I'm just an actor

Chapter 474 Review

Chapter 474 Review

Guo Cheng never pursues stars, nor does he have a favorite star. Among his values, money is the most reliable.

Therefore, when "Drug War" became popular, he ranked "Drug War", and when "Painted Skin 2" became popular, he ranked "Painted Skin 2".

But he never expected that the people in "Ruffian Heroes" would be so shameless that they would frankly lock up the scene in broad daylight.

If there was a ghost field after midnight, he would just turn a blind eye and pass by, since there were not many spectators anyway.

But the f*cking "Ruffian Heroes" was actually locked during the peak viewing hours!
The film schedule agreement was signed before the release based on pre-sales and market estimates. Although the market did not have much discussion about "Heroes of the Rabbit" before, in view of its strong production lineup and Huang Bo's appeal in the mainland, 25% of the film schedule was still given. Proportion.

According to the agreement, if no one buys tickets, the theater can change to other films.

But "Ruffian Hero" has people buying tickets for every show.

If there is only one film "Ruffian Hero" released, it is understandable to do so, and it is better to sell two copies than not to sell at all.

But the actual situation at the moment made Guo Cheng angry. On the one hand, crowds of viewers could not buy tickets for "Drug War" and "Painted Skin 2", and on the other hand, "Ruffian Heroes" played like a haunted screening room.

He didn't know who was behind the trick, it might be a fan of the "Ruffian Hero" cast members, or it might be an investor from Taiwan, because neither the mainland investor nor the publisher of "Ruffian Hero" China Film would be so blatant However, no matter who it is, this unscrupulous behavior of locking the theater has seriously hindered the profitability of the theater.

He picked up the iPhone 4s that he had just gotten a few days ago, and found that the screen was cracked like a spider web, and scratched his head involuntarily.

I used to use Nokia before.

Putting down the 4S with a broken screen, Guo Cheng picked up the landline phone, dialed a number, and said, "Hey, brother, are you busy, let's get together tonight?"

Although Guo Cheng has three theaters under his control, because he has not been in the business for a long time, he still hasn't fully figured out the truth about them.

After a few seconds, Guo Cheng showed a little joy on his face: "Can you still do this? Thank you so much brother. Do you have time tonight? May I ask you to relax?"

"Okay, okay, you are busy with your work, then another day, then another day."

After hanging up the phone, Guo Cheng took out the car keys from the drawer and shouted outside: "Brother Liu."

It didn't take long for the words to fall, and a tall young man who was slightly older than him walked in.

Guo Cheng handed over the car keys and said, "As usual, buy two bottles of wine and send them to Boss Zhao."

Boss Zhao is the colleague who offered advice to him just now.

"Okay boss."

After the young man he called "Brother Liu" left, Guo Cheng picked up the phone again. In the past, he always felt like a profiteer, but now, he would sometimes feel that he was simply like a student.

Previously, the unscrupulous lock-up behavior of "Ruffian Hero" made him helpless, but his colleagues had already started doing various fancy operations.

On June 6st, the sixth day of the release of "Drug Wars", the third day of the release of "Painted Skin 21" and "Ruffian Heroes", after the single-day box office results were released, the market was completely wiped out.

"Painted Skin 2" had a single-day box office of 4100 million, and "Drug Wars" had a single-day box office of 4300 million. After falling for two consecutive days, "Drug Wars" surprisingly managed to overtake, and the single-day box office increased by 1200 million.

What confuses the market even more is that "Ruffian Hero", which earned 600 million the day before, only got 3 million at the box office on the third day of its release.

Before June, the market generally believed that "Ruffian Heroes" would have an advantage in the first summer show. Huang Bo's appeal, together with Hong Kong and Taiwan movie stars Zhao Youting and Yang Ying, did not lose to "Drug War" and "Painted Skin 6".

In June, after "Drug Wars" and "Painted Skin 6" each performed a few rounds of marketing operations that amazed their peers, the market still believes that there will be a three-legged situation in the box office competition of the three films.

However, the development of the actual situation can no longer be described as "outrageous". The bayonet between "Drug Wars" and "Painted Skin 2" became popular, but the lively "Ruffian Heroes" died first.

When Cai Yuexun saw the latest box office data, he felt a "buzz" in his head, so that there was a short blank.

He is not only the director of "Ruffian Heroes", but also one of the investors.

This box office is not even enough for the publicity fee!
"Ruffian Hero" also spent money on marketing. Although it is not as much as "Drug Wars" and "Painted Skin 2", it has indeed done all the publicity that should be done, but because the level of the marketing team is too different, resulting in It creates the illusion that "Ruffian Heroes" has not been marketed to the public.

After about ten seconds, Cai Yuexun came back to his senses, looking at the word "180" on the screen, he just felt so glaring.


Cai Yuexun suddenly realized the problem. "Ruffian Hero" has been locked in the market. Even if the natural box office formed by the drainage of "Drug War" and "Painted Skin 2" is absolutely impossible, it is only a mere 180 million.

"There must be a shady scene, there must be a shady scene!" He instinctively felt that there was a force targeting him as an outsider. "The box office must be more than that. It must be the China Film United Cinemas blackmailing me, it must be like this."

He picked up his mobile phone and made a call. After nearly 3 minutes, he suddenly raised his voice: "What?"

After hanging up the phone, Cai Yuexun became even more angry than before: "They are breaching the contract, I want to sue them!"

"What's the matter?" Yu Xiaohui was not surprised by all this. She saw some audiences leaving at the theater the day before yesterday because they couldn't buy tickets for "Drug War" and "Painted Skin 2", so she anticipated the current result.

Their lock-in has hindered the interests of theaters and theater chains.

Cai Yuexun walked back and forth in the office with a flushed face: "The theater even forcibly refunded tickets on the grounds of equipment damage, and the 25% screening rate agreed in the contract has abruptly dropped to 5%!"

Yu Xiaohui looked at him expressionlessly, and said in a low voice, "Let's withdraw the film. Now that the theater is determined to release "Drug Wars" and "Painted Skin 2", there is no point in suing."

Cai Yuexun's walking figure suddenly stopped, turned around slowly, looked at his wife with a calm expression, and after a few seconds, he smiled miserably: "Does even you think so?"

Yu Xiaohui still looked at him like that: "Xu Rong is the current trend in the mainland film and television industry, and there is Jin Fangfang in charge, we were doomed to fail from the very beginning."

"Take a break, we still have a chance."

On June 6, "Ruffian Heroes", which had only been released for three days, was withdrawn, declaring that Cai Yuexun, a director who went north, failed in his first test of the water.

Cai Yuexun is willing to gamble and admit defeat, but a special group has begun to spread on the Internet that mainland theaters and theaters jointly suppress Hong Kong and Taiwan film and television workers.

Zhao Youting's fan club.

Under the urging of relevant departments, Wanda, Dadi and other theaters quickly issued a statement to clarify the turmoil:
First, "Ruffian Hero" is jointly invested by China Film and Cai Yuexun, and it is impossible for theaters and theaters to suppress "Ruffian Hero".

Second, most of the production team and actors of "Drug Wars" are Hong Kong and Taiwan film and television workers, but their achievements are obvious to all.

Third, the forced refund of tickets in theaters is indeed an equipment failure.

According to an executive of Wanda Cinemas who did not want to disclose the specific name, the root cause of the withdrawal of "Ruffian Heroes" was that it violated industry practices and was badly locked.

It's just that the executive's remarks have not been recognized by the majority of netizens, because the total box office of "Ruffian Hero" in three days is only 1080 million.

If you say that "Painted Skin 2" or "Drug War" is locked, everyone will believe it, and if you say that "Ruffian Heroes" is locked, isn't this adding salt to people's wounds?
1080 million locked out of the lock field?
By the way, how much is the total box office of "Drug Wars"?

After watching the excitement of "Heroes of the Rabbit", the industry looked back and suddenly realized that "Drug Wars" has already achieved a box office of 3.62 million in less than a week after its release!

Even if "Drug Wars" is only released for 15 days in the end, the total box office will reach at least 5 million.

Can a mainland actor carry a box office of 5 million?

The major film and television production companies in the mainland watched the anxious box office competition between "Drug Wars" and "Painted Skin 2", and "Ruffian Hero" as the background board in this battle, once again began to think about a past Hong Kong and Taiwan film and television actors. Asked countless times:

Is it possible that only male stars from Hong Kong and Taiwan can be the male lead in big productions?
Yourong Media.

Holding the mobile phone, Wang Yaqin trotted all the way to the door of Jin Fangfang's office, scratching the door frame and said anxiously: "Sister Fangfang, good news, good news for Sister Fangfang!"

"What good news, those who didn't know thought I was about to unload the goods!"

Seeing her happy face, Jin Fangfang joked and said, "What's the matter, is there finally an endorsement invitation from a merchant?"

The joy on Wang Yaqin's face froze for a moment, and he looked at her suspiciously: "Have they contacted you before?"

Jin Fangfang shook her head, and said: "You can guess, the box office and word-of-mouth of "Drug Wars" have surpassed "Painted Skin 2". There are always no problems, which also proves that Teacher Xu has successfully crossed from the TV industry to the film industry, and this success is replicable."


There was an inexplicable smile on the corner of Jin Fangfang's mouth: "You don't really think that 'Producer Xu Rong' is a joke from netizens, do you?"

Wang Yaqin was not good at nodding or shaking her head, so she could only smile dryly. Teacher Xu always told her to be polite to the crew.

As Jin Fangfang said, she stood up with a chair, and said: "In addition, the status of a master of drama performance can ensure that he will continue to maintain his influence in the film and television industry."

Jin Fangfang walked to the drinking fountain, saw that Wang Yaqin wanted to help, waved her hand, and said, "What product endorsement?"

"For a suit brand, the quotation is 5 million in 1.5 years."

Jin Fangfang was stunned for a moment, the first quotation was so high, and the final negotiation would probably cost around [-] million yuan.

But for the company, this is still a loss-making business.

Xu Rong's previous ten-year contract with Baiqueling seemed to have made a profit at the time, but now looking back, he lost more than a few hundred million.

But now, she has another concern, will Xu Rong still accept the endorsement?
Rationally, she hopes that Xu Rong will continue, but emotionally, she always feels that with Xu Rong's current level of caution, the possibility of signing a contract is very slim.

Although the box office of "Drug Wars" surpassed it, at this time Xu Rong looked at the clean walls of the backstage corridor, took out a piece of paper with half a page written on it from his pocket, took out the tape, and pasted it on it meticulously.

"Hey, Xiao Xuyuan." Just as he glued the paper on, Song Dandan happened to see Xu Rong from a distance and greeted him loudly, "Are you here so early?"

Xu Rong's body froze for a moment, as if he had cast a spell on the body, until Song Dandan came to him, he turned his head in doubt: "Sister, are you calling me?"

"No, I've been calling you from afar, why, aren't you used to calling you 'Xu Yuan'?"

"Hey, it's true, you should just call me Xiao Xu."

Song Dandan giggled: "That's impossible. Those old men who gave orders to die should either call 'Teacher Xu' or 'Yuan Xu'. No one is allowed to call Xiao Xu in the future!"

As she spoke, she approached, glanced at the content on the paper posted by Xu Rong, and suddenly said "Ouch", her tone raised a lot: "What are you doing, it's not worth it, it's not worth it."

As she spoke, she was about to reach out and peel off the paper.

Xu Rong didn't stop him, he knew that Song Dandan didn't dare to tear it up.

This is the tradition of Renyi. Whoever made a mistake on stage will step down and write a review and post it in the background.

Yesterday's performance did not meet his expectations. As the deputy dean in charge of the cast, the former vice-captain of the cast, and the actual person in charge of the "Thunderstorm" crew, he is duty-bound.

Song Dandan stopped when her fingers were about two centimeters away from the self-criticism. Seeing Xu Rong standing aside with a smile, she frowned and withdrew her hand, and gently grabbed Xu Rong's arm: "Yesterday, I acted very well." Okay, really, shall we tear this up?!"

Xu Rong also knew that Song Dandan had no bad intentions, and asked with a smile, "Sister Dandan, to be honest, is it really good?"


She suddenly laughed in the middle of her sentence, reached out and patted her mouth: "Look at my mouth, my sister said something you don't like to hear, you can't compare everyone with yourself, otherwise why would you be a leader? We're just ordinary people, aren't we?"

"When they left this door, people asked them what their representative work was. They couldn't say it was "Thunderstorm", could they?"

"Okay, count me talking too much." Seeing that Xu Rong was unmoved, Song Dandan let go of Xu Rong's arm, turned and left.

After walking a few steps, she shouted loudly and sharply, "Yu Zhen'er, Xin Yue'er, look at the good deeds you two have done!"

As Xu Rong walked slowly towards the office building, Lu Dahai's candidate was in his mind.

The reason why "Thunderstorm" can become the pinnacle of Chinese drama is that it reflects the deepest and sharpest contradictions in the society at that time, and "Thunderstorm" is now popular again because it reflects the deepest and sharpest contradictions in the current society .

The only difference is that there is a problem in the presentation of labor-capital contradictions, one of the prominent points of sharp contradictions.

He doesn't know if diligence can make up for his weakness, but Yu Zhen's performance must not even be diligent.

(End of this chapter)

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