I'm just an actor

Chapter 466 Interpretation

Chapter 466 Interpretation
There is a large conference room for media.

All the employees of the Propaganda Department, Jin Fangfang, Wang Yaqin, Li Gen and others gathered in the meeting room, looking at the figure of the boss on the screen in front of them.

For them, this is not a purely academic report meeting. Their task is to find reasonable breaking points from the feedback on the content of Xu Rong's speech from the Internet and promote them.

In the end, a kind of storm swept across the network.

Looking at Xu Rong on the screen, Li Gen felt more and more unreal.

When Xu Rong proposed to hold a report meeting, he suggested that he use "inadvertent" methods, such as "accidentally" leaking audio recordings or videos, to promote this massive brand marketing.

But Xu Rong refused with a smile.

Li Gen still remembers Xu Rong's answer at that time: I'm promoting the movie I starred in, there's nothing shameful about it, don't do things that are upright and upright.

Until now, he had a little understanding of Xu Rong's choice. In his current position, all the risks and benefits are seriously out of proportion.

"Mr. Xu's gold-rimmed glasses rushed to the eighth most searched list."

Suddenly, there was an excited voice in the conference room.

Jin Fangfang said without hesitation: "According to the original plan, guide female audiences to recommend it to their friends."

"Wait, 'YY live broadcast viewer quality is low' rushed to the top of the Weibo trending search, and it is also related to Teacher Xu."

Jin Fangfang froze for a moment, looked at Zhang Lin who was speaking in doubt, and asked, "What happened to the YY live broadcast?"

YY live broadcast background.

The technicians stared at the roller coaster-like audience in the live broadcast room, and were stunned on the spot.

Before the start of the live broadcast, the online audience of Xu Rong’s live broadcast once soared to 1200 million, but with the barrage of “Xu Rong’s real clothes”, the online audience fell off a cliff, the lowest once fell below one million, but only 3 In about a minute, the online audience of the live broadcast room has reached 2 million.

According to the algorithm of YY live broadcast, that is, 400 million people watch online at the same time.

And as the online audience officially broke through the [-] million mark, the barrage instantly went crazy.

"2 million people watching online? Are you kidding me!"

"Xu Rong pretends so well!"


Although the audience in the live broadcast room has increased dramatically, the number of bullet screens has not increased compared to before, and the high-frequency words are still "Xu Rongzheng" and "2 million".

And on Weibo, as "YY live broadcast audience quality is low" reached the top, a new trending search related to YY live broadcast quickly climbed to the third place.

"Go to YY to see monkeys"

The second one is occupied by "Xu Rong's Gold Glasses".

In the lottery shop, Jin Wenbin silently watched the barrage of "Xu Rongzheng" and the taunting barrage that had become "3 million", and fell silent.

He has always been a loyal user of YY's live broadcast, and his purpose of going to YY is very simple, to admire beautiful women with big breasts bouncing around.

He never felt that his quality was high, but probably because he knew Xu Rong better and had paid attention to dramas, he clearly knew Xu Rong's current achievements, and he could feel Xu Rong's changes compared to the past.

He really couldn't imagine that the collective quality of the YY live broadcast that he often hangs out with is so low?
This made him feel a sense of astonishment, people flock together, and things are divided into groups. At this time, he couldn't help thinking about an extremely sharp question. Is it possible that looking at big breasts is also of low quality?
As for the remarks on the bullet screen that Xu Rong was pretending to be coercive, he didn't particularly care.

What a humble state of mind, what distorted values, is it to regard the facts told by others as "pretentious"?

Buried itself in the soil and denied the existence of light.

On the screen, Xu Rong smiled abruptly, and said: "Actually, there is no need to hold today's report meeting, because my understanding of the performance has been published in the special issue of Human Arts, and "Chinese Drama" has also been reprinted and published. After a detailed analysis, the reason for holding a report meeting is actually mainly to promote the new movie "Drug War" that I will star in and will be released on June 6th. "

"For this reason, I specially made this outfit that everyone says is very handsome." He said, pointing to his gold-rimmed glasses and brand-new suit.


After being stunned for a second or two in the venue, bursts of laughter and bursts of warm applause suddenly resounded.

Different from the chaotic barrage of YY's live broadcast, Renri's live broadcast room has a different style of painting.

Since the start of the broadcast, comments have been sparse, and almost all of them are "applause" expressions. Until then, there was a sentence "Master style [applause] [applause] [applause]" slowly drifting across the barrage.

And this barrage seemed to release a certain signal. Three seconds later, the screen flashed "Master style [applause] [applause] [applause]".

In the middle of the play, Xu Xiang couldn't help being stunned for a moment when he saw the barrage on the screen that was almost swiping the screen. What surprised him was not the barrage, but Xu Rong's frankness.

He didn't seem to have too many worries, and said what he wanted to say.

But Xu Rongming is only in his 20s, anyone can see that his future is limitless.

But Xu Rong gave him the exact opposite feeling at this time. His mentality at this time seems to have completely ignored the "future". Is it to promote "Drug Wars"?

"Ms. Xu, you already accounted for 4 trending searches."

Hearing the shout, Xu Rong was stunned for a moment, then suddenly smiled: "Since the goal has been achieved, let's stop talking about it, let's get down to business now."


As the smiles in the auditorium fell, Xu Rong said slowly: "Let me first talk about why I want to establish a new performance system."

"First, it's because the methods in the past are not as easy to use as imagined." Xu Rong stretched out a finger, "Many of our colleagues always claim to be experience school, expression school or method school, but ask yourself, are you really ?"

"There are other colleagues who face the media, and I won't name them here. A bunch of professional terminology, such as 'real listening, real seeing, real feeling', 'mind imagery', 'experience empathy', etc. It is said that these concepts are inherently contradictory, and I can't see what they said from their works."

Compared with the "desert" YY live broadcast and the "desert" daily live broadcast, the Sina live broadcast room is much more joyful.

Although Xu Rong "doesn't call names", netizens quickly picked out that he was talking about two of the four hottest actresses today, and the content of the barrage instantly went astray.

"Big Boobs: Xu Rong is my best buddy!"

"Xu Rong: I won't call names!"

"Tangtang: Listen, see, and feel!"

"Does anyone know what Xu Rong meant when he said 'these concepts are inherently contradictory'?"

And Yang Mi, who has been following the live broadcast, found her name appeared in the bullet screen. After a few seconds of astonishment, she didn't know whether to cry or laugh. Controversy is one of her marketing strategies for herself, which was discussed by netizens on For her, it was a good thing, but Xu Rong's words made her feel worried. Should she not talk about professional content as much as possible when facing the media in the future?

Xu Rong didn't realize that he was self-righteous again, but continued: "We can lie to the media and even ourselves, but we can't lie to the audience, because the works are actually there, no matter what we say No amount of professional terms can change the fact that the show is ugly. In fact, this problem is not only encountered by artists. For real actors, at least as far as I know, most of their peers have encountered similar problems. The theory is easy to understand , the basic exercises are enough, but once you enter the actual operation, you will find that there is a gap with the expectation, so the question is, is it a human problem or a theoretical problem?"

Xu Rong looked at the pairs of doubtful, skeptical, and admiring eyes in the auditorium, and said with a smile: "I chose the latter. I think the Stuart system is not completely correct. More precisely, it is not completely suitable for me."


Although the vast majority of people knew that Xu Rong had thrown off the Strike system, many people still found it difficult to accept Xu Rong's denial at this time.

Compared with the uproar at the scene, the barrage of YY live broadcast was more lively.

"Nonsense, there is a problem with the Strike system? Hehe, who gave him the courage?"

"It's all nonsense. Xu Rong is just trying to please the public. I have read his theories, and they are all nonsense."

"Objectively speaking, with harmony and cooperation as the guiding ideology, his theoretical foundation is completely established in the atmosphere."

Attracted by the trending search of "Go to YY to watch monkeys", many viewers who watch the excitement and don't think it's a big deal can't help expressing their own opinions at this time:
"Xu Rong has published his own theory."

"Have you ever heard of the theory of contradiction?"

"Contradiction? The one who wrote "Family Spring and Autumn"?"

"No, the one who wrote Journey to the West."

"What nonsense, "Journey to the West" was clearly written by Teacher Six."

"You were the ones who started talking nonsense."

Watching the barrage gradually go off track, the barrage of "Don't play monkeys!" quickly swiped the screen, and following this barrage, a certain group seemed to have reached a tacit agreement, the controversy in the comment area suddenly disappeared, and the barrage resumed again. A criticism of Xu Rongqing.

With the total denial of Xu Rong by YY live broadcast viewers, "YY live broadcast's anti-human remarks" quickly became the most popular search on the entire Internet.

In the auditorium, Xu Rong said unhurriedly: "So, my final choice is to admit that the Stuart system has provided an ideal model for the latecomers, and we are all tending to this ideal model. I know this conclusion is very important for everyone. Most colleagues find it difficult to accept, and even collapse their beliefs, but I still suggest that everyone here and the audience in front of computers and TVs should not be superstitious about the so-called authority. In the process of academic exploration, superstitious authority will only make us stagnate, let alone despise Anyone, the reason why I thought of using 'Qi' as the core of the line system was due to an intern in our academy who criticized me."

At this time, as Xu Rong's classmate, Yang Mi's expression was gradually serious, because she gradually discovered that what Xu Rong said gradually exceeded her comprehension.

"Why is the 'Steinstein system' an ideal model?"

"Why are 'hearing, seeing, and feeling' contradictory to 'mind imagery' and 'experience empathy'?"

Xu Rong also understands in his heart that the content from now on is no longer comprehensible to non-professional actors, but he has no intention of explaining it in detail, because the main audience of the following content is not the general public: "After partially negating the Smith system , a new problem is in front of me, how to find a performance system that suits me."

"For problems, we need a methodology. Since ancient times, what is the tool that guides human progress?"

Xu Rong slowly stretched out a finger: "The first is philosophy."

Then, he stretched out his second finger: "The second is mathematics."

"Secondly comes natural science and humanities. If philosophy is understood as the pursuit of knowledge in the most general and broadest form, then philosophy can be considered the mother of all scientific research." Xu Rong paused after finishing his speech For a few seconds, he felt that his definition of philosophy as the leading theory of science would definitely attract disapproval or even opposition from some people.

The fact is exactly as he expected, not only YY live broadcast, but also Sina live broadcast and other online live broadcast platforms have skeptical voices at the same time.

"Nonsense, philosophy is the humanities, science is the natural sciences, there is no necessary connection between the two."

"Bullshit, I can't eat enough, what do I think about?"

After waiting for about five or six seconds, Xu Rong suddenly turned his head and said to the camera with a smile: "I believe most people will not object to Einstein's assertion because of their admiration for authority."

"Fuck, he did it on purpose, he must have done it on purpose!"

"Fishing Enforcement."

And as Xu Rong dug a hole, the major live broadcast platforms gradually declined a lot of rebuttals to Xu Rong, because they were not sure which sentence Xu Rong said was citing other academic authorities.

Xu Rong seemed unaware of this, and continued: "When I turned my attention to philosophy and hoped to find the answer, but after I really understood philosophy, I realized that philosophy is not a high-level subject, but It’s a way of thinking that’s integrated into our culture and our everyday lives.”

"Let me give a simple and easy-to-understand example. For example, when some people see me standing here and talking, they will inevitably be jealous of me and think that I am 'pretending'. Whether the deep-seated philosophical logic is from the perspective of modern philosophy The law of negation of determination, from the perspective of traditional ancient philosophy, is the opposite movement of yin and yang, but it cannot hinder the birth of new things, and even itself is one of the driving factors for the birth of new things.”

At this time, the normal discussion on the Internet has been reduced by half in an instant. Although Xu Rong's example is "simple and easy to understand" and the phenomenon is a real situation, the philosophical concepts used are a little bit out of the box.

"Fuck, what exactly is Xu Rong talking about, why can't I understand it all of a sudden?"

"Give me a simple and easy-to-understand example!"

After being dazed for a few seconds, the bewildered director cut the camera to the audience in the auditorium.

"Haha, look at Li Youbin, his expression is so dignified, don't you understand?"

"Haha, and Zhang Xiaofei, look at her brow."


Xu Rong looked at the people in the auditorium with dignified expressions and had to squeeze out smiling faces, and realized that what he said might be a bit deep, so he brought the topic back: "So in the end, I used traditional Chinese philosophical thinking as a tool to Let’s explore the suitable performance method, of course, here is a sentence, as a humanities, there is no best performance system, only the most suitable performance method, just like northerners like to eat pasta, while southerners like to eat rice.”

"Then what kind of performance system are we Chinese, or the Chinese cultural circle, more suitable for? I think that there is no word that can best summarize Chinese culture, and there is no word that is more suitable than '和', or 'hehe'."

"This 'harmony' culture is reflected in all aspects of our lives. The "Tao Te Ching" says that "everything bears yin and embraces yang, and the qi is in harmony." tune, four seasons are not temperate.', "Shangshu" has a saying that "the common people are bright, and all nations are in harmony", "The Analects" should have "harmony is the most precious", "a gentleman is harmonious but different", and the "Surangama Sutra" says that "harmony is born in vain , died in harmony.', so it can be said that as long as you live in the Chinese civilization system, you will inevitably be influenced by the thinking of "harmony."

"Its most typical application is Chinese medicine. In essence, Chinese medicine is a medical system based on the law of big data, and the basis of this big data is that groups live in highly similar cultural soils and natural environments."

As Xu Rong began to explain the roots of his own theory and insights into other disciplines, the comments on the major live broadcast platforms became increasingly scarce, and only Sina Live, which had a large number of viewers, had a few comments.

"Fuck, are actors so educated now?"

"It's so painful, why can't I understand what he is talking about at all?"

"Why do you suddenly feel that Xu Rong really deserves the title of 'Master'?"

As Xu Rong began to explain his theory, a brand new concept went straight to the top of the new trending search on the whole network.

"Desperately illiterate."

"So, what exactly is Hehe?" Xu Rong didn't know that he was about to kill the popular search, "Let me give you a simple example."

Although Xu Rong's example has not yet been uttered, there is already a lot of mourning on the Internet, because Xu Rong's "simple example" is divided into objects.

"Fuck, it's over, I feel like he's going to mock me again."

"No, why does Xu Rong always scold people?"

"Please give me a complicated example!"

But Xu Rong did not stop his explanation because of the online comments: "You came to the scene or turned on your mobile phone, but you didn't know what I meant, which hurt your self-esteem, but in turn, you will turn around again Find a way to understand these contents, and you get great satisfaction again. Then the hurt and satisfaction caused by turning on your mobile phone are two opposite sides. They do not exist in isolation, but interdependence and mutual transformation. As a result of this interaction, you acquire new knowledge."

His report today is mainly for "drug war", but it is not just that. There are many ways of marketing, and exposing himself to the public eye is the one he dislikes the most.

He needs a formal occasion to fully explain his performance system and methods to the outside world, so as to avoid misunderstandings by his peers.

(End of this chapter)

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