Chapter 460
Xu Rong and Feng Yuanzheng had just walked to the office building, turned a corner, and happened to meet Ma Xin, the secretary with a long thin face and short eyebrows.

Xu Rong called out "Secretary Ma" with a normal face, and was about to pass by.

As a whole, Ma Xin is the person he fears the most, bar none.

Feng Yuanzheng also nodded: "Secretary Ma."

"Well, are you busy?"


The three passed by, Ma Xin seemed to remember something, turned his head and asked, "Xu Rong?"

Xu Rong pretended not to hear, and walked straight forward, when Feng Yuan hurriedly grabbed him: "Secretary Ma is calling you."

Xu Rong pretended not to hear it now, turned his head, as if he had just realized it, with a puzzled look on his face, and said: "Ah, Secretary Ma, are you calling me?"

Ma Xin looked at him with a smile, and drew a capital "seven" in mid-air with his right hand, and asked, "You still owe seven thought reports?"

"The people below don't dare to urge you, and it's not easy for them to do things. If you have time, take the time to make up for it." Ma Xin looked at Xu Rong's "sudden" expression, and laughed.

In Renyi, the dean is the top leader in theory, but depending on their own abilities in the actual implementation process, the dean of Renyi has always been a high-ranking dean. The person in charge of the association, Zhang Heping, the current dean, is also a part-time demotion, so Ma Xin, the secretary, has almost no sense of existence.

When Xu Rong heard this, the corners of his eyes couldn't help twitching twice, and two deep smile lines appeared on both sides of the bridge of his nose, "Okay, okay, I'll make up for it when I have time."

"By the way, I don't think you have ever participated in the study in the Chinese opera. In this way, you can also look at the supplementary materials, make up the whole, and give me twenty. Is it okay?"

Feng Yuan was looking at Ma Xin's two fingers dangling in the air, and his liver trembled. He finally knew why Xu Rong deliberately pretended not to hear Secretary Ma calling him just now.

If you write twenty articles, can't you write people to death? !
Back in the office, Xu Rongcai breathed a sigh of relief. In theory, he could ask Song Yi or Yuan Yu to write for him, but there is no need to make mistakes on such small issues.

Procrastinate and procrastinate, if you are not sure, just procrastinate.

"Tuk Tuk Tuk."

"Come in."

Xu Rong looked at Yang Lixin and Feng Yuanzheng who came in with a notebook and pen, pointed at the sofa opposite, and said, "Come on, sit down."

He first poured a glass of water for the two of them, and seeing that they were both holding a book in one hand and a pen in the other, he smiled and said, "You two are my old leaders, what you were like before, and what you will be like in the future. Please come here, just to chat, there is no need to be so formal."

"We admire from the bottom of our hearts and listen to the teachings of the master."


Yang Lixin and Feng Yuanzheng didn't relax at all because of his words, Xu Rong didn't insist anymore, and he was often in the position of Yang Lixin and Feng Yuanzheng, so he knew very well that it was impossible to forcibly change this mentality.

After all, he just took office, so how and where the three fires will burn are all uncertain.

Xu Rong sat on the sofa on one side and said: "I called you here today to talk about your views on our actor team. You can talk about good and bad. It's just a normal chat, nothing else. .”

"Although I was also attached to the vice-captain before, in fact, you were the one to worry about the specific affairs, Team Yang. What are everyone's thoughts and what is going on with each other, you should know more about the details of Team Yang."

Yang Lixin and Feng Yuanzheng looked at each other, but they couldn't figure out what Xu Rong was planning.

Xu Rong's time in the courtyard was too short, so short that they became their leader before they figured out his temper.

Regarding the management ideas of the actor team, Xu Rong is occasionally aggressive, but most of the time, he still continues the tradition of the courtyard and treats other members in a "family" way.

They were really not sure whether Xu Rong was really radical, or whether he was radical out of a need for radicalism.

Yang Lixin thought for a few seconds and said with a smile: "First of all, I think the number of personnel should be expanded. In recent years, the market has been getting better and better, and the attendance rate has also been higher and higher. There are often shortages of personnel. For example, right now, I personally think that we will not only hold group-leading classes this year, but also increase the number of group-leading classes, and the second is to implement the producer system."

Feng Yuan saw Yang Lixin's calm and steady words, then looked at Xu Rong, and said, "Team Yang has already made a comprehensive summary. I have nothing else to say. The only thing is to see if we can strengthen discipline management."

Yang Lixin's words are commonplace, but they don't match Xu Rong's request.

His goal is very clear, the first must be a substantial increase in performance subsidies for actors.

The cultivation, nurturing, and retention of talents must not rely on feelings, because feelings cannot fill the stomach and cannot cover the wind and rain.

According to his estimation, the actors who can play the role, such as Pu Cunxi, Liang Guanhua, Feng Yuanzheng and others, must have an annual income of no less than one million when they are full of performances throughout the year.

Although the money is a drop in the bucket compared to their income in the film and television market, at least they must give people a reason to stick to it.

The second is that the treatment of newcomers is higher than that of the entertainment industry. For example, the first three years of admission to the hospital include food and lodging. More than ten million.

His ideal state is that the annual recruitment ratio of Renyi Art is about 6000:1. Even if it is decided to recruit 10 people, at least 6 people must sign up, otherwise there will be no recruitment at all to maintain the reputation of the "Palace" and the level will not drop. of top talent.

This ratio is not the result of his brainstorming. In 2011, a total of 933 million candidates took part in the national college entrance examination, Tsinghua University recruited 3349 people, and the recruitment ratio was about 3000:1. Considering that Tsinghua University still has Peking University as a competitor, he will The recruitment ratio is doubled to select the most top talents.

But it is impossible to attract top talents to join only "food and lodging" and "millions of annual salary" of castles in the air.

He has also prepared two other ultimate killers, Beijing Hukou and Renyi Film and Television Center.

As the deputy dean, in addition to being in charge of the actor team, he is also in charge of the film and television center, a department that has always been quite weak.

Renyi has a film and television center, but this department has never had a clear function, so it always does not have much sense of existence.

But in Xu Rong's view, as long as it is operated properly, it can even create a new China Film.

Renyi has its own actors, screenwriters, directors, clothing and props factories, and the most core capital of the film and television industry, and almost has a complete industrial chain of film and television production.

In order to avoid high income, high treatment and related households, annual or even semi-annual assessments are very necessary, and even drama competitions can be held to gradually implement corporateization.

In particular, the most core evaluation right of the entire ecology must be established through the system as the leading art committee, and no other administrative personnel shall interfere.

The starting point of this series of reforms is the reform of the actor team. The film and television center is just an empty shelf, and creation is much easier than transformation.

Standardizing the evaluation of actors and increasing the income of actors are key measures that must be implemented immediately.

These seemingly unconstrained and even unrealistic ideas were not invented by himself. They were clear requests made by Mr. Hu to the old dean at the beginning of the establishment of the academy. However, due to changes in the current situation, they finally failed to come true.

But now Yang Lixin has become a roadblock in his series of plans.

This senior, the elder, has made great contributions to human art, and he has taken good care of him in the past.

But now, at least in his opinion, Yang Lixin hinders the development of Renyi.

The root of daring to make drastic reforms is that he always believes that as long as he is still in Renyi, the cornerstone of the "Palace" will still be there.

Xu Rong listened to Yang Lixin and Feng Yuanzheng's respective opinions, pondered for a few seconds, and then asked: "Our actors, when was the last time we went to other groups to exchange and study?"

Feng Yuanzheng didn't answer, but looked at Yang Lixin.

"There was once in 07, and it was with the Shanghai Drama Art Center."

Yang Lixin replied, and understood Xu Rong's attitude towards the actor team he expressed earlier.

Not making a statement is itself the most explicit statement. Maybe he just took into account that he and Xiao Feng were both his past leaders, so he didn't refute it in person.

Feng Yuanzheng also realized Xu Rong's dissatisfaction.

Xu Rong was speechless for a long time. He finally understood the root of the human art problem today. He hadn't learned from other art groups for five years.

Doesn't Renyi need to learn from other art groups?

Throughout history, the traditions of certain operas have been preserved unchanged in a certain historical period. This situation has existed in the history of Chinese dramas. However, such operas and traditions will inevitably decline day by day, and finally end in extinction. , just leave a name in the history of drama.

This is also the fundamental reason why the state spends [-] million yuan in the Beijing opera industry every year, but it still cannot restore the decline.

Furthermore, if you don't teach the younger brothers a lesson, how will the brothers know how awesome the boss is?
Xu Rong said with a smile: "Our Human Art Group has never been closed since its establishment. It has always been the most advanced, most daring to explore and even the most radical art group in China. We dare to perform plays that other companies dare not perform. , We dare to accept scripts that others dare not accept, and we have to try performances that others dare not try, this is human art, otherwise, after a long time, we will be turned into a Beijing repertory troupe."

Renyi once changed its name to "Beijing Repertory Theater Troupe", and the repertoire performed did not emphasize artistry at all, but only blindly served the needs of the current situation.

Listening to Xu Rong's "criticism", Yang Lixin forced a smile: "Xu Yuan, are you exaggerating?"

Feng Yuanzheng glanced at Xu Rong, then at Yang Lixin, and lowered his eyebrows.

He has already realized that Xu Rong will most likely take Yang Lixin into surgery.

Xu Rong smiled, got up, walked towards the bookshelf, and said: "Of course I have a basis for saying this. In the early days of the establishment of the institute, we often held sports games every now and then. Because we were too radical, every time we played sports, we would be pushed to the forefront. .”

As he said, he pulled out Jiao Juyin's biography from the bookshelf, and then walked to the other side: "There are two key figures who have pushed Renyi to the forefront, and one of them is always firing at other art groups. The hypocritical Mr. Jiao Juyin, the other one was asked to write a review by the city and the ministry, but he always said that the artist has a weird temper, loves to complain, and doesn't pay much attention to life. This is also inevitable. Jiao Juyin's general political orientation Still progressive and patriotic." Mr. Zhao Qiyang, who is a good freshman."

He said, and pulled out Zhao Qiyang's biography: "I don't know whether to feel happy or sad. The cooperation of Mr. Jiao and Mr. Zhao, together with the old dean, Mr. Lao She, and Mr. Guo Moruo, established our great reputation in human art. However, it was precisely because of the aggressiveness of Mr. Zhao and Mr. Jiao that they were sent to the bullpen. Mr. Zhao was lucky and survived, but it is a pity for Mr. Jiao."

Xu Rong put the two books in front of Yang Lixin, and said, "This is the biography I made up for the two gentlemen. Team Yang can look through it when he has time."

Yang Lixin forced a smile on his face and said, "Thank you, Yuan Xu."

Xu Rong knew from the very beginning that the resistance to the reform of human and arts mainly comes from two aspects. One is the traditional faction headed by seniors such as Lan Tianye and Zheng Rong. The administrators headed by Ma Xin are afraid that they will be pushed to the forefront again and lose their hats.

For the former, his strategy is to use magic to defeat magic. Since you stick to tradition, then I will use tradition to defeat you. As for administrative resistance, it is negligible at present, because Dean Zhang Heping is the most staunch reformer .

"Tuk Tuk Tuk."

Ding Lijun held a document and stood at the door, looking at Yang Lixin and Feng Yuanzheng who were sitting side by side on the sofa: "Yuan Xu, oh, you are busy, then I will come back later."

Xu Rong didn't want to talk to Yang Lixin and Feng Yuanzheng anymore. He was going to listen to the thoughts of Wu Gang, Wang Ban, He Yan and others, so he asked, "Director Ding, what's the matter?"

Ding Lijun raised the document in his hand and said, "There is a document that needs your signature."

When Yang Lixin and Feng Yuan saw Xu Rong calling Ding Lijun to stop them, they both stood up and said, "Xu Yuan, then you should do your work first."

Xu Rong nodded and said: "Well, Team Yang, please inform me that at nine o'clock tomorrow morning, everyone in the actor team will have a meeting in the big conference room."

"it is good."

When the two went out, Xu Rong pointed to the seat where Yang Lixin was sitting just now, and said, "Director Ding, sit down."

Ding Lijun had prejudice against him in the past, and Xu Rong had already noticed it, so he treated Ding Lijun more politely.

Seeing Xu Rong pour himself a glass of water, Ding Lijun took it with both hands, and said, "Thank you, Yuan Xu."

Then he pointed to the materials and said, "There is an employee in our film and television center who is about to retire, and that is Liu Jianguo."

Xu Rong didn't have such a person in his mind at all, and asked, "What does he do?"

"It used to be a curtain call."

Now Xu Rong understands that there is no specific job now, and he is waiting for retirement.

He got up and took the ballpoint pen next to him, signed his name, and asked, "When will the farewell ceremony be held?"

"Farewell ceremony?"

Xu Rong signed with a "swish" and pushed the materials in front of Ding Lijun, saying: "It doesn't matter how it was before, what kind of work, what position, he has worked for Renyi all his life, and if there is a farewell ceremony at the end None, it's too chilling."

Ding Lijun hesitated for a while before saying: "Well, okay, will you attend then?"

Xu Rong nodded and said: "Of course, not only I will attend, but all the staff will also attend. I will invite the two leaders and several vice presidents."

Xu Rong understood the unfinished meaning of Ding Lijun's words, and said: "Director Ding, we all have a day to retire, and a day to retreat to the second line. How we treat people today may not be how they treat us tomorrow."

Ding Lijun took the materials signed by Xu Rong, was stunned for a few seconds, and then said: "Okay, leader, I will arrange it now."

He didn't have much dealings with Xu Rong in the past, but today, he met this 26-year-old young man for the first time.


When Ding Lijun walked to the door, he happened to meet Feng Yuanzheng who was going out when he came. Feng Yuanzheng pointed to the ballpoint pen on the coffee table and said with a smile, "My pen is down."

"Oh, good."

Feng Yuanzheng took the pen but did not leave. He turned to Xu Rong and said, "Leader, I have a few things to report to you."

Xu Rong smiled, looked at Feng Yuanzheng who had already sat down, and suddenly understood the deep meaning of the so-called "Full of Dendrobium, full of God".

He is also the deputy dean of People's Arts and Chinese Opera, and with the affairs of the studio, he doesn't have enough energy. The so-called "spiritual concept" is just a big net bag covering his head, and he can't escape. You can't get rid of it, no matter how talented you are, you have to fall into the mundane affairs.

Xu Rong made a gesture to get up to pour tea, and closed the office door smoothly. There is a saying in "Book of Changes", if the king does not keep secrets, he will lose his ministers, and if his ministers do not keep secrets, he will lose his status. He has no scruples, but Feng Yuanzheng didn't say it when he was with Yang Lixin just now, At this moment, he came here alone, obviously because he didn't want Yang Lixin to know.

"For the current problems of the actor team, I can roughly summarize the following points."

(End of this chapter)

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