I'm just an actor

Chapter 455 Appointment

There were piles of documents on both sides of the table, all of which were stamped with the words "Top Secret" in red. A middle-aged man's head was exposed in the space between the documents, and he was working at the desk.

There was no chair, and the owner didn't say hello, so Cui Zhongshi could only stand there, quietly waiting for him to ask questions.

"People from the Central Bank and the Ministry of Finance, have you met?"

"I saw them, and they all said that everything is fine with the director here."

"When did I have such a great ability?"

As the middle-aged man in the middle of the computer screen raised his head, Xu Rongxuan tapped his middle finger above the space bar on the keyboard, making a slight "pop" sound.

He looked at Chen Baoguo's sharp-edged face on the screen, pondered for a few seconds, and then clicked the back button twice.

"I saw them, and they all said that everything is fine with the director here."

"When did I have such a great ability?"

After watching the replay, Xu Rong took the brand new notebook that had been unfolded beside him, and on the first page, slowly wrote:

The analysis of the performance style of the co-actors of "All Quiet in Peking" is as follows:
Chen Baoguo:
[-]. The performance is full of passion, and is good at using the contrast of height and size.

[-]. Actors of atypical methods, influenced by traditional opera performances, pay attention to the creation and connection of "points".

[-]. Strong sense of layering, good at combining layer-by-layer performance with "points" to form an instant cohesion of "spirit and spirit".

The analysis of the first scene is as follows:

Before Cui Zhongshi entered the office, Xu Tieying had already packed his bags. Why did he pack his bags?
Then, regarding Xu Tieying's motives, the following questions arose:

20. When did Xu Tieying focus on [-]% of the shares?
analyse as below:

After the smuggling case broke out, Xu Tieying accepted a bribe of [-] US dollars from Hou Juntang and made a recording.

As the director of the Liaison Office of the Party Communications Bureau, when a large-scale incident broke out in Beiping, the top will inevitably send him to Beiping to investigate corruption. After meeting Cui Zhongshi, he confirmed that Hou Juntang owns 20% of the shares.

But there are doubts in it. After Cui Zhongshi entered the office, Xu Tieying used various methods to make Cui Zhongshi say exactly the same words as Hou Juntang.

Does this behavior prove that after the smuggling case broke out, Xu Tieying immediately set his sights on the shares that he didn't know the proportion of, but he could guess enough to guarantee his food and clothing for the rest of his life?

If this guess is true, it is more like cooperation between Xu Tieying and Fang Buting than helping Fang Mengao get rid of the crime. If Xu Tieying wants to get the shares, he must rescue Fang Mengao.

Starting from this motive, what would Xu Tieying think of Cui Zhongshi?
After writing a paragraph of analysis, Xu Rong paused, probably gave an estimate in his heart, then reached out and pulled out another brand new notebook from the drawer, turned to the first page, and continued to write:

Zu Feng:

[-]. Typical film performance style, the performance is more life-like, and the combination of lines and physical skills is highly emphasized.

Second, the inner experience is richer.
After the spat between Renyi and Zhongxi started, Pu Cunxi saw that the situation was not right, so he immediately kicked him out of the courtyard.

Forced talent and art can only defend their rights through "open letters", so it is naturally impossible to be a mere director of a Chinese theater.

It's better for the shrimp soldiers and crab generals like him to mix in as little as possible.

At this juncture, the nerves of both parties are relatively sensitive, and Xu Rong's remarks and actions can easily be magnified. Once any party thinks that he is expressing his position through some form, it is not a good thing.

In the past, his personnel relationship has always been in Zhongxi, but the treatment he deserves, including the performance allowance, is nothing short of him.

In the future, no matter whether the personnel relationship returns to Renyi or continues to stay in Zhongxi, he will most likely stay in Renyi.

Because in China, there is no second art group that allows him to enrich, improve, and practice his own theories and ideas, not only hardware, but also software.

Every performance system is always born, developed, and matured on the stage, which is determined by the art form of stage performances. Repetitive performances force creators to pursue the ultimate "perfection", and methods and systems are born from pursuit and experimentation. "Perfect" process.

Yesterday, the team leader mentioned that if his system is completely perfected, there is a high probability that he and his system will become a business card, and what the business card needs to do is to keep silent most of the time.

He didn't know the meaning of this sentence yesterday, but today he has a little understanding.

After today's fuss, he began to have a certain idea. From now on, he will do his job as an actor honestly, and will not do things or say anything that has nothing to do with his profession.

There is a car in the front and a track in the back. Whatever Mr. Yuan does, he will do it.

Xu Rong who returned home and waited for the result was not idle either. What he was watching was the footage shot by the crew yesterday.

Looking at Chen Baoguo on the computer screen, Xu Rong's eyebrows slowly printed a shallow Sichuan character. Liu Heping was extremely subjective when writing the script. For example, when Xu Tieying said "When did I have such a great ability?", he described it as " There is a smile on the corner of the mouth, but there is no smile in the eyes."

Chen Baoguo seemed to have smile lines at the corners of his mouth, but he didn't seem to have any, but he really showed the subjective feeling of "the corners of his mouth are smiling, but there is no smile in his eyes".

Chen Baoguo is a famous actor and one of the actors with the highest level of acting in China today, but like most actors who are active in the arts, he is a good actor, but not an excellent scholar.

As a film and television actor, the main role in each play often has hundreds of scenes, and actors who can take on the main role often have very intensive announcements, and there is no time and energy to go to one scene after another. Investigate characters' motivations for their actions.

Over time, a habit has been formed, knowing how to act, but forgetting to explore the deep logic of this way of acting.

After seeing Chen Baoguo's performance, Xu Rong immediately had several doubts in his mind.

What kind of mental state is this?
By what internal technique is this state of mind achieved?
Chen Baoguo, or the vast majority of actors in China, are methodists. The weirdness of methodism is that it is difficult to reverse the process from the results, and his methods are not replicable.

But since it is a feasible method, there must be something to learn from it.

The reason why he bought so many notebooks was definitely not because he was worried that he would be hammered for his reputation as a "master of the generation".

He got the script of "All Quiet in Peking" in 2009, and his understanding of the script and characters is probably comparable to that of Liu Heping, who is only a screenwriter.

Standing at the pinnacle of this industry, he doesn't believe that any of his peers can overwhelm him from beginning to end, unless he himself is completely unprepared, so that his understanding of the characters deviates subversively.

From the director to the actor of "Peking", except for Ni Dahong, he has either never cooperated with other colleagues, or the last cooperation was a few years ago. He is not very sure about everyone's status, preparation and technology.

The reason for making such comprehensive preparations is to have an in-depth understanding of the situation of each co-actor, so as to ensure normal self-performance while ensuring that others will not be affected.

While Xu Rong was watching the material, the same material was also being played on another computer, but there were slightly more viewers in front of this computer than Xu Rong alone.

Holding the script in his hand, Chen Baoguo looked at the frozen frame on the computer, and asked indifferently, "Copied away?"

Liu Heping, who was in the middle, took a sip from his teacup and said, "His assistant came here early in the morning."


"Hey, guess what expression he will have when he sees it?"

Kong Sheng sat on the right side of Liu Heping and asked, "Will this cause too much pressure on him?"

They filmed this scene from the start until seven o'clock yesterday.

The reason why it is so extravagant is that the production crew has just started and is still in the running-in period. Neither Liu Heping nor Kong Datou dare to rush the progress too fast.

Secondly, after Liu Heping calculated several times, he found that the original budget might be a little too much.

This is quite incredible, because at the beginning, his estimated budget was around [-] million.

But now he can't even spend half of it.

First of all, in terms of actors, 4000% of the actors performed with reduced pay or even zero pay, especially the zero pay of Xu Rong and Chen Baoguo, which directly reduced the cost by nearly [-] million. As for the actors who were not "friends", at the beginning It was already killed during casting.

Secondly, a large number of special contracts that would have been used in the whole play were subcontracted by Renyi, Chinese Opera and Nortel teachers, while group performances were subcontracted by Chinese Opera and Nortel students.

These people only have two expenses, food and housing.

However, "Peking" was mainly filmed in Beijing and Hebei, which resulted in only meals and three buses for pick-up and drop-off, and no accommodation costs at all.

What made Liu Heping feel that Xu Rong was stingy to the extreme was his Hong Kong crew, which was three times as efficient as a normal mainland crew, and his own team.

That is to say, only Kong Datou's director team is actually the real manpower input.

But "All Quiet in Peking" sold a full [-] million!

Every time he thinks of this number, he feels worried for Xu Rong.

How the hell did you spend so much money and be so stingy? !

"Certainly not."

Chen Baoguo, Wang Qingxiang, and Ni Dahong simultaneously denied Kong Datou's concerns.

Xu Rong's acting confidence is not built in a day, and she will never be hit by someone else's one or two scenes.

A top practitioner has experienced failures and setbacks, but it is these failures and setbacks that give them unwavering confidence in the field they are good at.

Sitting behind him silently swiping his phone, Wang Kai said, "Hey, look, Renyi and Zhongxi are swearing."

"That can't be done. Why would Chinese opera scold Renyi? Isn't that a joke? People are serious about breaking bones and connecting tendons. Back then, Renyi was formed by the merger of the Old Man's Art and Drama Troupe and the Chinese Opera and Drama Troupe. .”

"Say it's for Xu Rong."

"Arguing for Xu Rong?"

Wang Kai held up his mobile phone and waved the press release in front of several people, and said, "That's it. You see, although Renyi didn't call names, Zhongxi immediately jumped out and admitted."

The sharp-eyed Chen Baoguo saw the screenshot of the Chinese Opera's statement, and immediately said, "Fuck, when did Xu Rong get promoted to the vice president of the Chinese Opera?!"

Several people looked at each other, and after a long while, Liu Heping asked in a low voice: "Could it be, is it a typo?"

If they remembered correctly, Xu Rong should be under 30 years old.

Similar to the reaction of Liu He and others, once the controversy between Renyi and Zhongxi was exposed, it quickly detonated domestic public opinion.

Because in the statement, Zhongxi directly admitted that the "well-known art university" mentioned by Renyi is itself, and it did not hesitate to name the "core backbone" as Xu Rong.

It's just that the point of general public opinion is not the wrangling between the two units, but the doubts about the rationality of Xu Rong's appointment as the vice president of the Chinese Opera.

In order to verify, the majority of netizens immediately checked the official website of China Opera, and found that Xu Rong, as the newly promoted vice president, was indeed listed in the current leadership column.

And the resume swaggered and said "born on January 1987, 1".

Only 26 years old to be the vice president of the Chinese opera? !
After being confused, the majority of netizens quickly discovered doubts.

More than half of the star professors and associate professors on the official website of Chinese opera have not published professional papers in important journals.

Is it possible to evaluate professors and associate professors without professional papers?
At any rate, Vice President Xu also "published important academic papers in "Human Art Academy Journal" and "Chinese Drama" for an introduction.

But based on the general phenomenon, the majority of netizens have come to a conclusion that so many professors and associate professors are dehydrated, the vice president Xu Rong must not be dehydrated, right?

Born in 87, the deputy director of the Chinese Opera, no matter how you look at it, it is outrageous.

After half a day of fermentation, all kinds of "shady theories" and "background theories" on the Internet instantly became rampant.

The 26-year-old vice president of the Chinese Opera, which is extremely rare in the history of the Republic.

But strangely, the mainstream media has collectively remained silent.

After arousing the attention of the whole people, Renyi and China Opera simultaneously withdrew all the manuscripts that had been published before, and also maintained a unified caliber in the face of doubts from the outside world.

No comment.

At nine o'clock that night, when Xu Rong was about to do some exercise, an unfamiliar landline called.

The moment the phone was connected, Xu Rong froze for a moment, because there was a mess on the other side, as if they were arguing.

Listening to the inquiry on the phone, the distracting thoughts in Xu Rong's mind were instantly cleared, and he said: "I will resolutely obey the organization's arrangement."

The call was relatively brief. Apart from consulting him on where the "client" wanted to stay, the call also informed him of another matter, to attend Zhongchuan's appointment ceremony on time at nine o'clock tomorrow morning.

After hanging up the phone, Xu Rong took a breath, what the hell kicked the ball to him?

Isn't this digging a hole for yourself? !

At the same time that Xu Rong learned the news, Zhongchuan was also notified that the ceremony for the appointment of Xu Rong as the Distinguished Professor of Zhongchuan will be held at [-] o'clock tomorrow morning.

Subsequently, the news that Xu Rong became a Distinguished Professor of China Communications and will hold an appointment ceremony at [-] am the next day quickly hit the headlines of major portal websites.

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