I'm just an actor

Chapter 461 Knowledge

Chapter 461 Knowledge
After the heavy news that "Drug Wars" directed by Du Qifeng and starring Xu Rong and Sun Honglei was scheduled for June 6th, "Painted Skin II" and "Ruffian Heroes All-out War" followed closely, and announced that they will be scheduled for June 15th. day.

The behavior of the distributors of "Painted Skin II" and "Raffy Heroes All Out" made the entire film circle a little confused for a while.

"Painted Skin II" is directed by Wu Ershan, starring Chen Kun, Zhao Wei, and Zhou Xun, while "Ruffian Heroes Go to War" is directed by Er Dongsheng, starring Huang Bo, Zhao Youting, and Yang Ying. Like "Drug War", the three They are all one of the big productions of this year, and there is no need to take risks at all.

The cake is that big, if someone is full, someone must be hungry.

"Drug Wars" can be understood by the industry when it is set. Taking advantage of the promotion of Xu Rong by major mainstream media across the country, some viewers want to find out even if they are running for the title of "master".

But why are you joining in the fun with "Painted Skin II" and "Ruffian Heroes All-out War"?

And these super blockbusters should not be later than mid-August, which means one and a half months to compete with 8 movies at the box office.

In contrast, choosing to compete with "Drug War" still has a high chance of survival.

Xu Rong's appeal is mainly limited to the TV drama market. Although he has "extensive experience" in the film market, but with the nature of "The Founding of the Party", whoever plays the male lead will not make much difference in the box office.

In order to fight a bloody way in the first round of competition in the summer file, "Painted Skin II" and "Ruffian Heroes All-out War" took the lead in launching a comprehensive publicity offensive.

It was only half an hour after the announcement, the news of "Zhao Wei and Zhou Xun kicking stools and pulling hair on the set" quickly appeared on major searches.

At the same time, "The Romance between Zhao Youting and Gao Yuanyuan" quickly climbed to the second place in the hot search.

Yourong Media.

Jin Fangfang supported her waist with one hand, and gently stroked her slightly protruding belly with the other, walking back and forth in the office.

Proper exercise during pregnancy can help with labor.

Three days ago, "Xu Rong Studio" officially became a thing of the past, and changed to "You Rong Media" in the form of a limited liability company with a registered capital of [-] million.

Zhang Xiaofei holds 90% of the shares, and she holds 10%.

Recently, she has the feeling that Xu Rong is getting farther and farther away from her.

When she received a request to change the form of the studio, and it was Xu Rong who gave up control completely, she couldn't understand it at all.

Does he really trust Zhang Xiaofei that much?
Is he really not worried that one day in the future the relationship between the two will break down and they will completely lose control of the company?
It took less than 10 minutes until Wang Yaqin completed all the procedures of studio form and legal person change.

It is said that in order to carry out administrative reforms and experiment with the efficiency of multi-departmental joint office work in Beijing, the staff of various departments were temporarily gathered in one place to handle this business.

She heard Wang Yaqin's description at that time, and she sighed, "Good luck, I saved a lot of trouble." But it happened that only about 5 minutes after the studio completed the change of legal person, the capital announced that Xu Rong was promoted to the Deputy Academy of Humanities and Arts. long decision.

Looking at the endless traffic on the street, Jin Fangfang couldn't help thinking of a young man wearing a peaked cap.

In the blink of an eye, ten years have passed, and she is about to become a mother, while that young man has become a well-known master in the country.

"Tuk Tuk."

Wearing a small orange suit, Wang Yaqin walked in with a stack of documents in one hand and a cup of milk tea in the other: "Sister Fangfang, Hairun sent a new market survey result, according to their survey of 1000 different groups of people According to the survey conducted, the group with the highest expectations for Xu Rong's works are college students and working people. They analyzed that because of Teacher Xu's marriage last year, he lost a large number of his fan base, which was mainly middle school students."

"In addition, we underestimated the publicity strategies of "Painted Skin II" and "Ruffian Heroes All-out War". In addition to the traditional positive publicity, they also used negative news drainage measures, but compared to these two, "Drug War "'s distribution cost is limited, it is impossible to carry out advertising bombardment covering all channels like them, so Hairun suggested that in order to ensure the recovery of costs, the release date of "Drug Wars" is postponed."

Jin Fangfang's attention was on the milk tea she put on the table: "I told you, I really can't drink it now, don't come to tempt me!"

"You can just drink the milk cap instead of tea!"


Jin Fangfang glanced at the market analysis report handed over by Wang Yaqin with a smile, and said: "We have no choice, postpone it? Push it to the National Day file or the Spring Festival file?"

Throwing the report into the trash can casually, said: "Hairun's gang, you can't do anything else, they are the best at shirking responsibility, they clearly know that I can't agree, and they insist on publishing this report. Losses, this responsibility will be borne by me.”

Wang Yaqin hesitated for a moment, then asked: "Sister Fangfang, how about I call Teacher Xu and ask his opinion?"

Jin Fangfang smiled and said, "Then you might as well ask the boss."

"He is." Wang Yaqin suddenly realized that in theory, Xu Rong really has nothing to do with the company, but is the boss's words really reliable?

Jin Fangfang sat back in the chair: "Yaqin, the biggest difference between Mr. Xu and Liu Yanming is that he never takes care of specific affairs. Do you understand what I mean?"

Wang Yaqin looked at her suspiciously, not understanding what Jin Fangfang meant, because Xu Rongsheng added 60 to her year-end award last year, while Sister Fangfang deducted [-].

How can this be called regardless of specific affairs?
"Don't you wonder why Zhang Yang is in charge of administrative and financial work and not someone else?"

Seeing that Wang Yaqin was speechless for a long time, Jin Fangfang said: "It's because Zhang Yang can give him the sense of security he needs, and so do we, but what he needs from us is not a sense of security, let alone problems and troubles. If you don't recognize this fact clearly, yes As far as he is concerned, you lose value."

Emotionally, Wang Yaqin felt that Jin Fangfang was talking nonsense, but rationally, she thought it was very reasonable, but the term "value" made her emotionally unacceptable.

She shook her head slightly, expressing her disapproval of Jin Fangfang's statement: "If this is the case, I feel a little bit chilled."

Jin Fangfang laughed suddenly, pointed at the desk and said, "When you sit in this position, you won't be disappointed."


"Comrades, I feel chilled!"

In the big meeting room of Renyi, Xu Rong sat in the middle, holding a semi-old booklet with a blue cover in his hand, his eyes swept over the faces of the seven NO. What is it in your hand?"

Everyone didn't react for a while, but they all looked at the water glass with goji berries and red dates on his left hand.

Because Xu Rong has just outlined a bright future for actors and actresses, he fully affirmed and supported Feng Yuanzheng's proposal of "increasing performance allowances for actors", and said that this will be his main work in the next three years .

It turned out to be unexpected, just because of taking a sip of wolfberry and red date tea, the mood of the whole person has undergone an earth-shaking change.

This goji berry red date tea is too good.

"It looks familiar."

Someone muttered in a low voice.

Xu Rong put the booklet on the table, tapped it gently with his finger, and said, "This is the book borrowing record of our library."

Xu Rong looked around, like thunder on the ground, and suddenly said loudly: "It's shocking, comrades."

Song Yi, who was sitting in the corner, wanted to bite her ear to Sister Xiaofei, but seeing Sister Xiaofei's biting lips, she didn't dare to say anything.

In such a serious atmosphere, if she laughed out loud, whose responsibility is it?
Xu Rong slowly revealed the root cause of his "shocking": "The book borrowing records of the entire cast team are not as good as that of an external security guard."

Xu Rong looked at all of them and lowered their heads, and said: "It's May now, I'll make a statistic, those who are sitting, those who have read a complete book this year raise their hands."

There were about forty or fifty arms raised in the meeting room.

Xu Rong looked at Wang Ban who raised his hand, and asked, "Wang Ban, what have you read?"

"It's a homeschooling book called Disappearing Fathers, Anxious Mothers, and Runaway Children."


Xu Rong also smiled and said: "Hey, this theme is very good, I have to learn from you, do you have any experience that you think is particularly good?"

Wang Ban thought for a few seconds and said, "I think this book has a very good suggestion, that is, parents should not make rules for their children that cannot be enforced, as that will only damage the authority of parents."

Xu Rong nodded gently, and said, "Don't throw away this book, just lend it to me later."

"no problem."


There was another burst of laughter in the meeting room.

Xu Rong paused for a moment, and asked, "Those who have read three or more books this year raise their hands."

The entire conference room was silent, and no one dared to slap their faces to pretend to be fat, because the leader would ask questions on the spot!

After touching for about four or five seconds, an arm was not firmly raised in the corner of the conference room.

Seeing the owner of the arm, Xu Rong smiled suddenly, and said, "You still have the nerve to raise it. If it weren't for the fear of me checking your homework, I guess you wouldn't even be able to finish one book."


"Okay, let it go."

"Actually, I really recommend that everyone read three or five books a year when they have time."

Hearing Xu Rong's tone eased, the atmosphere in the conference room suddenly relaxed.

Xu Rong continued: "I just talked about the income, so I will talk about how the income comes from next. I will first say a conclusion. We actors must fight for culture in the end. Many people may not agree with this point. I To give an example, everyone knows that "Brave Sword" is notoriously difficult to act, but why did such a difficult play become a one-man show for the supporting role of Teacher Su Min?"

"Because Mr. Su Min is so educated. When he puts on that outfit, everyone believes that Fan Li should look like that. No matter how much others learn and imitate, they just can't learn. This is the difference between educated and uneducated. .”

Xu Rong actually understands this, even if he doesn't say it, most of the people here know it, and what he said is just an example to let everyone know how much difference there is between being educated and not being educated.

He paused for a moment, and continued: "There is an old Chinese saying that there is a house of gold in the book, and there is Yan Ruyu in the book. What does it mean?"

"I personally think that 'the book has its own golden house, and the book has its own Yan Ruyu' can be understood at two levels. What is the background of the era in which it was born? It was a feudal dynasty in which the imperial examination monopolized the upward channels of society. These two sentences Fundamentally, it reflects the power-based thinking of the feudal era, that is, if you have studied and gained fame, you will have a golden house and Yan Ruyu, this is one of them."

"The second is what everyone generally understands, knowledge is wealth."

Xu Rong looked at a pair of confused eyes, and said: "Then some people will say, it's different now, the penetration rate of undergraduates is so high, reading is useless at all, does it make sense?"

Xu Rong picked up his teacup and took a sip before continuing: "There is some reason, but not entirely. In the past, everyone was illiterate and you were literate, which meant that you could realize knowledge, but now the vast majority of people are Now that you are literate, if you still want to realize your common sense that everyone knows, you really treat others as fools."

"Essentially, I still think that 'There is a house of gold in the book, there is Yan Ruyu in the book' is still valid, the premise is that the knowledge gap between you and the public is as wide as the gap between Jinshi and illiterate old peasants in ancient times, and once Forming such a knowledge gap, the benefits will be thousands, ten thousand, or even tens of millions of times the cost."

Xu Rong looked at Yu Mingjia and said with a smile: "I have been in Renyi since 09, and now I am the vice president. As an actor, the only works that I can get out of are probably "Thunderstorm" and "Home". Before "Thunderstorm", in order to understand what kind of emotion Fanyi has towards me, I bought a book for 25 yuan, and I knew Fanyi's mood was "From now on, I will also be a beautiful and lonely pear flower, Zhu Lip talked about the cherry, when will this lovesickness be?', it has greatly inspired me how to deal with Zhou Ping's attitude towards Fanyi, so now I ask everyone, is this book worth 2500 million?"

"I think it's just more and less, the energy of each of us is."

Xu Rong looked at the bewildered, puzzled, surprised, and puzzled eyes cast around him, and his voice fell slowly. He hesitated for a moment, and asked, "What do you mean when you look at me? Are you wondering?" What is the source of that poem just now?"

"No, you make me feel bad when you look at me like that, you know?"


After the laughter, Xu Rong asked unwillingly: "Someone, can you tell me the source of the poem just now?"

The meeting room suddenly fell into a silence worse than silence.

Xu Rong couldn't accept it, and asked again: "Haven't you guys read "The Romance of the West Chamber?"

Seeing nearly a hundred heads fell down like cutting wheat, Xu Rong sat on the chair in a daze, he really couldn't describe his mood.

As an actor, he didn't even read "The Romance of the West Chamber", which is the highest achievement in the development of Chinese opera, isn't that out of line?

In the corner, classmate Xiao Zhang and Song Yi looked at each other, and they both found the light in each other's eyes.

In the past, they often felt distressed by their ignorance, but today they realized that it had nothing to do with them.

(End of this chapter)

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