I'm just an actor

Chapter 443 Tickets

Chapter 443 Tickets
"Mr. Xu, can I trouble you to help me?"

Hearing Chi Xiaoqiu's shout, Xu Rong didn't get up immediately, but looked up suspiciously, wanting to see what was going on first.

He doesn't really want to associate with the Beijing opera circle, especially the dan roles. The intrigues in the film and television circles account for at least half of the success of the dan roles.

In the Peking Opera business, where resources are even more scarce, this ratio has risen again.

Chi Xiaoqiu is not only a female role, but also a famous actress, so he consciously stays far away to avoid the news of "Shocked, Xu Rong has such a relationship with his teacher's niece!"

According to his experience in the entertainment industry, there is no such thing as a fuel-efficient lamp for any popular actress.

"Xiao Xu, Xiao Xu, what are you doing? Come here quickly, Mr. Renchi finally found time to come over, don't delay Mr. Chi's time."

Xu Rong looked at Pu Cunxi, Ren Ming, Lan Tianye, Zheng Rong, Zhu Xu, Lan Faqing, Zhang Wankun, Zhang Zhizhong and others who threatened him to cooperate with their eyes, and was completely confused.

If Chi Xiaoqiu was as beautiful as a celestial being, he would have recognized her, but she was really ordinary, and she belonged to the kind that was caught in the street. He couldn't understand how these people looked like they had never seen a woman before. In the end out of what hobby.

"Mr. Xu, have you learned how to play hegemony?" Chi Xiaoqiu asked Xu Rong through the gap in the removed human wall.

"Learning is learning, but learning is not good."

Chi Xiaoqiu smiled and kept a polite tone: "It's okay, I just want to trouble you to demonstrate the male bully, is it convenient for you?"

Xu Rong suddenly came to see what was going on. Because of the different professions, there are not small differences in bullying. Male bullies generally have crotch squatting, kicking, leg raising, flat leg, cross leg, arm lift, cloud hand, mountain shoulder, It consists of a series of movements such as straight crown and tight armor, while the female bully is composed of stepping, tucking, raising legs, lying cross-legged, clouding hands, mountain shoulders, kite turning over, flat turning, pulling out feathers, straightening sleeves, straightening crowns, tightening Class A action composition.

There are also subtle differences in the hegemony of different roles in the same industry, such as Gao Chong in "Picking the Pulley" and Cao Mengde in "War Wancheng". The historical positioning of the two roles determines that actors must adopt different styles.

Standing up is one of the basic movements of opera. Xu Rong has already practiced it no less than a thousand times. Shang Changrong once said to him: the audience is willing to watch as many times as you can practice a play.

Xu Rong never planned to act on stage, let alone let the audience watch it a thousand times. He just hoped that the audience would watch his movies and TV series three times.

After staring at Pu Cunxi and Ren Ming for a full five seconds, he nodded lightly and squeezed out the word "OK" between his teeth.

He got up and walked to the left rear corner of the rehearsal hall, and said, "I just started learning, maybe I didn't do well, everyone, don't make jokes later."

Ren Ming clamored, "No, no, we are all professionals."


Chi Xiaoqiu gave him a slight nod to show encouragement. Actors are most afraid of stage fright when they go on stage.

And Xu Rong started from the corner of the rehearsal hall, which is obviously a habit he developed while studying, and it also exposed the fact that he is a beginner.

After Xu Rong stood still for a second, he raised his hands and lowered them, making a gesture of raising his nails, and walked into the field with his feet raised and lowered lightly.

"It's a talent, it's a talent, it's a talent."

Chi Xiaoqiu listened to Xu Rong counting the beat, and after being dazed for a moment, his eyes were slightly bent.

For beginners in the opera industry, the old gentleman usually shouts the beat when teaching, so that the students know where to fall.

"Talent is talent, talent is talent."

When Xu Rong entered the arena and stood still, and then slowly raised his left leg, the moment his toes were level with the top of his head, the smile on Chi Xiaoqiu's face froze. "Cross lift test armor".

But his "leg raising" is the most difficult among many hegemony, that is, standing on the spot, slowly raising the legs to the top of the head, while keeping the upper body naturally tall and straight, and only a few characters in the painted face industry use this The way and must appear in this way, such as the high favorite of "Picking the Pulley".

Zheng Rong and Lan Tianye stared in disbelief at Xu Rong who slowly raised his right foot again. They were no strangers to this figure. The core of it was "leg lift" rather than "kick". According to the standard, it is required to only lift to the chest position.

But Xu Rong is wearing sneakers at this time, not platform shoes.

"Okay." Pu Cunxi suddenly applauded.

Chi Xiaoqiu vaguely understands why Shang Changrong must accept Xu Rong as his disciple. Xu Rong's physical talent is simply a perfect pretense.

As a representative of the Cheng School today, she knew very well that Xu Rong's current skills could not be acquired through three months of study.

Seeing Xu Rong's unhurried tricks three times in a row, she couldn't help but feel a surge of emotion in her heart: how much hardship it took.

Unlike Pu Cunxi and others who felt pleasing to the eye and applauded, probably because of their peers, Chi Xiaoqiu felt more complicated in his heart when he saw Xu Rong's vigorous steps and heroic momentum. A film and television actor in his 20s has a high Because of the basic physical skills of Peking opera martial arts students, I am afraid that they have endured hardships and used their hearts far more than martial arts students.


Following Xu Rong's neat kite turning over and landing, and then straightening the crown and tightening the armor, Chi Xiaoqiu's mind didn't turn around for a while.

This is really a student taught by Shang Changrong?
It wasn't that she doubted Shang Changrong's ability, but that Shang Changrong's figure obviously weighed more than two hundred catties. Not to mention now, even when he was young, it was impossible to make this figure so domineering without losing agility.

"it is good."

There was a burst of warm applause in the rehearsal hall.

Hearing the applause from Ren Ming, Pu Cunxi and others and Chi Xiaoqiu's applause, Xu Rong's face became a little hot. He actually knew that what he did was average. Pu Cunxi and others shouted "Yes" probably because he, the vice-captain, didn't want to lose face. Embarrassed.

As for Chi Xiaoqiu, no matter how he is considered an elder, what other choice does she have besides applauding?

But after thinking about it, he felt relieved. He is not a professional Peking Opera actor. It is understandable that he did not do well, even if he did wrong, so he smiled and said, "I am just learning, and I am not very proficient yet." , everyone will just wait and see."

Lu Zhong approached, couldn't help pinching his arm, and said, "Xiao Xu, I didn't understand it very well, can you do it again?"

She didn't expect Xu Rong's figure to be so good. She estimated that based on the figure just now, even those martial arts students who specialize in "Picking the Pulley" from the Peking Opera Theater might not be able to compare with Xu Rong's handsome face.

After hearing Xu Rong's words and Lu Zhong's reaction, Pu Cunxi was stunned for a moment, then quickly pulled Xu Rong aside, and said with a smile: "Mr. Lu, Xiao Xu is not a professional."

The audience of Peking Opera is very extreme. If you don’t like it, listening to one more sentence will kill you. If you like it, you can’t wait to keep the actors in captivity for an infinite loop.

He has already discovered the small flame in Lu Zhong's eyes, and he is even [-]% sure that if Xu Rong doesn't keep it, he may soon become the target of the girls and daughters-in-law in the courtyard.

It was as if they had waited for Chi Xiaoqiu on purpose.

But Xu Rong's reaction was just the opposite. He seemed to be hit so hard by people in opera performance that he didn't have the slightest confidence in his own level. He even used emotion instead during the demonstration just now. They all looked like they were broken.

Even with his butt, he thought that Shang Changrong was the only one who could hit Xu Rong.

But he really couldn't figure out what Shang Changrong's purpose was, he couldn't become a teacher and become a master, could he?
He Jiping looked at Xu Rong in astonishment. She was especially good at understanding the external changes of people's emotions, so she naturally sensed Xu Rong's sense of shame from his expression.

He's ashamed of what he just did?
So top-notch figure, would you feel ashamed?
She began to have doubts about her previous conclusions. Xu Rong felt ashamed of such a top-level hegemony, so what level is he in the field of his self-confident and arrogant dramas?
She suddenly remembered the episode before Pu Cunxi brought Chi Xiaoqiu in. Ren Ming suggested that Xu Rong take the place for Pu Cunxi. Teacher Lan Tianye, Zheng Rong and Zhu Xu all showed a cautious look.

Previously, she could not understand the reasons for the caution of the three old men, but now she gradually figured out some signs. Perhaps Xu Rong's arrogance was not due to blind arrogance, but was based on her own level.

Because more than 30 people in the entire rehearsal hall thought that Xu Rong was arrogant, and it seemed that she was the only one, and everyone else took it for granted.

Standing by Pu Cunxi's side, Xu Rongli also noticed the strange gazes cast by Lu Zhong, He Jiping, Wang Ji, Sun Qian, Tang Ye, Huang Wei, Lan Yingying and other old, middle-aged and young female colleagues.

For a while, he couldn't tell what kind of emotion was contained in this sight, there was appreciation and expectation, but more of it was an emotion that he was not familiar with.

This line of sight has always been like a shadow, until the end of the rehearsal, it faintly weakened a little.

Following the words of "I'm here today", Ren Ming pushed the diary into Tang Ye's arms, and said, "You sort it out, and we'll discuss it tomorrow."

Then he walked out of the rehearsal hall without looking back.

Before Ren Ming, Pu Cunxi had already trotted out the door pushing Mr. Zheng who was in a wheelchair.

The two old men, Lan Tianye and Zhu Xu, followed closely behind with their coats on.

Xu Rong looked at the crooked chair knocked by Ren Ming and the door of the rehearsal hall that was still shaking and half-opened, looked at Tang Ye in puzzlement, and said, "Sister, what are they, devils have entered the village?"

Tang Ye lowered his head and sorted out the diary and other materials, saying: "The devil did not enter the village, but the goblin did."

"What do you mean?"

"Didn't you listen to Mr. Chi at lunch?" Tang Ye imitated Chi Xiaoqiu's modesty and said, "I have a performance tonight, and if you have time, teachers can come and join us."

Pu Cunxi refused to invite so famous Peking opera masters, and insisted on waiting for Chi Xiaoqiu to come back after waiting for more than half a month. Obviously, he did not simply ask for advice on Peking opera.

Xu Rong looked thoughtfully at the two old men who walked the slowest in the corridor. If one person likes Chi Xiaoqiu, it can be described as personal preference and unique aesthetics, but a group of people like it, including Zou Jian. For a young man who is about the same age as him, there must be a special reason.

He was going to go over to find out, so he said to Tang Ye: "Sister, if you see Xiao Song later, tell her that I will go out to do something, and the rest will be discussed tomorrow."

Seeing that Lei Jia and himself were the only two men left in the rehearsal hall, he did not forget to shout: "Lei Jia, let's go, let's take you out."

"Where are you going?" Lei Jia with a long thin face looked at Xu Rong in confusion, then lowered his head and pointed to his notebook, "I haven't finished writing my experience yet."

Xu Rong looked at him with a smile: "Do you think I really didn't see what you wrote?"

"Hey, okay." Lei Jia stopped pretending and stood up abruptly, "Captain Xu, where shall we go?"

"You'll know when you get there,"

Seeing Xu Rong picked up his coat and was about to go out, Tang Ye looked at him puzzled and said, "You want to go too?"


Tang Ye glanced at him: "You know it in your heart."

Seeing Xu Rong nod, Tang Ye spread his hands and said, "It's late, Chi Xiaoqiu's tickets can't be bought at all, basically as soon as they go on sale, they will be gone."

Xu Rong raised his chin in the direction of the door: "Then why did they go?"

Tang Ye rolled his eyes: "Otherwise, why do you think Pu Yuan invited her here?"

Xu Rong turned on his phone and checked. There were indeed no tickets online, but he became more curious because of this.

Today, he had to go to see what kind of magical power Chi Xiaoqiu had that made so many people fall for her.

Taking Lei Jia to the theater, the most conspicuous place upon entering the door was the poster of Chi Xiaoqiu's "Suolin Bag". He walked to the ticket window and said to the conductor, "Take two tickets for "Suolin Bag", please."

"Sold out." The conductor didn't even lift his eyelids.

"Where's the reserved ticket?" Xu Rong took off his mask, and he was about to brush his face.

As a colleague, he knew that the organizers of even such a popular show would reserve at least 20 tickets in case of accidents.

Unexpectedly, the conductor just glanced at him: "They said they were sold out, don't you understand?!"

"You don't admit it" Xu Rong swallowed the second half of the words again, because Lei Jia was standing behind him.

He didn't even know whether to be happy or unhappy at this moment.

The fact that the conductor didn't recognize him proved that his real state was alien to the general public, which is good news for his career, because no matter what role he plays, the audience will not have a sense of preconceived violation.

But if you ask the phrase "Don't you know me?", you will make yourself look like an eighteenth-tier starlet.

Just as he was hesitating whether to get a standing ticket, a short, fat middle-aged man came over and asked, "Brother, do you want a ticket, Master Chi Xiaoqiu's "Suolin Bag"?"

"how much is it?"

"There are still four and ten minutes before the show starts. I'll give you a cheaper price, 10."

"Fuck." Xu Rong's eyes widened suddenly, "Why don't you grab it?"

Lei Jia was also dumbfounded, and said in a low voice: "Captain Xu, let's change to another place, it's too expensive."

The scalper saw the reaction of the two, and waved his hands: "That's right, don't buy it."

Xu Rong looked at the scalper's confidence in not worrying about selling it, and after hesitating for a moment, he grabbed him and said, "Give me two."

The scalper's attitude made him realize a certain kind of cruel reality. This Peking opera actor, whom he had never heard of before, may have twice as much box office appeal in theaters as he does.

Last year, "Family", which he starred in, was only sold to 4800 by scalpers when the ticket price was the highest. As for "Thunderstorm", which has more than 20 performances every year, it was only in the early 2000s at the highest price.

He was really curious about what kind of Peking opera actors could be fired up to 8000 tickets.

When Xu Rong walked into the theater and looked at the neat colleagues sitting in the front row, his heart was bleeding.

8000 tickets, almost catching up with his one-word salary!

(End of this chapter)

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