I'm just an actor

Chapter 444 Difficulty

Chapter 444 Difficulty
Today is the first time for Xu Rong to watch Chi Xiaoqiu's play. Before listening to plays, he often went straight to Guojing, the shadow of a famous tree. He didn't understand the market, so he instinctively felt that the overall standard of Guojing should be higher than that of Guojing. Peking Opera Theater in Beijing.

Watching Chi Xiaoqiu walk gracefully to the front of the stage, Xu Rong also sat up straight slowly. He really didn't expect an ordinary middle-aged woman to be so stunning when she put on her outfit. Not only was her appearance, but also She has a light, graceful and graceful figure when she appears on the stage.

Looking at Chi Xiaoqiu, who is looking forward to the lively appearance on the stage, Xu Rong couldn't help but think of the words "moving the lotus steps lightly, the old romance of Han Palace flying swallows", and it was difficult for him to form a specific concept of this word in his mind in the past. Now it's vaguely there.

Chi Xiaoqiu's voice is very characteristic. He met her at noon today, and her own voice is relatively normal, but at this time, her singing is based on falsetto and uses a resonant voice, which sounds like a male singer.

This is a typical feature of Cheng Pai's singing, but the resonant voice of male dans and the voice of female dans have a tinge of thickness, which are two completely different styles.

Until now, Xu Rong understood why Pu Cunxi, Ren Ming and others looked like perverts this morning.

No normal man can refuse Cheng Pai's tune.

Through the control of the volume of the voice, the strength of the breath and the use of various breaths, Cheng Pai fully embodies the feminine beauty of women, if only this is the only point. It may be difficult to attract the obsession of male audiences. The morbid and feminine beauty will only make the audience worry about whether the actor will die on stage in the next second.

In Xu Rong's view, Cheng Yanqiu's greatest innovation lies in the use of resonance, that is, Cheng Pai's singing sounds a little "rough". The vigorous spirit fully embodies the characteristics of "hardness in softness, and the combination of hardness and softness", which is in line with the portrait of "chaste and martyrdom" in traditional culture.

In daily life, women who speak in this tone are often young women, not only young women, but also young women who are soft on the outside and strong on the inside. young woman in her prime.

Regardless of whether such a woman exists in reality, young women and married wives with so many characteristics are destructive to men.

He turned his head and looked around for half a circle. Eighty percent of the theater was male, and he couldn't help but sigh in his heart. Mei Shangcheng Xun understood men. Lori is pushed to the extreme, and Cheng Pai's unique melancholy and dignified singing voice adds some unique charm to "Sorrowful Young Woman", so as to arouse the male's strong impulse of affection and conquest.

"Xue Liang asked me about it."

"Hearing Xue Liang's words to tell each other, all the pride and arrogance melted away."

"Humanity is made by nature, who can move half a cent."

"I am not enough and she is not enough, she is hungry and cold and I am spoiled"

"it is good."

Hearing the applause in the theater and seeing the reluctance flashing across Chi Xiaoqiu's face on the stage, Xu Rong couldn't help showing a look of astonishment.

There seemed to be something wrong with her voice.

The word "Xue Liang" was about to rise, and she also rose, but she didn't have the ease she had before.

She also seemed to be aware of her own problems, and took a breath before raising the tone, but this was tantamount to quenching thirst with poison.

Chi Xiaoqiu's talent should be top-notch, and from her singing, it can be seen that her young skills are not bad. Her habit shows that this sentence in the past was very easy for her, but because of some other reasons, As a result, her current basic skills cannot support her physical foundation.

Xu Rong looked at Chi Xiaoqiu on the stage, and felt a bit of pity. It is true that when one reaches a high place, the scenery is boundless, and it is also true that one step back is smashed to pieces.

Cheng School was founded by Cheng Yanqiu, mainly false voice, supplemented by real voice.

The innate conditions of men and women are different. The vocal cords of men are born wide and thick, and the frequency of vibration is low, so the voice is thicker, while women are just the opposite.

However, due to the feudal ideology, the past dan roles were all men, such as Mei Shangcheng Xun. Their gender determined that their vocal cords were wider than ordinary women, and their unique conditions made them more "thin" than men. voice".

The endowment of men determines that their core strength is far superior to that of women, that is to say, the dantian is more energetic in the opera industry.

Opera often talks about "dantian qi", which is abdominal breathing in modern performance theory. Xu Rong doesn't understand why opera practitioners always like to confuse simple and easy-to-understand techniques and concepts, just like The true voice, false voice, and resonance that he learned in vocal music classes in the past are called big voice, small voice, and back voice in Peking Opera.

The essence of "Qi coming out from the pubic region, the combination of large and small voices and the sound at the back of the head to form Cheng Pai's unique singing style" is "on the basis of abdominal breathing, the combination of true and false voices, while making full use of resonance is Cheng Pai's singing method", but The difficulty of understanding the two is not at the same level at all, and operas have not been standardized, standardized, and widely circulated. These mystical characterizations cannot be absolved of the blame.

Even today, some opera practitioners still ignore the scientific facts and deny that "dantian qi" is abdominal breathing, and still insist on the anti-scientific statement that "qi comes out of the dantian".

Cheng Pai's singing is tailor-made by Cheng Yanqiu according to his own characteristics. Thanks to his strong basic skills and good innate talent, this unique singing is like eating and drinking to him, but it is not very friendly to female dancers.

First of all, its "smooth and gentle" feature requires actors to have a strong core strength, maintain precise control over the breath, and be able to ensure that it should be high when it should be high and that it should be low when it is low.

Secondly, the characteristics of "broken roots" and "broken but continuous" require that actors must use extremely strong lung capacity and core strength as support when exchanging and stealing breath.

The physiological structure of human vocal cords is not static. After adolescence, with age, vocal cords will gradually relax, become less elastic, and even gaps will appear, resulting in a decrease in the frequency of vibration. Stronger breaths must be given, which in turn intensifies core strength and breath pressure.

Compared with male dans, female dans do not have any advantages in the most distinctive points of Cheng Pai's singing.

He looked at Chi Xiaoqiu on the stage, quietly took out his mobile phone, and checked Chi Xiaoqiu's information.

After a glance, he raised his eyebrows. If Chi Xiaoqiu didn't change his singing style, it might be difficult to maintain even the most basic decency after October next year.


There is a saying in "Neijing-Ancient Innocence Theory": Qiqi, the Ren meridian is empty, the Taichong meridian is weak, the heaven is exhausted, and the tunnel is blocked, so the shape is bad and childless, that is, according to the law of big data, when a woman reaches the age of 49, because With the decline of qi and blood, various physiological functions will decline significantly compared to before, even fertility, including but not limited to lung capacity, core strength and even the physiological structure of the vocal cords.

The point at which a woman's physiological function declines at the age of 49 is not absolute. According to the results of health preservation, it may be a year or a half earlier or later.

This is also the reason why he keeps goji berries and red dates in his hands all year round. The first time a man's physiological function declines sharply is around the age of 40. He is not greedy, and he will be satisfied if he can delay for eight years.

But judging from Chi Xiaoqiu's current situation, her health-preserving results are obviously mediocre. She is only 47 years old. As a professional actor and a representative of the Cheng School, her physiological functions have declined to the point where even high-pitched voices are struggling. There are several reasons, either congenitally weak, or overworked the day after tomorrow, or miscarriage or not sitting properly during confinement.

In fact, it is not troublesome to solve the problem, just stop being attached to the so-called "Cheng Pai".

Mei Shangcheng and Xun each have their own characteristics, just like the experience and performance of dramas have their own strengths, but no actor will pat his chest and say that he is an absolute experiential or expressive school.

That's layman's ignorant remarks.

Western actors are typical pragmatists, no matter what school they are, what is easy to use, while domestic actors are relatively "hypocritical", calling themselves experience school every day, but in essence, emotional memory, emotion Replace one with a slippery one.

But in any case, film and television actors have a common feature, their mouths will be restricted by school, but their bodies are extremely honest.

Chi Xiaoqiu was just the opposite. Not only was she restricted by the "Cheng Pai", but she was also strictly restricted.

Looking at Chi Xiaoqiu on the stage, he suddenly remembered another kind of national quintessence, traditional martial arts.

In traditional martial arts, there is a saying that boxing is afraid of the young, and Cheng Pai is roughly the same. This kind of singing method that relies heavily on physical conditions, once the physiological function is severely weakened, no amount of experience will be in vain.

With Chi Xiaoqiu's background in Peking Opera, if he finds a singing style that best suits his physical condition, it is impossible to reach the height of Mei Shang Cheng Xun, but he will not make a fool of himself on stage.

But he reckoned it was unlikely, everything she did today was brought by the "Cheng Pai", if she took the initiative to cut off from the "Cheng Pai", given the intensity of the internal fighting within the Cheng Pai, she would probably die immediately without a burial.

The reason why Xu Rong can see the problems in Chi Xiaoqiu is that since two years ago, he has started to study the localization of enunciation and pronunciation. As an important part of the lines, breath and sound are also what he focuses on. It is a pity that there is no suitable experimental material around him, and the only one who is interested, Wang Lei, dare not touch it after getting to know it a little bit.

If Chi Xiaoqiu is willing to try, it is his duty as an uncle!
"it is good."

"it is good."

After singing the song, Xu Rong clapped his hands as he watched Chi Xiaoqiu salute and exit the audience, thinking of himself, if one day his business level declined due to objective reasons, would he still insist on performing on stage?

After the scene ended, Xu Rong didn't move. He hardly listened to the scene. From Chi Xiaoqiu's state, he thought of himself again.

Do I want to develop a method that only I can use, or a skill that every film and television practitioner can learn?
For the time being, he chose the former.

He hasn't researched it himself yet, so how can he have the time to think about others, and besides, it doesn't matter if others can learn from him?
"Pu Yuan."

"Hey, Xiao Lei, why are you here?"

"I came here with Team Xu."

Pu Cunxi only noticed Xu Rong at this time, seeing him staring blankly at the stage, said: "Hey, hey, don't be dazed, everyone has already left."

Xu Rong suddenly came back to his senses, and said, "Ah, oh, it's over?!"

On the way out of the theater, Pu Cunxi watched Xu Rong bowed his head without saying a word, and said, "Don't think about it, people say that they are more than 20 years older than you, and they are still your junior."

Xu Rong suddenly raised his head. After he had shaken off the question about his own choice just now, another doubt popped up in his mind: Is his level really as bad as Shang Changrong said?

He was only a beginner in Peking Opera, but he could be regarded as a semi-authority in the big industry of acting. Compared with Chi Xiaoqiu, he felt that he might have a gap, but the gap was definitely visible.

"What did you just say?" Xu Rong looked at Pu Cunxi suspiciously, "I didn't pay attention to it, after watching Xiao Chi's performance, I feel, I don't seem to be as bad as I thought."

"Xiao, Xiaochi?" Pu Cunxi almost didn't come up in a breath, but after thinking for a few seconds, he found Xu Rong's address again, it seems, it seems that there is no problem.

He paused and asked back, "You really haven't learned it before?"

"No." Xu Rong nodded heavily, "Do you think my level is okay?"

Pu Cunxi looked at him and said with a smile: "Very good, I think it's enough if you learn from it. Of course, I don't support you learning Peking Opera, but I think your main energy should be put on drama."

He knew that these words had little effect. Although Xu Rong was relatively mature, he was still a young man in his twenties, so he said, "If you really like it, I suggest you specialize in Cao Cao."

"Specialize in Cao Cao?"


Xu Rong looked at him puzzled, and asked, "What do you mean?"

"It's literally."

Pu Cunxi explained: "In the past, there was an actor named Gai Jiaotian who specialized in Wu Song and was known as 'Jiangnan Live Wu Song'. Some also called Cheng Yanqiu's Dou E 'Living Dou E', because of the "June Snow" No one can play him well, even now, this play has almost become the exclusive play of the Cheng faction, and the other factions basically do not perform it."

The more Pu Cunxi thought about it, the more he felt that Shang Changrong's old fox didn't have any good ideas. What he was most worried about was that Xu Rong's mind would turn to Liyuan one day, and he would become a film, television, and theater actor.

Xu Rong's eyes widened a little: "I think you're tricking me."

"How did I cheat on you?"

"Bronze hammers are afraid of the dark, but shelves are afraid of the white."

"You have to know that you are a drama actor, not a Beijing opera actor."

Xu Rong understood what he meant, and pondered for a while: "I'll go back and think about it."

As far as Tongchui Hualian is concerned, Baogong opera is the most difficult to sing. It takes three days to rest for the voice to recover from singing a major Baogong opera, while Cao Cao is the most difficult to sing in Jiajia Hualian. Cao Cao sells not only Gongjia, but more importantly It is to express the inner "spirit" of this character, which is almost a threshold that the past dynasties may not be able to cross.

But this is a problem for him. A painted face from the Stuart system may be able to reduce the difficulty through emotional experience.

(End of this chapter)

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