"Are you OK?"

"Are you OK?"


"It's okay? Just eat the plums!"

In the elevator of a certain office building in Beijing, a girl looked at the neurotic advertisement played on the elevator advertisement display screen, and said to her colleague in a low voice: "Look, look, this advertisement is so insane!"

"Have you heard that she is with Liu Kaiwei?"

"It's all been refuted, it's fake news."

"Since the rumors are definitely true, look at Xu Rong, who never refuted the rumors, and never sent a lawyer's letter. Either ignore you, or directly sue."

At this moment, the screen suddenly turned into a highlight of "Drug Wars", and at the same time, a very rhythmic and brainwashing advertisement sounded in the elevator.

"Drug Wars, a niche film, a masterpiece?"

""Drug Wars", a niche movie, a masterpiece!"

""Drug Wars", a niche movie, a masterpiece!"

A girl looked at the frozen poster with only Sun Honglei's back, and asked in a low voice, "Didn't I read the news yesterday that Xu Rong was the leading actor in this movie? Why is there only Sun Honglei on the poster?"

The colleague next to her explained in a low voice: "Xu Rong is playing a super poisonous king. He killed many people's guards. You don't know. He was almost, really almost let him run away again. Fortunately, Sun Honglei was dying. Handcuffs will be handcuffed to his lower legs."

"Let's go see together after get off work?"

"I've watched it three times with three men, and every time I watch it, I feel like a scumbag."



"It's here, it's right, check in and check out."

The two girls stepped out of the elevator in a hurry, but they didn't notice that the middle-aged man with a square face standing behind them stared fixedly at the advertisement screen in the elevator with bulging eyes.

"Are you OK?"

"Are you OK?"


"It's okay? Just eat the plums!"

"Drug Wars, a niche film, a masterpiece?"


As the advertisement of "Drug Wars" was played again, the middle-aged face of the Chinese character face seemed to be wrinkled by spring water, rippling in a circle, but there was a dazzling look in his eyes, and he murmured: "Normal movies, masters!" Works, niche films, masterpieces"

With the continuous growth of middle-income families in society, he has been thinking about how to use a product to harvest middle-income groups in the past two years. This group has gradually begun to occupy a large proportion of society and has great purchasing power.

And the extremely brainwashing advertising words of "Drug Wars", like an apple falling to the ground in front of Newton's eyes, gave him infinite inspiration.

Look for a product that is as invaluable as a movie and has a certain meaning.

The two opposing words "niche" and "master" in the slogan of "drug war" reminded him of a special product.


Different groups have different feelings about the latest marketing method of "Drug Wars", but for Cai Yuexun, the director and investor of "Ruffian Heroes: All-out War", the perception is extremely bad.

Cai Yuexun entered the industry in 87. In 01, he directed "Popular Garden" and jumped into the ranks of well-known directors. He is also one of the many directors who went north.

A few hours ago, Cai Yuexun still didn't think he would lose in this box office battle, even though "Drug War" raked in 3 million box office in 2.5 days, setting many records for Chinese films.

Although "Painted Skin 2" is also released at the same time today.

Although in the early marketing battle, "Ruffian Heroes: All-out War" suffered a crushing defeat.

In his opinion, both "Drug War" and "Painted Skin 2" have their fatal flaws.

The leading actors are all mainland actors.

And "Ruffian Hero" is starred by well-known superstar Zhao Youting from both sides of the Taiwan Strait and famous Hong Kong actor Yang Ying. Compared with competitors in the same period, this is an unparalleled advantage.

He naturally knows that Zhao Youting and Yang Ying are not superstars, but it depends on who they compare with. Zhao Youting is an idol in Taiwan and Taiwan. According to the common concept among mainland audiences that Hong Kong and Taiwan actors are superior, once "Ruffian Heroes" is released, it will definitely suppress the audience. Second-rate works produced in the Mainland such as "Drug War" and "Painted Skin 2".

The biggest significance of the 2.5 million box office of "Drug War" in three days is to set off the 10 billion or 20 billion box office of "Ruffian Hero". Now, with the release of "Ruffian Hero", "Drug War" has completed its historical mission. The time has come to withdraw from the stage of history.

It's just that Cai Yuexun felt that the distributor of "Drug Wars" still refused to give up after making a box office of 2.5 million, and once again started the second round of grand marketing campaign after the release with "niche movies, master works". Out of anger, confusion, and panic.

Directors from Hong Kong and Taiwan are facing tremendous pressure when they go north, and the censorship is a big hurdle first.

The second is the supervision department's restrictions on the investment quota and actors of co-productions. If he can, he does not want to use any mainland actors, but communication is second. The professional level and professionalism of mainland actors are obviously lower than those of Hong Kong and Taiwan counterparts.

The last thing is the choice of subject matter. Period dramas and family ethics dramas set in the mainland are taboos for Hong Kong and Taiwan directors.

Therefore, the themes that director Beishang can choose are relatively limited, but he still chooses the themes he is good at, idol movies, and just in case, he also invited Huang Bo, who has a strong box office appeal in the Mainland, to join him.

In order to avoid censorship factors, he even attracted investment from China Film through a VAM agreement.

He was angry that the release of "Drug War" was not good or bad. If Du Qifeng's face had not been taken into consideration, he originally planned to release it on June 6, the same day as "Drug War", but it was postponed for three days. Accept it when you know it?
What puzzled him was that the box office of "Hero Ruffian" was only 150 million, which was less than one-third of that of "Painted Skin 2".

As for panic, it is a gambling agreement signed with China Film Group.

Cai Yuexun is very aware that the popularity of movie topics is positively correlated with the film schedule. The higher the degree of discussion and attention, the more audiences will come here. Driven by profit, the proportion of the theater's film schedule will be higher. On the contrary, the popularity The lower the ratio, the lower the proportion of the film schedule, which ultimately leads to the embarrassing situation that although the movie is released, it is actually not shown in theaters because no one cares about it.

The good start of "Drug Wars" and "Painted Skin 2" both prompted the distributors to continue the marketing war, because the income is much higher than the investment. As for "Heroes of the Rabbit", the early marketing strategy has completely failed. If the film's reputation cannot be quickly restored In other words, the more you invest, the more you lose.

Once he loses this gambling agreement, Cai Yuexun will also be known as one of the losers of many directors going north.

Cai Yuexun's wife, Yu Xiaohui, the producer of "Ruffian Heroes", looked at her husband whose hair was scratched like a chicken coop, and sighed silently. China Film Group, one of the investors of the previous film, had already warned them in private. Normal marketing is fine, but you must not raise yourself by suppressing your peers.

But China's film market is only so big, if "Drug Wars" and "Painted Skin 2" take an extra piece, it will hurt their interests.

If you don't kill your colleagues, what's the difference between that and suicide?
She thought for a while, then asked softly: "How about we lock the field first?"

Cai Yuexun heard his wife's suggestion, and after reacting to it, he suddenly raised his head, with a look of surprise on his face. When "Ruffian Heroes" failed at the beginning, the lock field undoubtedly put himself in an invincible position first.

According to different purposes, there are two ways to operate the lock field. One is that in order to obtain a high box office, the film uses the "ghost field" to stimulate the audience and the theater, and create a high box office record at a low cost.

The second is that fans buy a few movie tickets in order to avoid the movie being offline and replaced by the movie theater due to the dismal box office, prompting the movie theater to show it.

At this time, the purpose of "Ruffian Hero" is naturally not to obtain a high box office.

The two still have a glimmer of hope. The current popularity and box office of "Drug Wars" and "Painted Skin 2" are all due to the effect of massive marketing. , and then carry out dimensionality reduction strikes, and then achieve corner overtaking.

When the data came out on June 6, there was an uproar inside and outside the industry.

"Painted Skin 2" has a single-day box office of 4700 million, "Drug Wars" has a single-day box office of 3800 million, and "Ruffian Heroes: All-out War" has a single-day box office of 410 million.

The expected three-legged confrontation did not appear. The first-day box office of "Ruffian Heroes" was not even a fraction of that of "Painted Skin 2" and "Drug Wars", and the first-day performance of "Painted Skin 2" was also significantly higher than market expectations. The single-day box office is nearly [-] million ahead of "Drug Wars".

After receiving positive feedback from the market, "Painted Skin 2" immediately stepped up its publicity efforts, and many main creators flew to various parts of the country to hold fan meetings.

With the release of the data on June 6, the outcome of the first stage of the summer file has gradually become clear.


"Painted Skin 2" continued to maintain its growth momentum, "Drug War" continued to decline, and "Ruffian Heroes" increased steadily, but the possibility of surviving in the cracks between "Painted Skin 2" and "Drug War" is almost zero.

And the market's view of "Drug War" has gradually changed from "the myth of 2.5 million box office in three days" to an objective one. The reason why "Drug War" can get off to a good start is because of its strong marketing strategy. Second, there are no competitors in the market. The audience has no choice.

And the facts are indeed true. "Drug Wars" was released for 5 days. In the competition with "Painted Skin 2", it showed obvious lack of follow-up. the trend of.

In the backstage of Renyi, Xu Rong was wearing a long gown, quietly drawing her eyebrows in front of the mirror, building a real Zhou Ping in her heart little by little.

After serving as the vice president of human arts, he found that he could understand Zhou Ping more and more.

Zhou Ping wants to do something that is recognized by society, and he also wants to do something that is recognized by society.

Zhou Ping fears and adores his father, and he has similar feelings for Zhang Heping.

Zhou Ping wants to escape from the Zhou mansion to do what he wants to do, so why doesn't he want to get rid of these false names and chores?
But Zhou Ping had no choice, and neither did he.

Perhaps the only difference is that Zhou Ping broke the taboo and had an affair with his stepmother, but he still sticks to the bottom line.

As his own practice of Hehe theory deepened, he gradually realized that Hehe requires a higher degree of understanding of the characters than the Stellaris system, because on the one hand, he put himself into the role during the performance , and on the other hand, it is necessary to rationally analyze whether every word, deed, and action conforms to the character's behavioral logic and behavioral motivation.

If you don't have a detailed understanding of the characters, you can't reach the state of "harmony", and you can't adjust to the state of "harmony".

Just as he was considering whether to paint eyeshadow to show that Zhou Ping was addicted to gambling, the door of the dressing room was suddenly pushed open

"Teacher Xu, let me tell you something."

Song Yiwang, who pushed the door open, looked at Xu Rong who didn't stop putting on makeup, and didn't turn his head to look at him, and suddenly felt that the air in the dressing room had dropped by at least 20 degrees.

She stood still for four or five seconds, and then she poked her head halfway through the door and quietly exited the dressing room, closing the door without a sound.

She leaned against the wall on one side of the dressing room, forced a smile to Teacher Zhang Wankun who happened to be passing by, and exhaled softly, wondering whether Teacher Xu would punish herself?
She heard from Sister Xiaofei that the angrier Teacher Xu was, the calmer he appeared on his face.

In fact, she didn't intentionally not knock on the door. Although the box office of "Drug Wars" began to lag behind "Painted Skin 2" by a large margin, a strange thing happened on the Internet.

Three days after "Drug Wars" was released, Douban's score rose from 6.7 to 7.4, and then stabilized. However, with the scores of "Painted Skin 2" and "Ruffian Heroes" stabilizing at 7.1 and 6.9 yesterday, the ratings of "Drug Wars" unexpectedly fell short. It rose to 9.1 in just one day.

Netizens who changed their ratings generally believe that "Painted Skin 2" can be rated at 7.1, and it is not an understatement to say that "Drug Wars" is a masterpiece.

The word-of-mouth of "Drug Wars" has finally been generally recognized by netizens, instead of only being recognized by some netizens as before.

She ran over excitedly, intending to tell him the good news, but she didn't expect to run into him putting on makeup to look good.

After being anxious for less than a minute, her tense little face gradually relaxed.

Because she thought about it again and suddenly realized that the worst result of Teacher Xu's anger would be to expel herself from the teacher's school? !
She's almost vomited in learning harmony theory recently! ! !
At this time, "Drug Wars" with a score of 9.1 rushed into the hot search, drawing out a series of crisp echoes.

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