I'm just an actor

Chapter 436 Visit

Chapter 436 Visit
After Xu Rong hung up the phone, Xiao Zhang, who was still putting on makeup, asked, "Do you want to learn Peking Opera?"

She still has to go to the courtyard to get some hair.

"If I lack the title of non-genetic person, my colleagues in the literary and art circles will praise me as a contemporary performance master in the future, but they won't use the idiom 'learn Chinese and Western'. Wouldn't it just cause them a lot of trouble for nothing? !"

"Hey, Mr. Xu, have you noticed that my skin is getting better and better recently?" Xiao Zhang's surprised voice came.

Xu Rong was about to answer, but she heard her talking to herself: "Could it be the reason why you haven't stayed up late recently?"

Xu Rong couldn't speak anymore, he instinctively felt that Xiao Zhang meant something.

She usually has a regular schedule, and usually there is only one reason for staying up late.

As for how late you stay up, it depends on when you are swollen.

Xiao Zhang seems to have just sighed inadvertently, and while drawing his eyebrows, he said: "Mr. Xu, can I discuss something with you?"

"Let me tell you first?" Xu Rong didn't immediately agree. He always felt that Xiao Zhang had been beaten by her mother a lot recently, and he seemed to have become a lot smarter.

"I plan to start a company with Sister Ling."

Xu Rong almost suspected that he heard it wrong, classmate Xiao Zhang, start a company?

But this is the first time Xiao Zhang has plans to do something, and he can't stop him, so he asked, "How much do you want to invest?"

"1000 million, the two of us each contribute 500 million, each accounting for 50."

"Okay, I'll transfer it to you later." Xu Rong thought for a moment, "You pay 500 too little, and they pay people and work hard. How about this, you pay 1000, which takes 49."

Compared with many women, Xiao Zhang is very frugal. She never buys more than 500 bags. [-] makes his wife happy for a while, which is a good deal.


Xiao Zhang actually expressed her doubts with a nasal voice, but before Xu Rong could respond, she nodded again: "All right."

Xu Rong had his concerns in doing so. He heard Xiao Zhang talk about Jia Ling's experience, and each accounted for 50%, probably because Xiao Zhang helped her many times in the past.

For a woman who can abandon her image and act in comedy, he never dared to underestimate. If Xiao Zhang insists on accounting for 50, there is a high probability that he will be the opposite of Jia Ling in the future.

And with Xiao Zhang's small brain, if he really turned against Jia Ling, he might be eaten to the brim.

"Is your card still the same as before?"

"No, I'm going to sell the gold." Classmate Xiao Zhang said rather painfully.

"Sold?" Xu Rong, who was about to leave the house, almost suspected that he had misheard. He didn't have a clear concept of how much gold Xiao Zhang bought, "1000 million, do you have that much?"

She seems to be born with a kind of attachment to gold. I heard from my mother-in-law that she likes to stay on the first floor when she is shopping in the mall. The mother-in-law dare not take her to the mall. Other children want all kinds of toys. She alone wants gold.

"Now it has risen to more than 300. The earliest I bought was a gold pendant. I bought it in 02, and it was only a little over 60 at that time."

Seeing Xu Rong's surprised expression, classmate Xiao Zhang reminded: "Did you forget that you also bought a lot for me?"

Xiao Zhang did not dare to say a word. Teacher Xu bought her a lot, but she also secretly took the dowry given to her by her parents to buy gold bars!

She didn't tell her parents about this matter, nor did she disclose it to Teacher Xu, because she knew that if she told her, she would be beaten one day if she didn't keep it.

Xu Rong thought about it, and the 400% rate of return in ten years seems to be only a little lower than that of real estate.

With the expansion of the wealth scale, this year the studio will be changed to a limited liability company. As for how to use personal wealth, except for trust and insurance, he does not have a good direction.

The main reason is that he is not very good at investing. The only thing he is good at is buying real estate.

But now, he has gradually realized that buying a property is not an excellent investment method. The three properties cost him nearly [-] per month in property management fees.

"Then you'd better not sell it. Maybe it will double in two years. It's a pity to sell it now. I'll transfer the money to you later."


Seeing that Xu Rong was about to go out, classmate Xiao Zhang said, "Slow down on your way."

"Well, don't worry on your way."

"Know it."

Xu Rong habitually drove to work in the nursing home.

Next, we will wait for news from Pu Cunxi.

Now it’s not like before, if it’s in the 60s and [-]s, he can just ask Zhang Heping to write a note to Shang Changrong to learn art, but it’s not like doing that now.

Therefore, he is not always sure whether Pu Cunxi can do it or not.

Learning opera is not a whim, let alone to carry forward the tradition.

In his view, if there is no accident, opera will soon die out.

This demise does not cease to exist, but disappears in the commercial market.

The most prosperous era of Peking Opera was probably in the first half of the last century, and the representative characters are familiar to everyone now. Yang Xiaolou, Mei Lanfang, Yu Shuyan and others have all made their names in Nuoda.

They created new singing methods and wrote new scripts. They were the biggest players and the most eye-catching names at that time.

The biggest advantage of the Chinese people is their adherence to tradition, and their biggest disadvantage is also their adherence to tradition.

Over the past 100 years, Peking Opera has been passed down, but the innovations to adapt to the times are almost negligible.

He doesn't know how to innovate in Peking Opera, but he understands that an actor wearing a suit and singing opera is definitely not innovative, and it is even less innovative to perform opera on variety shows.

But as a learner of the Steinstein system, he clearly knows how to innovate based on the Steinstein system.

This starts with the development of the Stewart system.

The complete works of Stanilavsky can be roughly divided into four volumes.

The first volume "My Artistic Cultivation" records Steiner's exploration process in the first half of his life in the form of autobiography.

The second volume, "Self-Cultivation through Experiencing the Creation Process", describes its teaching methods in the form of classroom records, allowing students to pass simple courses such as element training, non-physical action exercises, and performing sketches, so that ordinary actors with a little potential Being able to get close to the profound stage experience achieved by performing masters with their talent and experience is the main body or the whole of the current Steinstein system.

The third volume "Self-Cultivation in the Process of Embodying" focuses on external technical training such as body, voice, speech, dance, rhythm, etc. Basically, it uses the achievements of sister arts to enhance the flexibility and plasticity of body. Prepare excellent conditions for the manifestation of the role. Regarding similar training requirements, there is no major difference between the various genres in principle, and the system only makes selective arrangements.

The fourth volume "Actors Create Characters" is an unfinalized draft of various creative methods, including some basic principles of realism such as artistic concepts, aesthetic creativity, and deductive styles. It is full of guiding practices and demonstrations in the shaping of stage images.

After suffering from a heart attack in 1928, Stanislav began to devote himself to drama teaching and theoretical research. In the latter part of his life, he focused on dance and opera research, advocating the "body movement method".

Nowadays, there are many names, such as "psychological-body movement method", "body movement theory", and "body analysis method".

The names are different in different countries and genres, but the meanings expressed are generally the same. The reason why the names are highly inconsistent is that this work was not completed when Steiner passed away in 1938.

The system that is in vogue today is the result of Stanislavsky's exiles following the death of their teacher to the "Stanislav system".

The physical action method mainly refers to the actor starting from the logic of the character's action, grasping the keynote and personality characteristics of the character, and completing the role creation. Stella believes that every action in human behavior is a unified and complete psychological and physical process, while emotion is in the body. generated in the process.

Therefore, he proposed this method of creating characters, that is, starting from the logic of action instead of psychological experience, arousing the corresponding emotional logic through action reflection, and naturally obtaining the psychological experience and subconsciousness of the character.

According to the evaluations of Stuart's disciples and retransmitted disciples, this method can "full play the initiative of actors in creation, and accept the role faster in active actions, so as to successfully complete the creation of the role."

However, differences have arisen because of this. The most typical feature of this method is that in different cultures, the emotions aroused by the same physical movement are different. For example, giving a thumbs up expresses completely different meanings in different cultural environments.

It can also be concluded from this that it is not rigorous to simply say that the Stuart system is the "experiential school", which is roughly equivalent to the simple cognition that "civil engineering is building a house".

And in recent years, Xu Rong found that many actors, especially young actors, did not pay enough attention to the Strike system, and instead favored certain avant-garde performance concepts, such as neutral masks, which are called "advanced" performances. But they did not seriously train the basic skills, and as a result, the characters in the performance were neither "realistic" nor "advanced".

On the contrary, opera, as rooted in traditional culture, has unique advantages in terms of "advanced" (that is, expressing as much content as possible in the most concise way) that other so-called "advanced" does not have.

He is not some Western medicine who completely denies Chinese medicine.

Nor are some Chinese medicine critics who criticize Western medicine for not treating "human beings" as "human beings" (the concept of the unity of man and nature).

No matter Chinese medicine or Western medicine, since it can cure diseases, it must have its unique features.

This is his original intention to learn opera.

Pu Cunxi was at his parents' house when he answered the phone. The old man was not in good health. Since 05, the hospital had issued several critical illness notices. Thanks to his mother's meticulous care, the old man survived time and time again.

Seeing him hang up the phone, his mother asked, "What's the matter?"

"Xiao Xu said that he wanted to learn drama from Shang Changrong, so let me introduce him."

Mother smiled and said: "Then you have to give Xiao Xu a good job."

She paused, and said: "I used to look at the children who grew up in the compound, and they seemed to have disappeared. Not to mention the distance, just Xiao Zichun. I heard from your Aunt Jingyuan that I met Xiao Zichun on the street last time. , clearly said to go and see you, Uncle Ouyang, but I waited for several years."

Knowing that his mother was going to nag again, Pu Cunxi laughed and extended her complaint: "Everyone has become a grandma, and you are still a boy and a boy."

"Aunt Jingyuan" is Ouyang Shanzun's second wife, and "Xiao Zichun" is the youngest daughter of Fang Guande's family.

But the mother didn't stop nagging because of this: "These children who have grown up by watching them together are not half the size of Xiao Xu. As long as Xiao Xu is in the capital, he will come over every now and then. Last time your father's hair It's still Xiao Xuli's."

Pu Cunxi smiled helplessly, Xu Rongman had only been in the courtyard for three years, and he knew every family.

Even Uncle Lan Tianye, who was not too fond of him before, has nothing bad to say about him now.

It is not difficult for a person to say that he is good, but it is not easy for everyone to praise him.

"Xiao Xu is here?" Su Min, who was basking in the sun on the balcony, asked with his head slightly tilted when he heard the two talking.

His hearing was not very good, and when he heard his wife say Xu Rong, he thought he was here again.

"I didn't come. I called just now and said that he wanted to learn drama from Shang Changrong, so I asked Xixi to introduce him."

The old man pondered for a while, as if he was wondering who "Shang Changrong" was. After a while, he said, "Shang Changrong, it's okay. Bring the phone and I'll tell him."

Pu Cunxi couldn't delay any longer now, and said, "Don't worry about it, will I call him right away?"

"Xiao Xu is a good boy, you can't delay him."

"I know I know."

On the way to work, Xu Rong received a call from Pu Cunxi when he was halfway: "Hey, Xiao Xu, I asked just now. Teacher Shang said that we will meet people first. You come to my dad to pick me up first. He happens to be in the capital. take you there."

"Oh, then I'll go see the old man first."

"You can't see me even when you come. I went for a walk just now."

"Oh, that's fine, I'll go back in two days." Xu Rong paused, "What do you mean when I meet someone? Didn't you tell him it was me?"

"Hehe, from what you mean, if you give your name, he will immediately agree?"

Xu Rong listened to Pu Cunxi's joke, smiled a few times, and said, "Okay, I'll come right away."

After hanging up the phone, he was a little embarrassed. He had guessed that Pu Cunxi would find a "coincidental" occasion and mention it "casually", but it turned out that he was about to take him there in about ten minutes.

What kind of fairy speed is this?

It's just that he encountered another problem, and he still had to go to work.

As a last resort, he first struggled to find a colleague to replace him, and then changed to pick up Pu Cunxi.

When Shang Changrong saw the "junior" brought by Pu Cunxi in the hotel, he said in disbelief: "Xiao Pu, the junior you are talking about, can't it be Xiao Xu?"

When calling, Pu Cunxi said that a junior wanted to learn art from him, to see if he could be named as one of his disciples.

For similar requests, he pushed all those who could be pushed. The business itself is difficult, and some scumbags who try to gain fame will only ruin everyone's pot.

But if it was Xu Rong, he really couldn't let him be named as a disciple.

Although Xu Rong is young, his status in the literary and art circles is not low. Moreover, his past teachers, such as Li Xuejian, Tong Zirong, Zheng Rong, etc., are all masters in the industry. .

Of course Pu Cunxi also understood that his plan was not to learn from a teacher, but only to learn art.

He knew that although seniority was not discussed in the Beijing opera circle as much as in the cross talk circle, if Xu Rong directly took Shang Changrong as his teacher, he would probably turn the Beijing opera circle, which is difficult to discuss seniority, into a mess.

The seniority in Peking Opera circles has always been chaotic. On the one hand, there is the relationship between master and succession, and on the other hand, the relationship between in-laws.

Ma Lianliang's separation of generations in the Beijing opera circle is due to his good habit of worshiping his brothers, and this guy has a very good vision. The brothers who kowtow later have high artistic achievements, and there are many disciples or descendants of the brothers. They are all very promising.

Therefore, many famous artists have to regard themselves as juniors when they see Ma Lianliang.

For example, Yuan Shihai should be called Senior Brother from the perspective of the class, but from his master Hao Shouchen, he has to be called Uncle.

If Xu Rong pays homage to Shang Changrong, he will immediately have a master in the Peking Opera business.

Just like in the courtyard, Xu Rong's teachers in the furnace class are actually Zhu Xu and Zheng Rong, but they are still him in name.

Xu Rong looked at Shang Changrong who was quite surprised, and said with a smile: "Mr. Shang, I'm here to visit."

(End of this chapter)

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