I'm just an actor

Chapter 448 Birth

Chapter 448 Birth
"Impureness" is Lan Yingying's subjective feeling. Xu Rong's performance gave her the feeling that there is an inconspicuous blemish on a piece of shocking and rare jade. This blemish does exist, but if she has to define it The origin and cause of silk flaws are really difficult for others.

When she saw Xu Rong criticize Pu Cunxi and Gong Lijun just now, she thought that the atmosphere of Renyi was like this, so she said it according to her feeling.

After the words were out of her mouth, she immediately realized that maybe she had made a mistake, and almost all eyes in the rehearsal hall were focused on her in an instant. Everyone's eyes were strange, being watched by more than 20 pairs of eyes, her The long and thin face flushed brightly. Mr. Xu is the head of the department and the vice-captain of the Human Artists Team. How could there be problems with his acting?
She waved her hands in a hurry to defend, "I'm sorry Xu, Director Xu, I'm talking nonsense, I'm sorry."

Xu Rong looked at the embarrassed Lan Yingying, and comforted her in a warm voice: "There's nothing to be ashamed of, don't worry too much, you don't understand our family's traditions when you first came here, if you have any comments or suggestions, especially in terms of creation, just If you don’t think it’s appropriate, just bring it up, don’t think that if you are a senior, the leader will dare not say it, you can’t say it, we don’t have so many rules in Renyi.”

He really thinks so, for a newcomer, if it makes sense to give an opinion to the senior, it can help the senior to improve and grow; A culture that benefits without harm is, of course, also a culture that counters traditional culture.

Seeing that Lan Yingying was still waving her hand quickly, Xu Rong half-jokingly and half-seriously said: "But let's say yes first, you're right, as soon as you graduate, I will approve you to become a regular immediately. If what you say is unreasonable, I will let you become a regular now." , I will wear small shoes for you every day from now on."


The frozen air in the rehearsal hall flowed again because of Xu Rong's jokes. Lan Yingying looked at Xu Rong's kind and encouraging smile and calmed down a little. In Renyi, Xu Rong is her only acquaintance.

Xu Rong is her university teacher. Although she only took one class in total, she is also a teacher.

When the laughter fell, Xu Rongcai said: "You can say what you think. You haven't left school yet. As your teacher, I will teach you another lesson. Things that shouldn't be said are rotten in your stomach. Things that should be said , speak out boldly, even if it is wrong, don’t say half and leave half, hesitating, vague, if you can’t stand your own mind, who else can you count on to support you?”

Listening to Xu Rong's encouragement, Lan Yingying's eyes were almost covered with mist, and said: "I, I just feel that everything in your performance is very, very perfect, and the cadence of your lines is also very pleasant, but, but it's like Something is missing."

Xu Rong was embarrassed again, paused, and then asked puzzledly: "Something is missing, what is missing?"

In front of more than 20 people, he began to feel troublesome about the current situation. In his prediction, Lan Yingying's understanding of the script or characters should have been biased, and the next development was probably caused by Lan Yingying's doubts. She didn't feel embarrassed to give the answer and encouraged her, and then Lan Yingying expressed her gratitude with tears of gratitude.

If he hadn't been notified in advance, he would have suspected that Lan Yingying was entrusted to him by Ren Ming or Pu Cunxi.

If the questions Lan Yingying raised were of a higher level, then maybe today’s scene will be recorded in the history of Human Art, as one of the events in the mature performance system of Human Art, just like the Q&A of Jiao Juyin and Yu Zhizhi in the past.

But Lan Yingying's expression was like a hooligan: Your acting is not good, as for why it is not good, I can't say.

"Emotions?" Lan Yingying said uncertainly, but then she shook her head again, "It doesn't seem like it is, sorry, I don't know how to describe it."

Xu Rong nodded thoughtfully, and said: "No hurry, it's not too late to tell me when you figure it out, but since you didn't say anything, I can't make you a regular today."


Xu Rong smiled and nodded kindly to Lan Yingying again.

Intern, Lan Yingying.

Of course he is aware of the problems in his lines, or in other words, his problems are common to all Chinese-speaking actors, so that no matter the audience or his peers, they never think this is a problem, and have become accustomed to it.

He discovered very early on that the current performance system, whether it is the Strasberg system or the Strasberg system, is not completely suitable for Chinese actors. , cross talk, and quyi are all sent forward, and the letters are polysyllabic, and the vocal part is at the back, so the bel canto is sent from the back to the front. It seems that there is not much difference, they are all sent forward, but in the actual application process. This leads to great deviations. When speaking Chinese with the bel canto training method, the monosyllabic Chinese characters come out after turning around in the mouth. To a certain extent, it can be said to be 'diluted'.

His vocal training is based on the bel canto training of the Western performance system. It is not impossible to use Chinese, but just like his Carrera, it is not impossible to add 95 and 92, but there is a subtle difference between the two. Different, this kind of difference will not cause any problems at all when compared with Mazda, but if compared with the leader's car, the defects will be infinitely magnified immediately.

He also realized this problem before. When speaking lines in bel canto, the posterior pharyngeal cavity is often tight, but he has made up for this defect through traditional relaxation, pointing exercises and other methods. Although it still exists, it still exists. The impact on the whole has reached a point where it can basically be ignored.

But now, he has borrowed the chanting skills of opera, and this problem has been magnified by him.

It also proves that it is completely unworkable to forcibly combine the performance system of the West and the performance of traditional opera.

He wasn't sure if Lan Yingying was referring to this issue, if so, it would reveal the fact that she had no concept of the technique of "lines", but any actor who has studied acting to a certain extent would know that this is an innocent problem solved.

If he, Xu Rong, can solve it, Nortel, China Opera, Shanghai Opera, and China Communications will immediately award him a title of professor at the same time.

Xu Rong sat back at the director's table and looked down. The bell that was originally on his left and Ren Ming's right was replaced by a scene notebook at some point, and the bell ran between Ren Ming and Tang Ye.

Xu Rong understood what Ren Ming meant, it wasn't that he didn't want to say it, but he said it last.

He watched Pu Cunxi and Gong Lijun come on stage again, and subconsciously glanced at the bell again. He was sure that neither Pu Cunxi nor Gong Lijun were fully prepared for this stage, and their feelings were too far apart.

No matter how well they line up, there is a high probability that they will not be allowed to play in the end. This show was originally tailor-made for a few old men and old ladies.

When Lan Yingying came on stage, he remembered Lan Yingying's "criticism" just now.

The little girl really dared to say, how could this be a matter of feelings?

He smiled silently and shook his head.

But he shook his head halfway, and he thought of Li Xuejian, the actor who could act without a voice and shed tears.

He thought of Zheng Rong, the feudal actor who walked out in four steps.

In the end, he thought of a colorful actor he had never met before, that Qiu Shengrong who sang "Five Dragons Locked" with pride.

Emotion is an abstract concept. In the technical industry, using abstract concepts to describe specific technical operations is a hooligan behavior.

But if the physical actions are completely put aside, how are the emotions in the lines shaped?


Logical break?

Mental break?

Is there any other way to shape it?

A word suddenly popped up in Xu Rong's mind.


This was Lan Yingying's evaluation of him just now.

But at this moment, this word is like a lighthouse that suddenly lights up in the dark night.


some! !
some! ! !

He thought of Cheng Pai's "back of the head voice", a way of using the breath through the diaphragm.

Is there any other way to manipulate "Qi"?

In other words, is qi itself the carrier of emotion, and there is no need to manipulate the "sound"?
For example, "stealing qi" in opera means to inhale a little breath quickly, and it should be light and fast, without leaving any traces. Of course, this kind of simple use of qi cannot have the effect of adding emotion to "qi", but it is still a Direction, because the technique of stealing air has the effect of making the "meaning" of the lines coherent.

Breathing is the most basic operation mode of Qi, and it is also the most easily adjusted characteristic of Qi. Of course, it is also the most effective way, such as taking a deep breath and exhaling slowly?

That is, take a deep breath, control the core strength, and push the lines bit by bit. What kind of feeling will this give the audience?

Conversely, if you take a deep breath and breathe out quickly, what kind of feeling will it give the audience?
What about speeding up the gas?
What about slowing down the running speed of Qi?
What about holding your breath?
What about cheering up?
At a certain moment, Xu Rong stopped the more and more active thoughts in his mind, he felt that he had gone from one extreme to another.

The adjustment of qi also needs to match the corresponding vocalization method, such as deep breathing and quick exhalation, you cannot "extremely perform", if the normal pronunciation can only reach "g", then the highest vocalization can only be "f", because once the limit is reached , the sound will appear hoarse.
There is also three-chamber resonance, which is also one of the ways to shape Qi
Xu Rong sat on the chair and felt that the whole world was completely quiet. His thoughts had never been more active. The techniques, skills, and theories accumulated over the past years finally burst out after fierce collisions with traditional operas. The brightest spark.

Lan Yingying's "criticism" just now kicked him into the gate of a new world by mistake.

At this time, he has already stood in this new world. When he perfects this system of breath and voice, for film and television actors, based on the theory of "harmony", this system should basically be completed by one-fifth to three-thirds. One-third, but for voice actors, a whole new system has been formed.

"Xu Rong?"

"Xu Rong?"

"Xu Rong?"

Ren Ming waved his hand in front of Xu Rong, and asked, "Do you have anything to say?"

Xu Rong opened his mouth, and after a pause of three or four seconds, he opened his mouth and asked, "I want to say something."

Ren Ming frowned slowly. He always felt that Xu Rong's state was very strange, as if he had lost his soul, and his words were even more wrong, especially the three words "want to say", which was like a person who was hurt. The huge stimulus caused the thinking to stagnate.

But his eyes were very bright, and he didn't get distracted in the slightest.

When Xu Rong heard the voice coming out of his own mouth, he also froze for a moment. When he said the three words "what do you want to say?" Movement, and to the word "the", even a little slower.

He originally wanted to express the emotion of "doubt" through breath, but it seems that he used the wrong way.

However, he has roughly guessed how to use it is correct.

After staring at Ren Ming for three seconds, a bright smile slowly appeared on his face. When Ren Ming was caught off guard, he stood up suddenly, turned around and ran out of the rehearsal hall.

He needs to record the ideas just now, and then verify, expand, and correct them one by one.

"Boom." The door of the rehearsal hall slammed heavily against the wall, making a muffled sound.



"Ha ha ha ha."

Everyone in the rehearsal hall was stunned. Listening to the gradually lowering laughter and strange shouts from the corridor, Tang Ye murmured, "Captain Xu, didn't you get stimulated?"

Ren Ming stared blankly at the two security guards running towards the end of the corridor, then turned his head to look at Pu Cunxi: "Brother Pu, Xiao Xu, nothing will go wrong, right?"

He had never seen Xu Rong lose his composure like this before. From when he asked a question to when Xu Rong ran out, Xu Rong acted like he was crazy.

Pu Cunxi frowned and shook his head at the two security guards who had come to the door, and said, "I'll go and see what's going on."

He vaguely remembered that ever since Lan Yingying "criticized" Xu Rong, he had been distracted.

But he didn't believe it could drive him crazy.

And he heard the direction of the laughter, Xu Rong should have gone upstairs.

In a room upstairs, Lan Tianye, Zheng Rong, and Zhu Xu stood up from the sofa one after another. They noticed Xu Rong's sleepwalking state, but they also heard his last inexplicable "I want to say."

At a certain moment, Zheng Rong came to his senses and eagerly yelled at the youngest Xu Xiulin: "Quick, stop Xiao Pu, don't let him disturb Xiao Xu."

Although Xu Xiulin didn't understand what was going on, she also guessed that it must be something important, and was about to get up when she caught a glimpse of Zhu Xu trotting all the way, opened the door and ran out.

Zheng Rong turned his head again, looked at the nearly static screen, smiled, and slowly sat back in the wheelchair. Just a few minutes ago, they witnessed the birth of a brand new way of using breath and sound.

Xu Rong unknowingly explored a brand-new line system. Although he used it immaturely or even wrongly, he did express a certain kind of line completely through the lines without using the bel canto method. emotion.

Even if the sentiment is out of place or even wrong.

"It's incredible, it's incredible."

"Yes, we are witnesses."

Lan Tianye sat down slowly, and after a few seconds, he slapped his thigh suddenly: "It's broken."

"What's the matter?" Lu Zhong vaguely guessed some kind of possibility, but she still couldn't believe it, seeing Lan Tianye and Zheng Rong startled, she asked suspiciously.

Lan Tianye hurriedly got up and left the room: "I have to find Zhang Heping, and I must call him back immediately."

(End of this chapter)

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