I'm just an actor

Chapter 469 Stages

Chapter 469 Stages
Xu Rong looked at the more than 50 colleagues around him, as well as Xiao Zhang and Song Yi who had packed up their things and prepared to retreat: "Do you have any suggestions or opinions?"

After waiting for a few seconds and still not hearing anyone speak, Xu Rong breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Nothing."

"Xu Yuan." A voice that didn't seem to have enough confidence sounded from behind the crowd, but in the second half, it seemed that he had made up his mind, and he spoke much more clearly, "There is one thing that I don't quite understand."

When Xu Rong heard what the other party called him, he expected that this was a sub-question. When he found the source of the voice in the corner and recognized the speaker, he became more and more certain in his heart.

The person who spoke was a middle-aged man with a thin face and curly hair, with a tuft of beard growing on his chin.

Zhao Lixin looked at Xu Rong from a distance, and said with a serious expression: "Mr. Xu, I remember that before this report meeting, you said that you made this report to promote the release of "Drug War" on June 6, but even though " The box office of "Drug War" has reached one billion, and the value of this report will be a thousand times, ten thousand times that of "Drug War". As a contemporary drama master, don't you think your statement is putting the cart before the horse? Not for your own actions Ashamed?"

Xu Rong was more or less surprised when he heard Zhao Lixin's seemingly sharp question.

Zhao Lixin has always been a maverick among the teachers in the Chinese opera. He neither pays too much attention to this kind of subordinates, nor is he too indifferent. People who are engaged in art feel that they are special, and it is normal to have a little personality.

But Zhao Lixin's flattery went very smoothly today. First, he highly praised his academic achievements, and second, he gave him a chance to explain to the public.

But also in a "criticism" way.

When many people heard this, they couldn't help but cast sideways glances at Zhao Lixin in surprise.

Flattering the leader in front of the audience across the country?
Xu Rong cast admiring glances at Zhao Lixin, not because of the other party's flattery, but because he felt that the other party was similar to Gao Yunxiang and could play a special role on certain special occasions.

In his opinion, Zhao Lixin's flattery is not natural enough, nor high-end enough, and there is still a lot of room for improvement. Shot in the form of fireworks shells and dotted with the colors of the rainbow.

Faced with Zhao Lixin's criticism, Xu Rong smiled and said: "For me, I am just an ordinary actor. I am proud of my own works, and I hope everyone can watch and like my works. If I don’t recognize my own work, why should others recognize it?!”

Hearing Xu Rong's answer, Zhao Lixin's expression instantly turned red, and he said in shame, "It's me who treats the heart of a gentleman with the heart of a villain. I will definitely take my students to watch the premiere of "Drug Wars" tomorrow." study."

In the auditorium, led by Zhao Lixin, there was loud applause in the auditorium.

"Wow wow wow."

"My God, Xu Rong is too handsome!"

"That's right, if you don't even recognize your own work, why should you allow others to recognize it?"

"Wow, so handsome, is this the charm of the master?!"

"No, this is the charm of the deputy director of the Chinese Opera!"

"Fuck, it's over, I have to write my experience again!!!"

"The one who wrote the experience, can't it be this flattering student?"

After the report meeting, Xiao Zhang drove the car, Song Yi sat in the co-pilot, and Xu Rong sat alone in the back seat.

"Little Zhang."

"I'm driving, don't talk to me!" Xiao Zhang bluntly cut back the second half of his words.

There was a sudden, inexplicable silence in the car.

Xu Rong took a sip of water, looked at Song Yi who was sitting upright in front of him, and said, "Xiao Song, the courtyard has received a lot of invitations to give lectures recently, I'm busy these days, and I don't have time, so you can go for me later. ?”

In his line of sight, Song Yi's body seemed to freeze for a moment when he called "Xiao Song", then turned his head very slowly, widened his eyes, and looked at him in disbelief: "I, go to give a lecture?"

"Yes, you have listened to me so many times, and you are the first student I have brought. If you are invited by domestic and foreign academies or colleges in the future, you will be allowed to go." Xu Rong screwed on the lid of the water glass , "After dinner later, I have to go to Guojing to participate in the program meeting, and to attend the premiere of "Drug Wars" in the evening. I am busy like a spinning top every day. How can I have time to give lectures?!"


Xu Rong looked at Song Yi who couldn't speak well, smiled and said in relief: "You have to be more confident in yourself, we are actors, how can we be afraid of meeting people or going on stage?"

Song Yi saw that Xu Rong didn't look like he was joking, his face was tense, he glanced at Miss Zhang quietly, and found that she was driving the car carefully and meticulously without saying a word.

It's not that she's afraid of meeting people, it's that she really doesn't know how to do it.

So far, she is still at the stage of learning the seemingly similar philosophical concepts of "Qi", "Jing", "Jing Qi" and "Yin Yang" and their interrelationships in learning the performance system created by Xu Rong.

Song Yi and Xu Rong looked at each other for five or six seconds, and asked tentatively, "Why don't you drive me out of the division now?"

Xu Rong smiled angrily at her: "Can you be more successful?"

"I, I've been studying very hard." Song Yi also realized Xu Rong's disappointment, and didn't dare to look at him again, "Then, if you insist on letting me go, it's not impossible, I will tell you what you said today. They recite it."


Xiao Zhang was the first to stop laughing, and said, "He's just joking with you, I see you're scared."

"Oh, Mr. Xu, you are so annoying!"

Xu Rong also laughed, but he really didn't joke with Song Yi.

He also knew that Song Yi had tried his best, but her growth rate was too slow.

In other words, she had a very happy four years from the age of 18 to 22. These four years should be the four years with the most vigorous learning ability in a person's life. There are not so many trivial matters, and various physical functions such as energy and memory are also improved. In exuberant condition, but she is deserted.

If Song Yi practiced desperately for four years, and combined with practice to consolidate all basic skills, how could he need such a long-term trick?
But if it is abandoned, it is abandoned. Taking the irreversibility of human physiological function as a reference, there is no equality between time and time. Four years of abandonment at the age of 18-22, after the age of 22, she may spend ten years or even longer time to make up for it.

While Song Yi felt guilty for Xu Rong's disappointment, another group of people also fell into guilt.

"First of all, as the person in charge, I want to review. Teacher Xu helped us get through this hurdle, but if we need Mr. Xu's help every time to get through the difficulties, what value are we worth?" Jin Fangfang glanced at the people in the conference room. Everyone, seeing that no one is looking at me, and the criticism is just right, "I hope we can learn from it."

Compared with the general public, Xu Rong has been deliberately creating a sense of distance and mystery, they are more familiar with Xu Rong. In the eyes of the public, Xu Rong is an actor, superstar and even an artist, but to them, it is just a person who seems to care about nothing. , but the essence is the boss who pays them wages.

After pausing for a few seconds, Jin Fangfang's tone became much more relaxed, and said: "Everyone has seen the popularity of public opinion on the Internet. Whether "Drug Wars" can be maintained in the future depends on our joint efforts."

"Let me lay out the work for the next stages. At the premiere ceremony tomorrow, the Du Qi Summit announced that the film is only required to be released for 15 days." A concept, why is it required to be released for only 15 days, because "Drug War" is a domestic film, and it is also a minority domestic film, and it is a niche domestic film that pays tribute to the people's defenders that is not popular in the market, and according to the market data of previous years , Chinese people prefer to watch foreign blockbusters released in July.”

Wang Yaqin looked at Jin Fangfang suspiciously, and asked, "Sister Fangfang, isn't our doing the same as surrendering voluntarily?"

"Surrender?" Jin Fangfang shook her head gently, "Do you prefer to listen to popular saliva songs or minority folk songs?"

Zhang Lin also added with a smile: "Don't you want to watch a domestic film that is only released for 15 days? Don't think that hunger marketing can only be used by mobile phone brands."

Jin Fangfang concluded: "If you have time, read more books. In communication, this is called agenda setting, that is, we can't influence the audience's thoughts, but we can control what the audience thinks. Part of this strategy is aimed at the public with rebellious thinking. It is the most conspicuous label on "Drug War", the 15-day label."

Jin Fangfang paused, and continued: "The second stage, that is, starting from June 6th, will gradually highlight the label of "Drug Wars" as a 'niche movie, a masterpiece', and by June 18nd, it will gradually form a movie that will sweep the whole world." Internet word-of-mouth wave."

Many doubts arose in Wang Yaqin's mind. He turned around and thought about his junior high school education. He was uneducated in the first place, so he was not afraid of others laughing at him for being uneducated, so he asked, "Well, what is the internal logic?"

Seeing Wang Yaqin's suspicious gaze, Zhang Lin said, "There is a theory in communication studies called the spiral theory of silence, that is, when people express their thoughts and opinions, if they see that the opinions they agree with are widely welcomed, they will If people will actively participate in it, such views will be published and spread more boldly, and if they find that a certain point of view is ignored or rarely cared about, even if they agree with it, they will remain silent. This cycle goes on and on, forming a spiral development process in which one party's voice becomes stronger and the other party's voice becomes more and more silent."

"And 'niche' and 'master' are clearly opposing gimmicks."

Jin Fangfang waited for Zhang Lin to finish explaining to Wang Yaqin, saying: "The third stage, that is, after the release of European and American movies on July 7, our publicity strategy will immediately change to '"Drug War"'s thinking on human nature, good and evil. , "Inspire" labels, and at the same time reveal the essence of the teat music products of European and American movies."

Zhang Lin hesitated for a moment, raised an objection, and asked, "Will our doing this arouse dissatisfaction among comedy filmmakers, who are also practitioners of the theory of teat music."

Noticing the bewildered expressions of Wang Yaqin, Li Gen, Zhang Yang and others, Zhang Lin explained: "Nipple music is a theory put forward by former US President National Security Affairs Assistant Brzezinski, which means that the continuous improvement of productivity is accompanied by intensified competition. , 80% of the world's population will be marginalized, they do not have to and cannot participate in the production of products and services, and at the same time 80% of the wealth is in the hands of the other 20%, in order to comfort the 'abandoned' people in society, avoid class Conflict, one of the methods is to let enterprises mass-produce 'titts' - let people indulge in entertainment and products full of sensory stimulation, such as the Internet, film and television, games, etc., so that they can immerse themselves in 'happiness' unconsciously Lose the ability to think about real problems."

Listening to Jin Fangfang's arrangement, Li Gen felt that his previous understanding of the art form of "movie" was too narrow. Participating in the two processes of filming and publicity, he gradually realized that a truly good work cannot be completed by a high-level director with a good script and a group of good actors.

This is a series of rather complicated production processes, and if any error occurs in any link, it may lead to the death of the movie.

"We don't have serious comedies now. Real comedies are never purely for people to laugh." Jin Fangfang has become a professional film expert at some point, "Okay, the specific execution Zhang Lin You are in charge, everyone, this is the first time we release a movie, I hope everyone cheers up and ushers in a good start."

"Wow wow wow."

The morale of the marketing team of "Drug Wars" is high, but the atmosphere of "Painted Skin 2" is a little silent.

Yang Zhenjian looked at Xu Rongtu's version of the hot search list on the Internet, but felt his hands and feet were cold.

As an expert in marketing, he didn't know what Xu Rong was doing. Xu Rong abandoned all fancy marketing methods, and amplified his own brand effect to the extreme in the simplest and most direct way.

Because its strategy is too simple and direct, the only solution is to establish an equivalent brand, but there is no point in "Painted Skin 2" that can achieve the "extreme effect" that can rival Xu Rong.

Chen Guofu wiped his glasses with a paper towel, and after a while, he pressed his dirty glasses on the bridge of his nose, saying: "Based on the current situation, we can only hope that Du Qifeng will not accept the inland market."

Yang Zhenjian shook his head: "Impossible, Xu Rong is an old producer, and he is very familiar with the preferences of mainland audiences."

Chen Guofu opened his mouth and didn't know how to answer for a while. Xu Rong has almost never served as the producer of any film and television works, but as a colleague, he understands the facts.

"Why don't we contain it a little bit?"

Hearing Chen Guofu's sudden proposal, Yang Zhenjian was shocked suddenly, and turned his head to look at Chen Guofu.

After a few seconds, Chen Guofu forced a smile: "I'm just joking."

The "containment" proposed by Chen Guofu refers to negative marketing through a large number of trolls, media, self-media, and film and television critics to lower the reputation of "Drug Wars". This is rare in the film market, but occasionally Especially for film and television works with average investors, a good film can be smashed into a mediocre film, and an average film can be smashed into a bad film.

But it will also be a big feud.

Whether it is used as positive guidance or negative suppression, the silent spiral theory can have unexpected effects.

Chen Guofu shifted the focus of his work to the mainland in 04, and later established his position as a leading director of commercial films by directing "The Wind". He also has a certain understanding of the mainland film and television industry.

He is not afraid of offending Liu Yanming. In the past, Hairun was the leader in the private TV drama industry, but now, it has not been able to keep its share in the TV drama market, and its performance in the film market is also mediocre.

But he was a little apprehensive about being ruthless in Xu Rong's industry.

With Zhang Jizhong's lessons learned, he was very sure that when Xu Rong's revenge came, the Wang brothers would definitely abandon him without hesitation.

But surrendering and admitting defeat is also not his style. He tapped his fingers heavily on the table and said, "Call everyone over here for a meeting."

(End of this chapter)

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