Why did Xu Rong give himself 1000 million?
He Jiping didn't understand it in the past, but he became more and more confused when he heard that "old revolutionary cadres are also part of Chinese society. They have won the world and they have the right to speak."

Not only is Xu Rong not stupid, on the contrary he is a little clever.

She has settled in Hong Kong for 20 years, but she still has correspondence with the mainland. She is no stranger to Xu Rong, the "eldest son of human art".

Xu Rong's reputation in the Hong Kong film and television industry, especially the Hong Kong director circle, is not very good. Many directors have even reached an agreement in private not to cooperate with Xu Rong.

It is said that the character is not good.

She didn't really understand why it didn't work, because as long as she was present, others would tacitly avoid talking about Xu Rong.

When she was 17 years old, she was invited by Zhao Qiyang to join Renyi because of her creation of "Song of Quenching". However, she rejected this opportunity, which seemed like a piece of cake in the sky, and chose to study in Chinese opera instead.

On the occasion of graduation, Renyi's invitation was sent to her again.

In terms of the invitation specifications, Ren Ming and Xu Rong were several times behind her.

She was born in arts and crafts, and created "The First Building in the World", which has always been her greatest pride.

Even though she left Renyi to settle in Hong Kong, she has always paid attention to the development of Renyi.

Seeing is believing. The old people say that Xu Rong is a transparent child. The Mesozoic generation of Pu Cunxi sees Xu Rong as the future of Renyi. Among the young people, Xu Rong is the vice-captain who can make jokes .

Xu Rong's question and answer after entering the door also let He Jiping understand what kind of person Xu Rong is.

Xu Rong knows the character "Jin Zhenshan" very well, and knows the characteristics of his lines, which shows that he is not a nominal assistant director, but has actually studied the script.

This is not an easy task.

During the 20 years since he left the drama business, He Jiping has been working in the film and television industry, and he also understands the current situation of the film and television industry very well.

Young actors don't even read the script when they get it. It's not that they don't read it, but that they really don't have time to read it.

But this does not delay the shooting. The day before the filming starts, the crew will inform them which scenes to shoot the next day. According to the crew's arrangement, they can prepare the lines for the next day after going out to have fun.

As a theater-born screenwriter, what puzzles her most is that today's media praises the behavior of actors reciting lines on the spot.

Isn't this equivalent to the charge trumpeter having blown the charge horn "tick-tick-tick" while the soldiers are still thinking about how to load the bullets? !

On the battlefield, this is to be shot by the supervising team.

In recent years, young actors with more famous or harder backgrounds have created a new way of acting, "acting without a script".

They don't need to read the script from the beginning to the end, and they don't need to know what role they are playing, let alone what story the script tells. They only need to make corresponding expressions according to the director's requirements to complete the filming of a scene. .

In the past, she heard a lot of gossip in Hong Kong, which led her to always think that Xu Rong was an extremely difficult person to get along with. After coming to the mainland, it was the opposite. Two completely different situations made her reserve her opinion. A person in a different group There must be deep-seated reasons for the two completely opposite evaluations.

Through Xu Rong's answer, she understood his true side,
A young man who is so intoxicated with his little talent that he is arrogant and arrogant.

She did not deny Xu Rong's talent, and quickly concluded that there were, but not many.

Xu Rong could be as confidant as anyone else, but he didn't, neither from Zheng Rong's point of view, nor from her point of view.

Instead, he expressed his own evaluation of the script.

She is 61 years old this year, a top screenwriter in the drama industry, Xu Rong is only 25 years old, and in the drama business, she is still playing tricks under normal circumstances at this age.

He Jiping was not angry, and even felt sad.

She has seen too many young people who become famous at a young age, surrounded by all kinds of praise, and always thinks that she is very good, but in reality, except for a natural good skin that has nothing to do with them, compared with her peers, Nothing special at all.

But they don't know it. In the past, she always felt ridiculous looking at those young people in the Hong Kong circle who were called "successors" and "superstars". But looking at the "future of human art" and the corner She only felt deep sadness when she silently recited the lines "The Past of Renyi".

Art, to be finished.

Seeing He Jiping shaking his head with a smile but not answering, Xu Rong understood what she meant.

For no reason, he felt "it's better to be in the film and television industry".

If the two were in different places, that is, the conversation just happened in a certain film and television crew, even if He Jiping was absolutely unhappy at this time, he had to honestly change the lines.

Among the core personnel in all aspects of film and television production, screenwriters have the lowest right to speak, which makes other creators unhappy, deprives naming rights, and does not pay the final payment.

But this is not the film and television industry, this is the greatest talent of screenwriters, and He Jiping has no other better way to deal with He Jiping's reluctance.

It is difficult for anyone who has achieved great success in the industry he is engaged in to listen to other people's suggestions. Just like if a layman teaches him acting, his first reaction must be that this guy is out of his mind, right?

He didn't insist on changing He Jiping's thinking. This was a hot potato that hit his face. Mr. Zheng didn't discuss "Jiaziyuan" for several months. He really didn't think he had such a big face for He Jiping. Wait for the big screenwriter to make concessions.

The audience of the drama is relatively more rational. Whether it is the actors' poor performance or the problem of the script itself, half of the audience can make a rational evaluation.

After Xu Rong greeted everyone, she came to the long table in the rehearsal hall and sat on the right side of Ren Ming.

This is the exclusive seat for the director's group. If it is in the theater, it will be No. 14 in the second row.

As soon as he sat down, Ren Ming pushed a few notebooks over and said, "Come on, make up your lessons first."

Different from other major theater troupes in China, Renyi is a theater that attaches the most importance to scene records.

For every rehearsal, the scene recording team will clearly record the actions and trajectory of each actor.

For example, there are many records of "so and so moved from the side of the table to the back of the table in six quick steps", and they will also be accompanied by simple diagrams, which record the actors' movements in the rehearsal hall with a combination of lines and arrows. moving track.

The biggest advantage of this method is that it can reduce detours for younger generations.

The biggest shortcoming will limit the subjective initiative of the younger generation.

For example, if Xu Rong and Zheng Rong play the same role, Zheng Rong's four-step walk will have a completely different effect from his four-step walk, because the heights of the two people are different, and the distance between the four steps will give the audience more or less the same effect. There is a difference, which is the "material difference" in the performance.

Of course, for Xu Rong at this time, the bigger problem is that there are too many field records.

A complete rehearsal of a play is a book.

Xu Rong didn't read it. He had read the script of "Jiaziyuan" countless times. Although he couldn't fully retell the lines of each character, he had a general impression of what each person would say.

"Jiaziyuan" tells the story of Chen Ailin, an "elderly returned returnee girl" who ran away from home for many years and returned to Jiaziyuan, her former residence that has become a charity nursing home due to her father's sudden death. Facing all kinds of elderly people, her inner emotions Complicated, she was persuaded by her boyfriend who works for a real estate developer in Hong Kong to sell the old house, which triggered a series of fierce conflicts, which also reflected various social issues such as pensions and housing, as well as various values. contradictions between.

In addition to Lan Tianye, Zheng Rong, Zhu Xu, Zhu Lin, Lu Zhong, and Xu Xiulin who played the elderly in nursing homes, Wang Ji acted as a "sister and brother" who once set up a street stall abroad, worked in a restaurant, met a godfather, and returned to China. Chen Ailin, a returnee born in the 70s, Lei Jiayan, a "post-80s" David who used all means to achieve his goals, and a glib gamer, Zou Jianyan, who had a crush on his elementary school classmates for many years, but was helpless because of "relaxed ones can only be friends, and nervous ones can be husband and wife ", and Lan Yingying, the youngest actor in Renyi who was just assigned to the theater this year, plays the little nurse Nie Xiaoling...

At nine o'clock, Ren Ming saw that all the staff had arrived, and said, "Teachers, let's start work."

"Okay, let's start work." Lan Tianye and Zhu Xu, who had been squatting silently in the corner reciting words, stood up with the support of Zou Jian and Lei Jia.

The "one stare one" proposed by Zhang Heping means that a young actor serves an old senior in an all-round way, and he must "hear even a fart".

Xu Rong sat behind the table, crossed his arms, and looked at Lan Tianye and Lu Zhong who were about to "go on stage". He didn't know how to be a director, but as the second assistant director, he didn't intend to perform the duties of a director.

Participating in the crew of "Jiaziyuan", his role is not at the current stage, but at the synthesis and rehearsal stage, when he will show his talents on stage.

"You walk so fast, I can only catch your breath after chasing you."

Listening to Lu Zhong's complaints to Lan Tianye who was walking in front, Xu Rong glanced at the bell on Ren Ming's right, but noticed that the old man's back was slightly bent compared to last year, and he sighed silently.

The role played by the old man is Huang Fangwu, an architect who has lived abroad for many years. The script describes him as "well-proportioned, imposing, gentle, chatting and laughing, and full of silver hair."

The script should be tailor-made, but these adjectives should refer to the old man from last year.

When he played "Family", he clearly remembered that the old man's back was not so bent yet.

When Wang Ji and Lei Jia came out, Xu Rong always felt that something was missing.

Wang Ji was also an actress in her early years, but later she resigned and left for some reason. He let Ren Ming say that Wang Ji has taken on an average of at least 5 dramas a year over the years.

Not to mention all the hardships, a year-round, intensive shooting schedule is not very beneficial to an actor.

Lei Jia played Juemin in "Family" before, and he has a good relationship with him.

But he always felt that the performance of this play was lower than his expectations, and his expectations for "Jiaziyuan" were at the height of "Thunderstorm" and "Teahouse".

With such a luxurious lineup, apart from the "Tea House" in 92, which can be compared slightly, there is no second one in China.

But looking at it now, the gap in the quality of the script cannot be made up for by the professional level of the actors.

After Chen Ailin's monologue, Lan Tianye faced the non-existent "big tree", bowed his legs like Tai Chi, beat the tree with both hands rhythmically, and said, "I practiced this one." , called Shu Gong, this is what my grandfather taught me.”

After Xu Rong was stunned for a moment, he turned his head and looked at Ren Ming on the side with a puzzled look. The old man missed a word from the boss, didn't you even ring the bell?

He remembered that this paragraph should start with Huang Fangwu asking Yan Meiyi, "Did you sleep well yesterday?"

Ren Ming noticed his gaze, shook his head with a wry smile, but he shook halfway, then stopped abruptly, and then quickly rang the bell beside him.

"Ring bell bell."

When Lan Tianye and Lu Zhong heard the ringtone, they immediately looked at Ren Ming, Tang Ye and Xu Rong who were sitting behind the director's desk.

Ren Ming pointed to Xu Rong and said, "It's all right now, we don't need to hire a professional. Didn't Xiao Xu just learn from Shang Changrong, let Xiao Xu Lu help."

After being dazed for a moment, Lan Tianye laughed and said, "Yes, yes, yes, show your hands."

Xu Rong was dumbfounded. The lines of the scene they didn't act in were:
"Huang Fangwu: Did you sleep well yesterday?

Yanmeiyi: I haven't slept well these days, and I keep hearing voices on the balcony. (Mei Yi is humming the gongs and drums of Peking Opera, practicing the sword dance in the Peking Opera "Farewell My Concubine".)
Yan Meiyi: You can't practice me, I'll teach you how to be a bully. (Beating drums in his mouth, making gestures.)”

Chinese opera, especially Peking opera, has been learned by all the older actors, not to mention them, even Yang Lixin of the younger generation can come to a part casually.

And Yan Meiyi's role in the play is a former Peking Opera master.

Under Lan Tianye's booing, everyone in the rehearsal hall cheered up.

The news that Xu Rong went to Shanghai to study opera has already spread throughout the theater. This year marks the [-]th anniversary of the theater, but the "eldest son" has disappeared without a trace.

But everyone knew that three months would not produce any results for Beijing opera.

Xu Rong glanced at the approaching sight, feeling like he was sitting on pins and needles.

During the old man’s art period, Renyi and the Peking Opera Troupe jointly organized a troupe. Although the lineup of the Peking Opera Troupe at that time was not as luxurious as that of the National Peking Opera Company headed by Mei Lanfang, there were also famous artists such as Ma Lianliang, Tan Fuying, Qiu Shengrong, and Zhang Junqiu.

All the old men and old ladies sitting here may not be very good at learning, but the eyes of watching the theater can't be said to be based on Qiu Shengrong as the passing standard.

His family knew about his own family affairs, and they were doing everything they could. He had only learned Peking Opera for three months. In Peking Opera, he might not have mastered his kung fu. At best, he is only at the preschool level now, and today, if this Lu can't keep his hands neatly, it's just a gauze net to wipe his ass and miss a hand.

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