I'm just an actor

Chapter 438 Learning

Chapter 438 Learning
Xu Rong actually understands that although he can be a director, he may not be a good director.

He still has this self-awareness.

The reason why stage art is called art is not only composed of actors' performances. How the stage beauty and sound serve the script and even promote the plot is also a profound technical work.

In terms of self-evaluation, if he were to be the director, at best he would restore the prescribed situation of the script sternly, even if the scriptwriter came over, he would not be able to pick out the slightest flaw.

Although this has been able to surpass at least [-]% of directors, [-]% is not his pursuit.

If you can't do the best in a line of work, or if you don't have the intention of being the best from the beginning, there is no point in doing it at all.

He came from a film academy known for training directors. After coming to Renyi, he learned too many directors' amazing innovations and thinking.

In the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China, "Tea House" was performed in the courtyard. Before the end of a performance, Jiao Juyin hurried to the backstage.

Unlike today's fully automatic curtains that can be controlled by switches, the conditions in the courtyard at that time were poor, and the curtains needed people to pull the ropes in the background to close them.

Jiao Ju hid backstage, holding a stool under his feet. As the curtain came to an end, he slowly pulled up the rope thick as a thumb, and the curtain on the stage was also slowly closed. When it was about to close, his thin figure He jumped up suddenly, grabbed the rope in mid-air, and put all his body weight on the rope in an instant.

The curtain that was about to close on the stage quickly closed tightly, and under the action of inertia, the bottom part where the curtains meet quickly swayed towards both sides after closing, but the curtain was heavy after all, so it could only swing a small triangle. Let the audience have a glimpse of the final outcome of the characters on the stage.

Similar operations are not difficult to achieve with today's technology, but what is difficult is this kind of whimsical idea.

Jiao Juyin's ability to become the "Big Four" relied on her own super talent to turn decay into magic.

Ask yourself, Xu Rong really dare not say that he also has such a talent.

Pu Cunxi very much agrees with Xu Rong's decision to change careers to become a director. In fact, what he disapproves of the most is that Xu Rong is so focused on going to the director's position.

After Liu Jinyun left his post and before Zhang Heping took office, he was actually in charge of the hospital's work in those few years, but even if he wanted to come now, it was the most tiring few years since he was admitted to the hospital.

The contradiction of Renyi is that it should actively respond to the call of the party, but also deeply respond to the call of the people.

This is not an easy task, and the position of the dean is like a daughter-in-law with seniors and young children. The higher-ups don't understand, and the lower-level don't like to see it. No matter what you do or don't do, you will always get confused Outsiders are not people.

Therefore, his highest expectation for Xu Rong is the director of the art committee.

"Have you heard the recent rumors in the courtyard?"

Xu Rong didn't care much and said: "I heard that the rumors are pretty good, saying that I will be promoted to be the vice president. You may not believe it, but a colleague from the school called and told me."

Pu Cunxi looked at Xu Rong's dumbfounded appearance, and sighed silently. Not only Xu Rong, but he also heard a lot of similar gossip.

After all, Xu Rong is too young.

He was silent for a while, then asked, "Do you know the old dean?"

Xu Rong turned his head and glanced at Pu Cunxi, vaguely guessing what he wanted to express from his expression and the topic just now, and said: "I know, I don't like to hear something, maybe I know the dean better than you There are many."


Pu Cunxi smiled and asked, "Oh, then tell me why I mentioned the old dean?"

"In 1933, "Thunderstorm" was written between summer and autumn."

"In March 1935, inspired by Ruan Lingyu's suicide, he wrote "Sunrise."

"The Wilderness was published in the autumn of June 1936."

"BJ Man in the second half of 1940."

Xu Rong paused for a moment, and said: "At present, it is generally believed that "BJ Man" is the pinnacle of the old dean's creation. Since "BJ Man", especially in the 47 years after the founding of the People's Republic of China, the old dean I only managed to write two and a half scripts, and they were all mediocre works. In fact, not only the old director, but also Shen Congwen and Qian Zhongshu were similar.

"Hahaha." Pu Cunxi was amused by Xu Rong's statement.

Seeing that he was approaching the courtyard, Xu Rong slowed down a little, and said: "I have thought about this question many times, and I have also asked the family members of the old dean. At present, the common reasons can be attributed to three points. The first is the era. Before the founding of the People's Republic of China, the old dean's life was full of Fanyi, Zhou Puyuan, and Chen Bailu, and social contradictions were highly concentrated, and the tragic fate of these characters has a commonality, and can be understood and recognized by the public."

"The second is that the position of dean puts shackles on him. For example, "Bright Sky" is a script written by the superior to let him write. If this kind of propositional composition wants to become a classic, the difficulty is not 01:30."

"In addition, some people say that the old dean is separated from the people. He is a great writer of the contemporary era, one of the 'Lu Guo Mao Ba Lao Cao'. He has been in contact with the people's servants at the top of the whole country, and he is no longer able to understand. The suffering of the vast majority of people at the bottom, or he understands it, but because of the second reason, he cannot write about it.”

As Xu Rong said, he drove the car into the courtyard and said, "Actually, if you want me to tell you, you are similar to you before."

Pu Cunxi turned his head in astonishment, looking at Xu Rong who was about to get off the car, he didn't expect Xu Rong to suddenly change the topic to him.

He is the vice chairman of the Federation of Literary and Art Circles and the chairman of the Drama Association. No matter whether he is a colleague in the industry or a friend in the media, no one has ever said that his acting is not good or his level is problematic.

There is a reason why Xu Rong commented on Pu Cunxi in this way. Before Zhang Heping came, Pu Cunxi's creation almost fell into a stagnation.

Although these names bring certain conveniences, they are not all benefits. Just like Jiang Kun, whose reputation is declining with the improvement of the situation of Deyun Club, if he has not taken on so many mundane tasks, his performance in the field of cross talk His achievements may not be worse than those of Deyun Society.

"Then you still?" Pu Cunxi was stunned for a few seconds before recovering.

After getting out of the car, Xu Rong and Pu Cunxi walked side by side to the office building, and said with a wry smile: "If I say that I was actually forced to do nothing, would you believe me?"

"Since the day I was admitted to the hospital, you have said that I am hope and the future, and you don't listen to my opinions at all, and you don't allow me to refuse."

"Later you said that I was the eldest son, but I was still not allowed to refuse."

"Now, if I'm asked to be the successor again, is there any room for me to refuse?"

"Of course I can refuse, but you should understand the dean, you can't take what he doesn't give you, and you can't take what he gives you."

Pu Cunxi knows that this is the typical mentality of every superior, if I give it to you, you have to follow it, otherwise it will be disrespectful to me.

Most people should feel lucky that Xu Rong has come to where he is today, but he was once in Xu Rong's situation, and he knows his difficulty and helplessness. Many times, it's not what they want to do, but when they arrive This point has to be done.

At the group building meeting of "Jiaziyuan", among dozens of people, Xu Rong sat in a corner of the table without saying a word, listening to the speeches and ideas of one after another, old and young.

He didn't have much thought about this play, it was comparable to Wan Jiabao's "Bright Sky", which was also a propositional composition, perhaps the level of the two of them was slightly lower than that of Shu Qingchun, who wrote a propositional composition called "teahouse".

The overall standard of "Jiaziyuan" is obviously far from that of "Tea House".

But a good script is originally polished bit by bit. He doesn't know what "Jiaziyuan" will become in the end, but what is certain is that Zheng Rong, Lan Tianye and the old men and women will definitely follow the script. Acting according to the script, the rehearsal process of a good actor is also a process of helping the playwright to polish the script.

According to his earlier plan, before the official rehearsal of "Jiaziyuan", he went to work and studied Peking Opera with Shang Changrong at the same time.

However, under the witness of many masters in the opera world, Xu Rong had to quit his job in the nursing home after the apprenticeship ceremony was held.

Because the home of Peking Opera master Shang Changrong is in Shanghai!

In order to avoid wasting time flying back and forth between the capital city and Shanghai, he temporarily moved to live in Shanghai.

I moved to the place where I considered to come to Shanghai often to buy things a long time ago.

Before formally studying with Shang Changrong, Xu Rong finally asked the doubts in his heart, what kind of sect should he be?
Pu Cunxi said that Shang Changrong belonged to the Hou school, and some people said that he inherited Shang Xiaoyun's Shang school, but at the apprenticeship ceremony, Shang Changrong neither asked him to kowtow to Hou Xirui's photo, nor asked him to give Shang Xiaoyun's photo Incense.

Facing Xu Rong's question, Shang Changrong didn't answer him immediately, but asked instead: "What school do you think you are from?"

Seeing that Xu Rong didn't seem to understand what he meant, Shang Changrong added: "Don't you often talk about experientialism and expressionism in your drama business? What kind of school do you think you are?"

"I..." Xu Rong opened his mouth, but there was no sound.

If he is an experientialist, he can't completely agree with it, because now he is not a pure Strike system, and in the past he would occasionally use methodist techniques.

Now, he is more willing to try and explore new methods and techniques.

For example, joining "Jiaziyuan" as a director is his boldest attempt. Otherwise, he would not just be willing to be the second assistant director when the old man and the old lady joined.

But he is not ashamed to say that he is "Xu School" or "Hehe School", because he has not formed a complete system.

In short, everything sitting here is rubbish, and even this rubbish includes itself.

Because he knows the gap between himself and the "master".

During the question and answer, Xu Rong also had a deeper understanding of Shang Changrong's opera level, not comparable to Mei Yang and his ilk, but for most of today's peers, it stands out from the crowd.

The reason why Xu Rong is obsessed with learning from Shang Changrong is that she instinctively feels that she is "beautiful in shape" and true in "spirit" compared to other actors on stage, but when she really started learning, she discovered that the beauty of body and spirit is not as simple as she thought.

Even for the more basic mountain shoulders, it took a whole morning to practice before Shang Changrong commented that Wei "has a little bit of that meaning".

He is not a blank slate without any foundation, but a top actor in his field.

During the days of preparing for "Jiaziyuan", Ren Ming always felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't figure out what went wrong, until the day before the official rehearsal of the crew, looking at the poster brought by the artist Guo Na, Only then did he realize what was wrong.

"Directors: Ren Ming, Tang Ye, Xu Rong."

"Xu Rong?"

He stared blankly at the words on the poster. If it wasn't for this poster, he would have almost forgotten that there was another assistant director in the crew of "Jiaziyuan"?

But in fact, Xu Rong had shown up since the day the group was formed, and then it seemed to have completely disappeared.

Is this something a normal person can do?
Guo Na didn't know what was going on, the list was given to him by Tang Ye, when she asked her husband Xu Deliang to help design the poster, her husband wondered why Xu Rong changed his career to become a director?

Seeing Ren Ming's wide-eyed eyes, she asked a little uncertainly, "Court Ren, did I make a typo?"

Ren Ming didn't answer immediately, but looked at Tang Ye: "Little Tang, do you know what Xu Rong is doing recently?"

"Captain Xu?"

Tang Ye hesitated for a moment before explaining in a low voice: "I heard that he is learning Peking Opera recently."

"Study Peking Opera?"

Ren Ming became more and more puzzled: "Who are you learning Peking Opera from?"

"Teacher Shang Changrong."

Ren Ming frowned and thought for a while, then smiled and said with emotion: "I see, it's just 3 minutes of enthusiasm. Peking opera is not so easy to learn. What people really learn, which one is not a small practice? He just started learning now, and I'm still so busy that I don't touch the ground, I'm afraid that Shang Changrong will drive the crane west, and it may not be possible for him to be a teacher."

It's hard for Tang Ye to talk to her. She wanted to go along with it, but in front of Guo Na, she could only smile. It doesn't matter what Ren Yuan said. .

In the process of learning from Shang Changrong, Xu Rong felt that he was touching the essence of opera bit by bit.

When he watched the opera for the first time, he wanted to learn something from the opera with all his heart, but after watching it for a long time, he couldn't see anything except making himself irritable and depressed.

Afterwards, he calmed down and took watching the theater as a pastime. Slowly, he realized a little bit, but it can't be said much.

Now that I have really studied in depth, I realize that I have taken it for granted.

You can’t look at every move when watching a play. For example, he thought “appearance” was a very interesting technique before, but he ignored what it highlighted, what it omitted, what preparations were made before it stood out, and what brought it to the plot after it stood out. what effect.

And opera is precisely composed of many such points, and this point is often the end of the previous relationship, and at the same time it is the starting point of the next relationship.

Analyzing every movement and facial expression from an overall point of view, although what is obtained is not very specific, it is the essence of opera.

(End of this chapter)

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