I'm just an actor

Chapter 449 Trying

Chapter 449 Trying
Pu Cunxi chased out the door from the rehearsal hall worriedly, carefully recalling everything that happened before in his mind.

He couldn't figure out the reason for Xu Rong's gaffe.

When he got to the stairwell, he acted like the stairs went up a dozen steps, turned a corner, and heard high or low voices with different emotions coming from upstairs. He stopped at the corner of the stairs and listened carefully.

"Everything is improved, so why isn't my salary improved?"


"The person whose behavior is the most ridiculous is always the first to speak ill of others."


"Poor children, it's not that I don't know why you are here. I understand all of your sufferings, but although you are suffering, my suffering is far greater than all of you."

"Wow haha"

"Don't just say what comes to mind, think twice about everything."

Pu Cunxi hurriedly quickened his pace. Xu Rong read all the lines of classic operas, but the way he read them was extremely weird. It was clearly a line of "grievance", but he said it with joy, and he said it clearly should express joy, but he said it Pretentious, like a child who doesn't know how to play at all, got a few lines and tested the most suitable tone.

But Xu Rong, as a student from a major, couldn't possibly be ignorant of the context of these lines.

What worries him the most is that the lines of Xu Rong's dramas are always mixed with the emotional color tone of Peking Opera, "Wow, hello, wow, haha".

"Everything is improved, so why isn't my salary improved!"

Hearing Xu Rong read a line from "Teahouse" again, Pu Cunxi slowed down slightly. Compared to before, although Xu Rong's tone was still affirmative, he was no longer telling a fact as before.

After about seven or eight seconds, the voice came again.

"Everything is improved, so why isn't my salary improved?"

Pu Cunxi stopped completely. Although he didn't know what happened to Xu Rong just now, but he was able to retell the line almost authentically, which proved that there was nothing wrong with him. Maybe the reaction just now was just something he thought of. A happy event that can't contain the excitement.

"Everything is improved, so why isn't my salary improved?"

Three seconds later, Pu Cunxi was about to lift his foot to walk up the last ten or so steps, when he heard each word smash into his ear like marbles, his raised foot was fixed in the air.

"Everything is improved, so why isn't my salary improved?"

"Everything is improved, so why isn't my salary improved?"

Compared with other art forms, the performance system of human art has its unique characteristics, and these characteristics also have their unique historical causes.

For example, the tradition of performing without microphones is not because actors show off their basic skills. During the Anti-Japanese War, there were thousands or even more soldiers in the audience of each performance, but the conditions of the troops were difficult and there was no audio equipment at all. To achieve this effect, actors must develop solid basic skills.

As an imported product, drama has also absorbed Western bel canto vocalization methods, such as the vowel a. The actor's mouth opening and closing degree is often relatively large when vocalizing, but this situation will cause the throat part to participate insufficiently, so the voice produced is relatively large. "Horizontal", the breath is shallow, the voice is scattered, and there is no focus.

The solution to bel canto is to adopt the mixed vowel pronunciation method, that is, when practicing a, mix the vowel o or u, so that the sound can be more concentrated.

This pronunciation method originated in Italy is not created for monosyllabic characters, but the innovation of "sound" is not achieved by reading the words in the most comfortable posture. As a tool for performance, "sound" is clear, loud, It is the basic premise to transmit pleasantly to the audience's ears, but its formation is a series of things such as vocal posture, breathing method, vowel pronunciation, phoneme transition, articulation muscle strength, resonance position, extended range, vocal area connection, volume strength, and voice modeling. The comprehensive results of technology, without solving the basic problems in all aspects, let alone innovation, can't even speak a word of "human language" on the stage.

And Xu Rong's pronunciation obviously gave up the textbook method of bel canto. His mouth shape of each word seems to have never changed, but the degree of cohesion and "mellowness" of his voice seems to have improved a lot.

Theoretically, Xu Rong's way of speaking must have certain drawbacks. The emotion that can be "carried" by the lines will become thinner, but Xu Rong uses other unknown methods to make every word of him full of emotion, and the words and words are in harmony with each other. There is also a "meaning" connection between words.

Pu Cunxi is very aware of the significance of this technology. Making Chinese characters sound better is only second. The significance of this new technology is that it reduces the requirements for actors who use monosyllabic characters, which can greatly improve the performance life of actors and reduce stage performance. threshold.

Compared with tens or hundreds of years ago, theater technology has surpassed the past by a long time. Theoretically, the basic skill requirements for actors to perform in the theater are lower, but in essence, it is exactly the opposite. It is also a minority of the minority, and some even wear mics, because the basic skills are not solid enough, resulting in a relatively "loose" voice, and then it is difficult to distinguish what the audience is saying after being transmitted through the equipment.

Only then did Pu Cunxi realize how big a deal Xu Rong had done.

He has always regarded Xu Rong as a half-old child. In fact, Xu Rong is only 26 years old, and he is indeed only a half-old child. Even though Xu Rong is the "eldest son", Pu Cunxi always feels that he is still in his prime and has not To the point where the "firstborn" is needed to take responsibility.

"Everything is improved, so why isn't my salary improved?"

Listening to the increasingly smooth, mellow, and full of emotion from upstairs, he suddenly had the illusion of getting old, and the image of Xu Rong in his mind also grew from a half-grown child to an adult in an instant.

He could tell that Xu Rong had borrowed methods and techniques from various genres and art forms, but this did not affect his reputation as a "master".


Pu Cunxi stood on the spot for a long time, listening to the tinkle of mellow monosyllabic words, he slammed his fist heavily on the handrail of the stairs.


Just as he landed his second punch, Zhu Xu's figure had already appeared at the top of the stairs, staring at him fiercely with big bags under his eyes, but he said nothing.

Pu Cunxi raised his head, looked at Zhu Xu, opened his mouth slightly, and his lips trembled slightly.

This is a generation of acting masters he has personally cultivated!
Xu Rong is different from most actors. He is a typical scholar-type actor, and his techniques have a perfect guiding theory. He is [-]% sure that Xu Rong's achievements at this time are by no means unconscious instincts. Just like in the past, the current The situation must also be a high degree of integration of theory and practice.

And based on his achievements at this time, he has already stood at the pinnacle of this industry. Once fully formed, he will be the next generation after Stanislavsky, Brecht, Mei Lanfang, and Richard Schechner. A world-renowned performance master.

The master's place of growth and work, Renyi, is also the birthplace of this new system, and will surely become a new "sacred place" in the performance industry.

In the dean's office at the end of the corridor, Zhang Heping, who has been busy since early in the morning, didn't pay much attention to Xu Rong's yelling at first. It's normal for an actor to practice his voice in a theater, let alone Xu Rong, but "Wow! "As soon as the Beijing opera sound came out, he couldn't sit still, and he had no problem opening his voice. Isn't it a little too much for you to let people sing Peking opera?

He got up and walked to the door. Just as he poked his head out, he saw Mr. Lan Tianye trotting over from a distance.

Zhang Heping was startled, and hurriedly went up to greet him: "Oh, old man, please slow down."

Before he could speak the second half of his words, he was stopped by Lan Tianye's "silence" gesture. He sharply stopped, paused, and lowered his voice: "Old man, is there anything urgent?"

Lan Tianye pointed to the office behind him.

The two of them entered the room and closed the door. Lan Tianye immediately said, "Principal, Xiao Xu must be transferred back from school immediately. We can't wait another day."

Zhang Heping nodded with a smile, and said: "Don't worry, old man, I have already arranged everything, and I can transfer back next year."

"Then how will it work?!" Lan Tianye saw Zhang Heping's unhurried appearance, and his heart became more and more anxious, "I can't wait any longer, until next year, the daylily will be cold!"

Zhang Heping saw that the old man was getting angry and anxious as he talked more and more, so he hurriedly comforted him: "Mr. Bar?"

Ever since the new year passed, Zhang Heping has been very busy. There is a backlog of large and small piles for the [-]th anniversary. Promise to let people go.

And the vacancy in the courtyard will not be vacated until August of this year.

"Didn't you hear that just now?"

"Hear what?"

"Xu Rong is reading his lines!"

"Oh, just as I was talking, he also sang two lines of Peking Opera."

Lan Tianye looked at Zhang Heping's happy face, and wished he could slap him on the fat face. It's annoying for a layman. If you don't show him all the results, he won't be able to see anything. But wait for Xu Rong It is absolutely impossible for the Central Academy of Drama to let go of such an opportunity to become the world's top school in one fell swoop if the results are fully displayed.

At that time, they knew that Xu Rong was a man of arts and crafts, but the leaders above did not know, nor did the colleagues at home and abroad.

And once Xu Rong's thesis is published, scholars at home and abroad will only go to Chinese opera, not human art, when visiting and studying in the future, and Xu Rong's voice is naturally suitable for monosyllabic language actors. As time goes by, the status of Chinese opera and human art It must be adjusted.

In the past, the tradition of advanced training in human arts in Chinese opera has to be completely adjusted.

Lan Tianye took a deep breath and said, "Dean, I'm not trying to scare you. If Xiao Xu is not transferred back now, he will never be able to return to the courtyard in his life, and Zhongxi will become the world's best There is no one among the top acting colleges.”

"Grandpa, are you kidding me?"

Lan Tianye opened the door, pointed at the voice of the lines coming from the corridor, and asked aggressively, "If there is a master like Stanislav in the Central Academy of Drama, do you still think that the Central Academy of Drama is not qualified to become the world's top university?"

The tired smile on Zhang Heping's face gradually faded, and he asked cautiously: "Teacher Lan, can you explain a little more clearly, what is the relationship between Xu Rong and Stanislav?"

"It is that he is likely to reach the height of Stanislav in the future."

Zhang Heping was stunned for a long while, Xu Rong was able to reach the height of Stanislav, he felt that the old man was joking with him.

However, looking at the old man Zhu Xu who was blocking the other end of the corridor like a door god to prevent anyone from disturbing him, he felt a strong uneasiness in his heart for no reason.

This uneasiness immediately made him realize that he might have to pay a painful price for his decision, but he still said uneasy: "Yes, how likely is it?"

"At least, seventy percent."

Zhang Heping's eyes widened a bit, and after standing still for a few seconds, he picked up the keys on the table and ran out of the office without looking back, cursing: "You fucking son of a bitch Xu Xiangkeng!"

The goal of Renyi Academy is to "build a world-class theater", and now, although he has not fully understood what is going on, the possibility of Renyi becoming a world-class theater seems to have arrived.

A master with a [-]% chance of being comparable to Stanislav.

At noon, when classmate Xiao Zhang came to the stairs with his meal, he saw Uncle Zhu Xu lying on the deck chair at the stairs and two security guards who looked like javelins, and subconsciously stopped.

On the other side, Grandpa Lan Tianye and two security guards were guarding in the same manner.

The state of the security guard made her feel a little familiar.

Just as classmate Xiao Zhang was about to talk to her, a security guard stopped her with his hand, and said in a low voice, "Mr. Zhang, I'm sorry, Team Xu has important work right now, so no one should disturb her."

This is the division of labor between them and Zhu Xu. They stop whoever they can, and the old man who they can't.

Xiao Zhang did not dare to force her way in. The current battle, "important work" and "do not disturb" reminded her a lot.

At the other end of the corridor, Lan Tianye sat up straight and looked at the security guard on the side: "How long has it been there?"

The security guard looked down at the time: "Yes, it's been an hour and a half."

Lan Tianye stood up uneasily. Xu Rong had been trying various lines since he returned to the office from the rehearsal hall, but more than an hour ago, there was no more than half a complete voice in the room, and it became one by one. separate words.

He seems to be having some trouble.

In the office, Xu Rong was prostrate on the ground. He was indeed in trouble. The core of his lines was qi, but the flow of qi was also restricted by his physical condition. For example, it was extremely strenuous for him to curl up into a ball and sing loudly.

This seems to be a paradoxical knot.




After trying several times in a row, Xu Rong got up again, walked to the table, looked at the densely packed contents in the notebook, and fell into deep thought.

(End of this chapter)

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