I'm just an actor

Chapter 452 Ripple

Chapter 452 Ripple
Before 09, the sales volume of Renyi’s academic publications had always been quite satisfactory, so that no one cared about it, but it was not a bestseller either. The situation was probably comparable to the tickets for Renyi’s ordinary performances. During the period when Xu Ronggang entered Renyi , the journal was inexplicably out of stock for a while, but only for a while.

The purpose of the establishment of the journal is not to face the general public. Its default readers are at least university academics with relevant majors.

The articles published by Xu Rong have always been known as "lazy", and the content that can be described in one word, never use two words, let alone laymen, they are also extremely unfriendly to professional practitioners with a little less level. In the past, Xu Rong published articles , Pu Cunxi will often immediately follow up with a comment, explaining some of the difficult and obscure points that Xu Rong took for granted that the audience can understand.

But this time Pu Cunxi did not make any further comments, which led to the fact that even the extremely rare special issue was only spread in a relatively small area on the first day, like a small stone gently dropped on the lake, only close to the public. It is only in the center that a fleeting wave is stirred up.

Beijing Huairou Film and Television Base.

Kong Sheng was wearing a large black T-shirt and a baseball cap, and looked at the staff who were "flying" almost all over the field with red eyes.

Except for the director group who belonged to him, the executives of each group were drawn up by Liu Heping.

From the accents they exchanged, Kong Sheng heard the origins of this group of people, but he couldn't understand, where did Liu Heping find such a large Hong Kong crew?
Having been in the industry for decades, Kong Sheng has long heard about the efficiency of Hong Kong film crews. In the past, the Hong Kong film market was limited, and producers had to control costs to the extreme. Driven by capital, one person often had to undertake the work of at least three people. , which is why some Hong Kong directors can produce one work in a month.

In his heart, he hates the operation mechanism of Hong Kong crews that use people as machines. This is simply the naked exploitation of people by capital. But on the other hand, he hates that his crew cannot be more efficient than Hong Kong crews. As for the inability to kill domestic counterparts.

Movies and TV are commodities in essence. Since they are commodities, profit is always the primary goal. A boss like Xu Rong who spends [-] million for his feelings cannot be regarded as a businessman. At best, he can only be called an upstart.

It's just that this nouveau riche got a little lucky this time. "Bei Ping" was sold for a sky-high price of 6 million before it was launched. Liu Heping also found him such a Hong Kong crew who can be called a super wage earner.

When the scale of investment reaches a certain level, the profit obtained by reducing the cost by 1% is difficult to estimate.

After a while, Zheng Baorui, who was wearing sunglasses, came to Kong Sheng and said neatly, "Director Kong, everything is ok."

Kong Sheng looked down at the time, and it was not yet 10:30. According to his original estimate, it should be [-]:[-] before the arrangement can be done.

Although Zheng Baorui, like most of his Hong Kong counterparts, had a slight sense of alienation in his tone, Kong Sheng didn't mind, and even came up with a bold idea.

Liu Heping, a screenwriter, can pull such a large crew, so why can't he, Director Kong Dao, do it?

"Okay, thank you for your hard work."

Seeing that Xu Rong hadn't come yet, Kong Sheng chatted with Zheng Baorui with a smile: "Mr. Zheng is coming back to the capital for the first time. Are you still used to living here?"

Zheng Baorui obviously didn't expect Kong Sheng to chat with him about such things. After a moment of daze, he nodded lightly: "It's okay."

Seeing that Zheng Baorui didn't seem to want to talk much, Kong Sheng didn't seem to care about it, because Hong Kong people are like this, so he approached patiently: "Mr. , when the ceremony is over, I will take you to taste it?"

Zheng Baorui forced a smile on his face and said, "Thank you, no need."

He wasn't sure if Kong Sheng was trying to test himself. Kong Sheng said it was a treat, but there was a [-]% probability that the film crew would be responsible.

The smile on Kong Sheng's face froze for a moment, but soon returned to nature.

Holding a teacup in one hand and a cigarette in the other, Liu Heping looked at this scene with a smile. He vaguely saw Kong Sheng's plan, but he knew better how to deal with these arrogant Hong Kong colleagues. You will encounter cold asses, and if you only take benefits, you will be considered a fool with a lot of money.

About half an hour later, a white GL8 drove up to the side of the set. Kong Sheng had already remembered Xu Rong's car, and said, "Boss Xu is finally here."

As soon as he finished speaking, Zheng Baorui and Luo Jinfu trotted all the way to the side of the set in no particular order.

Kong Sheng stared at this scene in a daze, then turned his head and looked at Liu Heping with both a smile and a smile: "Old Liu, this man is too special to watch people order food, isn't he?"

Liu Heping laughed twice, but he was not surprised. He heard privately that some directors in the Hong Kong circle had formed a small group to boycott Xu Rong.

But so far, this kind of statement is just gossip on the wine table. No one in the Hong Kong circle of Nuoda has publicly said anything about Xu Rong.

Boycotting but not daring to make it public is not the usual style in the Hong Kong circle. According to their usual habits, it is normal to swarm up and encircle Zhao Wenzhuo as they are now.

But this also shows that on the one hand, they hate Xu Rong extremely, and on the other hand, they are afraid of him.

After Xu Rong got out of the car, he kept saying "sorry". Before he set off to the base, he was not sure whether he could participate in the opening ceremony of "Beijing".

He just finished the promotion interview. Although "Peking" invested [-] million yuan, he can only stay here for half an hour at most today.

In a short period of time, he will not join the group to participate in the filming. The planned shooting time of "Peking" is 170 days, and he will join the group in mid-August.

In the next two months or so, his main energy will still be on the [-]th anniversary celebration.

After hurriedly attending the opening ceremony, Xu Rong didn't stop, he had one more important thing to do.

The stones thrown into the lake gradually began to ripple round and round.

Sitting on the rattan chair, Li Youbin was wearing glasses, frowning as he looked at the special issue of human art brought back by his wife. After a while, he took off his glasses and asked, "This, is it really made by a monk?"

Although the contents of the special issue seemed incredible, he did not have much doubt. If Xu Rong's so-called "deviant" theory had not been tested, it would never have been published in the Human Art Special Issue.

Moreover, since being awarded the title of "Young Performing Artist" by CCTV, Xu Rong has restrained a lot in his life and work. Since he dared to post it, it proves that he has already used this system himself and achieved success.

Shi Lanya, who was only wearing socks and watering the flowers and plants at home, let out an "anger". While pinching the withered leaves in the flowerpot, she glanced at her husband with his back turned away, and told her, "Don't grow up like a monk again." The monk is short. The dean announced yesterday that after a collective vote by the art committee, Mr. Xu will officially serve as the deputy director of the art committee of the academy. I guess the deputy director will be a matter of time. Great leader, if you shout like that again, where will you put your face?!"

"Xu, teacher?" Li Youbin turned his head and looked at his wife suspiciously. She used to call Xu Rong "Xiao Xu".

Shi Lanya put down the water glass, threw the broken leaves into the trash can next to him, and said seriously: "I don't call him that out of respect, but I really admire him, just like Teacher Lan Tianye's evaluation, maybe his business ability He is not the best in the world, but for his contribution to the cause of 'performance', it is not an exaggeration for any relevant practitioner to call him a 'teacher'."

Li Youbin did not refute. He could understand Shi Lanya's mentality very well. Everyone who is engaged in related professions has a bit of admiration for the "super giants" in their own industry. It's the same feeling.

He stared at the word "Hehe" that appeared for the fourth time in the magazine in his hand, and pondered for a while, then opened his mouth slightly, and opened his mouth according to the method introduced by Xu Rong, and made a tone with a slow and long breath Strange question: "Tell me, how did his brain grow?"


The two laughed at the same time, and Shi Lanya sighed: "I watched his rehearsal two days ago, and every line he said has a very special sense of beauty."

After Li Youbin experimented a bit, he returned to the first few pages of the magazine, pondered the "harmony theory" proposed by Xu Rong again, and couldn't help taking a breath.

The line skills created by Xu Rong are not too difficult for him, but it is precisely because of this that when he goes back to study the "harmony theory" and a complete set of internal adjustment skills, he feels even more shocked.

Since the technique is feasible, theoretically, his "harmony theory" should also be feasible.

He somewhat understood why his wife called Xu Rong "teacher". For a performance practitioner, calling a pioneer like Xu Rong "teacher" is not too much.

He gently closed the magazine, and his eyes fixed on the smiling Xu Rong on the cover, always feeling unreal.

In the past, Xu Rong would publish some new things every once in a while, but those theories have never been as shocking as they are today, nor have they received such a high salary. He asked Yite to publish an academic journal, and use his own profile picture as the cover .

He still remembered that when he met Xu Rong for the first time, Xu Rong's face was still a little childish, a little unconfident, and his behavior was not as mature as it is now.

Because he was about the same age as his own children, and the family conditions were difficult, he easily helped him.

Seven or eight years have passed in a flash, and the half-grown child not only became a family, but also became a "big leader" in the eyes of his wife, and was about to become a "master" in the eyes of his peers.

Si Lanya took a glass of water, and while watering a pot of flowers along the living room, he said with emotion: "I feel that Mr. Xu is really going to be prosperous this time. You see, the higher-ups have just proposed soft power and revival. He Immediately came up with one."

"Ding dong."

"Ding dong."

"Ding dong."

The two stopped their movements in unison. Their home is a villa. If there are strangers visiting, most of the time, the doorman will turn on the voice and ring the doorbell. There are only a very few people.

Li Youbin turned his gaze to the direction of the door, and frowned slightly. Although Xu Rong hadn't come for a while, the doorbell today made him feel a little strange.

He stood up, walked to the floor-to-ceiling window and glanced out of the courtyard, he couldn't help but gasped: "I knew this bastard was here."

Shi Lanya hastily put down the water glass in her hand and walked out of the living room.

Xu Rong entered the door, looked at the leader's teacup on the table in the living room and the empty living room, raised his head and asked loudly: "Sister-in-law, where is the leader, why didn't you see anyone?"

Si Lanya, who was standing by Xu Rong's side, heard his voice circling in the villa, stared at him curiously, and asked, "How did you come up with the idea of ​​using breath as the carrier of emotion, and opening the mouth to change the traditional bel canto?" How to pronounce it?"

Xu Rong explained with a smile: "Oh, in fact, I don't have much innovation. I borrowed from everywhere and put together things, and I happened to catch up."

Shi Lanya smiled and shook his head. Xu Rong's line skills are not as meaningful to film and television actors as his "harmony theory", because film and television actors have radio equipment, so they can shoot as usual, but stage actors can't do it. To maintain the cohesiveness of the voice, they either choose bel canto or the "Chinese voice" proposed by Xu Rong.

Hearing Xu Rong's voice, Li Youbin couldn't help being curious. He was a drama actor and knew very well that Xu Rong's lines didn't "circle" in his mouth.

Seeing that no one came out yet, Xu Rong said loudly: "Hey, forget it, if you haven't come, then don't come, I'll come back another day."

Standing upstairs, Li Youbin finally understood what his wife meant by "beauty". Xu Rong said his lines in a normal way, but he was able to keep his lines cohesive. This is probably why he dared to speak in a "Chinese style". "The reason for naming the line vocalization system.

"Hey, the monk is here."

Xu Rong looked at Li Youbin who came down from upstairs, and said with a smile, "Aren't you busy recently?"

"Busy, why not busy?!"

Li Youbin went downstairs holding the magazine, and asked suspiciously: "Monk, tell me the truth, you really made this thing?"

Xu Rong glanced at Shi Lanya, and said, "Well, how should I put it, I'll explain it to you later."

Seeing Xu Rong's mysterious expression, Li Youbin became more and more curious. Before meeting Xu Rong, he didn't really believe it, but after hearing Xu Rong's way of reciting the words just now, he believed it.

Xu Rong's "Chinese-style vocalization" requires a lot of basic breath skills, but for him, this requirement is very low, because this is precisely what he is best at.

"Don't wait, what's going on?"

After sitting down, Xu Rong saw Shi Lanya go upstairs, and whispered: "Do you still remember when I first started filming, you said I had no talent?"

"It's true." After Xu Rong's reminder, Li Youbin really had a little impression, but this also made him more confused.

"Then do you know why I suddenly became enlightened?"


Xu Rong stretched out his index finger and pointed upward with a solemn face.

Li Youbin looked at him suspiciously: "What do you mean?"

Xu Rong smiled meaningfully, but didn't explain it. Instead, he changed the topic and said, "How about we cooperate in a TV series later?"

In the early days of his entry into this industry, the head of the group helped him a lot. Now that he has become famous, he naturally dare not forget the well digger. Considering that the chances of participating in TV dramas will only decrease in the future, he plans to help him make a big fortune as soon as possible. slam desire.

Of course, the premise is that the team leader can beat him and Li Xuejian in the same play.

(End of this chapter)

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