel President Zhang Huijun."

Zhai Tianlin looked at the slightly surprised expressions of the three of them, and was a little surprised in his heart. However, he has seen too many "shocks" during this period of time. He is completely used to this, and said unhurriedly: " At present, there are various methods and schools at home and abroad, and they are used in actual use. Among many methods, experience has always been considered the most accurate method. However, what is experience? Its connotation and What is extension?"

Today it seems that some blood must be drawn.

As for dissatisfaction with or revision of the script, once an actor uses the power to modify the motivation of a character, his identity is no longer a pure actor, but a complex of actors and screenwriters.

Impressing the audience is the measure of whether a play is good or not. The assertion that "the highest pursuit of performance is to impress the audience" is roughly equivalent to the statement that "the highest pursuit of an aero engine is manned flight".

Xu Rong nodded imperceptibly. Although this junior called Zhai Tianlin is a bit short, it is difficult to play some tall characters, but this is not a serious problem.

Cui Xinqin did not hear the expected thunderous applause. It is not surprising that the inheritance and development of performance theory has never been a strong point in China. She explained: "The Chinese name of "THE DRAMA REVIEW" is "Drama Review". The authority of "Nature" is roughly equivalent to that of "Nature" in natural science. It can be said that Zhai Tianlin is the first scholar in China to receive this honor. If he can maintain his current level and continue to explore and achieve certain achievements, he will surely become a Another master after Steiner and Brecht."


However, his every move was imitating Xu Rong as much as possible, giving speeches without a script, and using questions to attract the audience's attention, all of which were Xu Rong's speech style.

"Wow wow wow."

Zhai Tianlin didn't look at Xu Rong, he felt that was a little deliberate.

"The characteristic of Stella's system is that the actor achieves the natural subconscious creation through conscious psychological technology. He requires the actor to be on the stage and in the living environment of the character exactly as correctly, logically, sequentially, as if the character is alive. Thinking, wishing, wanting, and acting like a human being, he calls this experience role."

"He believed that actors could only evoke the emotions and thoughts that gave rise to those actions if they had mastered the inner motives of the characters they represented."

Zhai Tianlin walked to the front of the classroom and commented: "I think this is a metaphysical conclusion. First of all, at the operational level, there is a serious backlog of implementation space for actors. As non-mechanical creatures, actors cannot be accurate every time. Unmistakable to achieve its ideal state, so Lee Strasberg believes that emotional memory is the basic material to revive the performance on the stage, and it is also the basic tool to create a real experience on the stage. The language and movements practiced in rehearsals, as well as the memory of emotions, are not only for training, but also to inspire the imagination of the actors to ensure that they can handle the unreal reality on stage.”

Xu Rong let out a sigh of relief. He finally understood why he couldn't understand the paper written by this guy. The content could be summed up in one sentence and easy to understand, but this guy used so many words The vocabulary was pieced together, and finally formed a piece of stuff that he had to struggle to understand after listening.

(End of this chapter)

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