I'm just an actor

Chapter 437 Apprenticeship

Chapter 437 Apprenticeship
Shang Changrong had come to his senses at this time, asked the two to sit down, and looked Xu Rong up and down carefully: "Can you tell me, why do you want to learn opera?"

As the honorary chairman of the Drama Association today, Shang Changrong is very aware of Xu Rong's position in the literary and artistic circles. After 30 years, when these "authorities" withdraw from the stage of history, Xu Rong will be dubbed a "master" without accident. name.

An actor who was called a "performing artist" by CCTV in his 20s, as long as he cherishes his feathers, he can become a master even if he is boiled.

Compared with drama, opera is a real niche entertainment theme.

The innovative nature of drama, the wide range of themes, and the source of film and television performance theory and creative methods ensure that this art will become more and more popular with the improvement of people's living standards.

Just like a ticket in foreign countries only costs between 20 and 30 knives, it is an art that the majority of middle-income groups can afford and are willing to afford.

He really couldn't figure out why Xu Rong came to learn opera with such a bright future.

Xu Rong saw that Pu Cunxi was also looking at him suspiciously, and said: "Teacher Shang, don't be angry. As the most complete system in the performance system in the world today, opera can be said to be a treasure for all mankind. Its artistry, storytelling and The high degree of integration with culture can be said to be the eighth wonder of the world today."

Shang Changrong hurriedly waved his hands, and said with a smile: "I don't deserve it."

If an ordinary person talked about this call, he would not take it seriously, but Xu Rong is different, he is an expert, and can tell what is good and what is not.

"So, I have been thinking about how to promote opera and let more people know about this art." Seeing Shang Changrong's expectant eyes, Xu Rong took the topic lightly, "Since the New Year's Eve Second, I watch operas every day, and I have a relatively vague understanding of the outside of operas, but I didn’t know what is the quintessence of the country and what is art until I watched your plays.”

Xu Rong paused, and said: "For example, when you are happy, your fingers seem to be stretched out, when you are angry, your middle finger and index finger are parallel and straight, and when you are sad, your fingers are slightly bent, but when you raise your hand to point out, there is a slight arc in the movement. , is not quite the same as in life, but it does not violate the harmony, but it looks very 'beautiful'."

Seeing that Shang Changrong couldn't help nodding, Xu Rong finally said: "Therefore, I want to integrate the essence of opera into my performance method."

Although Shang Changrong had expected it in his heart, he still couldn't help but feel disappointed when he heard his last sentence.

Opera is known as "art" and "national quintessence", and it is eager to offer it up, but in essence, it is just a form of entertainment for the masses, and no one can stop it from dying out if it is divorced from the masses.

Shang Changrong looked at Xu Rong's dark complexion and asked, "How old is it?"

"Just past 24."

Pu Cunxi opened his mouth and thought about it carefully, what Xu Rong said seemed to be correct.

"Twenty, 24?!" Shang Changrong hesitated for a long time, he was too old.

In the opera business, most of the people who have really achieved something have started in primary school, no matter how young they are fifteen or sixteen years old, they have to lay the foundation. If it was an ordinary person, he would have rejected it without hesitation.

But the one sitting in front of him was Xu Rong after all.

Opera is a kind of performing art, and it is also a comprehensive art. The requirements for basic skills are highly similar to those of musicals.

And Xu Rong is a drama actor.

If Xu Rong's achievements are based on musicals, he has no doubts about his future in opera.

A top musical actor who grew up in China, he almost meets all the basic requirements of drama, and his growth and plasticity are higher than the so-called "prodigy".

Shang Changrong had watched Xu Rong's play, and knew that he had a solid foundation in all aspects. There was only one thing, he didn't know much about Xu Rong's singing skills.

Facing the eyes of Xu Rong and Pu Cunxi with different emotional colors, he neither agreed because of Pu Cunxi's face, nor refused because the "junior" was Xu Rong, but asked again: "Can you sing?"

Chinese people like to call "watching operas" "listening to operas", and the requirements for singing skills can be seen in general.

For Shang Changrong's question, Xu Rong was already mentally prepared before coming here. He stood up from his chair and asked, "Then, shall I sing a few words?"

"Haha, sing a few lines and sing a few lines."

Pu Cunxi also looked at Xu Rong curiously. If any senior in the courtyard said so, he would not doubt it at all, but Xu Rong, who was born in a major, he really didn't believe it.

Xu Rong clasped his hands as he remembered, swayed slightly to one side, took a step forward with his left leg, and then slowly sang: "Master's speech is too bad."

Shang Changrong couldn't help opening his mouth when he saw it. Xu Rong's movements were extremely non-standard, and he was like a snake drawing a dragon, but the basic physical skills he showed during his movements were not like a half-grown child who was only in his early 24s.

In his opinion, Xu Rong's movement of raising his left leg and stepping forward just now, even most professional opera actors, can't do it as naturally as they do.

It's not that you can't learn it, but that you haven't mastered the basic skills.

In the opera business, the old man has an old saying, there is a waist, there are legs, kung fu is real, and the waist plays a pivotal role among all parts of the body. When some actors walk, the upper and lower body often cannot match, because the waist is not strong enough.

Insufficient waist strength often leads to two problems of rattling legs. One is "dragging", just like a person wading across a river. The legs cannot move due to the resistance of the water, which seems to be very difficult. The other is "throwing legs". ", like a puppet's legs, clumsy and deadly, although the problems are different, the reason is that the waist is not lifted, so that the weight of the whole body is pressed on the legs, making it difficult to walk easily and beautifully.

Xu Rongmai's movements can't be said to be standard, but the series of movements of raising his legs, stepping forward, and falling down are done in one go, extremely smooth.

His singing is not standard, let alone aesthetic, but his voice is loud, his breath is extremely even and stable, his words are pronounced clearly, and the pronunciation of the beginning, belly, and end of the words are all in place.

Looking at Xu Rong, who was less than two meters away from him, he felt like a dream. This talent is simply an excellent drama seedling.

He finally knew why Xu Rong was called a "performing artist". With such a talent, why can't he be an artist?

"I can't let Huang Zhong get angry."

After hearing this sentence, Shang Changrong was stunned again, and his brows were also slightly frowned.

Xu Rong and Pu Cunxi looked at Shang Changrong, who was frowning, and didn't understand what was going on for a while. Did they agree or disagree?
Shang Changrong thought carefully for a while, stared at Xu Rong and said, "Do it again."

"Master's words are too bad."

"I can't let Huang Zhong get angry."

Shang Changrong was dumbfounded when he heard the difference, and asked, "Can we do it again?"

Xu Rong looked at Shang Changrong suspiciously. At this moment, he couldn't help but doubt Shang Changrong's true level. "As soon as an expert makes a move, he will know if there is one" is definitely not empty words. What he has shown should be enough for him to judge Is it suitable or not.

He looked at Shang Changrong puzzledly: "Do it again?"

Shang Changrong did not explain, but nodded firmly: "Yes."

Xu Rong endured his doubts, and sang again: "Master's words are too bad, Huang Zhong can't help but get angry."

Shang Changrong was completely dumbfounded. Xu Rong sang three times in a row, which also made him sure of the fact that Xu Rong's intonation was definitely wrong.

He couldn't believe his eyes and ears, why two completely different talents appeared in the same person.

Xu Rong's talents in body, breath, voice, and writing are all the best seedlings he has ever seen, but his two sentences before and after are obviously not in the same tone.

At first he thought he was just not familiar with these two lines, but after listening to them three times, he realized that he would make slight adjustments each time.

Just like looking at the mood.

He really didn't dare to understand that such a high comprehensive talent had such a big flaw.

It's like carving radishes into exquisite and even beautiful works of art and serving them on the table.

But no matter how beautiful it is, it cannot change the fact that it is a white radish.

Opera, after all, must be sung.

My family knew about my own affairs, so Xu Rong smiled awkwardly and said, "I'm sorry, Mr. Shang, I didn't practice much in the past about vocal music."

Shang Changrong shook his head with a wry smile. Today he realized that this genius in the acting world also has flaws in performance. He smiled lightly to hide his shock and disbelief, and said, "Actually, this is not a big deal." The problem, what I am worried about is whether you are an acquired problem or a congenital defect. I have read a survey and research, and about 10% of people have problems caused by congenital brain circuit defects.”

Pu Cunxi never expected that Xu Rong's vocal foundation would be so poor.

But compared to this, what he was more curious about was how did Xu Rong get into Nortel?
"It should be because of the day after tomorrow. In fact, compared with the previous situation, the current situation has improved quite a lot."

Xu Rong didn't know how to answer, vocal music was his weakness.

The university does have vocal music classes, which are vocalization, pronunciation, and song training. The exam format is to choose two songs by yourself, and the genre is self-determined.

Because the exam format is to choose two songs, his vocal music has indeed improved, and it is still a big improvement, but it is really hard for others to say that his body and breath are so solid.

Just like all acting majors take form and lines as key courses, but just like the current situation of graduates from various colleges and universities in China, the figure is still terrible. In the past, he never felt that vocal music had a place to play.

Although his out-of-tune is only accidental, in the technical business, "accidental" seems accidental, but in essence it is inevitable.

Shang Changrong was actually not too worried. Since Xu Rong said "progress", it proved that it was not caused by innate sexuality, but that it was not caused by the lack of edification, so he asked, "How do you plan to learn?"

Shang Changrong didn't hesitate any longer. Xu Rong was one of the most talented seedlings he had ever seen, and there were some shortcomings as soon as possible, but he believed that under his training, the height in the future would not be weaker than himself.

Furthermore, what if Xu Rong suddenly wakes up one day and decides to change careers? !

"How to learn?"

After Xu Rong was stunned for a moment, he understood the unfinished meaning of Shang Changrong's words. It is true that Shang Changrong is a master of Peking Opera, but his status is not bad.

According to the past habits, he is an artist, he only learns art and does not learn from teachers, and he owes favors when he is done, but he learns more and learns less, it depends on Mr. Ren Shang's mood.

There is an old saying in the opera business, the master leads the door, and the practice is up to the individual, but if the master is the master, he is led to the door, and the level of practice can be said to be two things.

Of course, with the airs of a master like Shang Changrong, if he doesn't ask for a teacher, there is a high probability that he will arrange for a disciple or even a disciple of a disciple to teach.

At that time, Yuzhi took the note approved by the courtyard, and when he encountered this situation, he was stunned and had no reason to say.

Xu Rong's original intention was not like this. The term "non-inherited person" was just a joke between him and his classmate Xiao Zhang. He never planned to be on stage, let alone apprentice.

He actually likes the relationship with Tong Zirong, at least it's pure.

It is true that making friends can save a lot of trouble, but he has no intention of being corrupt and perverting the law. Too many human relationships will only distract his energy, and in human relationships, the decisive factor for his relationship with others is not his active maintenance. emotion.

Just like the Xu Xing family, who haven't seen each other for more than 20 years, they still hit it off.

Xu Rong didn't hesitate, only thought for about two seconds, and immediately said: "I want to worship you as my teacher."

Shang Changrong stood up suddenly, his face was filled with smile lines, and he patted Xu Rong's arm heavily with two big hands: "Okay, okay, then I will choose an auspicious day, and invite a few witnesses, let's hold This ceremony officially accepts you as a closed disciple."

"Thank you master."

"Hahaha, you're quick to change your mind."


On the way back to the theater, Pu Cunxi asked rather puzzled: "Why do you have to learn opera from Shang Changrong?"

There are not too many Peking Opera masters that Renyi knows, and you can find a bunch of them in various professions.

Xu Rong gently looked at the steering wheel with his fingers, and waited for the red light ahead to turn green before saying: "I have watched sixteen scenes, all of which are famous masters. In fact, I can't tell if the rap is good or bad, but Mr. Shang His performance gave me a sense of beauty, and I have only seen this kind of situation on Mr. Lan."

Pu Cunxi suddenly realized: "I said, then you really didn't find the wrong person when you worshiped him."

"How to say?"

"Peking opera is divided into copper hammer and frame. The copper hammer focuses on the singing, and the frame focuses on the workmanship. Isn't it an old saying that the voice of the copper hammer and the arms of the frame refer to the different characteristics of the two professions."

In fact, Pu Cunxi vaguely guessed Xu Rong's ambition when he saw Xu Rong's discussion about "experience". He must have been influenced by his father to a certain extent, so whether he sings or works, he has his own uniqueness."

"What do you say about the shoulders of the air?" Xu Rong glanced at him, he really didn't know much about opera.

"That is to say, the arms are very important for putting on a face. Of course, besides the arms, the waist, legs, steps, and the whole body are also very important. These can be said to be performance materials for putting on a face. Each of these materials has It is a set of basic kung fu, which is the foundation, and only by mastering this set of basic kung fu can it be possible to make every posture graceful and authentic, and meet the requirements of expressing characters."

Pu Cunxi gave a general explanation, but he is not proficient in painted faces, and Xu Rong, who will definitely be proficient in the future, did not dare to show off too much at this time, saying: "By the way, I will start doing desk work tomorrow, you Come or not?"

Xu Rong hesitated, and said, "Go, but this time I'm just learning how to be a director, so I won't come here often."

Like "Family", "Jiaziyuan" has two groups AB and AB in the same row, but Xu Rong does not plan to participate in the whole process, he has already done all the desk work that should be done.

During the period between now and the start of "Peking" in May, he only has two actual jobs, going to work and studying drama with Shang Changrong.

In the drama industry, there is an irrefutable law, a top actor must be a top director.

He still needs to learn to direct this kind of work?
(End of this chapter)

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