"Brother, thank you, thank you so much, brother must give you a big gift this time!"

Driven by Xu Rong's strong brand effect and tens of millions of publicity expenses, the premiere of "Drug Wars" got off to a great start.

"Drug Wars" has a box office of 650 million at the zero-point screening, breaking the record for Chinese-language movies at the zero-point screening.


A movie starring mainland actors, the total box office was 2.5 million in three days!
The box office of "Drug Wars" has verified a possibility, the possibility of mainland actors starring in commercial films.

Xu Rong listened to Liu Yanming's hoarse voice due to excitement on the phone, and said with a smile: "Don't, thank you or not. It's too polite to say these things about the friendship between our two brothers."

Xu Rong smiled and declined Liu Yanming's "reward". After establishing his own business, what he felt most deeply was not the freedom and skyrocketing interests pursued by most of his peers, but the ubiquitous constraints caused by poverty.

During the filming of "Number", he could only solve the crew's problems through personal friendship with Chen Runsheng, but it was completely different during the filming of "Drug War". It's all about him.

What he lacks is the unconditional support of capital.

Just as it is difficult for him to perfect the theoretical system, it is not something that can be accomplished by himself to change the plight of the overall production quality decline in the film and television industry. Behind him, there must be many powerful film and television companies like Hairun as his concerted actors. A person who goes against the trend is Don Quixote, and uniting all those who can be united is the teaching of the teacher.

Compared to these, the loss of salary for one or two films is secondary.

People always have to take advantage of others before they are willing to do things.

Besides, taking advantage is not so easy to take advantage of, that is, to use improper methods to obtain unreasonable benefits. The words "improper" and "non-distributed" perfectly explain the unequal rights of the participants who "take advantage".

In this world, there is only reason for the strong party to take advantage of the weaker party. There has never been a thing where the weaker party takes advantage of the stronger party. Even if it does, it will pay a higher price in other ways.

Xu Rong calmly hung up on Liu Yanming's call in the vice president's office of the Chinese Opera. The box office totaled 2.5 million in the three days of its release. "Drug War" can deliver such a perfect answer sheet, which is not too beyond his expectations.

First of all, his peers are willing to sell his face. Even the competing "Painted Skin 2" and "Ruffian Heroes: All-out War" were selected for release on June 6, giving "Drug Wars" 18 days.

Secondly, it is due to the publicity and distribution expenses that are almost equivalent to the production cost. The original budget of "Drug Wars" did not include a publicity and distribution budget. It was he who forced Liu Yanming to invest another 1000 million in publicity and distribution expenses, and he The value of the publicity effect of the report meeting is about 2000 million. With the huge amount of topics on the Internet, the audience can't help but wonder what kind of story "Drug War" tells.

Even if it is a bad movie, with such a high marketing investment, the initial box office will not be too bad.

But as Liu Yanming said on the phone just now, the real test of "Drug Wars" has just begun.

Today "Painted Skin 2" and "Ruffian Heroes: All-Out War" are officially released. With the crazy marketing campaign of "Painted Skin 2" in the past three days, as well as the box office appeal of Chen Kun, Zhou Xun, Zhao Wei, Huang Bo and others in the mainland, It is bound to divert the box office, and even occupy the film schedule. When European and American blockbusters that are more popular with young people are fully released on July 7, even if "Drug Wars" does not go offline, the film schedule will be squeezed to an extremely low space by European and American films.

It is not word-of-mouth or marketing effectiveness that directly determines the box office of a movie, but the attitude of theaters and theaters, and the attitudes of theaters and theaters are positively correlated with revenue.

If a movie has a total box office of 1000 million, it needs to pay taxes and 8.3% of the special fund, which is 83, and the remaining 917 million theaters and theaters keep 57%, or 522.69 million, and China Film Digital reserves 3% of the agency fee. That is 27.51, and the remaining 40% is the box office share that belongs to the producer and distributor. "Drug Wars" is jointly released by Yourong Media and Hairun Pictures, each with 5% of the account, which belongs to the investment of Hairun Pictures Only 30% of the box office is left, which is 275.1 million.

However, in order to obtain high-ranking films, some films sometimes give rebates to theaters or theaters. The rebate ratio is generally around 5%, which results in only 25%-28% of the final box office attributable to the producers.

This has led to a strange phenomenon in the film market. After a film and television production company reaches a certain scale, it will be involved in distribution and theaters. After the distribution company expands, it will enter upstream film and television investment, downstream theaters and even theaters, and finally achieve a monopoly. Purpose.

But so far, no film and television group has formed a monopoly in the industry chain. As newcomers in the film market, Hairun and You Rong, it is difficult to rely on their friendship to let theaters and theaters play in "Painted Skin 2" and "Ruffian Heroes: All-out War" And under the impact of European and American blockbusters, the number of film schedules is guaranteed.

Anyway, no matter which movie is released, theaters and theaters can guarantee at least 57% of the box office share.

While Xu Rong and Liu Yanming paid attention to the box office, the market and audience turned their attention to the 15-day release period of the film and the content and quality of the film itself.

"What do you think of "Drug Wars" only being released for 15 days-Zhihu"

"This movie, which was only released for 15 days, may be the best Chinese movie this year!"

"Drug Wars will only be released for 15 days? Director Du Qifeng: The current film market is immature. "Drug Wars" is a small domestic film that pays tribute to the people's defenders, and we don't care about the box office."

After the screening of "Drug Wars", the Douban score was quite satisfactory, only 6.7, which is not low, but it is not high either.

However, after its release, word-of-mouth has risen against the trend, hitting 7.4 in three days, becoming a rare film that audiences generally score higher than professional film critics.

On major social media, forums, and film and television review sites, "Drug Wars" has also gone against the "regular" norms of Hairun's works in recent years, and has received massive praise.

"Subversive character creation, Cai Tianming is Xu Rong's best character."

"It is strongly recommended to check Xu Rong."

"I think the biggest attraction of this movie is that the handsome and maddened Cai Tianming (Xu Rong) is in extreme contrast with Zhang Lei (Sun Honglei), who looks fierce but has made the Great Wall with flesh and blood."

Among the many comments on Douban, a comment that is not too short and not too long has received a large number of likes, and has been reprinted by major media and social platforms, and even derived a meme related to Xu Rong, "Xu Rong capacity supervision".

"Cough cough."

Xu Rong looked at the message sent by classmate Xiao Zhang, and turned on the phone. It was a screenshot of a popular comment on Douban.

With just a glance, he felt that someone was blackmailing him, because the content was too inaccurate, almost reaching the point of personal attack.

He subconsciously wanted to type to make Xiao Zhang less read these sensational comments, but after seeing the massive amount of likes, reprints, and comments on this comment that Xiao Zhang sent in succession, he stopped typing , and opened the screenshot of the super popular comment here:
"Drug Wars", a typical work produced by Xu Rong.

Many people say that "Drug Wars" continues Du Qifeng's previous "Du style". It is undeniable that Du Qifeng's consistent style is not procrastinating, tragic gun battles and even well-proportioned positions, but everyone may have overlooked one point. Du Qifeng used to I have never made a movie with the core theme of "Salute to the People's Defender", especially the movie where the Chinese People's Guardian is not afraid of death in the face of gangsters and uses his body to block the poisonous king. Willing to touch or even contradict the content.

And Cai Tianming, the villain who is good at calculating, and details such as bullets will run out, violate the consistent theorem of "villains are all idiots" and "unlimited bullets" in Hong Kong film and television works.

On the contrary, these are the consistent characteristics of Xu Rong's past works. We can clearly see that since "Harbin Under the Night" became popular, no matter who invests or directs, each of Xu Rong's works has Full of strong humanistic care and humanistic thinking, his works are of various types, such as his last work "Number", Li Daben has various problems, but he never violates any principle. For the political commissar Zhang Liujin's tolerance and respect are even considered by the majority of netizens to be the biggest failure. Even semi-idol dramas such as "Snow Leopard" fully reflect the persistence and belief of intellectuals in the face of national crisis. The film and television industry criticized the term "produced by Xu Rong" to objectively view every work he supervised. Humanistic spirit and realism may be the root cause of Xu Rong's ability to become a "boutique label".

——Future internationally renowned director.

Xu Rong read the comments carefully, and became more and more convinced that this was a slander against him by someone with ulterior motives. He did not deny that he valued the spiritual core of the work, but "No matter who invests or directs, every film by Xu Rong The works are full of strong humanistic care and humanistic thinking." Doesn't this kind of statement make it clear that he interferes in the director's creation?
But this has never happened before, and it won't happen in the future!
During filming, he always does his own thing well and never interferes with the director's creative ideas. At best, he only puts forward his own opinions or suggestions on individual issues. Whether he accepts or not depends on the director's own considerations, but what this review says As if he forced the director to shoot according to his ideas.

He thought for a few seconds, and replied to Xiao Zhang, "The truth is always in the hands of a few, and the masses always follow blindly!".

Contrary to his expectations, Xiao Zhang replied with an "Oh Yo" expression.

In the face of the slander against Xu Rong on the Internet, the director Xu Jizhou who had worked with Xu Rong on "Number" was the first to jump out: "Mr. I also look forward to working with Teacher Xu again.”

After Xu Jizhou issued a clarification, Du Qifeng, the director of "Drug Wars", Jiang Wei, the director of "Latent", Liu Jiang, the director of "Before Dawn", "A Beautiful Era of Daughter-in-law", and Zhang Jian, the producer of "Snow Leopard", have worked with Xu Rong as directors , Producers have also issued clarifications.


Jin Fangfang, who has always been paying attention to the dynamics of public opinion, watched Du Qifeng, Liu Jiang, Jiang Wei and others quickly post clarifications. The pregnant woman’s milk that she just took a sip almost didn’t spit out. Xu Rong likes the habit of pointing fingers at the director, except himself. It has become a general consensus inside and outside the industry. Perhaps the only difference is that he is gentler than his predecessors Jiang Wen and Ben Shan, but there is no difference in essence.

Character determines destiny. Xu Rong's character determines that he will not remain unknown forever. It also determines that once he lacks the support of strong capital behind him, he will fall faster than others. In recent years, he has been the general trend of the film and television industry, and everyone praises him It means that once he starts to go downhill, he will be squeezed out by the whole industry immediately. Not only the capital, but also his peers may not welcome him. This is why Jin Fangfang advocated changing the studio into a company.

She quickly flipped through the old news that had already reached a consensus inside and outside the industry, and browsed the evaluation of "Drug War" by professional film and television critics.

Unlike the audience's emotional likes and dislikes, film and television critics prefer to use words such as "subversive breakthrough" and "viewing threshold" to summarize "Drug Wars".

"A movie that can only be understood after three brushes."

"Similar to "The Ming Dynasty 1566", "Drug Wars" also has a certain viewing threshold. The evil of human nature shown by Cai Tianming is far more than what we have seen, but what we have seen is enough to shock us."


Jin Fangfang probably browsed a few comments of film and television critics who used to be called "venomous tongues", and then lost the desire to read. Xu Rong's status as a "master" with the addition of an actor and a teacher of Chinese opera is naturally a The nemesis of these film and television bastards who can only talk all day long, once Xu Rong denies their authority, they will immediately have no place to stand.

She turned to another piece of related news.

"The box office was a hit, "Painted Skin 2" had a box office of 520 million at the midnight screening, and "Ruffian Heroes: All-out War" had a box office of 150 million at the zero screening!"

The cold opening of "Ruffian Heroes: All-out War" did not exceed her expectations. This is the true status quo of the current film market. No matter how big the investment scale or how luxurious the production lineup is, it does not match the corresponding publicity costs. The theater will reduce the film schedule according to the pre-sale.

But what surprised her was the box office of "Painted Skin 2" was 520 million. Although there is still a gap from the 650 million of "Drug Wars" three days ago, if you consider "Painted Skin 2" and "Heroes of Heroes: All-out War" Released at the same time, this data is a bit surprising.

After all, Huang Bo, the lead actor in "Ruffian Heroes: All Out War", is one of the most charismatic big-screen actors in the Mainland.

She is keenly aware that in the next 12 days, "Painted Skin 2" may be the toughest competitor of "Drug Wars".

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