I'm just an actor

Chapter 459 Inheritance

Chapter 459 Inheritance
Xu Rong gave corresponding opinions to almost everyone. He only had a rough impression of ordinary dramas, but for world-class classic dramas like "Death of a Salesman", he had every line of every character and every line. Almost all remember.

The reason for "almost" is that there is one person he criticized, Yuan Yu.

Her words are too few.

"Mr. Xu, what do you mean, if there are no other tasks, the actors should give their eyes to the audience as much as possible?" Yuan Yu waited for Xu Rong to finish speaking, and asked crisply.

Xu Rong shook his head with a smile, "communicating with the audience with the eyes" was just an example he gave, rather than discussing the issue of looking at the audience or not.

And this matter is fundamentally not a question of where to look, let alone looking at the audience, but to express a creative concept.

Yuan Yu's comprehension ability, theoretical foundation, and talent are all top-notch. If she understands like this, what do other people think?
He pondered for a few seconds, and said: "In this way, you recite a line, as long as possible."

"Okay." Yuan Yu nodded without hesitation, "Okay! Okay! 20 yuan! 20 yuan. I'm going to kill you! I'm for you."

"Clap clap clap."

At this moment, Xu Rong suddenly raised his hand and clapped his hands vigorously. He looked at Yuan Yu and said, "Continue, just like in a normal performance."

Yuan Yu almost gave him a hard time. He hesitated for a few seconds, until he felt that he would be "cold" if he didn't say anything, and then continued to recite: "For your little public debt, I even forgot my family."

When Yuan Yu started to recite again, Xu Rong slowly stopped clapping his hands and said, "It's done."

"Have you felt it?"

Yuan Yu looked at Xu Rong who asked the question, and shook her head blankly. She seemed to be being held up just now, and she was very awkward.

Xu Rong smiled and said: "Then do it again, you will treat it as a normal performance, but when will you start watching my gestures after the pause?"

Then, he turned his head and said to Feng Yuan beside him: "Captain Feng, you applaud this time, it's a natural applause, don't be deliberate."

Feng Yuanzheng vaguely guessed what Xu Rong wanted to express.

"For your little public debt, I even forgot my family, I ignored my child's illness, and I spent it."

"Papa papa." Feng Yuanzheng's applause sounded at the right time.

Xu Rong just waited so quietly. At a certain moment, while Feng Yuanzheng was still applauding, he raised his hand to signal Yuan Yu to continue reciting.

"Now that you have made money, suddenly you don't want me!"

Xu Rong looked at Yuan Yu who had lost his voice, and said with a smile, "Did you feel it this time?"

Yuan Yu opened her mouth wide and nodded her head silently. Until this moment, she finally caught a glimpse of Xu Rong's terrifying talent, which is called "once in 30 years" by the industry.


Xiao Zhang pulled out his hand from his coat pocket.


Song Yi stopped picking his fingers.

Then the two looked at each other, took a silent breath, and looked at the excited Yuan Yu, who was blushing, as if they were sitting on pins and needles when they were in school expecting the teacher not to ask him to answer questions.

What did Yuan Yu feel?
How do you feel it?

Will he ask himself?
Xu Rong didn't notice the two people who had already formed a stress response at all. He drew a "person" shape in the air with his finger and explained: "Under normal circumstances, the rhythm of applause is about such a curve, so facing the beating The applause that interrupted the performance, when should we cut in again?"

"It's the point where the word 'person' begins to fall. In this way, the interval is not too long, and the audience is given room for imagination. Therefore, 'co-creation' is still a means, and its ultimate goal is still control. Through lines, Body, eyes, and other means guide the audience to imagine, and at the same time, through these means, they are brought back from imagination to reality, making them feel that there are still many unfinished meanings after watching the play, and then endow the performance with the greatest charm. "

Yuan Yu nodded her head desperately, her eyes did not conceal her admiration for Xu Rong. Under Xu Rong's guidance just now, she had a taste of the performance state under the bonus of top-level rhythm talent, even if it was the sudden applause, could become an integral part of her performance.

But before her admiration curve began to slide, Xu Rong suddenly changed his tone and asked, "Xiao Yuan, do you have any difficulties in life?"

"Ah?" Yuan Yu'ergen suddenly spread red, "You, why do you ask such a question?"

Xu Rong vaguely understood the reason, and Yuan Yu himself knew the reason very well. He said bluntly: "If you have difficulties in life, you have to bring them up. We are a big family and can help you solve them. Do everything possible to help you solve it.”

"But your performance disappointed me very much, more disappointing than all the mistakes they made before combined."

"Your talent is very high, but the recitation of "Sunrise" has not improved at all, and the basic skills are declining. I don't know what you have been doing in the past year?"

"A whole year, Xiao Yuan, Yuan Yu, how many golden years have you had in your life?"

Xu Rong wanted to stop here, but he couldn't bear it anymore. Yuan Yu's talent is so good, he really couldn't bear to waste such a good seedling like this: "If, I mean, if it's because of emotional problems, this is originally I have no right to interfere with your personal issues, but if two people can't get better together, or even the other party hinders you from getting better, I suggest you cut him off quickly, immediately, immediately."

"Sorry, my words are a bit heavy."

Xu Rong looked at Yuan Yu who was lowering his head and biting his lip, and didn't say "I'm all for your own good". If Yuan Yu grows according to the route he planned, he will definitely become the most dazzling star in China's film and television industry within three years. One of Hua Dan.

All she needs is an opportunity.

And this opportunity he has prepared for her.

He has seen too many people who have messed up their rainbow-like life because of "reluctant feelings in the past" and "he is really good to me". As a boss, leader, and senior, he has Duty to advise.

But after all, their respective lives are their own choices, and overreaching will only lead to resentment that lasts a lifetime, and they can only bear the good or bad results of their respective choices.

After such a comparison, he suddenly felt that Song Yi was much more pleasing to the eye, although he was a bit stupid, he was obedient.

Xu Rong stared at the entire crew without saying a word, stood up, and said: "Don't be discouraged, overall it's not bad, you go on with the rehearsal, and when this play is released, I believe it will be one of the most brilliant plays of this year." one."


Following the departure of Xu Rong and Feng Yuanzheng, there was a slight knock from the gate of the theater.

"People are not dough, so many questions are raised at once, how to change?"

"That's right, I don't know how to act anymore, and I didn't say anything good from the beginning to the end. What's the point of 'Because you are all artists, you will be called teachers by your peers when you leave our school', just swear at people, You have to say 'I'm doing it for your own good' before cursing someone, you're not pure and disgusting!"

Xu Rong and Feng Yuan had just left on their front feet when two yin and yang lines suddenly sang in unison in the theater on their back feet.

Li Liuyi frowned slightly. Although Xu Rong wasn't there, Zhang Xiaofei, Song Yi and Yuan Yu all had a close relationship with him. Wouldn't it be courting death to say such things in front of the three of them?
It's just that when he confirmed the source of the voice, he could only smile helplessly, it wasn't someone else who was acting strangely.

Zhang Xiaofei is yin and yang, and Song Yi is weird.

But suddenly, he suddenly realized that just because Zhang Xiaofei, Song Yi and Xu Rong are close, they must not let them question Xu Rong.

He remembered an old story told by Mr. Lan Tianye at the arts committee a few days ago.

In the golden autumn of 1995, Zhao Qiyang had a premonition that his time was running out, so he decided to write an article commemorating Jiao Juyin. In the process of chatting with others about Jiao Juyin, he sighed many times: "We didn't care enough about Mr. Jiao in the past. Mr.'s academic value and contribution to the theater are too underestimated."

Jiao Juyin is one of the souls of Renyi, but he has been unable to make a sound since around 63, and his works were completely destroyed during the turbulent years.

Teacher Lan Tianye said that Zhao Qiyang’s evaluation of Jiao Juyin was not for pure remembrance, but for learning from the past, and reminded everyone to pay attention to the master’s academic achievements, vision and evaluation of the master, not just because the other party is not looking up. colleagues, treat him as an ordinary person who needs to eat, sleep, and go to the toilet just like himself.

The place where the master is can be called a palace. Without the palace of the master, no matter how magnificent the house is, it is just a house.

In the 60th anniversary of the founding of the Academy of Human Arts, it is still able to hold the leading position of domestic literary and art groups. There is no other reason. The remaining pool of masters has not been completely exhausted.

The complaints of Zhang Xiaofei and Song Yi, to a certain extent, represent the true thoughts of the majority of people present. If no one corrects and stops them, it will give others the illusion that "their complaints are correct", and in turn, Xu Rong Discounted when requested.

Criticism is always harsh, right or wrong.

Just like when rehearsing "Bright Sky" and "Tiger Talisman", Jiao Juyin was too demanding on the crew members and criticized too sharply, which caused the crew to go on strike collectively.

But it turns out that the reason why masters can become masters is that in the field they are good at, they are not always right, but they are almost the same.

The embankment of a thousand miles is often destroyed by ant nests.

"Ring bell bell."

Li Liuyi stretched out his hand and rang the bell beside him, looked at Zhang Xiaofei and Song Yi seriously, and asked, "Since you have opinions, why didn't Xu Yuan refute them in person just now?"

Classmate Xiao Zhang and Song Yi looked at each other, they just complained a little, why is Director Li still online?

Li Liuyi guessed their thoughts from their expressions, and said: "I know that everyone may think that I am making a fuss out of a molehill. I defend Xu Yuan not because he is the leader. He is in charge of the actors and dancers, and he can't control me. , but have you ever thought about how rare it is for Xu Yuan to personally guide you to rehearse the play?"

Looking at Song Yi and Zhang Xiaofei staring at each other, Li Liuyi realized that for the two of them, this opportunity seemed not at all rare, so he said: "For you, maybe this is not an opportunity at all. , but do you know that we have received invitations to Xu Yuan from many colleges and universities in China? Do you know how many people are willing to spend millions to invite Xu Yuan to teach?"

Ding Zhicheng looked at Li Liuyi's persuasive appearance, and took over the conversation: "If we don't respect our own master, how can we expect others to respect him?"

"That's right, it's wrong to talk about your teacher without reason in front of others." Lu Fang also warned with the taste of a senior.

Song Yi never expected that a single complaint would attract criticism from so many people, so he hurriedly explained: "We, we were joking."

"Never again." Thanks to his mother's teaching, Xiao Zhang can always grasp the core points of an apology very accurately.

At this time, Feng Yuan, who was walking side by side with Xu Rong in the corridor, said: "Xu Yuan, the more I think about it, the more I think the concept of 'co-creation' is very universal. If you have time, why not guide one yourself?" Play, as a masterpiece of your academic achievements."

Xu Rong smiled and looked at Feng Yuanzheng, Feng Yuan is just a straight person.

In this concept, he is actually only half of the creator.

At the beginning of the turbulent year, Jiao Juyin fell as a bourgeois academic authority, and later suffered from lung cancer, which had spread to the whole body when he was discovered. The doctor did not tell him the truth out of humanitarian considerations.

But because Jiao Juyin was too knowledgeable, she learned about her condition from the Latin card on the railing of the hospital bed.

When he saw his eldest daughter who had rushed back from the Northwest to visit, he said: "I have written millions of words in the past ten years, more than Stanislavsky's works in his entire life, but it is a pity that they all confessed their crimes." Materials. Now my life is not long, I have nothing else to keep, but I still have some experience as a director for many years, I must leave it to future generations, I am confident that I can live for another two years, you want Record everything I said, and I will strive to systematically sort out the harvest of my many years of exploration and practice and hand it over to future generations. I am now a person whose life has been sentenced to death, and I will no longer have any worries. This will make things difficult for you, child."

However, things backfired. Jiao Juyin reacted strongly to the chemotherapy, and his condition took a turn for the worse. In August of that year, he left quietly, desertedly, with regrets and resentments. Leaving this world that Lao She wanted to leave with when he left.

Most of his life's experience, thinking, and academic achievements in drama were buried along with it.

In the end, Jiao Juyin failed to hand over his life experience and insights to future generations, but before he was overthrown, he drew up two thesis outlines, one was "On Nationalization" and the other was "On Introducing the Old and Bringing forth the New". In "On Nationalization", there is a sentence "Appreciators and creators create together".

Although due to the times, these two outlines failed to turn into actual academic achievements in the end, but the eleven characters written by Jiao Juyin in the outline are enough reminders to Xu Rong's current height.

And the video data of "Teahouse" also fully confirms that his thinking direction is correct.

This is one of the reasons why he chose to stay at Renyi.

Renyi is a palace where many masters lived, especially Cao Yu, Lao She and Jiao Juyin, who devoted almost half of their lives to this place. The legacy left behind is far from what most people understand. In the works of masters Their understanding of the art form of drama is contained in their words, details of life, a few words and even their likes and dislikes.

Although Xu Rong has never met the masters, he always feels that it is his duty and responsibility to perfect and integrate the concept of "co-creation" into drama, and it is also an inheritance spanning 40 years.

(End of this chapter)

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