I'm just an actor

Chapter 468 Argument

Chapter 468 Argument
"Why don't they leave?"

"It is estimated that we have discussed it and will go to the buffet later."

"Have you noticed that their expressions are a bit serious?"

"The atmosphere is so cold."

"I went back and looked at it. Five minutes ago, what Xu Rong said was: Do you have any doubts or questions?"

"Impossible, there are about fifty or sixty people left, so there must be problems?"

"Wow, it's him?! Come, come, come!"

The viewers who have not yet left from various live broadcast platforms looked at the standing figure in the auditorium. While being surprised, they all had a wonderful premonition in their hearts. Maybe today's report will be just a warm-up, and what is about to happen will be the highlight.

Xu Rong looked at the kind smile on the face of the person who got up, and couldn't help but feel astonished. He thought that someone would refute and make trouble, but he didn't expect that it would be him first.

Li Xuejian.

A teacher and senior who helped him a lot in the early days of his career is second only to the leader in terms of influence on him.

He did not stand on the stage, but walked down the steps and came to the auditorium to communicate face to face.

Before, he fully expounded his ideas and methods, but now he accepts criticism and questioning from others.

The inspiration for the formation of the system came from an intern's criticism, so for anyone, even a layman's opinion or suggestion, he will seriously consider whether it makes sense.

Li Xuejian looked at Xu Rong who was approaching, and also couldn't bear the meaning of sighing.

During the filming of "Shanghai Beach", Xu Rong proposed to learn acting from him. He couldn't say that he resisted, but he couldn't say that he was enthusiastic. He never thought of having the so-called master-apprentice status, but only as an exchange of experience among colleagues. After living for most of his life, he just walked away from the gate of hell, and he can see and understand most things in this world.

Xu Rong was thinking too much.

In this vanity fair, if you think too much, you will inevitably stumble.

There is always a sky beyond the sky, and there are inevitably people beyond the people. The smarter the person, the easier it is to suffer from being smart.

What really made him recognize Xu Rong as a student was that Xu Rong never mentioned that he was his student.

He has heard about what Xu Rong experienced later, and he has always witnessed the changes in Xu Rong's personality and acting style. He is one of the few witnesses to Xu Rong's achievements.

Later, he began to understand this student a little bit.

But Xu Rong was able to break the inherent performance system and establish a new set of methods, which he had never imagined and did not dare to imagine.

He glanced down at the notes he had recorded, and raised his head with a rare and serious expression: "I have two questions, first, at present, this is not a complete set of performance methods, perhaps for broadcast hosts and dubbing workers It is sufficient, but for us film and television actors and drama actors, it is missing a more important part, do we use it now and how? If we use it, how can it be combined with other systems?"

"The second one is not a problem, that is, the core of your lines is breath, so if an actor who has not received professional training, or a monk who has become a monk halfway, the basic skills of breath are not solid, for example, he can't hold his breath, how can he use it? How about your voice?"

Xu Rong pondered for a few seconds, and said: "It is really not perfect at present. I personally think that internal skills can replace the Strike system to a certain extent. Although this replacement is not perfect, of course, I will explore it as soon as possible. Fitting body action theory."

Li Xuejian frowned slightly when he heard this. For an actor of average level, the incompatibility of internal and external skills has little effect, but for an actor of his level at the peak, his flaws cannot be tolerated.

In the Steinian system, performance is an outside-in-out process. When an actor performs, even if the action deviates from reality, it is acceptable. It is the "subconscious" action of the actor on the basis of experience.

However, if "harmony" is used as an internal technique, theoretically, its action should be the result of the joint action of actors and characters, rather than the feedback of the actors or characters themselves to the prescribed situation.

Of course he understood what Xu Rong meant by answering, "It can replace the internal skills of the Strike system to a certain extent" because he believed that "experience" itself was an impossible ideal state.

This is an irresponsible behavior of "killing but not burying".

"As for the second question, I'm sorry, I can't answer it, and I won't answer it." Xu Rong shook his head calmly. The performance system not only reflects the values ​​of traditional culture, but also includes his own values.

Li Xuejian smiled wryly when he heard the words. In fact, he had already guessed what Xu Rong was thinking. The domestic performing arts industry is similar to the music industry, and there is also a complete set of contempt. Idol stars are regarded as colleagues.

The existence of the chain of contempt divides the whole industry into small circles one after another. Just like Xu Rong's circle of friends, there are very few idol artists. Even Yang Mi and Huang Xiaoming, who are on the fringes of the circle, have one or two works that can be sold.

Xu Rong was Ye Luzi at first, and then he was admitted to Nortel and became a professional actor. His famous works "Yangcheng Dark Whistle", "New Shanghai Beach" and "Harbin Under the Night" are all idol dramas with various sheep heads, especially The most influential "Night" almost established his status as a representative actor of a new generation of idols, but then he successively starred in the spy war drama "Latent", period drama "North Wind That Blows", "Golden Love" and family ethics drama "Beautiful Times of Daughter-in-law", through a number of characters with completely different images, overturned the "idol" image in the public's mind in one fell swoop, and became one of the top powerful actors.

After graduating in 2009, he entered the highest hall of Chinese performing arts, which was a turning point in his career. The sensation caused by the 36 consecutive performances of "Thunderstorm" made him an upstart in the field of performance theory. Now, a new performance system has emerged , thus establishing the name of "master" in one fell swoop, and also made him stand at the top of the chain of contempt in the contemporary performing arts industry.

Maybe because of his own background, he doesn't look down on Ye Luzi, but his experience definitely doesn't look down on Ye Luzi who has always been willing to be Ye Luzi.

Therefore, he theoretically put an end to actors who have not received professional training and have a low level of education.

The basic theory proposed by Xu Rong takes philosophical thinking as the core, and the line system is based on breath. From the perspective of the existing system, actors are required not only to have a certain level of education, but also to have solid basic skills in breath.

If you don't have these two points, you can't open your mouth at all on stage, because once you open your mouth, you will immediately reveal your secrets.

And Li Xuejian can also imagine that even if Xu Rong really develops the theory and method of action in the future, there will inevitably be certain thresholds. ".

He knew that it was unlikely that Xu Rong would deliberately change, but he still hoped that Xu Rong could be more "tolerant" and more patient.

Not every practitioner can concentrate on practicing basic skills, and Xu Rong's indiscriminate rejection of them can easily lead to polarization in this industry.

Those who will will will, and those who will not will will.

Xu Rong's current status in the academic world is quite high, and the higher-ups pay more attention to his soft power attributes. There is a high probability that this brand-new performance system will be implemented step by step in China, but such a set of black and white theories will have difficult consequences. expected.

It may play a role in rectifying the industry and expelling Mr. Nan Guo, but it does not rule out the possibility that bad money will drive out good money.

Moreover, the performance system proposed by Xu Rong is strongly exclusive. First, it negates the "subconsciousness" of the Stuart system, and second, the system is based on traditional Chinese thinking and Chinese pronunciation, which means that once the theory is perfected, at least in the Most of Asia is bound to completely replace other dominant systems.

But the current overall social environment is impetuous. How many people are willing to be down-to-earth and have the time and energy to strengthen their cultural cultivation and practice basic skills?
Besides, which film king, Shidi, and old drama star didn't start from scratch and improve bit by bit?
At this time, the live broadcasts of the major platforms were screened by "high-end bureaus" and "immortal bureaus".

The vast majority of the audience can no longer understand the meaning behind the brief exchange between the two, but the more than 50 people who have gathered around the two have already made the public realize the importance of the topic they discussed.

"Then how long do you estimate it will take to perfect?"

Standing at the back of the crowd, Zhang Fengyi's voice was not loud, but it attracted the attention of everyone in the venue. They are all experienced practitioners, and they all understand the flaws of the Smith system. The new system proposed by Xu Rong is very important to them. There is no threshold, but the incompleteness of the system makes them hesitate.

Xu Rong's original plan was to be around 40 years old. As for whether he can achieve it, he has no idea. On the one hand, he needs to test the problems of existing theories based on practice and improve them. 14 years is too hasty for all kinds of chores caused by multi-tasking and taking care of the family.

Facing everyone's expectant eyes, Xu Rong's eyes slowly swept across them, and after nearly ten seconds, a relaxed and confident smile suddenly appeared on his face, and he stretched out three fingers.

"Year 30?"

"No, up to three years!" Xu Rong shook his hands into a fist, and gave a firm and affirmative answer, "To tell you the truth, I already have a general idea in my mind, but it's not mature yet, so I haven't brought it out yet. , you are all the top practitioners in the industry, if everyone works together, I believe we can explore a brand new system in at most three years."

His speaking speed is getting faster, his body movements are getting bigger and bigger, and his language is getting more and more concise: "Everyone, believe me, once we succeed, we will become figures in the history of drama and literature and art, and the greatness of the Chinese nation." As the leader and pioneer of the renaissance, thousands of years later, when history explains the rise of the Chinese nation, we will be remembered and praised like the pre-Qin masters."

"Everyone, are you willing?"

"I would."


"When you say us, do you mean 'Xu Rong and his assistants'?" Li Youbin chuckled and interrupted two colleagues who were almost fooled by Xu Rong.

"Fuck, I'm so excited."

"Fortunately, he didn't leave."

"Why did you feel so excited just now?"

"The appraisal is complete, Xu Rong led a team in the Beibu Gulf!"

Not only the audience on the online platform, but even the colleagues at the scene looked at Xu Rong strangely, because just now, they had an inexplicable impulse.

Li Youbin smiled, Xu Rong first created the line system for no reason. He not only mastered the vocalization principles of each system language, but also was very proficient in how to use language to maximize the mobilization of other people’s emotions, just like the speech he just made, almost blending The essence of the speech styles of many famous orators such as Mustache and Churchill.

The reason why he interrupted Xu Rong was not that he didn't like Xu Ronghao, but that he knew Xu Rong's details very well. Let alone three years, maybe 30 years would not be perfect. almost occupies half of the Chinese showbiz.

The auditorium fell into silence again, everyone understood now, Xu Rong wanted to experiment with them!
There was silence in the auditorium, but the Internet was becoming more and more lively, and the audience who had logged off early due to suffering had also come online again.


"HTC is not stuck!"

"Meizu is not stuck either!"

"Coolpad is not stuck either!"

"Then why aren't they talking?"

Jiao Huang, tall and thin, with silver hair, broke the silence, and said forcefully: "First, we assume that the 'harmony' state does exist, but how can we be sure that any two interrelated parts have reached this relatively ideal state? What about the status?"

"If there is no exact standard of measurement, then it is idealism and metaphysics!" At the end, his tone was already extremely severe, even a bit scolding. "Don't mention the so-called yin and yang harmony. The theory of yin and yang is an unfalsifiable theory. All unfalsifiable theories are pseudoscience!"

Xu Rong looked at Jiao Huang, not weak at all, and immediately retorted loudly: "Practice is the only criterion for testing truth, and you can also understand that its reference standard is realism."


Jiao Huang laughed very abruptly, but not only did he not have a smile in his eyes, but he also did not hide the slightest sarcasm on his face: "Not every character can find the prototype from reality, and even the vast majority of characters cannot find the prototype. Your basic point of view in character creation also means that your so-called 'realism' is fictional, false, and idealistic, with false things as the reference standard, so no matter how you test it, it is correct."

"I don't deny that your line theory does have merit, but the so-called harmony theory is simply whimsical."

"For others, his reaction is real and his performance is believable. He is a synthesis of a group of people, or an amplified embodiment of certain characteristics of an individual." Xu Rong shook his head gently , also sarcastically said, "Since Mr. Jiao believes that realism is fiction, how can you be sure that your experience has reached the qualified standard?"

"Could it be that the characters you created in the past were all based on speculation?" Xu Rong understood that Jiao Huang didn't want to admit the idealization of the Strike system, and no longer entangled in explanations, but directly attacked the Strike system.

Before creating the performance system centered on harmony, he was one of the practitioners of the Stuart system, and he was outstanding among his peers in terms of theoretical attainment and practical experience, but he was very clear about the drawbacks of this system.


Jiao Huang was probably annoyed by Xu Rong's "personal attack", and he slapped the table heavily: "Now we are demonstrating the feasibility of your theory!"

Xu Rong spread his hands and said: "If you say that, it's too double standard. Why can Stuart use realism as the standard, but I can't. Why, do I have to use mathematical formulas to prove it? ?”


"Why did you suddenly quarrel?"


The audience looked at the two people on the screen who were persuaded by the crowd, and they were completely dumbfounded. They didn't expect that there would be such a big show after waiting for a few minutes.

Xu Rong actually scolded Jiao Huang.

One is Taishan Beidou in today's performance world, and Zeng He is a famous performing artist known as "North and South Jiao".

One is a rising contemporary drama master, known as the "No.1 of the same generation" authority in the performance industry.

"It's really swollen. Everyone respects him because he is old, but it's a bit too much to question Xu Rong."

"Wait, isn't Xu Rong inflated?"

"Wait, do you mean Xu Rong is bloated?"

"Jiao Huang is relying on the old to sell the old, and the performance system created by Xu Rong has been tested!"

"But Jiao Huang also said that Xu Rong's Yin-Yang reconciliation theory is too idealistic, isn't it?"


The controversy on the Internet is still going on, but the controversy in the auditorium has come to an end, and both of them have shown unusual firmness in themselves.

Jiao Huang's gray hair was a little messy. He and Xu Rong looked at each other for a few seconds, shaking their heads slowly but firmly: "I don't agree."

Xu Rong's face was relatively relaxed, and said: "Of course, as I said, this is just the most suitable acting method for me. I never ask others to agree with or learn from it."

"However." A soft smile appeared on Jiao Huang's face, "I'm looking forward to cooperating with you."

Xu Rong also smiled and said, "I am also very much looking forward to having the opportunity to learn from you."

"Wow wow wow."

Suddenly there was a burst of applause that was not too loud because of the small number of people in the auditorium, but these not so loud applause seemed to have an extraordinary meaning at this time.

"What's going on, didn't you just pat the table?"

"It feels like they are talking about Taoism?"

"Cough cough."

In the auditorium, Wang Xueqi, who has always been low-key and known for his golden supporting roles, coughed twice, and said: "Mr. Is there such a situation, if an actor is very successful in playing a villain, and everyone loves, sympathizes and even admires it, can it be considered that the actor’s values ​​are distorted and problematic? Conversely, if he plays A villain that the audience hates proves that his values ​​are correct."

Xu Rong was stunned for a moment, he didn't expect Wang Xueqi to throw out this example that seemed to have nothing to do with his theory.

However, if Wang Xueqi's assertion is true, it will prove that there are loopholes in his seemingly self-justified theoretical system.

He pondered for two seconds, and said: "Let me talk about the conclusion first. This conclusion is inaccurate. There are two main reasons for it. First, when the actor is performing, what he presents is not the actor's relatively stable emotion for the character, but rather It is the emotional feedback of the characters shaped by the actor's values ​​to the prescribed situation, and the emotion itself is a temporary stress response, such as you love your children, but your children make mistakes, you will be angry, you love him and special circumstances It is not contradictory that I am angry with him."

"Secondly, since you asked this question, Mr. Wang, you must have a specific case in mind, but before starting to explore the reasons from pure performance, has Mr. Wang thought about the deep-seated issues, the universality of the environment we live in? Are values ​​and normative values ​​diverging?"

Xu Rong's explanation, which was very different from the Si's system, made the auditorium quiet again, thinking about the logic behind his words.

Wang Xueqi frowned: "The difference between universal values ​​and standard values?"

"Yes, disagreement."

Wang Xueqi bowed his head and thought for a while, and after about a minute, he suddenly raised his head, looked at Xu Rong, and was about to speak, but saw Xu Rong shook his head gently, saying: "Mr. As long as you know."

Wang Xueqi smiled helplessly with his lips parted slightly.

Any society with classes has a set of standard values, and it would be too rigid to define good and evil in this way.

Xu Rong did not give a clear answer because the question Wang Xueqi raised is no longer a purely academic question, or the art of performance itself is not a pure natural science like mathematics and physics.

Just like the definition of "success", its concept is to achieve a certain value scale and achieve the expected results. In the past few decades, Ma Yun was not only not successful, but an evil at the level of original sin.

But now, he is synonymous with "success".

But over the past few decades, the standard values ​​have not undergone fundamental changes. What was advocated in the past is now advocated, and what is opposed in the past is now opposed. The standards have changed to a certain extent, but no subversive changes have taken place.

However, in the public opinion, the evaluation conclusion of "reaching the same expectation" has undergone earth-shaking changes.

Xu Rong has also encountered similar confusion. The selfish Liu Qing in "The North Wind Blows" has received two completely different evaluations from the audience. The previous generation hated it deeply, but it has received contemporary Young people understand and even support.

Li Xuejian, Jiao Huang, and Wang Xueqi questioned his performance system from different angles. Some Xu Rong gave answers, some refuted, and some remained silent.

But the final result is that he successfully proved the logical self-consistency and operability of the theoretical system he created in front of the top colleagues.

Even Jiao Huang, who "disapproved", also gave an evaluation of "looking forward to cooperation".

After being endorsed by the mainstream, Xu Rong has been widely recognized by the academic circle.

It also means that from today onwards, he will gradually replace Stuart, enter the teaching materials of higher education, and become the new mainstream system.

(End of this chapter)

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