I'm just an actor

Chapter 446 The Director

After finishing the conversation with Zhu Tong, Xu Rong picked up the glass water cup next to him and unscrewed the lid. This was a birthday gift that Song Yi conveyed through classmate Xiao Zhang a while ago, and then took out jujubes and wolfberries from the cabinet on one side. , longan, chrysanthemum.

The director team of the Spring Festival Gala sends him invitations almost every year, but he declines them because the schedule cannot be adjusted. Since "Night" and "Latent" became popular one after another, the significance of the Spring Festival Gala to him is not as good as the water challenge programs in his hometown.

The water challenge program can at least bring him a lot of topics and a lot of income, but the salary for the Spring Festival Gala is only 3000 yuan at most, and various reviews and rehearsals also take up a lot of time.

As an important annual event that Chinese people all over the world pay attention to, and an important window for the value and culture of the new era and new atmosphere, the Spring Festival Gala has always been known for its strict review standards.

Holding the job of the party, he has the responsibility, obligation and willingness to respond to the organization's demands and calls and spread positive values, but he really doesn't know what to do at the Spring Festival Gala.

Participating in the Spring Festival Gala as an opera actor is even more fearful that he will avoid it.

He has no doubt that once the news spreads that the number of opera actors is squeezed out, not to mention becoming a target of public criticism, it will immediately cause huge controversy.

In front of the fans in the Peking Opera circle, the set of the rice circle is just a show, that is, the influence of Peking Opera is small. In addition, the "quintessence of the country" is a fig leaf to whitewash the peace. If we really dissect the Peking Opera circle and observe carefully, we will find this. The degree of madness of fans in the industry is shocking and even frightening, and this kind of madness is not formed in a day or two, it is also like this bird counting 100 years ago.

And different from idols, whether they are Peking Opera actors or fans of Peking Opera actors, they have a mentality of looking down on so-called film and television idols and their fans.

A bunch of ignorant illiterates and more ignorant than illiterate admirers, who know the art of shit? !
For such a self-esteemed and crazy group, Xu Rong was more or less apprehensive.

In the traditional opera industry, many practitioners always hold the mentality of a high-ranking artist. No matter they are old or young, no matter their professional level, poverty or wealth, they all take it for granted that they are artists, and think that they are juxtaposed with stars and entertainers. It is a great shame.

This is also one of the reasons why Xu Rong is not willing to deal with the Peking Opera circle. An actor who regards himself as an artist is absolutely impossible to become a good actor, and an actor who regards his profession as an art profession is absolutely impossible. promising.

Art is to be offered.

Of course, appearing on the Spring Festival Gala as a Peking Opera actor will definitely create a lot of topics.

But that's about it.

He no longer needs this kind of tasteless enthusiasm, and it is not even known whether it will help him. People who like to watch his works will continue to pay attention to his works. In the past, he was not willing to learn more, let alone go to the Spring Festival Gala to sing Peking Opera. It is impossible to change the prejudice of these people by performing chest crushing on the Spring Festival Gala.

He also has no obligation to persuade these people to change their minds.

After having a huge base of movie fans, he now always seeks advice from many sources when picking plays. The scripts he accepts may not be the most popular, but they are all the best scripts he thinks. He tries his best to grasp the quality of the creation process , and he feels sorry for the audience who don't even have the will to understand his own work, or who hate him because he dislikes him.

Sorry for missing a good show for them.

But why did Pu Cunxi do such a thankless thing?
He couldn't figure it out.

He can be sure that it was operated by Pu Cunxi. Pu Cunxi is the chairman of the Theater Association today. Although drama and opera are two completely different art forms, there is no difference in the public's understanding.

Even in Chinese opera, the Peking Opera performance major opened just last year is just an unpopular major in the acting department.

He was going to have a chat with Pu Cunxi when Pu Cunxi came to see what he planned.

When he came back from the boiling water room with the kettle and water glass, he found the notification of the missed call on the lit phone screen, and his brows could not help but frown slowly.

Xu Rong looked at the words "Shang Changrong" on the phone, and a guess came to his mind. It was true that Pu Cunxi had no reason to let him sing Peking Opera at the Spring Festival Gala, but if it was Teacher Shang Changrong who instigated it, everything would make sense.

Among his many teachers, this one has the highest view on things, maybe because he is old, maybe because his status in Peking Opera is too lofty, he always hopes that this industry will get better and better.

Young Peking opera actors always hope to get a little more from the Peking opera cake, but when it comes to Shang Changrong, who is a top performer in the Peking opera world, what he thinks about is how to make a bigger cake, because he holds the cake-cutting knife in his hand.

Xu Rong put the phone back on the table and walked to the window. His sight was blocked by a pot of gladiolus on the window sill. He couldn't help but frowned. It just blocked his sight, and when he moved away from the flower pot, he caught a glimpse of Song Yi walking with a book under the shade of a tree, and smiled silently.

He was afraid that Song Yi would ask endless questions, but on the other hand, Song Yi was also afraid that he would ask questions about what he taught in the past or recite ancient prose, which made Song Yi dare not appear in front of him easily without doing some mental construction. .

After standing there for about 5 minutes, he walked back and sat back in the chair, and dialed Shang Changrong's phone.

"Teacher, it's me, Xu Rong."

"Hey, it's nothing, I just called you."

Monk Xu Rong chatted with Cao Cao's parents for a while. At a certain moment, he smiled and said, "Teacher, just now I heard from a TV friend that I will be invited to the opera program of the Spring Festival Gala this year. Do you know anything about it?"

Shang Changrong on the other end of the phone was stunned. He never expected Xu Rong's news to come so fast. As soon as his side finalized the matter, Xu Rong's side got the news.

"Ah, yes, there is such an intention, but it hasn't been decided yet. Didn't I come to call to ask for your opinion?"

Xu Rong smiled and said: "Oh, thank you teacher, I have grown up so much, I never dared to think that one day I would go to the Spring Festival Gala as a Beijing opera actor."

"You can promise, I am very happy, and thank you."

Xu Rong was silent for a while, and said, "Is it difficult for us now?"

"How should I say it?" Shang Changrong sighed heavily, and said helplessly, "Before two actors from the National Capital Academy competed for the quota of allowances, they greeted each other's relatives in front of the audience. Do you think it is difficult?"

Xu Rong answered subconsciously: "Who is it?"

Those who are eligible to fight for the subsidy are big and small, but the audience in the big court greets the other party's relatives, which is too violent, roughly equivalent to him fighting with Feng Yuanzheng or Yang Lixin for 5000 yuan in the Capital Theater.

Sensing Shang Changrong's silence, Xu Rong laughed dryly twice, and said, "Hehe, I'm just curious. In fact, the teacher is in such a situation. I seldom performed on stage before, and it was a stage as big as the Spring Festival Gala. I really have no idea, I have an idea, do you think this will work, since you have helped me get a place for the Spring Festival Gala, then send the Buddha to the West, and simply take the lead in organizing a few colleagues with excellent professional skills to support me, Otherwise, if I sing in front of people all over the world, wouldn’t I be ashamed and thrown at Master Shang’s house?”

"You, I don't even know what to say."

Hanging up the phone, listening to the busy tone coming out of the phone, Shang Changrong, who was still holding the phone, didn't recover for a long time. He suddenly remembered a sentence said by a person who was once powerful in Shanghai in the last century. In this life, there are three bowls of the most unpalatable noodles - decent, scene, and affection.

The essence of this matter was that he begged Xu Rong to help promote Peking Opera, but when it came to Xu Rong, it turned into an opportunity for him to show his face, which gave him the dignity of a teacher.

And pointing out the news that he already knew that he was appointed as the performer of the Spring Festival Gala opera show is a scene.

Finally, and most importantly, it is a great favor not to eat alone.

The three bowls of the most unpalatable noodles were given to him clearly.

He gently buckled the microphone on the landline. Now, he finally understood why Xu Rong had achieved such a high achievement at such a young age.

At this time, Xu Rong walked to the window again, opened the window, and shouted downstairs: "Xiao Song, come up."

When Song Yi heard the sound, she suddenly became alert, like a frightened cat, quickly searched her neck around, then she suddenly remembered something, and looked up towards a certain window.

She wasn't taking a walk, but was reciting "Dengtuzi's Lustful Fu". She had clearly memorized it yesterday, but this morning she completely forgot it.

The reason why I didn't enter the building was because I was afraid of meeting Xu Rongzou in the building.

She hated Xu Rong making her recite all kinds of ancient prose all day long. If possible, she wished she could never see him again in this life.

But he didn't just ask her to recite texts, every time she recited ancient prose, he would teach her the correct method of reciting.

Her weakness happened to be breathing, and this was exactly his strength. Even in the academy, there were not a few actors who were better than him in this aspect.

She pointed in the direction of the building and stammered, "Xu, Mr. Xu, shall I go to the bathroom first?"

Xu Rong showed a little smile, how could he fall into the fear of being dominated by students?


Hearing the alarm clock, Xu Rong closed the window, picked up the teacup on the table, and walked out of the office.

The last rehearsal of "Jiaziyuan" was interrupted because Chi Xiaoqiu came to teach, and today the old men are not so lucky.

When they arrived at the rehearsal hall, Xu Rong looked at Pu Cunxi and his old partner Gong Lijun who were getting ready, and looked around. None of the old men came?

After being dazed for a moment, he walked lightly to Ren Ming's side, pointed at Pu Cunxi and Gong Lijun, and asked, "Ren Yuan, where are the old men?"

Ren Ming lowered his voice, and said: "Mr. Lu is still practicing. The old men said that they are a little tired today, so they won't come here."

"By the way, let me bring you a message, don't miss it."

Seeing the narrow expression on Ren Ming's face, Xu Rong smiled silently: "What can I miss?!"

He looked at Pu Cunxi and Gong Lijun, pointed to the upstairs, and said: "Xiao Song is still upstairs waiting for me to rehearse for her, I will go up first."

It's just that before he finished speaking, Ren Ming grabbed his arm.

Seeing that Xu Rong didn't sit down, Pu Cunxi said, "Xiao Xu is here, it's just right, you can see what is inappropriate first, and don't give another negative vote when you go back for review."

Seeing this, Xu Rong had no choice but to sit down. Since Zhang Heping rebuilt the art committee, the members have regarded this job as a sacred responsibility.

There are two directors and four deputy directors in the theater, and only half of them are in the art committee. The secretary and the other two administrative vice presidents are not in. That is to say, they have no right to make decisions on the major departments of the theater, not even the qualifications to participate in the decisions. catch.

Last year, "Our Jing Ke", written by Mo Yan and directed by Ren Ming, was one of those who voted no.

Pu Cunxi was also a little worried, he was really afraid that Xu Rong would not let "Jiaziyuan" pass if he turned his head, and the old men and women would probably turn their mouths off.

But this is also what he thinks is the most valuable thing about Xu Rong. He is transparent, but he does not make mistakes on matters of principle.

Seeing that Pu Cunxi had said so much, Xu Rong couldn't slip away any longer. If the review of "Jiaziyuan" fell far short of the expected results, he would still vote against it without hesitation.

Whether it is Lan Tianye, Zheng Rong, Zhu Xu, Zhu Lin, or Lu Zhong, they are all veterans in the drama industry who have long been famous. The gimmick of the [-]th anniversary of the hospital has personally destroyed the reputation accumulated in a lifetime.

After all the staff arrived at nine o'clock, Ren Ming rang the bell and said, "Let's get started."

Pu Cunxi, who was rarely seen in a formal suit and with a cane, strode from one side of the rehearsal hall to the center.

Behind him, Gong Lijun trotted all the way out of breath and said: "You are walking so fast, I am panting after chasing you."

"Ring bell bell."

Ren Ming suddenly heard the ear-piercing ringtone, turned his head to look at Xu Rong, and said uncertainly, "Did you press the wrong button?"

84 pages of the script, this has just acted a line.

Xu Rong shook his head first, then looked at Pu Cunxi puzzled, and asked, "Pu Yuan, was it the same when you chased Aunt Wanping?"

Pu Cunxi looked back at him with similar eyes, he felt that Xu Rong was connoting him.

"You didn't look back just now, which made me feel that it wasn't your Yan Meiyi who was chasing you, but your wife was chasing you."


There was a sudden burst of cheerful laughter in the rehearsal hall. After pondering for a moment, Pu Cunxi didn't feel that what he said was too much. The performance is like this. The performers don't think there is a problem, but in the eyes of the audience, it is wrong to be unreasonable. The cornerstone of the Academy of Art is "realism", which in layman's terms means being highly close to life.

And in a certain room, a few old people watched Xu Rong's evaluation of Pu Cunxi's appearance just now on the screen, and they were also caught in an argument.

"Huang Fangwu is over 80 years old. Rather than saying that Yan Meiyi is his lover, it is more appropriate to describe it as a confidant. I do not agree with his understanding."

"No, no, you forgot their roles. Both of them have lived abroad for most of their lives. They can accept and even get used to the idea of ​​free love."

"Accept it and accept it. Now Huang Fangwu is angry. Isn't it normal for people to ignore other people's feelings when they are emotional?!"

After a while, Xu Xiulin asked a question that caught everyone off guard: "Have you ever chased after the girl you like?"

While several old people were arguing, Xu Rong turned his gun and pointed at Gong Lijun: "Mr. Gong, I mean, if, if you are really an old lady in her 80s, when you are so tired , do you want to stop and slow down before speaking?"

The cheerful atmosphere in the rehearsal hall quickly dissipated, and everyone suddenly realized that Xu Rong seemed to have removed the word "deputy" from his "assistant director".

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