I'm just an actor

Chapter 470 Premiere

Chapter 470 Premiere
Outside the conference room, Liu Mengjiao listened to the movement in the conference room quietly with her ears propped up and her feet padded, but after a while, she still couldn't hear the voice she expected to hear.

She graduated last year with a major in opera performance from Shangxi Opera. Because she has learned opera since she was a child and has outstanding talent, she entered Guojing, the highest palace in the Peking opera circle, after graduation.

Like many of her peers, she is also a loyal fan of Xu Rong, and she has been a fan of him since 07.

Star chasing is one of the life experiences that most girls will have, just like when she was young she also liked Jiao Enjun.

She doesn't like Xu Rong simply because Xu Rong just grows in her aesthetic point, but because it is said that he has a super self-discipline in life, strong professional ability, and there are not so many messy scandals.

But good fortune always tricks people.

She is Zhang Junqiu's re-disciple. Unfortunately, Zhang Junqiu is Shang Xiaoyun's godson, and Xu Rong's teacher Shang Changrong is godbrother.

When I woke up, my husband became my uncle.

For this reason, she was often joked about by her sisters in private.

But she didn't feel sad about it. Uncle Shi's involvement in the Beijing opera business meant that as long as she worked hard enough, the chances of getting close to him would continue to increase.

As a Peking Opera actor, he has to be on stage, right?
It's not that he has any unreasonable thoughts about the uncle, but just wants to get in touch with the idol at close range to see if he is as perfect as he knows.

Yesterday I heard that my uncle was coming to the hospital for a meeting today, so she got up early in the morning and had the most beautiful "plain makeup" in her life. According to the analysis of the sisters, the uncle prefers "plain makeup".

But when the uncle really arrived at the gate of the courtyard, she dared not go out.

Before this morning's live broadcast, she regarded him more as a goal to strive for, but now, she suddenly discovered that even the current height of the uncle is beyond her lifetime.

After liking turned into admiration and admiration, the more she looked at herself in the mirror, the more she felt that her makeup was not perfect, and when she finished her makeup, the meeting had already begun.

The voice in the conference room suddenly became a little higher.

"I object. Even if it is a skewer, it must be a Beijing opera skewer. The total is only 5 minutes, and then 4 minutes for other dramas?"

"Isn't this a joke!"

"Xu Yuan, what's your opinion?"

When Liu Mengjiao heard the word "Xu Yuan", she suddenly held her breath.

In the conference room, Xu Rong glanced at the excited Beijing opera masters, and a very slight smile floated on his face: "Everyone is right."

As he spoke, he turned his head and kicked the ball to Yu Kuizhi who was facing him, and asked with a smile, "Teacher Yu, what do you think?"

Seeing Xu Rong looking at him with a half-smile, Yu Kuizhi subconsciously left the back of the chair.

The news that the Peking Opera Department of Chinese Opera Performance Department has a separate Peking Opera Department has already spread throughout the Peking Opera circle, and the young man sitting opposite is just the key person who decides the candidate for the head of the department.

He considered it for two seconds, and said, "First of all, the program must have certain cultural connotations and fully reflect the artistic beauty of Peking Opera as the quintessence of the country."

Seeing that Xu Rong was still smiling, Yu Kuizhi couldn't help raising his voice a little to increase the power of emotion: "Secondly, actors who perform on stage must have excellent professional skills, and they must not make up for it."

"Moreover, it must be combined with the current overall environment, seek innovation and change, and fully take care of the aesthetic taste of old and new audiences."

"This is difficult. In 5 minutes, you need to be aesthetically pleasing, take care of the older ones, and take care of the younger ones. How can it be so easy?"

"If it's easy, why should we drive?"

Probably drank a little too much water just now, Xu Rong got up gently and walked out of the meeting room.


Xu Rong looked at the girl who was startled by opening the door, closed the door gently, and said in a low voice, "Sorry, may I ask."

He paused as he spoke, and waited until the girl's eyes began to roll again, and her face became flushed, before continuing, "Excuse me, how do I get to the bathroom?"

"You, you, you go along the corridor and turn right at the end."

The quickly rosy face of the girl opposite Xu Rong, the mist in her eyes, and her hoarse voice vaguely guessed what was going on.

"Thank you." After he said this, "Are you an actor from Guojing?"

"Yes, yes, my name is Liu Mengjiao."

"My name is Xu Rong, come on."

"Thank you!"

Looking at the bright guessing in the girl's eyes, Xu Rong nodded with a smile. In terms of seniority, there are almost no peers of his age in the Peking Opera world. Therefore, he has to always pay attention to the identity of the senior and the affinity of the master.

It's just a little hard to hold back.

When Xu Rong came back from the bathroom, he didn't see the girl whose face was flushed when she saw her just now. Instead, the dispute in the conference room became more intense. He was still like a spectator, observing the words and deeds of every participant and bystander. All the people present here are top performers in the Beijing opera industry. They are all called "artists" when they go out. I am afraid that most people would never have imagined that this group of artists would quarrel so fiercely in order to compete for places in the Spring Festival Gala.

When Xu Rong was like an unrelated spectator, watching a group of Peking opera masters arguing in full swing, the impact of the report was fermented and spread for several hours, forming a trend of sweeping the entire Internet.

From the first to the last trending search on Weibo, he monopolizes all of them, and news related to him accounts for seven of the top ten searches on the entire Internet.

Some netizens also made statistics on his three-and-a-half-hour report in the morning. When the whole process was unfinished, a total of 123 allusions, old sayings, and adages were quoted.

This is the third time that Xu Rong has been exposed to the spotlight since he started his career. It is different from the first time he participated in Yi Lijing's interview for money, and also different from the modesty and prudence he showed in "Art Life" for the second time. For the first time, it fully demonstrated the cultural background of a top actor.

And his report meeting has brought a question that has no suspense to be discussed by the public again.

Should actors be paid sky-high prices?
In the past, the answer was obvious. Although one party was willing to fight and the other was willing to suffer, the public always believed that actors should not get such a huge return for their efforts.

But this time, many netizens expressed doubts: With Xu Rong's cultural foundation, knowledge reserve and talent, when his income decreases, driven by interests, will he be forced to switch to other industries, such as host, Singers and even the education and training industry?
In the end, the majority of netizens came to a conclusion that because Xu Rong's own value is too high, it is reasonable to take the sky-high salary.

And the audience is looking forward to "Drug Wars" which will be released tomorrow.

As Xu Rong himself said, realism, or in other words, works are the only criterion for measurement.

Compared with the audience's discussion about Xu Rong, the commotion within the film and television industry was even more intense.

Although no one has ever underestimated Xu Rong's influence, until today, they realized that Xu Rong's influence was still greatly underestimated.

Its fans not only include ignorant boys and girls who have not yet formed values, but its titles of "artist" and "master" have a large number of loyal fans even among highly educated groups.

In view of the huge popularity on the Internet, no matter the traditional film and television capital or the new influx of capital, they all have a huge interest in Xu Rong.

In the past two years, the industry generally believes that Han Geng is the most promising artist to replace Xu Rong in terms of commercial value, but until today the industry has realized that this is not the case. Xu Rong's commercial value does not come from continuous marketing, but from He is irreplaceable, even without Xu Rong, it is impossible for an artist in the industry to fill his vacancy, so that all groups in society can reach a consensus on the concept of "idol".

Especially the elite group, they often hold a contemptuous attitude towards illiterate artists.

"Yuan Xu, you come to judge the reasoning. It is obviously a thirteen masterpiece. Do you need thirteen people to play it?"

Xu Rong's thoughts were interrupted again. He has been carefully observing everyone's movements and expressions, and comparing them with their mentality. In fact, I’m just a newcomer in our industry, so it’s really hard to comment.”

"Xu Yuan speaks to the point!"

"Hey, Master Xu is still fair."

Xu Rong still chuckled, he didn't intend to get involved in the bullshit of the Beijing opera circle, but considering that this year is likely to be the only time he will be on the Spring Festival Gala, he absolutely cannot accept that the show failed due to internal conflicts, and there are conflicts of interest in many parties At that time, as the actor with the longest seniority and the highest rank in the program group, he did not express his opinion, but he could continue to consolidate his right to speak within the program group.

Of course, the main reason was that he was completely blinded by the temperament of the sitting, and it was really difficult to speak.

And as the sun set, his mind wasn't on the show at the Spring Festival Gala at all. Anyway, he had already made up his mind to sing Cao Cao at the Spring Festival Gala.

Apply oil paint on your face, and then find Bao Gong. As long as he doesn't say anything, who can tell which is Xu Rong?

Watching the sun gradually set outside the window, he couldn't help feeling a little nervous. In another seven or eight hours, "Drug War" will officially meet with the audience.

Qing Yishui's good comments at the screening are meaningless, the critics invited are all well-connected, and those who are not well-connected will not be invited. In addition to his current status in the literary and art circles and his "promising future" in the future, here comes People will sell him more or less.

In the early morning, the premiere ceremony of "Drug Wars".

A short female reporter in her early twenties looked at Xu Rong who was wearing a suit and a red festive tie on the stage, and asked, "Xu Rong, the suit you are wearing is the one you wore in the live broadcast yesterday morning. Is it that I found that you seem to be dressed like this no matter what event you attend?"

Xu Rong knew this small-faced female reporter, and he was her in almost every CCTV interview. He smiled and said: "I want to correct you, yesterday morning it was a blue tie, today it is a red tie, but you are right, The clothes are indeed the same as yesterday."

"Hahaha." None of the audience in the theater left, and even a lot of people poured in at the door.

Seeing her colleagues gesturing wildly to her, the female reporter knew not to use the public to seek personal gain. After the laughter subsided, she said, "Xu Rong, if, I mean, if you met Cai Tianming, what would you say to him?"

"First of all, I don't think this kind of question is very meaningful. We won't meet, and I don't want to say anything to him."

Xu Rong shook his head slightly and looked at the female reporter: "A person's choice is a concentrated expression of his past growth environment and experience. Do you know what Cai Tianming's past was like? He grew up listening to the stories of Mr. Zhongshan in his childhood. Like Mr. Sun Yat-sen, he also likes to climb Fragrant Hills to look at Hong Kong, and wants to build a career that will be praised by future generations, but what is the reality? He dropped out of school when he was young because of family poverty, and young people went out to work and suffered bullying and even abuse. "

"After going to Hong Kong, he lived a life that might not be able to eat another meal. Do you know how many times he curled up in a dark corner like a wild dog and silently licked his wounds, facing the possibility of killing him at any time? How desperate is he for his injuries? Do you know how many New Year’s Eves he stood by the Xiangjiang River, looking at the Xiangshan Mountain across the river, imagining the lonely grave at the foot of the mountain, and how lonely it was?"

"In this world, he doesn't trust anyone except himself!"

Seeing that Xu Rong was emotional, Du Qifeng reached out and patted him on the back.

Xu Rong looked at the oppressive atmosphere in the theater, and the media and audience who had been stunned by what he said, smiled and said: "Sorry, this character has impressed me so deeply, of course, when I say these things, I am not I hope everyone can sympathize with Cai Tianming, but I want to tell everyone that black industry practitioners like Cai Tianming have been at a loss and hesitation, but when he made up his mind to engage in the black industry, his beliefs are only their own, and anyone who hinders his interests will have nothing to do. There is room for relaxation, and it will not be changed because of anyone's opinions or suggestions."

The female reporter looked at Xu Rong's unfamiliar but familiar face in bewilderment, because what Xu Rong said was not shown in the movie, and the opening scene of the movie was the explosion of a chemical plant, so she couldn't help asking: "Wait a minute, Teacher Xu , Are you talking about the prelude to the planned filming of "Drug Wars"?"

Xu Rong shook his head: "This is a short biography I wrote for Cai Tianming."

The female reporter suddenly realized, and asked the last question: "I want to know what kind of person Cai Tianming is in your heart. When you are shaping him and wanting to present him to the audience, what do you think is the most difficult thing to capture in him?" What's the point?"

Xu Rong didn't answer immediately, but asked instead: "You have seen the movie, can you talk about your views on this issue?"

Seeing Xu Rong staring at her, the female reporter subconsciously looked away: "One, a person who is very smart and knows that he is very smart, the most difficult thing to catch should be the struggle to face death?! "

"Thank you, you are a qualified audience." Xu Rong smiled and asked a second question, "The last question, what is your overall impression of the movie "Drug Wars"? What do you think? After reading it, how much do you want to give?"

"If the total score is 10 points."

The female reporter was stunned for a moment, because the scene at this time didn't seem quite right, but looking at Xu Rong's expectant eyes, she hesitated for a moment and then replied: "I have two things that stand out the most, the first is Cai Tianming's ruthlessness, Actually, actually, I don’t dare to look at you right now.”

Xu Rong had noticed this a long time ago. He found that the female reporter who used to like to stare at him was always evasive today.

"The second point is Zhang Lei's firm belief. When I watched the movie just now, I had a guess. When Zhang Lei heard Cai Tianming's willingness to be an undercover agent, he should have had a premonition that he might die. As an experienced people's guard , he should be clear that arresting a super drug king like Li Shuchang will inevitably pay a huge price."

"10 points, I am willing to give 10 points."

"Thank you, very good, you are really attentive."

Xu Rong said, looked towards the auditorium, and said, "Next."

When the next male reporter from Sina took over the microphone, Xu Rong said very naturally: "Hi, can you introduce yourself first?"

The male reporter was confused. Am I a reporter or are you a reporter?
"I'm Shao Gang, a reporter from Sina."

Xu Rong nodded lightly: "Can you talk about your overall impression of "Drug Wars"?"

Not only the audience, but also Du Qifeng and Sun Honglei beside him were also dumbfounded. Brother, did you mistake your identity?
In the early morning of the next day, when the audience saw the overwhelming news in the media that ""Drug War" will only be released for 15 days" and ""Drug War" premiere Xu Rongwen stunned reporters from CCTV and Sina", they all became a little curious.

Why did Xu Rong ask the reporter?
What did he ask again?
Why is "Drug Wars" released for only 15 days?
(End of this chapter)

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