I'm just an actor

Chapter 453 Ripple

Chapter 453 Ripple
"TV drama?"

Li Youbin had to respond instinctively. Since Xu Rong became popular in early 07, "Crossing the Guandong" became the last work of their cooperation. Five years later, he actually didn't have a clear concept of Xu Rong's professional level. The few impressions still come from the scene where he and the two old men were evenly divided during the performance of "Family".

That is, after that scene, the industry gradually formed two general consensuses.

First, Xu Rong was born as a child star.

Second, Xu Rong's talent comes once in 20 years.

Colleagues, especially those with a relatively high level, often talk about Xu Rong as "Xu Rong is different from other actors of the same age. First of all, he was born as a child star and has been acting since he was a child. Most people can't compare him at all. Secondly, his talent is very good. Very high, it is the kind of top-level talent that can only be produced in at least 30 years!" Such words.

And after such words, they often add the sentence "These Li Youbin and Ma Shaohua can testify." This kind of words increases persuasiveness.

Li Youbin was very puzzled when he heard such comments at first. Xu Rong is a good person, but compared to his strong business ability and high emotional intelligence, he is more well-known in the industry as "not to be messed with". I saw him blushing with someone.

As for the famous reputation and Xu Rong, it is even more incompatible.

Until one time when he was asked to "testify" by the media, he also said, "Xu Rong is different from other actors of the same age. First of all, he was born as a child actor. He has been filming since he was a child. The average person can't compare him at all. Secondly, his The talent is very, very high, the kind of top-level talent that can only be produced in at least 30 years!" The words against his will.

Since then, he has also understood the true feelings of those colleagues when they said this sentence.

As one of the top actors in China, Li Youbin is not afraid to play against anyone, and he is also willing to cooperate with colleagues with a high enough level. He always feels that he has never been able to achieve a grand slam. The level is too low, being stared at by myself often can't even speak the lines smoothly.

It's just that when the promised words came to his lips, he stopped again and invited Xu Rong to cooperate in filming. It's not like he hasn't mentioned it before, and he has mentioned it more than once.

But every time Xu Rong finds a reason to shirk, either the situation is not good or the conditions are not allowed, why did he take the initiative to cooperate today?
He was keenly aware that Xu Rong was digging a hole!
He is [-]% sure of this guess. Xu Rong has been improving for the past eight years. Although this is also related to his low starting point, he has not forgotten that the performance of "Home" was last year.

In the past year, Xu Rong didn't have a big breakthrough in his works, but he quietly created a new performance system.

And according to his understanding of Xu Rong, if something has only a [-]% success rate, Xu Rong is taking a considerable risk.

He looked at Xu Rong curiously, did he meet the book that Zhuanben gave him to find a place?

"Yes, a feature-length TV series, directed by Zhang Li, and invested by Changying Film Studio." Xu Rong was keenly aware of Li Youbin's hesitation, and added to dispel his worries, "I have read the book, and the quality is quite good. Now I am sure to participate in it." In addition to me, there are also Li Xuejian and Song Jia."

The two looked at each other for a few seconds, and Xu Rong took out his trump card: "Magnolia can always favor the male second."

"If, I mean if, you perform better than me and Li Xuejian in this drama, even by a little bit, I really can't think of a reason why you can't win this award."

Xu Rong followed the good advice, and the head of the group hit Magnolia countless times, but neither "Bright Sword", which is the pinnacle of war movies, nor "Crossing the Guandong", the representative of period dramas, could make him get what he wanted. There are objective reasons for this, and there are also luck reasons. But I have to say that there is no artificial element. If the performance of the troupe leader is really better than him and Li Xuejian in a play, and the Magnolia jury is still pretending to be blind, then it can really close down.

Li Youbin smiled silently. He knew that Xu Rong was provoking him, but he was really moved. If he could really beat Xu Rong and Li Xuejian to pick the Magnolia, then this trophy would most likely be the most valuable trophy in ten years.

He didn't make a decision right away, but said with a smile: "I'll read the script first, and I'll give you an answer later."

"Let's chat first, I'll go out and buy some food." Shi Lanya changed her clothes and walked down the stairs, "It's just to celebrate Teacher Xu's promotion."

Xu Rong smiled and said, "Sister-in-law, don't be 'Teacher Xu' anymore, I'm embarrassed to call you that, and don't care if I'm promoted or not, just call me 'Little Xu'."

Shi Lanya was stunned for a moment, she said that "celebrating the promotion" was a joke, and the director of the art committee was just an internal statement of the art committee, and did not have any rank, but looking at Xu Rong's appearance, it seemed that this was not the case.

She didn't realize the reason right away. She took the car keys and walked to the door when she suddenly remembered something. She turned her head and asked tentatively, "You won't really be promoted to the vice president?"

Xu Rong looked at the suspicious Shi Lanya. He thought she knew the news in advance after hearing her say that, so he said: "It may not be a good thing. The higher the rank, the greater the responsibility and the pressure."

The reason why I almost missed the opening ceremony this morning was because of the promotion interview.

Hearing Xu Rong's admission, not only Shi Lanya was stunned, but Li Youbin also didn't slow down a bit. Xu Rong's speed was a full year earlier than Ren Ming's back then.

However, he is also more and more curious about Xu Rong's talent. He will become proficient in people's sophistication because of the increase in the people he meets and experiences, but will acting talent really increase with age?

Part of the reason why Xu Rong was able to climb so fast in Renyi was his behavior, and secondly, his management ability was recognized. For example, in "Family", Li Liuyi was the director in name, but in essence Xu Rong was in charge from beginning to end.

Of course, the most important thing is that Xu Rong's ability to "do things" has been recognized by Zhang Heping. In an art group like Renyi, there is no more important "thing" than acting.

Since Xu Rong started his career, every teacher has been a leader in the industry. As a result, he has not only accumulated amazing theoretical knowledge, but also mastered the comprehensive skills that other people can be among the top in the industry as long as they learn it. What is even more speechless is that, Because of his own age, which limits the flaws in his life experience, he specially developed a technique to enhance his sensitivity to life. This crazy method that is extremely easy to cause mental illness makes his "experience" far exceed that of his peers. The combination of these characteristics In the entertainment and film and television circles, they may be buried, but in the urgently needed talents, they will not.

But as an actor, Li Youbin is more aware that everything would be a castle in the air if there is no excellent talent as the backing.

"What did you mean by saying that just now?" Li Youbin repeated Xu Rong's index finger pointing upwards.

Xu Rong knew that Li Youbin was dying of curiosity right now, but he didn't say anything, even if he told him that he could see a strange thing, he probably wouldn't believe it.

And this strange thing seems to be useless now.

Thinking of this, he suddenly remembered that about a week ago, the system seemed to "ding", but he really almost forgot that there was such a thing on him.

Acting training system
Name: Xu Rong

Expression: A
Lines: S
Limbs: A
Eyes: A
Rhythm: S
Comprehensive evaluation: S-
Experience Points: 26/100
Glory value: 0/100
Traits: Baji Master, Baji Mastery, Baji Introduction, Constant Peak (unmounted), Getting Better (Analysis progress: 67%)

Note: S grade is the highest rating.

It is self-evident that the system helped him in the early days of his career. Without the help of the system, it would have been impossible for him to get any opportunities with his talent that was considered quite "wooden".

However, since his various evaluations reached "A", the increase rate of system experience points has fallen into a slow pace, and he has to completely get rid of his little dependence on the system.

When it was time to eat, Shi Lanya asked: "Xu Rong, have you already thought of your theory of harmony?"

After arguing, Shi Lanya didn't call him "Teacher Xu" again, but considering that Xu Rong is the leader after all, calling him "Xiao Xu" was really inappropriate, so he chose a compromise name.

"Why did sister-in-law say that?"

He had indeed thought of the basic theory and internal adjustment techniques a long time ago, but because he could not find a systematic methodology at that time, it was difficult for him to put forward this theory.

Shi Lanya said meaningfully: "Your theory can surpass a hundred Confucius Institutes. In the past, when our national power was not strong, it could only be popular in China at most, and it was very likely to be suppressed by some forces. But in the future It's really hard to say."

Xu Rong didn't immediately understand what she meant, but after a while, he suddenly realized what S Lanya meant.

The core concept of the performance system he put forward, "Hehe", is taken from the essence of traditional Chinese culture, which is the universal value of Chinese people. To learn this system, one must have a deep understanding of the concept of "harmony" and even have this kind of thinking. .

But precisely, those who can learn and can learn his performance system are all public figures.

Xu Rong can't say whether this is a good thing or a bad thing, but once the concept of "harmony" is stripped away, his entire system will collapse immediately, because the basis of the entire system is to maintain a state of "harmony" between himself and the characters.

He couldn't help but think of the method school, a performance system centered on "improvisation" and "emotional memory". Compared with other schools, this system is characterized by "personality" and "easy to use". Western values ​​of "freedom" and "practical" are almost the same.

Every system, whether intentional or unintentional, is more or less contaminated with the core values ​​of the environment in which he lives.

After lunch, Xu Rong didn't stay at Li Youbin's house for a long time, and the vice-principal was going to visit him in the afternoon.

This is the first time he has received such an official business-to-business visit. As for the purpose, he has a vague guess. The performance system he proposed still has major flaws for film, television and voice actors, but for dubbing and broadcasting actors, It is already a relatively complete system.

Not only did he not refuse, but he also taught them all. The more people who participated in the study, the more samples he observed, and the greater the help to improve the system.

Before getting into the car, Li Youbin sighed: "You are a leader, and you have to count the time even for a meal. I really don't know what you are planning."

Xu Rong didn't explain, but smiled and said: "You will know later."

"and many more."

When Li Youbin mentioned "leadership", he seemed to think of something, pointed upwards, and asked, "What does this mean?"

Xu Rong raised his eyelids to take a look, and said meaningfully: "I, there is someone above me."

"Someone above can't let you know how to act." Li Youbin's words stopped abruptly, and he suddenly remembered that many people had asked him whether Xu Rong was really "good at acting".

He didn't believe it in the past, but today, looking at the direction Xu Rong left, he himself was a little shaken.

Leaving Xu Rong's experience aside, it is really a relatively reasonable explanation to simply look at Xu Rong eight years ago and Xu Rong now.

He turned his head, looked at Slanya suspiciously, and asked, "Do you guess, is what he said true or false?"

Silanya rolled her eyes speechlessly, these two people are also absolutely perfect, one really dares to say it, the other really dares to believe it.

However, after this incident, the "master" image that Xu Rong had just established in her heart also quietly collapsed.

While Xu Rong was rushing back to the courtyard to receive the visit from the vice-principal of Zhongchuan, Wang Wen, the person in charge of the art research institute, looked at the secretary who was called into the office by him displeasedly, and pointed to one of the seven materials on the table and asked : "Xiao Liu, why is Xu Rong's material here?"

The person he called "Xiao Liu" was a 26-year-old young man. Hearing this, he hurriedly said, "The leader is the review team."

However, Wang Wen didn't listen to his "prevarication", but knocked: "How much benefit did you take from him?"

Xiao Liu panicked when he heard this, and hurriedly defended: "Leader, no matter how brave I am, I dare not do this. This is really submitted by the review team. I have confirmed with them again and again, and they said that Xu Rong is indeed a candidate. "

Wang Wen's complexion immediately turned from cloudy to sunny. After pondering for a while, he smiled and said, "I guess it's probably Zhang Heping's fault."

When the secretary went out, Wang Wen looked at the seven materials on the table and fell into deep thought for a moment.

CCTV is going to produce a large-scale and all-round documentary series of large-scale biographies of modern art masters. The masters selected for "Literature" are Lu Xun, Guo Moruo, Mao Dun, Ba Jin, Lao She, and Cao Yu. "Peking Opera" is tentatively scheduled to be Mei Lanfang, Shang Xiaoyun, Cheng Yanqiu, and Xun Huisheng are currently being selected for drama. He personally prefers Ouyang Yuqian, Tian Han, Jiao Juyin, Jin Shan, Hong Shen, and Yu Zhizhi, but according to CCTV’s opinion, the drama masters are the best candidates. Fortunately, it was limited to four people, which meant that two people had to be screened out of the original six people. He was worrying about this, but he didn't expect someone to stuff Xu Rong's materials into it as a prank.

In his opinion, Xu Rongjiu's entry into the selection of masters was a complete prank. He has indeed achieved certain achievements in drama, but those achievements are probably less than one-tenth of those of real masters.

(End of this chapter)

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