I'm just an actor

Chapter 435 Visit

Chapter 435 Visit
Xu Rong didn't care about Zhai Tianlin's plagiarism of his theoretical achievements.

Zhai Tianlin is not the first, and he will certainly not be the last. Every year, so many students majoring in performance, film and television, drama, and directing in colleges and universities, large and small, have to hand in their graduation thesis. Be diligent, and you will find a few more pieces to piece together and then revise them. It is already a common phenomenon in domestic colleges and universities to revise, lazy and financially affluent, directly go to Taobao and spend a few hundred yuan to buy an article to make up the number.

The students know it well, and the school knows it too, but they can't stop the students from graduating?

Although this is not normal.

In general, Xu Rong didn't bother to take care of it, because he couldn't do it at all, he didn't let people copy it, and they just turned around and copied other people's.

It's just that after Zhai Tianlin did this, the one who suffered was not Zhai Tianlin, let alone Xu Rong.

Zhai Tianlin reaps beans by planting beans and reaps melons by sowing melons, so there is nothing to complain about. The only blame is that he joined the wrong business. A person with moral problems can hardly survive in the entertainment industry, which is the least moral quality.

And he seems to be at a disadvantage, but in fact he is the biggest beneficiary.

The paper was published by "Drama Pinglu", at least let the domestic academic circles recognize the difference between Xu's level and other authorities and experts.

He and Zhang Huijun have reached a consensus on how to deal with it, and "following the rules" itself is a kind of tacit understanding.

"Xu Rong sues Zhai Tianlin for copyright infringement." and "Nortel handles academic misconduct student Zhai Tianlin." It seems that they are two independent incidents that do not interfere with each other, but the meaning of who comes first is completely different.

If he had acted first, Nortel's reputation would have suffered a major blow immediately, not to mention plagiarizing his thesis while he was studying for a master's degree, and even brazenly giving lectures on campus.

Putting the three words "Xu Rong", "Nortel" and "Sue" together, it can attract a lot of attention in an instant.

At that time, even if Nortel takes quick measures, it will be difficult to escape the accountability of public opinion. Why did it go so early?
What's more terrible is that more than half of the graduation thesis of Nortel students have some problems.

Graduation thesis often requires specific analysis, summary, and induction of the actual situation in the industry. However, many students have never left the school. The gap between reality and ideals leads them to use other people's articles to analyze, summarize, summarize, reorganize.

Once Zhai Tianlin's plagiarism incident is caught, no one can guarantee whether the school will be pushed to the forefront.

But if Nortel is the first to find out, under the unacceptable, inexplicable shock, and heartbroken, it conducts a thorough investigation with an attitude of refusing to protect Xu Rong, and finally returns Xu Rong's justice, and then Xu Rong resorts to the law. A wonderful flower in domestic colleges and universities.

The most affected by this academic misconduct incident is a special group. As a well-known actor, once he sues Zhai Tianlin, it will inevitably attract public attention. Under the influence of the incident, students in school, especially those who are about to graduate The first-year students may have to slap the table and scold their mothers.

In the past, the plagiarism check standard for domestic colleges and universities was generally around 20%, that is, the repetition rate between the content of the paper and other articles accounted for 20% of the length of the paper, and the proportion of schools with stricter grasping will be reduced, but Generally, it will not be lower than 15%, and if it is a little looser, the proportion will be controlled at 30%. Some colleges that are sympathetic to students, in order to enable students to obtain degrees smoothly, will use some software with a narrower comparison range when checking duplicates. The actual allowable repetition rate is about 30%-70%.

That is, students are allowed to borrow 70% from other articles.

But once this incident that will surely attract the attention of the public opinion breaks out, the degree of paper review will reach hell level.

Compared with another group that is more special, students who are about to face plagiarism checks have more or less room for change. The most difficult situation is those ordinary migrant workers who have graduated but have not been able to completely get rid of the high degree of dependence on their academic qualifications. , they may have their degrees revoked for academic misconduct.

After more than ten years of studying hard in the cold window, it was wasted due to a fluke.

But maybe that's not such a bad thing.

In the theater of Chang'an Grand Theater, Xu Rong looked at the gray-haired old man in extremely fashionable clothes and bracelets in front of him. After a moment of surprise, he immediately felt relieved.

The old man is very trendy, more trendy than many young people, just like WeChat, which has just become popular. Before he started using it, the old man already knew how to "shake it" and "drift bottle", and the old man had a wide range of interests. Appraisal of drama, opera, calligraphy and painting, and cultural relics.

After all, at the age of eighty, he has become an expert in these things that he has been exposed to since he was a child.

The one who came to listen to the play was Mr. Lan Tianye, a senior in the courtyard, an old man who studied painting with Li Kuchan and Xu Linlu in his early years, but eventually became a theater director.

Comparable to his peers, the old man is also a loyal theater fan, and he is also an old theater fan who has worked hard to learn a certain opera.

Xu Rong thought of the actors who performed on stage today, and suddenly felt a strange feeling in his heart.

Today at the Chang'an Grand Theater are the masterpieces of the Tan School "Dingjun Mountain" and "Yangping Pass". The performers are also well-known artists, known as Peking Opera masters Tan Xiaozeng and Xi Zhonglu.

The Beijing Peking Opera Troupe that Tan Xiaozeng was born in was originally a joint art troupe with Renyi, and Mr. Lan Tianye and the father of this Peking Opera master, Tan Yuanshou, the grandson of Tan Xinpei, had known each other for decades.

I don't know if these two masters will feel pressure when they see the old man sitting in the front row.

As the curtain opened, the theater fell silent immediately. Like drama tickets, Peking Opera tickets are not cheap.

Seeing Huang Zhong's appearance, Xu Rong's divergent thoughts gradually calmed down. He discovered a different charm of Peking Opera.

It can make people calmly appreciate the stories on the stage.

With this kind of extremely relaxed state of mind, he enjoys every scene with a relaxed state of mind, and sometimes misses something that makes him feel that he may gain something after careful consideration, but he doesn't care.

Since some inspirations did not pop up in my mind immediately, it means that I haven't seen enough.

In this relaxed state of mind, at a certain moment, a painted face on the stage attracted his attention. He was not tall, but quite fat, but the standardized movements of the painted face made him feel a strange feeling. beauty.

He only felt this kind of clear feeling once in Feng Leshan played by Mr. Lan Tianye when he rehearsed "Family".

Xu Rong sat up a little bit, he guessed the identity of the painted face actor, but he didn't want to think too much at this moment.

"Wow wow wow."

As the performance ended, Xu Rong was about to go over to talk to the old man, and several staff members had already come to the old man's side.

"Let's go backstage and have a look."

Xu Rong hurriedly took two steps, and shouted: "Old man, old man."

Hearing the familiar voice, Lan Tianye turned his face away, and when he saw Xu Rong, a surprised smile flickered on his face: "Hehe, the sun is coming out from the west today, and you actually came to watch the show?"

Seeing a man wearing a peaked cap chasing him, the two staff members subconsciously wanted to stop them. Seeing that the old man seemed to know Xu Rong, they took a closer look, only to realize that it was Xu Rong? !
Didn't it mean that he can make a lot of money? How does it look like he bought a rear seat?
Xu Rong approached and said: "Hey, from what you said, it seems that I can't come. Are you always going to the backstage? Come, come, let me help you."

Lan Tianye patted his arm away with a smile, and said, "My legs and feet are fine, so I don't need your help."

"It's just right, let me introduce some friends to you. We and the Beijing Opera Troupe were considered a family in the early days, and life was hard at that time."

Xu Rong followed the old man, followed the guidance of the two staff members, went into the backstage to meet Tan Xiaozeng and Xi Zhonglu, and entered the dressing room, where all the actors were taking off their makeup.

"I heard from Ren Ming that you want to change careers and become a director?"

"Changing careers? Ah, yes, there is such a thing." Xu Rong listened to the old man rambling about the old things in the early years, but he might as well make a sharp turn, and almost didn't realize it, "I'm going to write a script and direct the play myself. "

"You? Write a script?" The old man smiled silently, "Then let me give you a name."

"Name it?" Xu Rong stared blankly at the old man, and he just said casually, why did the old man take it seriously.

"The name is "Syphony". Let me tell you, if you write this, it must be a wonderful book."

Listening to the old man's laughter, Xu Rong felt a little embarrassed, because he couldn't tell how much of the old man's words were serious and how much were jokes.

He is like riding a rocket in Renyi. He cannot do without his excellent business level and theoretical knowledge, and of course he cannot do without his affection for local specialties and small seafood. As for flattering, it is actually incidental, but he flatters for people In the future, Yi can develop in a better direction according to his ideas.

Given that the old man is a 67-year-old party member after all, it is hard for him to say more.

After walking a few steps, the old man stopped suddenly, and Xu Rong followed suit, and said to the staff leading the way, "Wait for the teachers to remove their makeup first."

As Xu Rong said, he glanced at a bald actor with a broad back who was taking off his makeup not far away, and said in a low voice, "Old man, are you familiar with that?"

"I know, I have met face-to-face, but never dealt with each other."

The bald actor who was taking off his makeup also saw the four people behind him from the makeup mirror. While the two were talking, he suddenly stood up and looked at Lan Tianye with surprise on his face: "Oh! You are startled!"

"I am Renyi, and I am also your loyal audience."

Lan Tianye took a few steps forward, facing the bald actor who was looking at him in surprise, he laughed and made a gesture of saluting: "I'm here to pay respects to King Wei, I'm a fan of the theater, after watching the show and watching you in the backstage, the performance marvelous!"

"Hey, Tan you, are you Teacher Xu Rongxu?" At a certain moment, Shang Changrong seemed to be looking for someone, and his eyes turned around, but suddenly stopped on Xu Rong who was wearing a peaked cap, "Oh, I saw you all at once today." Two actors I like."

How dare Xu Rong take the title of "Teacher Xu". At this time, he has already confirmed his identity as a bald actor.

Of course, from now on, he has another identity, the target of his attack.

He had carefully thought about his own career history, and meeting Tong Zirong was an important milestone. From then on, he quickly stepped into the ranks of the powerful group from the idol group who was not much different from the four students.

He reckoned that the reason might lie in the word "Zi Rong", Tong Zirong was born to favor him, Xu.

Now, another one called "Long Rong" came. He reckoned that this old man was also born to love him, Xu.

It's all fate.

It has nothing to do with his desire for opera.

The only fly in the ointment is that the old man doesn't seem to know this person very well.

But it doesn't matter, he has already thought of a middleman. Today, in the literary and art circles, there are basically no people who need to rely on more than three layers of relationships.

Shang Changrong's "Teacher Xu" immediately pulled him out of his thoughts, he quickly stepped forward and said, "Teacher Shang can't afford it, just call me Xiao Xu."

"I'm not being polite. A master is a teacher. I've seen the play you collaborated with Teacher Lan. It's really, really wonderful. The last time I saw such a wonderful play was more than 20 years ago."

Lan Tianye laughed and said, "Stop praising him, young people can't help but praise."

He knew which drama Shang Changrong was referring to, and he also knew how highly it was to be described as "very, very" for their sake.

This is also the reason for his change of attitude towards Xu Rong. In the past, he didn't like Xu Rong very much.

But as he got along slowly, he gradually discovered that Xu Rong's character was not bad at all. The most important thing was that this child's talent was frighteningly high, but he never squandered it.

Therefore, he turned a blind eye to some of his minor ailments that were not serious, and pretended not to see them.

Xu Rong watched and listened to the greetings of the two old men, probably because it was not early, and the two did not have a deep chat. The old man Lan said that he would arrange a new play this year, and Shang Changrong mentioned that he would co-star with Tan Zhengyan in "" "Huarong Road", the two old people politely expressed that they are looking forward to each other's performance, and they will definitely be there to watch.

Before leaving, Xu Rong waved at Shang Changrong and said, "Goodbye, Mr. Shang, I will visit you another day."

"Hahaha, good good."

After sending Mr. Lan back home, Xu Rong looked at the brightly lit street and made up his mind.

Always stay with me.

With the completion of biographies, he now memorizes the performance experience, experience and experience of many seniors in the academy by heart.

But as for Mr. Shang, there is no successor! ! !

Moreover, he believes that absorbing the essence of opera will definitely help him establish his own performance system and action analysis method. It is hard to say that Jiao Juyin was able to achieve such high achievements back then. relationship.


Early in the morning, Pu Cunxi didn't respond to Xu Rong's request for a long time.

Xu Rong wants to learn Peking Opera from Shang Changrong? !

What kind of madness is this?
He is indeed familiar with Shang Changrong. Shang Changrong was the chairman of the drama association last year, and he is the current chairman of the drama association, but Xu Rong came from a serious film academy. A film actor not only has to change careers to become a director, I also want to learn Peking Opera, which has no money.

Isn't this unprofessional?

(End of this chapter)

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