I'm just an actor

Chapter 462 Busy

Chapter 462 Busy
At the end of the meeting, Xu Rong walked out of the meeting room with a teacup in hand.

In fact, he wasn't sure if what he said today had any effect.

It was like he didn't know whether Yuan Yu would change because of his advice.

But what he is sure of is that he can choose who to use and who not to.

The spirit of dedication and professionalism at the beginning of the establishment of the academy is not fully feasible now. For contemporary young people, because of the huge gap between ideals and reality, and because of the sharp contrast between slogans and reality, there are only real benefits. , Only tangible benefits are the driving force for them to move forward.

However, there are still irreconcilable contradictions between resource allocators and resource demanders.

For the majority of actors in the actor team, they need to get benefits before they can contribute, but for Xu Rong, if you don’t contribute first, why should I give you benefits?
To put it bluntly, it is the order of raising wages first and working first.

But now that he holds the right to allocate resources, he has to abide by his rules: work first, then raise wages.

Back in the office, he picked up the rice paper he had prepared and walked straight into the dean's office diagonally opposite.

Looking at Zhang Heping who was busy behind the desk with his head bowed, Xu Rong knocked on the door twice and said with a smile: "Leader, I have to trouble you again today."

"No money!" Zhang Heping didn't raise his head, and subconsciously replied when he heard the voice, "I'm still short of money."

Xu Rong came to him yesterday afternoon to make three suggestions, and the price was [-] million.

Dead or not? !
Unless he sold the theater, where else could he raise so much money?
Xu Rong's face froze, but he regained his composure in an instant, and said, "The leader sees what you said, as if I only ask you for money."

"No money?" Zhang Heping took off his glasses, "Then tell me, what's the matter?"

Xu Rong sat opposite Zhang Heping, and said: "There is an old employee in our film and television center, Liu Jianguo, who used to be the one who opened the curtain. Later, when the film and television center was established, he was transferred to me. Now he is going to retire. I would like to ask you for a pair of calligraphy." Framed and hung at home, is it convenient for you to look at it?”

Zhang Heping smiled, nodded his head and said: "Since people have brought it up, it should, it should."

When Xu Rong heard this, he quickly got up again, and took out the writing brush, ink and inkstone that Zhang Heping hadn't used for 800 years from the cabinet.

While twisting the ink bottle, Zhang Heping asked, "By the way, Xiao Xu, besides raising the performance subsidy and increasing the semi-annual assessment of actors, what did you talk about yesterday?"

Xu Rong spread the rice paper on Zhang Heping's desk, and said, "I want to invest in making a movie in the name of a film and television center."

"As for the actors, we should use our own as much as possible. Now there are many young actors, directors, and screenwriters in the theater. Everyone loves drama and is willing to stay in the theater, but they all want to try what it's like to make a movie."

"You have a good idea."

Zhang Heping praised, and then continued to ask: "Then how much do you estimate it will cost?"

"At least 5000 million."

Zhang Heping shook his hand holding the pen, and said: "Then my dean can give you 5000 million. How dare you think that with this price, even if you go to Han Laosan, he will not give it to you." cast."

Today's film and television production costs are often dominated by actors' remuneration. If Xu Rong, Pu Cunxi, Feng Yuanzheng, Wu Gang and others lead the leading roles, the overall investment will immediately soar to [-] million.

Xu Rong laughed twice and said, "Ten million is fine."

Zhang Heping nodded, expressing his understanding, pondered for a few seconds, and wrote with a brush: "Old friend Jianguo is in good health, thank you for your years of hard work."

It was too late to say it, and then it was too late, Zhang Heping just finished writing, Xu Rong's voice echoed: "The dean's handwriting is getting more and more free and easy, with an artistic conception that is floating in the dust."

Zhang Heping laughed and said, "Little Xu, do you know what Pope said about Bacon?"

When Xu Rong heard this, even though he was a professional actor, he couldn't help but blush slightly.

"The wisest man, the best man, is also the meanest man."

Zhang Heping gave the answer with a smile, looking at him: "I, Zhang Heping, is just a small person. People scold me, at most, behind their backs. When I leave this post, very few people will remember me soon." , but you are different, you are a master destined to be recorded in the history of drama and art."

"If you can't do something, it's a matter of ability. Besides, this is not your strong point after all. History will forgive you. Even in the future, your resume will not show that you have served as the vice president of human arts. But if you are a human being If something goes wrong, maybe one day he will nail himself to the pillar of shame in history."

Xu Rong nodded with a serious face, and said: "Thank you for the leadership, I will remember it forever."

But he sighed in his heart, Zhang Heping gave affirmative opinions on all three of his proposals, but he didn't agree with any of them, but his words revealed a warmth of "his words are also kind" everywhere, probably he was ready to do it anytime. Get ready to walk away.


He reckoned that Zhang Heping should be worried that Ren Ming would not be able to withstand the pressure after retirement. Instead of this, it would be better to wait for Ren Ming to fully control the situation and become familiar with the situation before implementing reforms.

Xu Rong barely pulled himself together and said, "Leader, I plan to hold a farewell ceremony for all the staff the day after tomorrow. Do you think you have time to attend?"

Zhang Heping didn't hesitate at all: "I think you're doing the right thing. Our human art can be what it is today, thanks to the contributions of you artists, but it can't be said without the dedication of ordinary administrative workers like us, ah, haha."

"Dean, you are not an ordinary employee, you are the president of ZTE." After being mentioned by Zhang Heping with Bacon just now, Xu Rong suddenly realized that he had a psychological barrier when he flattered him.

"Hahaha, you."

Xu Rong sat and chatted for another 10 minutes before getting up and said, "Leader, I'll go there first."

"Okay, go about your business."

When Xu Rong walked to the door of the office, Zhang Heping suddenly called out: "Xiao Xu."

"Well, Dean?"

Zhang Heping said slowly: "I can't directly allocate the money for making the film to you. How about this, how much you earn from the box office of "Thunderstorm" this year is at your disposal. As for increasing the income, there is still a semi-annual assessment."

He hesitated for a few seconds, then said seriously: "These two things are not trivial, you have to think carefully."

Xu Rong nodded and said, "I understand."

Zhang Heping asked him to think carefully, which means that his previous consideration was still not thorough enough.

And this comprehensive and incomplete judgment standard does not belong to Zhang Heping, nor does it belong to him, but to Ren Ming.

Of course he would be happy for Ren Ming to take over as the dean, but it is unknown whether Ren Ming can take the lead.

"Also, we have both in-laws and parents. The in-laws have to move around, and the mother's family must not forget to report. Your situation is similar. Don't worry about going to the school. Xu Xiang dare not take you How about it, but it is the highest institution of the acting department after all, it doesn't matter if you slack off, but you must not delay the future of other people's children."

"I see."

When Ding Lijun took Zhang Heping's inscription from Xu Rong's hand, he was stunned for a few seconds, feeling annoyed for no reason.

Liu Jianguo is just an ordinary employee, but Zhang Heping is not an ordinary employee.

He glanced at the preoccupied Xu Rong, and asked softly, "Leader, do you have any other arrangements?"

"Oh, no, please trouble Director Ding."

Ding Lijun looked at Xu Ronghe's kind smile, his heart tightened for no reason, and he said, "Leader, don't say that. If you think highly of it, just call me Lao Ding."

He didn't believe that Xu Rong, who was so thorough in understanding people's hearts, didn't know his past hostility, but now Xu Rong, as the vice president, still politely called himself "Director Ding", which made him feel guilty.

Xu Rong smiled and looked at Ding Lijun for a few seconds, nodded slightly, and said with a smile: "Okay, old Ding."

When Ding Lijun left the office, Xu Rong looked at the seven missed calls on his mobile phone, chose the nearest one and dialed it.


"Hey, Xiao Xu, I'm your Uncle Liu. We met at the teacher apprenticeship ceremony a while ago. I heard that Chinese opera is going to set up a Beijing opera department. Is there such a thing?"

Xu Rong thought about it for a long time, but he couldn't remember who this "Uncle Liu" was, but he still said: "Oh, so it is Uncle Liu, yes, there is such a thing."

"Oh, then you come to me this afternoon."

Xu Rong was stunned for a moment when he heard the almost commanding tone. He took the phone from his ear and took a closer look. Has this person bought serious illness insurance?
"Uncle, is there something important? I'm busy these two days, and I'm afraid I won't be able to leave for a while. Let's talk on the phone if you have anything to do."

The phone side immediately became displeased: "What's more busy? You child, why are you so young, your parents?"


Xu Rong hung up the phone directly, and rubbed the center of his brows speechlessly. The proverb "poor mountains and evil waters create troublesome people" was vividly displayed in the Peking Opera business.

He really didn't expect that someone in the Peking Opera circle would actually show up to him.

At present, Hao Tian is in charge of the performance department of the Chinese opera, but the Beijing opera department, which is planned separately, has become a favorite.

The resources of the Beijing opera industry are scarce, so adding such a large pot of soup is like throwing a piece of bloody meat into a pack of wolves that have been hungry for half a month.

"Ring bell bell."

Xu Rong looked at Shang Changrong's call on the phone, and frowned slightly.

He didn't take that "Uncle Liu" who came out of nowhere, because he couldn't bear to get angry with such a person.

But he hung up on "Master Liu" on the front foot, and Shang Changrong called back on the back foot. He wouldn't believe it if he said it was okay to kill him.

But as far as he knew, Shang Changrong was also a fine person, so logically he shouldn't have made this call.

He didn't pick up the phone until the fourth ring rang. To his surprise, Shang Changrong's first sentence was: "Xu Rong, teacher, I'm sorry for causing you trouble."

"Hey, teacher, what are you talking about?"

"Your Uncle Liu called me angrily just now, telling me how you are. The teacher knows your temper. It is not a last resort. You will not do or say excessive things. I called you just to tell you. You, you run your school, don’t take this muddy water in the Beijing opera circle, let alone give anyone face.”

"Well, thank you teacher."

Hanging up the phone again, remembering the content of the two phone calls just now, Xu Rong laughed to himself. He used to meet people like "Uncle Liu", but in the past two years, he has met more people like "Shang Chang" Allow".

He was really curious, what is the whole set of internal logic behind the behavior of "Uncle Liu"?
But before that, he was going to apply for a new card.

Xiao Zhang gradually discovered a problem. Since Mr. Xu became a "master", he has become more and more busy.

They used to be able to go home together after rehearsals, but now they are either socializing or having meetings.

And when he got home in the evening, he couldn't say a few words, and he would go straight into the study again.

"Mr. Xu, why didn't you turn off the switch after you used the stove?"

Xiao Zhang frowned, pushed open the door of the study angrily, and looked at Xu Rong who was reading the script.

"I didn't mean to disturb you, but how many times have I told you that you must turn off the gas after using the stove at night, why didn't you listen?"

Xu Rong stared at her blankly, and after a few seconds, he picked up the teacup next to him and took a sip: "I just realized today that you look really cute when you're angry."

"Stop it!"

The corner of Xiao Zhang's mouth subconsciously twitched, but she quickly suppressed it: "Don't think that you can get away with it by praising me."

Xu Rong nodded and said, "Of course, how is it possible? Why would I try to fool you in front of you? I will pay attention next time."

Xiao Zhang is too afraid of death.

The switch she was talking about was the master switch for the kitchen gas.

But he always felt that unless he was traveling far away, there was no need to close it at all.

Seeing him smiling, classmate Xiao Zhang seemed to think that it was necessary to educate him about the dangers of turning off the switch.

She closed the door, walked up to Xu Rong, and asked condescendingly, "Do you know how many kilograms of TNT bombs are equivalent to the energy released by burning one kilogram of liquefied gas?"

Xu Rong suddenly realized that he was waiting for him here.

But classmate Xiao Zhang obviously forgot one thing, he used to be her tutor.

This kind of unpopular knowledge should theoretically be in Xiao Zhang's knowledge blind spot, but now that she looks confident, there is a high probability that she can sell it now, because after a few days, she can only remember the general idea.

Moreover, her words also obviously added her own simple understanding, because under normal circumstances, it should be described in terms of "TNT equivalent", rather than the unpretentious description of "how many kilograms of TNT bombs".

Cooperating with her performance, he asked curiously, "How much?"

"11 kilograms, do you know that if there is an accident, we will all be blown up."

Xu Rong smiled and said, "Can I correct you?"

Classmate Xiao Zhang looked at him suspiciously: "I, did I say something wrong?"

"At present, the air quality model is mainly developed along the three theoretical systems of turbulent flow diffusion, namely K theory, statistical theory and similarity theory. The premise of your 11 kg should be that the liquefied gas is fully burned, but in fact it is impossible. "

Classmate Xiao Zhang and Xu Rong looked at each other for three seconds, turned around quietly, and walked towards the door silently.

Except for the last sentence, she didn't understand a word.

But this does not prevent her from being aware of the concept of "self-defeating".

(End of this chapter)

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