I'm just an actor

Chapter 450 Concept

Chapter 450 Concept
At the gate of the Capital Theater, looking at the cancellation notice posted just now, Ding Lijun, the short and fat office director, said to the two security guards: "Close the door quickly, it will delay Team Xu's affairs, can you take care of it?! "

Pu Cunxi, who was about to go back, paused slightly when he heard the words, and sighed silently.

The courtyard was not harmonious either. Xu Rong was promoted so quickly, it was inevitable that some people would have opinions.

Ding Lijun is an old man at Renyi. In terms of seniority, he has been assigned to Renyi for more than 20 years. Outsiders always think that the office is a fat job, but in fact it is also a hard job. If there is a slight mistake in the courtyard, the director of the office will take care of it. Can't get rid of the responsibility, let alone welcome and send, take the cake and take the blame. The office director is both a wine bag and an air bag.

Renyi is an art group, and the actor team, creative studio and stage beauty department are the most important core departments, especially the creative studio and actor team, and in his opinion, Ding Lijun's level is worse than that of Xiao Xu, isn't it 01:30 point.

He originally wanted to say a few words to Ding Lijun, so as not to suffer in the future, but in the end he swallowed the words again.

Xu Rong's treatment after entering Renyi was no worse than that of Ren Ming. Zheng Rong and Zhu Xu escorted him all the way, and Zhang Heping and him often supported each other, which caused some misunderstandings among some people in the courtyard. Without the help of their leaders and seniors, it is inevitable to stumble.

Just like some people's misunderstanding of Ren Ming's "no city".

Pu Cunxi was silent because he felt it was unnecessary, and compared to Ding Lijun's dissatisfaction with Xu Rong, there was one more important thing he needed to take care of.

Once Xu Rong's performance system is established, it must be extended.

In the original plan, Xu Rong was one of the head teachers of Renyi's current troupe, but it is obviously not feasible now. Renyi's performance system originated from the former Soviet Union, which is the typical Stuart system. After Jiao Juyin and others The localization transformation of the predecessors has formed a drama system based on the Si's system and in the style of realism.

What is certain is that Xu Rong created a line technique that is different from Bel Canto, which has led to a certain difference between Xu Rong's line style and the past human-art actors. Almost all of the results were in vain.

Emotionally, this is unacceptable to him. He was born here, grew up here, and aged here. He has devoted almost his whole life to this place.

But on the other hand, he can feel the great potential and bright future of the system created by Xu Rong.

This is a typical performance system with Chinese as the standard voice.

So far Xu Rong only has one student, Song Yi.

Like Stanislav's disciples Michael Chekhov, Katerina Brinel, Demidov, Meyerhold, and Vakhtangov, Xu Rong's future academic Status and influence, his students will most likely become important figures in the field of Chinese theater, performance theory, and performance education in the future. As disciples, of course, they also bear the responsibility of promoting and applying his theories.

If new students are not allowed to learn Xu Rong's acting methods, after a few years, when Xu Rong is full of peaches and plums, they may still have to go back and learn, regardless of whether it is too late, his insistence now is tantamount to misleading people children.

The Moscow Art Theater could accommodate Methodism, but the Soviet Union could not.

Office of the director of Chinese opera.

Xu Xiang looked at the business transfer letter that Zhang Heping pushed to him, and said in surprise, "To take care of the family and the relationship between husband and wife? Director Xu is in our school, and it also affects his relationship with husband and wife. Doesn't it make sense?"

Zhang Heping said with a smile: "I'm not afraid of your jokes, brother. Isn't this for the Plum Blossom Award? We happen to have a quota this year. Xu Rong is still with you, so I'm afraid people will gossip."

Xu Xiang was stunned when he heard the words, hesitated a little, and said: "Dean Zhang is really sorry, we have to borrow Xiao Xu for another year, we just opened the Peking Opera performance major last year, this year we plan to list this major, and Xiao Xu will be in charge , he is Shang Changrong's disciple, and no one can say anything if he is in charge."

"As for the judging committee of the Plum Blossom Award, I will communicate with you, which is equivalent to what I owe you."

The smile on Zhang Heping's face gradually faded, he stared at Xu Xiang suspiciously, and said, "Xu, you don't want to delay until I retire, do you?"

Xu Xiang let out an "ah" and said in disbelief, "Oh my brother, how could you think so?"

Does he know that Zhang Heping should retire?

When Xu Rong was coaxed to come here, he considered Zhang Heping's retirement time.

It stands to reason that Zhang Heping should have quit last year. Once Renyi gets a new dean, or if the position of dean has been vacant for a few years, he will come first. .

When Xu Rong was quickly promoted to the vice president, and he called raw rice cooked rice, he didn't believe that Xu Rong could go back!
This is how Ren Ming stayed at Renyi back then.

But Zhang Heping is not an ordinary dean of human arts, in terms of energy, he is only worse than the old dean who was both the dean of human art and Chinese opera.

When Zhang Heping and Xu Xiang were discussing Xu Rong's affiliation, Xu Rong looked away from his notebook, and instead searched his memory for discussions about aura in various genres, large and small.

At present, the mainstream performance theory system is dominated by three schools, but not all three schools, such as Ge School, Human Performance School, etc. also have their place. Some of these schools with less influence have a lack of sound theoretical system, which leads to their emphasis. For example, Gepai pays more attention to body shape, while others have higher requirements on the talents of learners. In essence, even the three major schools, their guiding theories are not a complete system, but they are relatively perfect compared with the small schools.

But what can be called a "pai" is a proven system of theories and skills that can be used for most roles.

Although he basically has the qualifications to be called a school, he did not intend to name his method "a certain school" or "a certain school". The traditional philosophical concept of "to neutralize", more than half of the methods and techniques are borrowed from other schools and art forms, large and small. He believes that as more and more colleagues join in, to learn, use, innovate and improve, A system of guiding theories, training methods, and application skills will become more and more perfect, and eventually become one of the mainstream performance systems in the world. In countries where the mother tongue is monosyllabic, it will become the undisputed mainstream performance system.

Moreover, compared with other mainstream schools of thought, this new system has a huge advantage, that is, he is relatively young as the founder, and he still has decades to explore and improve.

After contemplating for a long time, he walked to the window, and his thoughts drifted away aimlessly with his eyes. After a while, he retracted his eyes and landed on Xiaogege Alley on the side of the theater. At the corner of the alley, five people wearing certain clothes Half-grown children in martial arts school uniforms were discussing something enthusiastically as they walked.

At the end of the corridor, Zhu Xu heard a familiar voice, opened his eyes, and found that it was Xiao Zhang, and said, "Xiao Zhang, come to deliver food to Xiao Xu?"

"Mr. Zhu, what is Mr. Xu doing?" Xiao Zhang asked softly, pointing in the direction of the corridor. She was a little puzzled. If Mr. Xu was receiving the leaders, why were the two seniors guarding here?
Zhu Xu listened attentively for a while, then said in a low voice, "I'll go take a look for you."

He didn't hear a whole line from Xu Rongnian for more than an hour, and he felt a little uneasy.

Like a spectator, he watched Xu Rong groping for a way in the boundless wilderness. He didn't know where Xu Rong was going, but he knew that he stopped at this moment.

He stood up and tiptoed along the corner towards Xu Rong's office.

At the end of the corridor, Lan Tianye looked at Zhu Xu's actions, and he was almost amused. This guy has been unreliable since he was young, but he didn't expect to be unreliable in the end.

But he couldn't shout loudly, if Xu Rong was disturbed and his thoughts were interrupted, he would regret it for the rest of his life, so he could only use his movements to signal him to be gentle, so as not to disturb Xu Rong.

He was also a little curious about Xu Rong's state.

After Zhu Xu walked a few steps, he saw Lan Tianye kept gesturing to his feet with his hands. He looked down, hesitated, bent down and took off his shoes lightly, slid barefoot against the wall, towards Xu Rong's The office is close by.

"Okay, I'll get up, I'll get up, you don't have to hit me!"

When Zhu Xu was only two or three meters away from the door of Xu Rong's office, Xu Rong's voice echoed abruptly in the corridor. Zhu Xu was so frightened that he leaned on the wall and stood there without daring to move.

The sound suddenly rises and then disappears.

The hallway fell silent again.

Zhu Xu stood still for a while, and after hesitating a few times, he turned his head silently and went back.

At this time, Xu Rong was kneeling on the floor of the office, with his head held high, his eyes squinting upwards, silently feeling his physical and psychological state.

After a few seconds, his mouth slightly opened in an "O" shape, and said, "Okay."

Cheng Yanqiu used the back of his head to form his unique singing voice, and he used resonance to form a unique way of vocalization, while "emotion" is dominated by breath.

"Okay, I'll get up, I'll get up, you don't have to hit me!"

The state of the body will affect the flow rate and direction of the breath, which means that theoretically, it is impossible for an actor to speak extremely relaxed lines in an extremely restrained state.

The five students wearing martial arts school uniforms walking in the alley just now made him suddenly aware of another skill he was proficient in.


One of the main points of Bajiquan is to breathe naturally, that is, the body state and breathing are in harmony. Specifically, when exerting force lightly and implicitly, with shoulder blades released and chest cavity stretched, one must consciously inhale, force calmly, firmly, Including, when the chest cavity is contracted, you should exhale consciously.

The second point is the integration of the inside and the outside, that is, the consistency of body movements and intentions.

These two main points make up for the last flaw in his line theory, that is, performance should not violate physiological actions, that is, when performing "pain", the ideal state is to be able to feel physical pain.

After figuring this out, Xu Rong stood up slowly, and wrote two words heavily in the notebook.

"Physiological action" and "psychological action".


This is the direction of his next research, exploration, and practice, and it is also an important part of the system.

Performance is not divided into modules. Qi, voice, and lines must involve the body, just like the basic content of voice, stage, shape, and appearance taught in universities. They are also learned at the same time, instead of learning one module first and then learning another module.

Lan Yingying's criticism gave him inspiration. A breakthrough in sound is equivalent to cutting through the Iron Curtain of the entire skill system.

Xu Rong looked at the seven and a half pages in the notebook, with a relaxed smile on his face. Some of the foundations of these seven and a half pages came from Li Xuejian, some from Tong Zirong, some from the seniors of Renyi, and some from Shang Chang. The teaching of content.

But now, on the basis of these various theories and techniques, he has creatively established a line system suitable for Chinese with breath as the core, and thus extended the need for form.

It can be said that he has completed two-fifths of the entire system.

He gently put down the notebook,

"Counting the romantic figures, let's look at the present!"

At the same time, upon hearing Xu Rong's chanting, Pu Cunxi, who was squatting in the stairwell, immediately came to his senses: "This is, it's over?"

There were more than 20 people standing or sitting in the stairwell. Some of them were already in the courtyard, and some rushed over after hearing about the exaggerated behavior of the two old men, Lan Tianye and Zhu Xu, to find out.

Everyone agrees with Xu Rong's professional ability, but when it comes to establishing a sect, everyone has some doubts in their hearts.

Wu Gang said uncertainly, "It should be."

Pu Cunxi and Ren Ming looked at each other and said, "Go, let's have a look."

When Xu Rong walked out of the office, he almost died of fright.

In the corridors on both sides of his door, more than 20 pairs of eyes were staring at him, as if they had ambushed here early in the morning.

Xu Rong pursed his dry lips, smiled and said to the people with strange expressions: "Everyone, I happen to have something to tell everyone."

His words stopped abruptly, because Pu Cunxi had already passed him and rushed into the office.

In just a few breaths, he was pushed aside by everyone, and when he realized, only Xiao Zhang was left beside him.

"Don't worry, don't worry, I'll read it to everyone."

Pu Cunxi opened his notebook and read slowly: "First, peace of mind, harmony as a prerequisite?"

Pu Cunxi stopped subconsciously after reading one sentence, and did not read the second sentence followed by "Second, breathing method".

Xu Rong's description made him a little hard to understand.

What is Hehe?
When the excited and expectant crowd heard Pu Cunxi's words, they all subconsciously looked at Xu Rong who was squeezed to the outermost edge, as if they had been poured cold water on their heads.

In the end, Huang Wei asked: "Brother Xu, how should you understand the harmonious posture?"

Xu Rong also looked at Pu Cunxi, who was looking at him suspiciously, for a few seconds, then slowly turned his gaze to a group of colleagues, and found that they were subconsciously avoiding each of them. He asked in disbelief, "Don't you know?"

He thought the concept was as simple as eating and drinking.

(End of this chapter)

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