I'm just an actor

Chapter 475 Guests

Chapter 475 Guests
Xu Rong's dissatisfaction with Zhen has not lasted for a day or two.

He was not targeting Yu Zhen himself, but was dissatisfied with his portrayal of Lu Dahai.

But he could only bear with it, looking at all the age-appropriate actors in Renyi, there is absolutely no more than one hand who can really play Lu Dahai well.

Even if he went up by himself, he might not be able to play Lu Dahai.

Knowing is one thing, doing it is another.

In the impression of most people, Lu Dahai is just an ordinary worker who can be seen everywhere.

But in Xu Rong's understanding, workers like Lu Dahai are extremely rare in the worker group, let alone one out of ten, it is unknown whether there will be one in ten thousand.

Lu Dahai is a worker who represents the interests of workers, not a worker representative who represents his own interests.

The Lu Dahai portrayed by Yu Zhen also hates Zhou Puyuan, but his hatred is not the hatred of the exploited class for the exploiting class, but the hatred of not being the exploiting class himself.

The difference between the two can no longer be made up by technology, but lies across the huge gap of class and values.

The pyramid structure of the society has led to the middle and lower levels of the pyramid, especially the people at the bottom who occupy the majority, always encounter the helpless situation of "taking a step back and thinking more and more, and further losing power and benefit". Under the comfort of Ah Q's spirit, "in The idea of ​​"seeking one's own government according to one's position" spread rapidly and gradually occupied a mainstream position in the culture.

Influenced by the social environment, it is normal for Yu Zhen to have this kind of thinking, but it would not work in the context of "Thunderstorm". If the Chinese people at that time had this kind of thinking, the official name of "2012" might be " 377 years of the Qing Dynasty".

Since he came into contact with the role of Zhou Ping seven years ago, he has been thinking about this character, and after he actually plays this role, he will take him out to think about it when he has nothing to do.

What food does he like to eat?
What color does he hate?
Does he prefer a cloudy and rainy day, or a sunny day?

Only by thoroughly understanding everything about "shrimp" can he draw "live" shrimp in any state as he likes.

But Yu Zhen was so busy moving around in various crews to fight against the Japanese, how could he have time to care about the life and death of the workers?
Who can play Lu Dahai?

he does not know.

But for him, this is an opportunity to see gold after the big waves wash the sand.

Pushing open the door of the office, Xu Rong thought of another thing. When he posted the self-criticism just now, he vaguely heard a light "ding".

Subconsciously, I went to fetch water to make tea, but found that a cup of red dates and wolfberry tea had already been brewed on the desk.

For no reason, a touch of emotion rose in his heart, Song Yi actually knew how to make tea for himself? !
Holding the water glass, he felt the temperature of the water was a bit hot. He didn't drink it, but blew it gently, but turned his attention elsewhere.

Acting training system
Name: Xu Rong

Expression: A
Lines: S
Limbs: A
Eyes: A
Rhythm: S
Comprehensive evaluation: S-
Experience Points: 27/100
Glory value: 0/100
Traits: Baji master, Baji proficiency, Baji entry, constant peak (unmounted), haste (analysis progress: 0%), getting better

When he suddenly fell into a trance in the corridor just now, he vaguely guessed the reason. Now that "Drug War" is being released in full swing, coupled with the continuous publicity of the mainstream media some time ago, he has been given the title of "Master". It is also reasonable to complete the analysis of the pre-characteristic "Getting Better" of "Constant Peak".

He closed his eyes, silently feeling the "getting better" quality of this new analysis.

After a while, he suddenly opened his eyes.

He seemed to be oblivious that there was another person with access to his office.

"Ms. Xu, how's it going? Is it okay for me to make a bath?" Classmate Xiao Zhang pulled the door frame and looked at him with a smile.

Xu Rong looked at Xiao Zhang's winking expression, then glanced down at the water glass in his hand, gently screwed on the lid, and said, "It's a bit hot, I didn't drink a drop."

"Tell me, what's the matter?"

In the backstage corridor, apart from Xu Rong and Pu Cunxi, the actors of the "Thunderstorm" crew gathered under the self-criticism and looked at each other.

In the self-criticism, Xu Rong first frankly stated the problem of "not speaking human words and not doing human affairs" during the performance of "Thunderstorm" yesterday, and then deeply reviewed his own dereliction of duty.

At the end of the review, it also mentioned the preparation of Group B of "Thunderstorm" to encourage and learn from each other, and encourage actors to sign up.

"Thunderstorm" is one of the few dramas that does not have a group B, because now the crew of "Thunderstorm" is the former group B of "Thunderstorm".

Group B stepped on the top of the old version of Group A, and since its debut in 2010, the show has been sold out, and it has become one of the two best-selling shows on Renyi Tickets. It seems that there is no need to establish Group B at all.

The other one is "Wotou Guild Hall".

Dean Zhang Heping has always been called "Old Fox", while Vice-President Xu Rong has been nicknamed "Little Fox" even though he has not been in office for a long time. Both of them have two common characteristics, one is that they always have a friendly face, The second is far-reaching planning.

Everyone in Renyi still vividly remembers the operation of recruiting Xu Rong to let his sister run with him to prove his innocence the year before last.

As a literary and art institution, Renyi only needs to pass the written test, and the other criteria are all based on one's mouth. As the chief examiner, Xu Rong finally recruited his girlfriend, even though he was really selfless, he became selfish.

Sure enough, as soon as the admission result was announced, it immediately caused an uproar on the Internet.

But he seems to have expected this, and prepared a countermeasure early.

And compared to his precautions in the recruitment incident, it was the faster promotion speed than Ren Ming that surprised everyone, especially since both Renyi and Zhongxi were over-quota assignments.

But the strange thing is that most people think it should be taken for granted after thinking about it after being surprised.

For a long time, most people who are not so familiar with Xu Rong have a natural misunderstanding of him: Xu Rong is a talented actor.

Li Bai, Du Fu, Liu Yuxi, Bai Juyi, Xin Qiji, Su Dongpo, which one is not more talented than Xu Rong?
Therefore, among the members of the "Thunderstorm" crew, no one thinks that this is really an ordinary review, and no one thinks that the purpose of preparing Group B is just to encourage and learn from each other.

Zhang Wankun stared at Xu Rong's review letter for a while, and said abruptly, "Isn't this just a big letter?"

Shi Lanya immediately intercepted Zhang Wankun's words: "Mr. Zhang, how long has it been since you saw someone posting a self-criticism? Are you not used to it?"

She doesn't care what Xu Rong did right or wrong, she only knows one thing, she must never let people say bad things about Xu Rong in front of her face.

Compared to Shi Lanya's euphemism, Yu Mingjia was more radical, almost questioning, "Yuan Xu often told us not to be complacent, but to learn more, listen more, and practice more. Teacher Zhang is so good at acting, he must have learned how to do it in normal times." More, listen more, practice more, right?"

Zhang Wankun's face was pale and white, and he even had a faint feeling that he seemed to be suddenly isolated from the words just now.

He has always had a good impression of Xu Rong in the past, with strong professional ability, practicality, and will do things well.

But since Xu Rong became the vice president, his impression of him has changed drastically.

He has been with Yang Lixin personally for decades, and he is very disgusted with Xu Rong's behavior of cooperating with Feng Yuanzheng to ostracize Yang Lixin as soon as he took office. After all, Yang Lixin is also an old leader and senior.

In his opinion, Xu Rong crawled too fast and floated away.

But he had never paid attention to the attitudes of his colleagues around him. It was only at this moment that he suddenly understood the profound meaning contained in Yang Lixin's powerless sigh at the wine table.

It wasn't Xu Rong who emptied Yang Lixin, but these colleagues who he got along with day and night.

He swallowed lightly, and said with a sneer, "I'm just kidding, just kidding."

Yu Zhen has been silent all the time. As one of the main actors of "Thunderstorm", he is honored.

But the moment he saw the review, he felt that Xu Rong was talking about himself, and the reason why he didn't criticize by name was to show mercy to himself.

Although Xu Rong has privately suggested to him many times to "learn more, think more, and practice more".

But one can perform more than 30 phenomenal dramas at one go, is there any need to practice again?

Besides, he usually announces so much, where does he have the time to learn more, think more, and practice more?
Xin Yue was also silent. The moment she read the review, she felt that Xu Rong was talking about herself, and the reason why she didn't criticize by name was to show mercy to herself.

And the last sentence to set up group B, there is a high probability that they will replace themselves.

Yu Mingjia and Shi Lanya didn't speak any more. They felt that Xu Rong was talking about themselves. The reason why they didn't criticize by name was to show mercy to themselves.

In this silence, the tall and thin Wang Lei walked over from one end of the corridor, saw several people standing in the corridor, and asked, "Yo, it's so lively, why are you doing it?"

No one answered him, and Zhu Xiaopeng, who only played Zhou Chong, raised his chin indistinctly at the self-criticism on the wall.

As Wang Lei approached, he felt the dignified atmosphere very quickly, and the two rows of white teeth collected a lot: "The self-criticism, whose is it?"

"Hey, why did Xu Yuan write a review?"

No one responded, Wang Lei didn't feel embarrassed, and suddenly slapped his forehead: "Oh, I forgot to lock the car."

After that, he hurriedly walked towards the direction he came from.

Turning a corner, he walked faster and faster, and then simply changed from walking to running, and went straight to the vice president's office in the administration building.

"Thunderstorm" will form a group B!
What is the significance of the existence of group B actors?
Of course it is to replace Group A!
Why did Yuan Yu have so many opportunities, both acting in dramas and filming TV dramas, and why didn't he act in "Home" with Xu Yuan last year.

Xu Rong has stood too high now. Most of the colleagues in the courtyard he has come into contact with have a similar attitude towards him, but overcoming many difficulties and working together to do the same thing are two different concepts.

Furthermore, Xu Rong is actually only 26 years old this year, and there are still 40 years before retirement. No one can predict how high he will go in the future.

Besides, besides the actor team, he is also in charge of the film and television center. According to the gossip, he seems to have plans to make a movie.

In a meeting with the actor team before, Wang Lei remembered that Xu Rong once said jokingly, "Chinese movies may depend on our talents in the end", and most people took it as a joke at the time.

But he didn't.

He has worked with Xu Rong and knows that he is a very cautious person, especially when he speaks in public.

chances are for people who are prepared.

When he was trotting all the way, he stopped suddenly when he was two steps away from the door of Xu Rong's office, calming down his slightly shortness of breath, but at this moment, he heard voices coming from the office.

"Then do you think I should go or not?"

"Look at yourself, go if you want to go, don't go if you don't want to go."


"I guess you don't want to!"

"No, I want to!"

Wang Lei was in a dilemma for a while, he heard that it was Zhang Xiaofei who was talking to Xu Rong inside, if it was someone else, he would definitely be able to go in after a while, but Zhang Xiaofei was inside, and he couldn't guess when he would come out.

"Why don't you speak, do you not support it?"

Just as Wang Lei was about to turn around and leave, he suddenly heard Xu Rong's voice coming from the office: "Wang Lei, what are you doing at the cat door?"

The footsteps just raised by Wang Lei froze in mid-air, clearly separated by a wall, how did Xu Rong know that he was at the door?

He hurriedly turned around, came to the door and said with a smile: "Leader, are you busy?"

Classmate Xiao Zhang looked at Wang Lei who came to the door, hurriedly let go of Xu Rong's arm, and said, "Let's talk first."

Since she got married, she would not show up in Xu Rong's office unless necessary.

After Xiao Zhang realized that the longest road he had walked was actually Teacher Xu’s routine, he learned from the pain. While studying "36 Strategies", he also extensively dabbled in "Sun Tzu's Art of War" and psychological knowledge.

Although the fundamental problem has not been solved yet, in the process of learning, the "cultivation theory" put forward by American communication scholar Gerbner has attracted her great attention.

The main content of this theory is that due to certain tendencies of the media, there is a great deviation between the "subjective reality" depicted in people's minds and the actual objective reality. At the same time, this effect is not short-term, but It is a long-term, subtle, and cultivating process, which unknowingly restricts people's view of reality.

This theory explains the essence of "Three people become a tiger", but Xiao Zhang diverges to other aspects.

For example, a person who had no intention of stealing is stared at by the people's guards as a thief all day long. Over time, in his cognition, he will gradually think that he is a thief, thereby eliminating the psychological burden of stealing.

Because in this person's feelings, subjective reality and objective reality do deviate to a considerable extent.

This is the nature of couples who stay together day and night are prone to divorce, while couples who only see each other once or twice a week are long-lasting.

"and many more."

Seeing that classmate Xiao Zhang was about to leave, Xu Rong stopped her and said, "You let Yaqin come with you, and you can help you carry your bag or something."

Xiao Zhang obviously didn't expect Xu Rong to agree, he stopped suddenly when he walked to the door, turned his head and showed a big smile: "Okay, then I'm going."

She is going to participate in "Happy Camp"!

Her college roommate, bridesmaid, and teacher Xu's nominal "good buddy" Yang Mi will star in the action movie "The Code of the World of Wudang" which is scheduled to be released on July 7. "Travel" will also premiere simultaneously on Youku.

Yang Mi is going to participate in the recording of "Happy Camp" tomorrow, and I would like to invite her college roommate as a mysterious guest.

(End of this chapter)

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