I'm just an actor

Chapter 454 The grand occasion

Chapter 454 The grand occasion
"Beep beep."

"Beep beep."

Wang Wen glanced at the landline that rang suddenly, reached for the receiver, and said, "Hey, Lao Zhu, what's the matter?"

After a few seconds, he picked up Xu Rong's materials that he had put aside, with a bit of irony on his face: "Today isn't April Fool's Day, right? Why are you all joking?"

As Wang Wen said, he glanced at the calendar with his probe.

He was sure that he was not dreaming, and today was not April Fool's Day, but why did everyone recommend Xu Rong?
The documentary CCTV plans to shoot is called "Century Masters", which intends to record the art masters who have made great contributions to Chinese literature and art throughout the 20th century.

But what does this have to do with Xu Rong?

He put Xu Rong's materials aside, and said, "You didn't recommend it because you have a good personal relationship with Xu Rong, did you?"

The other side of the phone admitted it bluntly, and said in a half-joking and half-serious tone: "This has nothing to do with my personal relationship with him, but I really suggest that you consider Xu Rong. It will take three to five years before the documentary is produced. At that time, if he was really missing, the credibility of your selection of "Century Masters" would be at least [-]% lower."

"That's right, all his materials have been sent to my desk, can I not consider it?!"

Zhu Tong's voice came again from the phone: "Okay, but I'm really not joking with you."

"I'm not joking with you either."

After hanging up Zhu Tong's phone, Wang Wen picked up Xu Rong's materials again. The more he thought about it, the more he felt that something was wrong. Zhang Heping recommended that Wang Po sell melons, so that everyone would know that they have such a talent as Xu Rong in Renyi.

But Zhu Tong's recommendation is really unreasonable.

And what Zhu Tong said was not polite, without Xu Rong, the credibility of the documentary would be at least [-]% discounted.

Of course he understands that "Century Masters" will inevitably have a huge influence on related industries, but this influence does not come from the joint production of documentaries by multiple units, but from those masters who have had a huge influence on Chinese literature and art Being listed among them makes the documentary influential.

However, he still didn't understand how Xu Rong could stand side by side with Lu Guomaoba Lao Cao and Mei Shang Cheng Xun.

Looking through Xu Rong's information, just to be on the safe side, he called his secretary into the office and said, "Go and find out if Xu Rong has published any important articles in foreign journals recently."

Previously, the news that a master from Nortel had plagiarized Xu Rong's academic achievements was widely circulated in the literary and art circles. I heard that the master's degree was not kept, and even the bachelor's degree was recovered due to suspected plagiarism in the graduation thesis.

He even talked with his friends as a joke in private. If that student didn't copy Xu Rong's, maybe it wouldn't be that much of a problem. It is a summary of his own practice. Judging from the fact that it can arouse heated discussions abroad, it is of a real level.

Hearing Wang Wen's question, the secretary quickly opened the notebook and said, "Leader, I consulted Renyi just now. It is said that Xu Rong proposed a brand-new performance system. In addition, some media have already called him 'the first drama in the 21st century. Some people say that he is "after Stanislavsky, Brecht, and Mei Lanfang, the fourth master of performing theory research that will be world-renowned", which should also be the judging panel's proposal for him to be selected reason."

Wang Wen stared blankly at his secretary and then at the calendar. He had indeed only slept for one night. He gently pinched his brows and asked, "Which third-rate tabloid compiled this, and is it the fourth one?" , isn’t the fourth always Shechner?”

The secretary hurriedly added: "This evaluation comes from the deputy editor-in-chief of "Chinese Drama". Moreover, he believes that in terms of artistic achievements, there is a high probability that Xu Rong will be higher than Richard Schechner in the future, so in terms of academic status, Xu Rong Should be at least fourth."

Wang Wen picked up the phone in disbelief. He didn't even know that such a big thing happened.

But immediately, he put it down again, the judging team would not joke with him, and Zhu Tong and "Chinese Drama" would not joke with him either.

After spreading out the seven materials on the table, he suddenly felt extremely absurd, because the people in the other six photos had either passed away, or their days were running out, and only Xu Rong's life had just begun.

But if Xu Rong really reaches the height of "the fourth master" in the future, as Zhu Tong said, Xu Rong, who was born in the 20th century, was not selected, then the result of this selection will not only not be recognized by the industry, but also won The audience's approval, the influence of "Century Master" will also be greatly reduced.

The ripples only rippled in a very small circle at first, but as time passed, their impact became more profound.

In the corridor of Renyi office building, Xu Rong was walking towards his office while making a phone call.

"It's not sure yet. What kind of hearsay did you hear? I don't know anything, but you knew it first?"

Yang Lixin, who had just walked out of the office, looked at Xu Rong who was walking towards him, and was a little at a loss for a while. In terms of seniority, he was Xu Rong's senior. In terms of age, Xu Rong was only two months older than his son. But in terms of rank, Xu Rong became his immediate superior.

He knew very well that with his age, professional level, and word-of-mouth among the audience and peers, there was absolutely no possibility of further progress, but he never thought that Xu Rong would become his leader before he retired.

He quickly adjusted his mentality. When he got closer to Xu Rong, he walked a few steps quickly, and reached a door with "Vice Captain of the Actor Team" hanging on the top, and stretched out his hand to open the door.

Seeing this behavior that completely exceeded his expectations, Xu Rong couldn't react for a while.

"Leader?" Hao Tian's doubtful voice came from the phone.

Xu Rong said "wait a moment", held the phone in his hand, looked at Yang Lixin who opened the door and stood aside, and hurriedly said, "Thank you, Team Yang."

"Xu Yuan is polite." Seeing that Xu Rong's phone hadn't been hung up, he smiled and pointed to the phone, "You go ahead."


Xu Rong also nodded with a smile, and said, "I'm not busy in two days, and I'll invite everyone to dinner later."

Looking at Yang Lixin's back, Xu Rong shook his head speechlessly after being surprised for a while. He really didn't know that Yang Lixin had such a side.

But he didn't think it was too strange, there was always a reason why Yang Lixin was able to be the actor captain for so many years.

Entering the office, closing the door, he turned on the speakerphone, and said: "This matter is still uncertain, don't spread the word."

The caller was Hao Ji, the deputy director of the Acting Department of the Chinese Opera. When Xu Rong was in school, this guy always called "Director", but as soon as he left, he became "Leader".

Hao Sui asked strangely: "It's not rumored, I see that the appointment documents are all posted on the Internet."

"Hanging the net, so fast?" Xu Rong touched the water glass on the table, the water temperature was just right, it should be soaked by Song Yigang.

Usually only Xiao Zhang can come in and out of his office at will, but Xiao Zhang doesn't make tea for him.

"Yes, I looked at the website posted at [-]:[-] noon, and officially appointed you as the vice dean, in charge of the Department of Performance and Peking Opera."

Xu Ronggang almost spat out a sip of water: "What is it? In charge of the Department of Performance and Peking Opera?"

"Yeah, what's wrong?"

"You mean, I was appointed as the vice-principal of the school?"

"Yeah, you don't know yet, do you?"

Xu suddenly had a bad premonition in his heart.

He participated in an interview with the department in charge of human arts this morning, but how did he become the vice president of the Chinese opera in a blink of an eye?

After hanging up the phone, he fell into deep thought. The person in charge of the drama department in charge of his transfer to Renyi has agreed, and the materials have been reported to the relevant personnel department.

It stands to reason that his job transfer process has been completed, neither the personnel nor the staff are in the Chinese opera, and the Chinese opera is not qualified to appoint him.

Unless HR returns his material.

But this is impossible because there has never been such a precedent in the past.

"Tuk Tuk Tuk."

"Come in."

Song Yi pushed open the door, looked at Xu Rong who was sitting behind the desk, and said, "Mr. Xu, Principal Hu is here."

Looking at the middle-aged man with a short round face at the door, Xu Rong temporarily put the matter aside, hurriedly greeted him, and said, "Hello, Principal Hu, I heard that you are coming, and I am waiting for you early in the morning. "

"Hi Dean Xu, I've often heard friends talking about you before, but I didn't expect to see you in such a way for the first time."

Hu Zhengrong looked at Xu Rong curiously. He was no stranger to Xu Rong, but looking at Xu Rong at this moment, he always had a feeling that it was not real.

He knew that Xu Rong was young, but he still couldn't adapt to seeing a real person. The first drama master in the 21st century, the deputy director of Chinese opera, a famous young performing artist, and the most valuable actor in the film and television industry were so young.

What makes Hu Zhengrong even more incomprehensible is that Xu Rong is obviously the vice president of Chinese opera, but he is the vice captain of the actor team in Renyi, which has been dropped two and a half levels, which is simply unimaginable.

After the two praised each other for a few words, Hu Zhengrong straight to the point explained the purpose of coming, and said, "Dean Xu, the main purpose of my coming today is to invite you to be our school's specially-appointed professor."

Xu Rong could have agreed directly, but he pondered for a few seconds inexplicably, before saying unhurriedly: "Zhongchuan is a top university in China, and I personally look forward to cooperating with you. It is also a very good opportunity, but there is a word, I want to say first, I am usually busy with work, I am afraid that I don’t have too much time to go to class, I wonder if Principal Hu can accept this?"

Hu Zhengrong smiled and said: "Xuyuan misunderstood, we did not invite you to teach our students, but mainly hoped that you could train our teachers."

"When President Hu said that, I felt a lot of pressure."


"It's us who are really under pressure. You don't know. We organized a review this morning, and everyone is looking forward to your arrival." Hu Zhengrong smiled, and after chatting for a few words, Xu Rong gave him the first impression of "youth" Gradually fading, he had a sense that he was not talking to a 20-something, but a peer.

"What is the opportunity for Xu Yuan to be established and legal?"

Xu Rong raised his eyebrows when he heard the words: "And legal?"

When he described his ideas, he did not give a clear name, and even from the beginning, he did not intend to name the performance system he created.

"Is not it?"

Xu Rong shook his head when he heard the words, and said, "It's actually a method of acting, why do you have to impose a name on it?"

Hu Zhengrong can't understand Xu Rong's behavior. If he doesn't name it, how can he distinguish it from other genres?

After a while, he suddenly came over, and looked at Xu Rong with a little more surprise.

In the dean's office at the end of the corridor, Zhang Heping put down the phone in puzzlement. He had just received a message from the personnel department at the higher level of Human Art that Xu Rong's adjusted materials were returned by the personnel department at the higher level of the Chinese Opera.

He lived to be nearly 70 years old, and this was the first time he saw a situation where the personnel department got stuck when both the transfer-in and transfer-out departments agreed.

"Xu Xiang, the dog day!"

He dialed Xu Xiang's phone number without hesitation, and said very bluntly: "Dean Xu, what you did is a bit unreasonable, right?!"

"Brother, what's the matter?"

Zhang Heping was too lazy to play sloppy eyes with him, so he sneered and said: "Xu Rong's adjustment to your personnel department failed, don't tell me you don't know yet?"

Xu Xiang originally wanted to practice Tai Chi, but after sensing the anger in Zhang Heping's tone, he sighed and said, "Brother, do you really think I have such a great ability? The decision was made, and it was sent for review and filing, is this something I can stop? Is it something I, Xu Xiang, can intervene in?"

Zhang Heping took a deep breath, and said heavily: "Okay, then I'll go and ask why the review failed."

Xu Xiang had already expected the current situation, but there was one more thing he had to explain in advance: "Brother, calm down first, this matter has reached the point where it is no longer up to you and me to decide. In addition, you have to Be mentally prepared, we have appointed Xu Rong as the vice dean, in charge of the Department of Performance and Peking Opera."

Zhang Heping almost caught his breath, he understood the meaning of Xu Xiang's words, now it is basically a question of whether the Chinese opera is willing to release people, but the competent department of the Chinese opera does not allow the Chinese opera to release people.

"I don't believe it's unreasonable."

Zhang Heping hung up the phone with a "boom", and the anger on his face disappeared in an instant. He has experienced countless storms since he was an ordinary screenwriter, and he has already passed the age of impulsiveness. I understand that nothing can be solved by self-importance.

After thinking for a while, he left the office with his briefcase.

From a process point of view, this matter is irrelevant to human and art. In theory, only when Xu Rong reports to the human art and personnel department with a letter of introduction can the entire transfer process be officially completed.

However, in the actual operation process, the process of submitting the transfer materials to the relevant personnel department for review and filing by the competent department of the transfer unit has always been a formality, and he has never heard of the case of failing the review.

The degree of outrageousness is roughly equivalent to that women on the other side of the ocean do not take their husband's surname after marriage. There is no law that requires this, but it is an unspoken rule that the entire society recognizes and abides by.

It is also based on this unspoken rule that the default transfer process has been completed, that Talent and Art published a special issue.

Now there is a moth, the reason is simply the lice on the bald head. After realizing the height that Xu Rong may reach in the future, the competent department of the Chinese opera withdrew the materials through personal relations, and eliminated the possibility of Xu Rong returning to Renyi through rapid promotion .

Because after Xu Rong was promoted to the vice president of the Chinese opera, any further transfers had to be discussed and approved by the office meeting of the heads of the higher-level departments of the Chinese opera.

What was done in this matter did not violate the regulations, but it did not comply with the rules.

He must fight this lawsuit.

On the second day after the issue of the Human Art Special Issue, Zhang Heping published an article in the "Beijing Daily" after repeated communication with no results: Gentlemen love talents and get them in a proper way.

The article first discussed the origin of a certain core backbone and Renyi, and then pointed out the fact that he was appointed to a well-known art university, and then tearfully accused the well-known art university for its own self-interest, arbitrarily withholding the core backbone of Renyi, resulting in Renyi The difficult predicament that the overall work is difficult to advance or even shut down.

A group of colleagues in the capital opened the newspaper early in the morning. Although Renyi did not publicly name them, they knew exactly who "a well-known art university" was referring to.

Renyi people go to art colleges and universities, where else besides Chinese opera?
After half an hour, the Chinese Opera quickly responded: Vice President Xu Rong has served as the deputy director, director, and vice president of the Performance Department of the Chinese Opera since he was transferred to the Chinese Opera. Nothing to do.

After seeing the firm response from the Chinese Opera, most of the capital city collectively put down the work at hand after being stunned for a while, moved in stools, and prepared melons and fruits.

The brothers Renyi and Zhongxi are torn apart! ! !
Renyi is nominally only a public institution in the capital, but because of its special nature, it has always been the leader among domestic art groups.

Chinese opera is a top art university in China, and has always played the role of a follower of human art in the past.

And most people understand that Renyi and Zhongxi have reached the current level of trouble, which must be the last resort measures that their respective superior departments have failed to communicate with many times.

These two major departments openly fight in the arena, and the whole capital moves the bench to eat melons. The last time it was a public letter from taxation and finance to scold the street.

(End of this chapter)

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