I'm just an actor

Chapter 442 Charm

Several old men looked at Xu Rong who really looked like a director, and booed, "Show me the results of your studies."

Lu Zhong also looked at him with a smile: "That's right, let me study too."


Qi Ba is a programmed movement in Peking Opera. It was originally a scene in Kunqu Opera "The Story of a Thousand Golds". It mainly shows a set of combined dance movements of Xiang Yu, the overlord of Western Chu, who puts on his armor before the battle, highlighting the mighty spirit of the overlord. .

In this group of performances, there are not only relatively realistic actions such as arm lifting, helmet trimming, beard trimming, armor rope tying, horseback riding, kicking, stretching limbs, etc., but also many actions that have no practical significance but have strong Decorative dance movements, such as cloud hands, mountain shoulders, stepping steps, three-handed hands, cross-legs, etc., are used to connect, decorate and beautify the movements, making the performance more enjoyable.

Later, this set of programmed movements was borrowed by other professions, and each profession enriched, innovated and developed according to the characteristics of their respective professions, and officially named this set of combined movements "Qiba".

Nowadays, playing a hegemony has not only become the most prominent symbol to show the demeanor of a general, but also the best way to show the solid basic skills of an actor, and it is a must for every line of work, whether it is a leading role or a supporting role, even a small face, that is, a clown. No kung fu, no matter how high the kung fu is, it is basically exposed after one movement is completed.

Xu Rong looked at the funny eyes from around, nodded thoughtfully, and said, "I suddenly feel that this change, hey, the plot is more compact, it's really good."


Xu Rong sat on the spot and still didn't move. The actions and postures stipulated in the script were not because he underestimated himself, but a correct judgment based on his understanding of himself.

When Shang Changrong made the assertion of "becoming a teacher in three years", he had consulted about the criteria for "becoming a teacher". , What you do is true.

But opera is a virtual art form, and it is impossible for the audience to be involved in it.

After thinking about it for a long time, Shang Changrong gave him a relatively vague standard: if he reaches the same level as Yu Kuizhi, he can consider performing on stage.

When he first started watching the play, Xu Rong always watched Yu Kuizhi's play. He was not unfamiliar with this old worker actor, but he didn't think it was too good.

Shang Changrong gave him half a suitcase of CDs and recordings, including Hou Xirui, Hao Shouchen, Yuan Shihai, Qiu Shengrong, as well as Yuan Guolin and Zhou Hetong who "just listen to it".

As for the other actors with painted faces, Shang Changrong didn't mention a word.

Consciously, he still has a long way to go from Yu Kuizhi, but in his opinion, Yu Kuizhi's level is not very high. In fact, it's hard to say whether he can compare with his two seniors who "make do with it".

Like Ren Ming and others, He Jiping has been paying attention to Xu Rong's reaction.

Unlike Lan Tianye and Zhu Xu, who were both joking and curious, she was almost certain that Xu Rong had only learned superficially at best.

She clearly noticed that after Ren Ming's proposal, Xu Rong obviously panicked for a moment.

She loves to watch Peking opera, and knows some well-known Peking opera masters. She is very clear about the principle of three minutes on stage and ten years of practice off stage. Like a popular artist, there is a high probability that he has only learned a little bit.

As for the apprenticeship of Shang Changrong, it is roughly like the certification of a Michelin restaurant. How many stars are rated depends on what price can be given.

From Xu Rong's performance, she concluded that Xu Rong, let alone "Farewell My Concubine", probably didn't even learn how to be a bully, otherwise why would his voice be a little dry?

Listening to the "hahaha" laughter in the rehearsal hall, she also laughed. When you get older, you have to learn to pretend to be confused, and you have to be serious about everything, which will only be annoying.

Lu Zhong smiled and looked at Xu Rong who was also following along. She knew Xu Rong earlier.

Her son is a teacher at Nortel, and she had met him several times before Xu Rong entered Renyi.

Let Xu Rongjiao be just a joke, as the only new play released to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the Academy, neither Zhang Heping nor they can accept that a section of the script will be deleted because they don't know how to do it.

If you do that, Renyi will not be Renyi.

In fact, Pu Cunxi had already gone to the Beijing Opera Troupe to ask a professional teacher to help him, but he didn't know what was going on, and after almost half a month, he was about to rehearse, and the professional teacher still hadn't been found.

When the laughter subsided, Ren Ming said with a smile: "Xiao Xu, Brother Pu is not here, you can act for him and let the teachers rest first."

He knew too well the purpose of Xu Rong and Zhang Heping coming to be the assistant director.

It's for some old men and old ladies.

Sometimes he even maliciously speculated whether Xu Rong was expecting a certain old man to fall ill suddenly during the performance, and then he himself took the opportunity to step up.

He has no doubts about the possibility of Xu Rong standing up when this happens, not because he believes in Xu Rong's responsibility, but because he clearly remembers that Xu Rong once published an article in the academic journal, to the effect that when an actor chooses a role You must have "two lines" in mind, one is to constantly challenge the upper limit of technology, and the other is to avoid touching the lower limit of physiology, that is, don't take on roles younger than yourself, but try to challenge your real age as much as possible bigger role.

This is also the reason why he agreed to Xu Rong as the assistant director.

Once "Jiaziyuan" is released, it is impossible to perform only one performance, but the old people are old after all, and no one can tell whether they will encounter headaches, so substitute actors are extremely necessary preparations.

In the courtyard, he and Xu Rong looked up and looked down, but he hadn't worked with this "Human Art Future" before. Taking this opportunity, he also wanted to see if the two could form a team.

After hearing Ren Ming's request to arrange for Xu Rong to go on stage, the rehearsal hall had different reactions.

Lei Jia, Huang Wei, Lan Yingying and others looked at each other in blank dismay. Could there be any conflict between Ren Yuan and Team Xu?
As usual, this kind of errand work is the job of newcomers like them, not a "meat eater" like Xu Rong who has to participate in it personally.

Xu Dui is not only the vice-captain of the actor team, but also the director of the performance department of Chinese opera. In fact, he is only half a grade lower than Ren Yuan.

In front of more than 30 people, especially with many seniors, newcomers and outsiders like Wang Ji, Ren Ming arranged for Xu Rong to do this kind of work. The rules made sense, he was the director, and Xu Rong was only the assistant director.

But if the two really had conflicts, it would undoubtedly be equivalent to completely tearing their skins apart.

Lan Tianye frowned and thought for a few seconds, then looked at Xu Rong in surprise, he really didn't expect Xu Rong to be so courageous.

Is this a challenge to him? !

Although Ren Ming wasn't as flamboyant as Zhang Heping and Xu Rong, if he didn't communicate in advance, the current arrangement would mean that one of them had to leave Renyi.

Zheng Rong is even more mature, and when Ren Ming finished speaking, he already understood Xu Rong's plan.

He glanced at Lan Tianye and Zhu Xu, who had playful expressions.

Old buddy, with this posture, it is obvious that one will fight three.

After Xu Rong was "astonished" for 0.92 seconds, he hurriedly stood up. Pu Cunxi played Huang Fangwu in Group B. He acted for Pu Cunxi, so naturally he also played Huang Fangwu.

It was Mr. Lan who rushed.

He went around the long table, walked a few steps, then turned his head and looked at Ren Ming with "suspiciousness": "Yuan Ren, should I just take my seat or help with the words?"

Ren Ming was extremely tired of it, you were planning to be that, and set up a memorial archway, but on the face he still smiled and said: "Let's write a word, it can also help other people find their emotions."

"it is good."

Xu Rong took off his coat, threw it aside casually, walked up to Mr. Lan Tianye, and showed the most cordial smile: "Mr., can you lend me your crutch?"

Zhu Xu chuckled, took off the hat on his head, and looked Xu Rong up and down with bags under his eyes, which was rare.

"Yo." At this moment, a familiar voice of surprise came from the door.

"Hasn't started yet?" Pu Cunxi pushed open the door at some point, seeing that the rehearsal hadn't started yet, his eyes swept over, and he saw Xu Rong standing opposite Mr. Lan Tianye, "Xiao Xu is back?"

"Come on, let's see who I invited here."

As he spoke, he completely pushed open the door of the rehearsal hall, letting out a woman behind him wearing a blue coat, high heels and wide-leg pants.

The woman had a long thin face, short hair, and a mole under her nose. She was in her thirties, but she always had a faint smile on her face.

"Oh, so it's Teacher Chi!"

After Pu Cunxi opened the door, almost all the men in the rehearsal hall stood up, looking at the slim "Teacher Chi" standing beside him with a smile on their faces.

Xu Rong looked at Ren Ming, Lan Tianye, Zhu Xu who quickly walked to the door to greet him, and Mr. Zheng who was struggling to get up from the wheelchair, and a clever idea came to his mind.

Which big leader is this?

He was all too familiar with this group standing up.

But racking his brains, he couldn't remember where he had seen this person before. He had seen photos of some senior leaders who often came to the theater, and he had more or less impressions of them.

"Teacher Chi, welcome, welcome, I look forward to the stars and the moon, but I look forward to you."

"You are too polite, Ren Yuan. I'm embarrassed to say it. I've been busy recently, so I didn't find time until today."

Xu Rong was about to walk over to greet him together, when he suddenly noticed that Tang Ye, who was sitting on the other side of Ren Ming, was rolling his eyes to the sky, and he couldn't help being surprised, what's going on?

If it was really a big leader, Tang Ye shouldn't have reacted like this, and from the mutual address between Ren Ming and this Teacher Chi, he also denied his guess.

This woman called "Teacher Chi" addressed Ren Ming as "You".


After bursting into laughter several times in a row, Ren Ming slapped his forehead suddenly, and said, "By the way, let me introduce you to some of our juniors."

Seeing Xu Rong approaching, Ren Ming smiled and said, "This is Mr. Chi Xiaoqiuchi from Beijing Peking Opera Theater, Mr. Wang Yinqiu, the eldest disciple of Master Cheng Yanqiu under his tutelage, and the current leader of the Cheng School."

After Ren Ming finished introducing Chi Xiaoqiu, Pu Cunxi pointed to Xu Rong and introduced, "This is Xiao Xu, Xu Rong. Teacher Chi should be no stranger."

Xu Rong hesitated for a moment before reaching out his hand, and said with a smile, "Hi, Teacher Chi."

Chi Xiaoqiu noticed Xu Rong's hesitation, and the smile on his face deepened a little: Hello, Teacher Xu. "

After shaking hands with Xu Rong, Chi Xiaoqiu turned to Ren Ming and said, "College Ren, Mr. Xu is not a junior. In terms of seniority, I want to call him uncle."

Xu Rong had just clarified the seniority of the two of them. Chi Xiaoqiu was Wang Yinqiu's disciple, Wang Yinqiu was Cheng Yanqiu's disciple, and Cheng Yanqiu was Mei Lanfang's disciple. As far as Mei Lanfang was concerned, Chi Xiaoqiu was the fourth generation.

But his side is relatively simple, his teacher is Shang Changrong, Shang Changrong's father is Shang Xiaoyun, and Shang Xiaoyun is Mei Lanfang's brother-in-law.

In terms of seniority, he is indeed Chi Xiaoqiu's uncle, even though Chi Xiaoqiu is the leader of the Cheng faction, even though she looks older than him.

Xu Rong didn't want to deal with Chi Xiaoqiu as a Peking Opera actor. He still remembered Shang Changrong's evaluation of the entire Peking Opera circle and even the drama circle: the temple is small and the demon is strong, and the pool is shallow.

Compared with film and television dramas, Peking Opera is expensive as the "quintessence of the country", but the limited resources and unlimited human needs are more vividly expressed in the Peking Opera industry, which has led to a lot of bullshit in the Peking Opera circle. Many troupes The conflict between the top cards has reached the point of being unstoppable, not to mention being on the same stage, even the harmony on the scene cannot be maintained on weekdays.

Shang Changrong didn't allow him to get involved in the Peking Opera circle because of his many considerations. Firstly, his seniority was too high, and secondly, there were already enough disputes in the Peking Opera circle. It would be of no benefit for him to get involved.

Xu Rong waved his hands with a smile, and said: "Mr. Chi, your Peking Opera Theater and our Chinese Drama Theater are originally one family, but they are alienated from other places."

The main spirit of the Peking Opera Theater in Beijing is the spirit of "passing on and leading" and "one dish". Coincidentally, the main spirit of Renyi is also the spirit of "passing on and leading" and "one dish".

The two were originally a family, but some people in the repertory theater troupe split the Beijing opera, acrobatics and other groups out, making the Capital Theater and Renyi the exclusive performance venues and titles of the repertory theater troupe that shed blood for the cause of liberation.

Chi Xiaoqiu secretly breathed a sigh of relief. When he heard that Shang Changrong was going to accept Xu Rong as his disciple, the entire Peking Opera circle was silent.

What Shang Changrong is most famous for is not his professional level, but his status in the arena that takes everything from north to south and recognizes everything from east to west.

Although Xu Rong did not hold any position in the drama association, everyone in the literary and art circles knew that this guy was not a good stubble, so everyone could only pinch their noses to recognize the addition of an elder on their head.

The big deal is to avoid encounters.

The doubts in Xu Rong's heart were not resolved, especially when he saw Ren Ming, Pu Cunxi and others surrounded Chi Xiaoqiu in a small circle and listened carefully like a student, he couldn't understand.

This kind of situation has to be the high-standard treatment that the elders can enjoy.

Xu Rong saw Tang Ye bowing his head to revise the record, quietly moved over, and asked in a low voice: "Sister, what is the origin of this Teacher Chi?"

As he spoke, he glanced at the impenetrable human wall surrounding him.

Tang Ye raised his eyelids to take a look, and said in a low voice, "Have you ever heard of warlords fighting for fame?"

Xu Rong nodded, not to mention the warlords, the old masters and rich people in ancient times were most eager to raise opera troupes.

"it is good."

There was a sudden burst of applause from the human wall, mixed with Mr. Zheng's unique voice.

Hearing the sound, Tang Ye couldn't help but twitched his mouth again, and said, "They just don't have soldiers in their hands. If they had soldiers, they wouldn't just call 'OK'."

Xu Rong turned his head, his eyes seemed to pass through the human wall, and he said uncertainly: "Can't it?"

He really didn't see the charm of Chi Xiaoqiu.

Tang Ye shrugged his shoulders: "Who knows?"

At this moment, Chi Xiaoqiu's voice came from inside the wall: "Mr. Xu, can I trouble you to help me?"

Interested friends can go to station B to watch "Tongguang Thirteen Wonders". It is from this program that Hong fell into the pit of Peking Opera.

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