I'm just an actor

Chapter 463 The Eve

Chapter 463 The Eve
"Little Zhang?"

Xu Rong looked at the back of Xiao Zhang who walked to the door, and shouted softly.


Classmate Xiao Zhang turned his head and looked at him puzzled and cautiously.

The reason for being cautious is that she rarely heard Teacher Xu calling her in such a way without any follow-up.

In her few memories, every time Teacher Xu yelled this, he usually dug a hole and waited for her to jump.

And it's usually a super big pit. It seems that his hesitation before speaking is to give his conscience some time to pass.

Seeing her defensive face, Xu Rong smiled lightly and said, "I'm sorry."

Classmate Xiao Zhang looked at him, stared blankly for a few seconds, her eyes suddenly narrowed into crescent moons, she knew why he was sorry, so she gently shook her loose hair, and said: "Actually, before we were together, I thought it would be like this.”

She approached, hugged his shoulders, and said, "I know you won't stop what you want to do, but that's why I liked you in the first place."

The busy work and socializing in the past few days made Xu Rong gradually realize the fact that maybe he will be busy for many years in the future, so he won't be able to spend too much time with his family.

"I am your wife, and you are my husband. In every family, there must be someone who pays more and someone who pays less. In our family, you are the one who pays more. You don't need to say sorry to me."

Xu Rong felt the intermittent hot air in her ears, and a wave of hot air rose from her body for no reason, she turned her face slightly, and it was only a short distance from the tip of her nose: "I'm a little tired, it's time to rest."


Xu Rong first glanced down at the index finger on his lips, then looked up at the soft but firm look in Xiao Zhang's eyes, and vaguely guessed the meaning expressed by "Da Baa!"

He looked at Xiao Zhang, who was smiling at the corners of his mouth and eyes, and couldn't help but look at her with admiration. Xiao Zhang obviously understood "36 Strategies", and he had already reached the point where he could learn and apply it.

It is a different kind of stimulation to suppress before you want to promote, or to do it when you know what you can't do.

Xiao Zhang also noticed the hot color in his eyes, and felt the two big hands that were about to embrace her. Her voice was lower: "You wait for twenty, no, go back to the room in half an hour, I'll go back to the room first." get ready."

Xu Rong couldn't help being surprised when he heard that Xiao Zhang was so active today, which made him not even used to it for a while.

"It's the one I bought last time"

Xiao Zhang put his index finger on his lips again: "Keep looking forward."

Xu Rong watched classmate Xiao Zhang blink and leave the study room, feeling a little restless.

In the past, classmate Xiao Zhang was always reluctant to let go, even when trying new postures, he was always shy, although he felt more interesting after half-pushing.

However, Xiao Zhang is always extremely resistant to content that is too bold, avant-garde and exciting.

Today Xiao Zhang seems to have figured it out thoroughly.

After fidgeting for 25 minutes, Xu Rong immediately got up and walked out of the study.

5 minutes was too long, and he couldn't wait any longer.

Walking to the door of the bedroom and gently pushing the door open, it was slightly different from the dim yellow light he expected.

The room was pitch black.

Holding the doorknob in a daze for a moment, he turned on the switch of the light in the room. The moment it was turned on, his eyes scanned the room.

Classmate Xiao Zhang was lying quietly on the bed, as if he was already fast asleep.

Xu Rong looked at Xiao Zhang, who turned over on the bed because she turned on the night light, and the red blanket under her, and the expression on her face froze immediately.

Bai was excited for 25 minutes.

I forgot that classmate Xiao Zhang came to be my aunt.

Hunting wild geese all day long, unexpectedly being pecked in the eye by wild goose!

Seeing classmate Xiao Zhang sleeping soundly on the bed, Xu Rong gently closed the door, and it was time to sleep.

Early the next morning, on the way to the courtyard, classmate Xiao Zhang seemed to remember something, blinked and blinked: "Mr. Xu, when did you sleep yesterday?"

Xu Rong glanced at her, Xiao Zhang typically wins a round and can play for half a month.

Looking at the huge posters of "Drug Wars" and "Painted Skin II" hanging at the entrance of the cinema on the street, Xu Rong always felt a little uneasy.

Why is no one coming to find fault?
At this time, shouldn't a certain film critic or colleague jump out and boldly predict that "Drug Wars" will lose the bottom line?

This made him a little worried. Without film critics and peers, it means that he has a high probability of not being able to beat some people in the face, and it is even very possible that under the eyes of everyone, the box office is mediocre.

Not only did Liu Yanming have no idea, but he was actually quite uneasy about the performance of "Drug Wars".

As of now, the total annual box office in the mainland is 74 billion, and the total box office of domestic films is 31 billion, accounting for 40%.

In addition to "Painted Skin II" and "Heroes of Heroes", there are also European and American blockbusters such as "The Hunger Games", "Prometheus", and "Snow White and the Huntsman".

The potential of the mainland film market is indeed huge, but currently the number of theaters is limited, and the box office is also limited, which means that the cake is only that big, and other films are cut more. The score that "Drug Wars" can get must decrease.

Even if he is dubbed a "drama master", he still does not want to suffer box office failure.

The identity of Renyi and the vice president of the Chinese Opera helped him compile a huge network of relationships. This network of relationships ensures that his competitors must compete fairly with him within the rules. Power of expulsion.

However, an actor's public figure attributes, especially star attributes, are the prerequisites for maintaining his current standard of living.

In the entertainment industry, there is no downhill road.

The production cycle of film and television is too long. Once an artist's career development starts to show a downward trend, the market will immediately fuel the flames and accelerate this downward trend.

Because no one can be sure how much market appeal a film has left from its project approval to its official release.

His past works ensure that he will not be forgotten by the market in 20 years.

But he remembered more clearly that he hadn't received an ideal endorsement contract this year.

The market is still waiting to see the results of "Drug Wars".

1.5 million.

This is the minimum requirement of the entire industry for "Drug Wars".

Although this box office is already a huge profit for Liu Yanming, it was when he and Sun Honglei played at a friendly price.

In the entire film and television market, the box office of "Drug Wars" must reach 1.5 million, otherwise it will be a loss-making business for investors.

He withdrew his gaze from the poster of "Painted Skin II" and asked, "Xiao Zhang, do you think there is any way for me to gain a lot of attention in a short period of time?"

Without even thinking about it, Xiao Zhang said: "Yes, we rehearsed the show live and commented on it."

"Live review?"

"Yes, I can guarantee that as long as you live broadcast, you will definitely become popular." Classmate Xiao Zhang laughed.

Xu Rong pondered for two seconds, then shook his head lightly: "The method you mentioned can indeed attract the attention of teachers and students in art colleges, but the general public can't understand it at all, and they don't want to hear it either."

"Hey, yes. Recently, many people on the Internet are very curious about why you are called 'the first drama master of the 21st century'. Why don't you give us a general introduction to your theoretical system?"

"That's a good idea."

"and many more."

He noticed a certain word in Xiao Zhang's words, turned his head and glanced at her: "We?"

"The 'we' you mentioned doesn't include you?"

Xiao Zhang shrank his neck: "Hey."

When Xu Rong was worried about the poor box office of "Drug War", a group of people in a smoky conference room were worried that the box office of "Drug War" was too high.

Wang Zhonglei took a stack of materials and said, "I'm here today not to pursue responsibility, but I hope everyone can realize that our opponent this time is completely different from the past. Jin Fangfang is extremely good at marketing, and we must do a comprehensive job." preventive solution."

In the conference room, besides Wang Zhonglei, there were four middle-aged men. Hearing Wang Zhonglei's words, one of them was about to refute immediately.

Wang Zhonglei seemed to have anticipated the current situation, and then said: "Otherwise, such a great work will lose in marketing, and I feel sorry for everyone."

The conference room was quiet for a while, because Wang Zhonglei didn't make the breeze of destroying his own ambition by growing others' ambitions.

Wang Zhonglei looked anxious at this time. As an investor, he had emphasized many times before that the marketing momentum of "Drug Wars" must be strong, but Chen Guofu, Yang Zhenjian and others who were in charge of the marketing of "Painted Skin II" seemed not to take it seriously at all. thing.

But the recent situation completely and completely confirmed his prediction.

The initial marketing strategy of "Painted Skin II" was an ultra-luxury star lineup + continuous controversy, while "Drug Wars" was a gimmick of an ultra-luxury lineup + master works.

Like "Painted Skin II", "Drug Wars" also adopts the omni-channel marketing strategy of traditional media + new media + social platforms, almost avoiding the marketing of both as long as it is online.

Seeing that the situation was wrong, Chen Guofu immediately played the second card, the idea of ​​"cross-race, life-and-death love", hoping to attract the attention of many women.

As a veteran filmmaker, he knows very well that this is not Du Qifeng's strong point.

"Drug Wars" is also not to be outdone, and is promoted online and offline simultaneously with "Salute to the People's Defenders".

With the help of Xu Rong's recent high popularity, in the first round of marketing battle, "Drug War" gradually gained the upper hand.

As the decision maker of the 34-person marketing team, Chen Guofu said with a smile in substandard Mandarin: "Mr. Wang doesn't think that our marketing team with 6 groups is the only way to do it?"

Wang Zhonglei spread his hands and said: "The fact I have seen is that there is a high probability that I will not be able to recover the cost."

Wang Zhonglei understands Jin Fangfang's style very well. She likes to maintain the balance of the balance, giving people the illusion of being evenly matched, but once the critical point is reached, she will add all the weights without hesitation, instantly breaking the seemingly extremely stable balance .

Chen Guofu said to the middle-aged man next to him: "Zhenjian, please tell Mr. Wang about our general idea."

The one Chen Guofu called "Zhen Jian" was a chubby middle-aged man with a mid-section. He grinned with a smile: "Well, let Wang Zhong have a reassurance first."

"There are currently three types of mainstream marketing strategies in the market. First, brand effect, which is often referred to as big production, big team, and big publicity. The creative teams of "Painted Skin II" and "Drug Wars" are born with this. In addition, For example, premiering in the Great Hall, winning awards abroad, etc., all belong to this kind of publicity strategy, which is the most widely used, but also the best marketing strategy.”

"Second, create and maintain controversy. Controversy will inevitably arouse curiosity, and curiosity will inevitably turn into attention. In addition, we need to explain to Mr. Wang that after our analysis, this strategy is the best way for the behind-the-scenes marketing team of "Drug Wars". It is also the method I like to use the most. As the main opponent, we believe that we know Jin Fangfang better than Mr. Wang."

"Third, brand-new concepts or gimmicks, such as a series of popular concepts such as 3D, youth, healing, romance, funny, etc., are packaged and accurately released to a certain group, and its box office conversion rate will reach a terrifying level. the point."

Yang Zhenjian looked at Wang Zhonglei, and said: "So far, all marketing plans are nothing more than these three, and we still have 18 days. In 18 days, we will push these three strategies to the extreme."

Seeing Wang Zhonglei shaking his head, Yang Zhenjian pushed the metal-rimmed glasses on Dayuan's face, and asked with a smile: "Mr. Wang must think that "Drug War" can also do this."

After Wang Zhonglei nodded, Yang Zhenjian said: "Then I can definitely assure Mr. Wang that Jin Fangfang may be able to think of it, but she can't do it. Hairun's marketing team can't do such delicate work, and marketing is like this. Once the balance is formed Tilt, and immediately there will be a herd effect."

After being stunned for a few seconds, Wang Zhonglei suddenly came back to his senses. After being reminded by Yang Zhenjian, he suddenly realized that marketing is not just someone's whimsy, but a team's cooperation and collective wisdom. Jin Fangfang is indeed He is a marketing genius, but Hairun's publicity team probably hasn't understood the concept of movie marketing yet.

"Then I will wait and see."

As time entered June, the marketing battle between "Drug War" and "Painted Skin II" started.

6 month 1 day.

"Painted Skin II" took the lead in quickly launching the concept of "Chinese-style magic blockbuster".

6 month 2 day.

"Drug War"'s slogan "People's hearts are more poisonous than poison" covers the entire Internet.

6 month 3 day.

"Painted Skin II" introduces the concept of 3D, showing the most cutting-edge film technology.

6 month 4 day.

"Drug Wars" proposes "the largest mainland police and gangster film in history!" in order to increase the audience's sense of expectation.

6 month 5 day.

"Painted Skin II" launched its production concept of "producer-centered system" and "industrialized film", calling out ""Painted Skin II" opened a new era of film, and supporting "Painted Skin II" is to support the industrialization of Chinese films" slogan.

6 month 6 day.

The film and television industry has exposed super big melons, and the Hong Kong director circle has jointly blocked Xu Rong and Sun Honglei, the first male and the second male in "Drug War". Some media appealed to mainland audiences to support "Drug War" and the development of nationalized films.

On June 6, as the release dates of "Drug Wars" and "Painted Skin II" approached, the marketing battle between the two sides entered a fierce stage.

"Drug Wars" was the first to publish the novel of the same name, and "Painted Skin II" was not to be outdone, and a book called "Fusion" that explained the whole process of film production was born.

6 month 10 day.

"Drug Wars" launched a star album and 29 post-movie products.

"Painted Skin II" has established a fan group of "Painted Skin II" in more than 30 cities across the country - Pi Lianshe, not only developed a movie app and a movie QR code, but also established Weibo and Pi Lianshe Weibo. "Painted Skin II" microblog matrix group, and established interactive relationships with thousands of microblog organizations.

"Ruffian Heroes Go to War", which was originally regarded as one of the "Three Local Heroes", seems to have been directly confused by the publisher of "Painted Skin II" and "Drug Wars". backward dynamics.

In order to restore the decline, the publisher of "Ruffian Heroes All Out" restarted its own marketing strategy in an ingenious way.

On June 6, the official Weibo of "Ruffian Heroes and Heroes" released an article titled "Movies should be sold as works, not marketing", pointing directly to the vigorous marketing of "Drug War" and "Painted Skin II" in the past few days .

(End of this chapter)

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