I'm just an actor

Chapter 433 Inspiration

Chapter 433 Inspiration
In the silent lecture hall, both the teachers and students, as well as Zhu Tong and the others were lost in thought.

Zhai Tianlin looked at this scene with satisfaction, especially the thoughts of Xu Rong, Hao Ji, and Cui Xinqin made his satisfaction soar to the extreme.

He has a sense of accomplishment teaching Einstein, Newton, Maxwell and others how to achieve controllable nuclear fusion.

Apart from yelling "Damn" in their hearts, they could no longer express their shock with any other words.

He paused for a while to give everyone enough time to think, and then said: "So, I put forward a brand new point of view. The so-called experience of life is to experience the thinking logic of a specific group in which a character lives, rather than to learn and imitate. An individual, let alone the general behavior of the group to which the character belongs."

Xu Rong immediately sat up straight. Although Zhai Tianlin made a common sense mistake before, at this moment, he is absolutely sure that this guy is indeed a great talent.

Because Zhai Tianlin can conclude this conclusion, he must have profound practical experience and pioneering innovations in the act of "experience".

Because he has also come to this conclusion.

And he believes that this student named Zhai Tianlin must have his own unique creation, which can even complement his current half-baked "harmony theory".

He never thought that he could complete the innovation of a system independently, and even Stanislav's system was not completed by Stanislav himself. He needed and hoped that more capable people would join in and jointly create a set suitable for Chinese actors to use and practice. performance system.

Xu Rong looked at Zhu Tong, who was almost stunned by Zhai Tianlin, and nodded thoughtfully. What Zhai Tianlin said was so frankly reasonable. When you fully experience the characters, you will definitely know what kind of behavior you need and what kind of behavior you need. a definite motive.

Their ranks are very different, but they have a lot of common topics, because he is one of the rare people who can fully understand Xu Rong's thoughts and make targeted suggestions.

Regarding the theory of experience, he once talked about it during the experience life of "Thunderstorm", but as he said, this theory is based on the partial negation of the Stuart system, and at the same time, it is only an intermediate theory, it is neither a basic theory , nor is it a top-level theory, it cannot be forcibly grafted into the Stuart system, as long as he does not provide the bottom-level theory, the top-level theory, and the methodology of specific operations, whoever plagiarizes will be embarrassed.

Different from Xu Rong's high regard, when he thought of the domestic academic atmosphere, another completely different guess appeared in his mind.

Hao Tian vaguely guessed something at this time. This student who published a paper in a famous foreign journal not only has a big problem with his foundation, but even his understanding of the performance system is completely inconsistent with his status as a second-year graduate student.

This student named Zhai Tianlin, is it possible to copy Xu Rong?

Perhaps there is a bigger difference between Stanislav, Xu Rong and authorities and experts, that is, both Stanislav and Xu Rong are actors and have always been engaged in acting work, while authorities and experts generally do not perform on stage.

Hao Tian beside him was also stunned. How could this student look like an expert?

Zhai Tianlin immediately stood up straight, and gestured with his hand: "Please speak."

"Does it feel like a good description?"

Zhu Tong was completely amused, and immediately said loudly: "This classmate, I have a doubt."

Zhai Tianlin's behavior inspired him.

A flash of lightning flashed across Xu Rong's mind, and he remembered why it sounded familiar.

Russian experts have explored a new answer: "From the self to the role!"

But how can he have time to do this?
Seeing Xu Rong and Zhu Tong's shocked faces, Zhai Tianlin couldn't help raising his voice a little to increase the power of moving: "The core of experiencing life is not to observe and imitate a specific person, nor to observe and imitate a specific group of people , but to understand the growth, living environment, and commonality of thinking of this specific group. Through these, we can compare the characters and organize reasonable values ​​and thinking for the characters. Let me give you an example. A white-collar worker bows his head when he gets on the subway or bus Why are you playing on your phone?"

"Impossible, this is me."

But today, in front of the deputy editor-in-chief of CCTV, the director of the Department of Chinese Opera, and the dean of Nortel, he used that paper to give a lecture with confidence.

Xu Rong stood up with a smile and said, "Let's go."

Although Chinese opera has a mediocre style of study, compared to the notorious Nortel, it is considered pure.

"Secondly, he lowered his head and played with his mobile phone, proving that there was nothing in his mind. He was used to such a familiar and step-by-step life, and for the time being, there was nothing for him to find time to think and make decisions. It can be inferred that last night Even in the last few nights, after work, he almost wasted half of the night."

He finally understood why Xu Rong and Zhu Tong behaved so weirdly today.

Seeing the uncontrollable smile on Xu Rong's face, Zhu Tong also laughed: "Do you know what Karnik said?"

Zhai Tianlin was confused, because he didn't know who "Adler" was, let alone what name "Karnik" was. Just looking at the strange smiles on the faces of Xu Rong and Zhu Tong, he began to feel less confident. .

Zhu Tong's disdain, Xu Rong's indifferent attitude, and the dean's embarrassment all made him realize the fact that he was doomed.

Xu Rong looked at Zhai Tianlin suspiciously, he really couldn't understand why Zhai Tianlin was so confident when facing himself, so confident that he suspected that he plagiarized his thesis.

This young man should understand these principles.

He left the Central Academy of Drama not because he was tired of being a teacher, but because he found that neither students, teachers nor so-called authoritative experts were focused on learning or theoretical exploration.

Zhai Tianlin looked at Xu Rong who couldn't hide his astonishment, and Zhu Tong, who was already stunned, the corners of his mouth slightly curled up, like a sunny boy, and smiled confidently: "This is what I understand to experience life. Behavior is important, but more important It is his thinking, the purpose of our experience of life is actually to find out the meaning behind the behavior, which is the core element supporting his behavior, the so-called experience is nothing but the formation of a character’s specific psychological state through behavior guidance.”

Seeing that the posture was not right, Zhang Huijun hurriedly winked at Xu Rong. Zhu Tong was a big leader to him, but he could see that Xu Rong and Zhu Tong seemed to be on good terms.

Xu Rong noticed Zhang Huijun's wink, and still smiled indifferently. Zhai Tianlin's sentence just now, "Starting from the character, you will naturally know what kind of behavior is needed, and what kind of definite motivation is needed." It's really incisive.

This kind of assertion by Steiner, Brecht, and Mei Lanfang can only pinch their noses and give a thumbs up. They are simply playing hooligans, but it is precisely these hooligans who are the authority in today's industry.

Listening to the "example" Zhai Tianlin gave, Xu Rong always felt a sense of déjà vu.

Isn't that what he said? !
Zhai Tianlin's voice didn't stop because of Xu Rong, he was still confident and calm: "Then such a state of life can also infer the psychological state of this kind of people. They are comfortable, plain, and not very purposeful and planned. Then Going deeper, there are still some differences. For example, some people graduated from prestigious schools, and some people graduated from technical secondary schools. In addition, some people have better family conditions, and some people have more ordinary backgrounds. But in the end, they all become become the same, which means that they have some kind of common experience, such as being smoothed by life."

After thinking for a few seconds, Zhu Tong turned his head and said, "Then I have another question. Adler said that actors may feel that they have made the 'right' choice intellectually, but the actual performance is boring and boring. Uninspired, then the actor may try to 'provoke' emotions instead of making effective, touching decisions, i.e. the actor's own imagination is not right, it may have conflicts with the director, the screenwriter and the audience's Want to deviate from each other."

The smile on Zhu Tongguo's face gradually faded, and he said: "Do you know your so-called theory, I heard about it a year ago, and coincidentally, it came from Director Xu Rongxu who is beside me. "

Exquisite words can solve embarrassing situations, but they can't solve practical problems, just like the authoritative judgment of a certain authoritative professor in the contemporary era of "representing on the basis of experience!" Also can't think of anything.

The reason why Xu Rong's theory is still fresh in his memory is that Xu Rong once invited him to participate in the establishment of a set of action analysis methods in the context of Chinese contemporary culture.

What Xu Rong admires the most is not that he also talks about theories, but that he is more "pragmatic" in comparison. Each of his innovative theories has a specific methodology and training process. This is also what Stan Ni can become a master, and the authorities and experts can only use their salaries to carry the root cause of cheating food and drinking.

For example, the whole world has long been confused by the circular question of "the chicken and the egg" caused by Diderot's "actor's contradiction", whether to "start from the self" or "start from the role", but in In China, except for some old-timers, everyone has long stopped entangled in this issue. It’s not that they have figured it out, but they seem to have seen it all, and they don’t want to figure it out.

Zhai Tianlin smiled, and said: "Editor Zhu's question really hits the nail on the head. It's a strategic plan. Yes, there are no two completely similar leaves in the world, and there must be differences within the group, but what needs to be reminded is that characters are fixed. , to be exact, if you start from the characters, you will naturally know what kind of behavior is needed, and what definite motivation is needed.”

"Unfortunately, I think you won't be able to find those things anywhere else except here." Xu Rong smiled lightly, reached out and tapped his temple.

Zhu Tong also raised his lowered forehead, because he had heard similar words from Xu Rongna once.

Although I don't know how Zhai Tianlin offended Zhu Tong, but right now Zhu Tong is clearly targeting Zhai Tianlin, not the expected academic exchange.

Zhu Tong also confirmed the fact that Zhai Tianlin plagiarized, and looked at Xu Rong with a strange expression, because he had also heard Xu Rong say these words.

Is Zhai Tianlin a fool, or is Xu Rong a fool?

"She said it's easy to misinterpret this notion as actors playing themselves."

Zhai Tianlin's behavior was like fetching water to flush the Dragon King Temple.

Because they will encounter the same dilemma as Zhai Tianlin, let alone provide specific methodology, they will not even be able to justify themselves.

It makes people enlightened, suddenly enlightened, thoughtful, and can't think of anything after the end.

Zhai Tianlin glanced over the crowd, and when he noticed the doubts on Xu Rong's face, he answered with a chuckle: "First of all, I would speculate that there is still a certain distance for his commute, so it can be concluded to a certain extent His basic living conditions, that is to say, his mode of transportation and playing with his mobile phone, can prove that he is really just an ordinary white-collar worker, and this is his current living environment."

Xu Rong was completely stupefied at this time, he had already confirmed that this student named Zhai Tianlin had plagiarized his theory, but he couldn't imagine that this guy would dare to retell his theory almost verbatim in front of his face again.

He paid a lot of money to buy the dissertation, this is not the first time he bought a dissertation, and he didn't think it was the last time he bought a dissertation, but he never expected that it was originally written by Xu Rong.

At this time, Zhai Tianlin, who was standing on the podium, looked at the backs of Zhu Tong, Xu Rong and the others leaving, his hands and feet were as cold as falling into an ice cellar.

Seeing Zhai Tianlin talking eloquently in front of Xu Rong, he suppressed this idea again. He didn't believe that this young man in his 20s could have such a strong psychological quality.

But the premise of experience is precisely to determine what kind of behavior is required and what kind of definite motivation.

Zhu Tong glanced at the smiling Xu Rong, suppressed the anger in his heart, and turned to look directly at Zhai Tianlin in a doubtful tone: "Just now you said that the important thing is to observe the thoughts of a specific group, so there is a difficulty in this. Everyone's thinking is always different, how do you determine what kind of behavior a character needs, and what kind of definite motivation is needed?"

Seeing that Zhai Tianlin was about to defend himself, Xu Rong took over the quarrel and explained to him with a smile: "This is not an isolated theory, nor is it simply a change to the concept or behavior of experience, but a modification of half of the Sri Lankan system. The negation and reconstruction of the core point, it must have the corresponding basic theory and operation method as a foundation, just like a series of foundations such as the relaxation of control of experience and the liberation of nature, you will never be ready to force it into Stanley system?"

This is an extremely abnormal phenomenon, but it is also a phenomenon that can be seen everywhere, just like the "Macroeconomics", "Microeconomics" and "Finance (Money and Banking)" of ninety-nine percent of colleges and universities in China today. Teachers and professors have never engaged in financial work other than stock trading and fund buying.

Zhang Huijun's face was hot at this time, as if she was being slapped ten times in a row in front of 500 people.

Xu Rong is not a person who will suffer from being dumb. Once he is found guilty of plagiarism, even if Beitel wants to protect him, he will not be able to protect him at all.

After explaining the main core points, Zhai Tianlin walked to the table, took a sip from his water glass, looked calmly into the classroom and asked, "Is there anything you don't understand? If there is anything you don't understand, you can Bring it up on the spot, and I will answer it for everyone.”

This is a huge subject. In addition to the invasion, confrontation, and integration of Western culture in today's globalized environment, it involves not only a huge traditional culture, but also cannot be completed overnight.

He is only one year younger than Xu Rong, but he has heard of this senior's tricks, not to mention Zhu Tong who scolded him in public.

The lecture hall was buzzing, and the five hundred teachers and students looked at Zhai Tianlin with various eyes, some gloating, some sympathizing, and some frightened.

After being dazed for nearly 3 minutes, Zhai Tianlin seemed to remember something and ran out quickly.

He still has a way out.

(End of this chapter)

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