I'm just an actor

Chapter 434 Prologue

A complete farce, this is the common feeling of Zhu Tong and Xu Rong.

Similar things have happened frequently in the past. If the content rather than the form is used as the criterion for judging plagiarism, and then used as the basis for academic misconduct, at least [-]% of the students and professors in China will be deprived of their degrees.

But the situation in the past is slightly different from this time. Lecturers refer to foreign unknown academic achievements to evaluate associate professors, and associate professors refer to foreign unknown academic achievements to evaluate professors. Reference and copying are two completely different concepts, because no matter whose thesis, There is no guarantee that they will not cite other people's results. The difference is that most people forget to mark the source.

Zhai Tianlin did the opposite, and published domestic academic achievements abroad, and he really succeeded in publishing them.

Out of the lecture theater, Zhu Tong walked along the corridor, and said to Xu Rong, Zhang Huijun, and Hao Tian who were beside him: "I found an interesting phenomenon, that is, when we ancient people wrote something, we always tried every means to hide our traces. , marked with other people’s names, like the “Nei Jing”, there are certain differences in the ideas of many chapters, and it is obvious that it was not written by one or two people.”

"But now it's the opposite. I always try to put my name on what others have written."

Xu Rong smiled and said: "Actually, I'm even more curious. You don't know why he dared to hold today's lecture in front of me. At first I thought it was the coincidence of our ideas."


Seeing Xu Rong and Zhu Tong laughing, Hao Qin asked, "Mr. Zhu, Director Xu, how did you determine that he was suspected of plagiarism?"

Each school is more cautious in the judgment of academic misconduct, and a special review team must be established to review the judgment of major achievements.

"What have you been up to these days?" Zhu Tong vaguely guessed Xu Rong's plan, and diverted the question, "It's like being a thief when I look for you. Could it be that you raised a child?"

"But I'm very curious. You said that Zhai Tianlin really has no doubts about this subversive but feasible theory?"

"I guess, I guess he paid a lot of money." Zhang Huijun's face was full of embarrassment. If Xu Rong hadn't graduated from his own school, he would have suspected that he was swearing.

Now it was Zhu Tong's turn to be surprised, because he remembered that Xu Rong obviously didn't go to the theater, even though traditional opera was evaluated by Stanislavsky as: Chinese opera performance is a kind of free movement with rules.

Zhang Huijun understood Xu Rong's intentions, and said: "Don't talk about these unhappy things, just walk around, I'll take you to a special shop."

In the past many years, she has received various gifts worth close to one million from Xu Rong, but the help she gave him was mainly focused on allowing him to skip classes and ask for unlimited leave during college. As for the grace of teaching, Xu Rong She knew in her heart how much she had learned from herself.


He had already learned about Xu Rong's attitude from Mr. Cui.

"Hey, these people who write papers on behalf of others really need to tidy up. You said that they paid so much money, how can you copy a random paper and make up the number?"

Xu Rong smiled and said, "What can I say? Follow the school's regulations."

She was going to see what Xu Rong's attitude was towards today's events.

After dinner, Zhu Tong was thoughtful when he saw Xu Rong driving the car straight to the direction of Chang'an Grand Theater.

"A play?"

After eating a meal for nearly four hours, Xu Rong saw a lot of experience watching the play during this time, but he has never communicated or confirmed it.

Why should an aboveboard matter be made into an illegal act of adultery and crime?
Article 30 of the Constitution of the People's Republic of China stipulates:

He is a citizen, and Zhai Tianlin is also a citizen, and the relationship between them is equal. Now, his legal rights have been violated, so naturally he should and must take up legal weapons to protect himself.

What made him feel embarrassed was Zhu Tong, the leader, and the presence of Hao Tian in the Chinese opera. The influence of the good school spirit and style of study of Nortel is inseparable from the honest teaching of Nortel teachers.”, “It is Nortel’s unshirkable responsibility to export the top talents for the three major industries of China’s film, television, and telephony.” Niubi He was in a good mood after bragging, and when it was over in the lecture theater, Cui Xinqin was more daring than him, so much so that he compared Zhai Tianlin to the height of Steiner and Brecht.

He reckoned that Xu Rong's "foundation" should have been formed, otherwise he wouldn't be in a hurry to gather the strengths of a hundred schools of thought.

Cui Xinqin did not shake his head to express a clear rejection, because he was worried that Zhai Tianlin had gone to extremes. If Xu Rong's past 25 years were composed of 20 years of ups and downs and five years of walking on thin ice, Zhai Tianlin's past 25 years were smooth sailing. A totally different mind.

Of course Xu Rong knew that the school did not have clear penalties for plagiarism not for the purpose of applying for a degree.

Death is not such a method of death.

It's okay for Xu Rong to be from his own family. He knows what's going on at school.

Chang'an Grand Theater.

Cui Xinqin didn't nod, nor shook her head. She didn't nod because it was impossible for her to intercede for Zhai Tianlin.

However, Xu Rong's theory is too subversive. For domestic theoretical circles who have always regarded the Stuart system as the standard, once it is published, it will definitely cause great controversy.

At this time, Cui Xinqin looked at Zhai Tianlin, who was chasing him, with a complicated expression. She never expected that this student would be so courageous that he even dared to copy Xu Rong's research results.

She pondered for a moment, and said: "How about you call Huang Xiaoming, he and Xu Rong have a very good personal relationship."

Xu Rong has no rivals in the film and television industry. Chang Jihong, Zhang Jizhong, Yu Zheng, and He Shengming, who have had a feud with Xu Rong, have gradually faded out of the public's sight, and her other student is still in prison Repent and rehabilitate.

Xu Rong said curiously: "Copying papers is actually very common. When I was in school, everyone copied them over and over again. For example, Chen Kun's papers were copied paragraph by paragraph."

Xu Rong, who was sitting in the middle, stared in astonishment at a tall, stylishly dressed old man who entered the theater unhurriedly and took a seat in the front row. He collapsed on the sofa in despair.

On the contrary, the Strasberg system, which was born in the former Soviet Union, is not very popular in the United States. Even the method school can develop and take shape because Stanislavsky's research results were cut off by a special era, which led to Strasberg having to The product of self-seeking a way out, and Xu Rong's theory that is not based on the Stanley's system, to a certain extent, provides a new way of thinking for the method school, which is relatively easier to accept.

And after a moment of hesitation, she suddenly realized that maybe Xu Rong would not give herself this face, and even the past teacher-student friendship would be wiped out due to undeserved unkindness.

Zhang Huijun laughed embarrassingly at the side, but he didn't know what to say, never once had he been so ashamed today.

"It's hard to say, it seems that I understand something, and it seems that I have watched the excitement, but I haven't fully figured it out yet."

If you snatch other people's academic achievements, they will make you famous with a crooked mouth.

Zhu Tong heard what he meant, and asked, "Then have you researched something?"

Zhu Tong smiled and waved his hands, and said, "You don't need to make amends to me, you should make amends to Director Xu."

Zhang Huijun also realized that Zhu Tong and Xu Rong didn't want to talk more about Zhai Tianlin's intentions. He didn't understand Xu Rong's plan for a while. It seems that they don't care much about the results being plagiarized.

Zhu Tong shook his head, and said: "He didn't remember, to be precise, he stood high enough to understand by analogy."

"Mr. Zhu, Director Xu, today I am the host, and I will make an apology to you two."

Hao Tian glanced at Zhu Tong, then at Xu Rong, with a strange feeling in his heart, and asked, "Dean Zhang, what should we do with this student named Zhai Tianlin?"

"It's not caused by the old men and old ladies in our courtyard. For example, old Diao Guangtan, who has passed away, is from Fu Liancheng. He is a well-known teacher. Mr. Zheng, Mr. Lan and even Mr. Yang Lixin also have good opera skills. , They all think that opera has given them a lot of help."

Classmate Xiao Zhang is now focused on finding the place. Although he can't find the southeast and northwest every time, he has a posture of getting more and more frustrated.

Zhu Tong clapped his hands together: "How to judge? Because that student copied a large section of Renyi's journal!"

"Why raise a child, I was listening to an opera when you called me."

Every adult with a sound mind is a legal subject. Before making a decision, he should be mentally prepared to bear the corresponding consequences, and when the consequences are imposed on him, he should face the facts bravely.

Regardless of Zhu Tong, Hao Tian, ​​Zhang Huijun and Cui Xinqin, they all have unique insights into performances. If the food on the dinner table is removed, their group of five will immediately become one of the top seminars in the industry.

Cui Xinqin just caught up, and before she had time to catch her breath, she saw the dean stuffing the ball into her arms, blinking her big eyes twice, and after a moment of hesitation, she canceled her decision to persuade Xu Rongwang to be lenient , said: "Xiao Xu, what's your opinion?"

Hao Tian didn't dare to speak anymore. The circulation of "Human Art Academy" is small but its influence is huge. The fundamental reason is that its important content will be excerpted by "Chinese Drama" and then published and distributed nationwide.

"Director Xu is really fascinated." Hao Tian smiled and looked in the direction of Xu Rong's departure, "His topic has never left the opera during the whole meal, except that he can't sing. I guess his understanding of opera is opera. Many teachers in the academy can't compare, but speaking of it, his memory is really good, so many scenes, so many details, he can remember clearly."

Zhai Tianlin is already deeply aware of the seriousness of the matter. As a student who is only one year younger than Xu Rong, he has heard too many gossip and gossip about Xu Rong. It is said that even if the senior is in the industry, he is A ruthless character.

"Yes, at the Chang'an Grand Theater, I have booked tickets for tonight's "Dingjun Mountain" and "Yangping Pass"."

It's just that his background is not clean, if Xu Rong pursues it to death, he may be sent to prison.

"Citizens of the People's Republic of China are equal before the law."

In the previous half month, she placed Zhai Tianlin at the same height as Xu Rong, and some other factors, so she hesitated for a moment.

The words were still ringing in his ears, so much so that he wished he could find a crack in the ground and sneak in.

As for what kind of punishment Zhai Tianlin will receive, and whether he will be canceled his degree, expelled from school, or even blacklisted by the Film Association, Television Association, and Drama Association, it is not his limited sympathy to care about.

When he was talking, the words that Xu Rong said to Zhai Tianlin in the morning by pointing his temples suddenly appeared in his mind: "Unfortunately, I think, you shouldn't be able to find those things anywhere else except here."

"Anyone who has the nationality of the People's Republic of China is a citizen of the People's Republic of China."

Copying other professors and experts can still fight with words, as long as you can't produce hard evidence, it is a mess, but copying Xu Rong is completely against yourself.

Look at who Xu Rong usually deals with. They are either the bosses of film and television companies or the heads of major theater troupes. Of course, there are also leaders of TV stations like Zhu Tong.

The only possibility she could think of for Xu Rong to forgive Zhai Tianlin was that Zhai Tianlin was his long-lost brother, no, it had to be his wife Zhang Xiaofei's long-lost brother.

Because Xu Rong is not too interested in the "rules" and "freedom" of opera.

After she finished speaking, she quickly walked towards the direction where Xu Rong and the others left.


"Teacher Cui, I was wrong, please, please help me."

Zhang Huijun realized that the hot potato had been thrown into his hands, and he dared not pick it up in front of Zhu Tong. He turned his head and saw Cui Xinqin chasing after him. A smile appeared on his slender face, and he asked, "President Cui, What do you think is the best way to deal with Zhai Tianlin's matter?"

Of course, he has no intention of using his influence and power to block Zhai Tianlin.

He also tried to reprimand Xu Rong through the media for using his power for personal gain to forcibly occupy his research results, and to complete self-salvation with the momentum of public opinion, but when a few media friends he knew heard what he was going to do, they all hung up without hesitation. He lost the phone, and even his management team was completely lost.

It wasn't until this moment that he really realized what the concept of "black hearts and cruel hands" in the gossip was.

Beside Huang Xiaoming, a well-built woman cried pear blossoms with rain: "Xiao Ming, he is still a child, not sensible, Auntie, please help him, okay?"

Huang Xiaoming is known as "the timely rain in Shandong", and he is righteous, but he is not indiscriminate, right and wrong. He knows that it is impossible to treat Zhai Tianlin lightly with Xu Rong's style of life.

In Xu Rong's philosophy of life, there is no such thing as "repaying grievances with virtue" at all.

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