I'm just an actor

Chapter 476 Leadership

Xu Rong looked at Xiao Zhang's cheerful back, always feeling a sense of sadness and sadness.

He doesn't particularly support Xiao Zhang's participation in variety shows.

In recent years, Xiao Zhang's classmates have made a movie and two TV series in total, and starred in the female lead of "Horseback Bank", Mu Wanqiu in "Latent" and Xiao Ya in "Snow Leopard".

But compared to film and television works, she is more widely known as "Xu Rong's girlfriend" and "Xu Rong's wife".

I don't know when, in the public's perception, the image of classmate Xiao Zhang has become a hard-working, gentle and demure girl with great financial savvy, a contemporary woman who is both intellectual and capable.

All of this is due to the "hardworking and hard-working classmate Zhang" who has been meticulously created over the years. In her Weibo, practicing exercises, reading, planting flowers, and chicken soup that I don't know where to get take up a lot of space. Coupled with the fact that he is always accidentally caught by the media visiting gold shops, this is the beauty that Xiao Zhang conveys to the outside world.

Secondly, self-media and marketing accounts deduce from the fact that he has a good personal relationship with Aunt Xu and that he once liked Chen Shu, Xiao Zhang must be the same type of woman as Aunt Xu and Chen Shu.

In the end, netizens came to a reasonable inference:
Only Xu Rongzhen was in jail between Zhang Xiaofei and the business woman.

Otherwise, how can it prove that Zhang Xiaofei is in charge of Rongrong Media?
Now, classmate Xiao Zhang is going to smash all the public's illusions about her with her own hands.

But in the end Xu Rong still didn't stop him. First, he could see that Xiao Zhang really wanted to go. Perhaps the cheering, shouting, stage, and red carpet princess treatment are the love engraved in every woman's genes.

And another thing Yang Mi did recently really made him, an old classmate, look at her with admiration.

It's not that she is actively promoting "Drug War", with Yang Mi's box office appeal being better than nothing, there is only one effect of helping to promote "Drug War", which proves that he is not bad in the industry.

What made him have to help Yang Mi promote "The Code of Great Wudang World" was the "Zhao Zhen War" that had been raging a while ago.

On February 2012, 2, the gossip media Apple Daily published an article "Dissatisfied with the change of script and director, Zhao Wenzhuo stopped acting in Zeng Zidan's new play".

A stone stirred up a thousand waves.

On February 2, the crew of "Special Identity" issued a contract termination statement, saying that the cooperation with Zhao Wenzhuo was terminated due to disagreement between the two parties.

On the same day, Zhao Wenzhuo accused Apple Daily of spreading rumors and held a press conference to clarify. As the incident intensified, people who eat melons went online one after another and kept a high degree of attention to this matter.

However, on March 3th, Zhao Wenzhuo changed the subject and pointed out that Zeng Zidan is a drama bully.

Since then, the two parties have come and gone with various small compositions, various revelations, and various reversals, which have really brought a big melon to audiences across the country.

This kind of war of words is not uncommon in the entertainment industry, and it is relatively rare for two people to tear their skins apart like this.

However, Hong Kong film and television professionals once again played the traditional style of grouping together to suppress mainland actors. Shu Qi, Li Ming, Wang Jing, Huang Boming and others rushed forward to criticize Zhao Wenzhuo fiercely from the commanding heights of morality.

And with a large number of Hong Kong artists standing in line, the direction of public opinion suddenly turned sharply.

Seeing the wall falling and everyone pushing, Yang Mi, who collaborated with Zhao Wenzhuo in the movie "The Code of the World of Wudang", took the lead to stand up and support Zhao Wenzhuo.

Unsurprisingly, the Zhao Zhen battle turned into a full-scale dispute between Hong Kong artists and mainland artists.

No matter how fierce Zhao Zhen's battle was, it was still a matter between the two of them. Xu Rong didn't understand the conflict of interests, right and wrong, and it was difficult to judge who was right and who was wrong. Even if Zhen Zidan fired a map gun, he didn't think there was anything .

Artists are human beings first, and under the cyberbullying of fan groups on both sides, it is reasonable to say some slightly outrageous remarks.

But he couldn't understand that a group of Hong Kong film and television professionals headed by Shu Qi ended up first. A group of people who didn't know what the truth was going to end up, and what were they trying to figure out?
Anxious to justice?

What is urgent, what is good?

Besides, if Zhao Wenzhuo is a hairy crab, then he is at least a hairy crab that has passed the water in Yangcheng Lake in Hong Kong.

In this matter, Xu Rong had a slightly different opinion from the public. In his opinion, even Zhao Zhen may not have any major problems. In Vanity Fair, it is normal for two bloody people to cooperate and have conflicts and conflicts.

It was Shu Qi, Li Ming, Wang Jing, Huang Boming and others who really harbored evil intentions.

The story of Zhang and Xie beating Wang Bozhao was not far behind. Although the Internet was underdeveloped at that time, the common hatred of mainland film and television professionals and audiences also made Hong Kong film and television workers realize for the first time that they could no longer target as before.

However, Shu Qi, Li Ming and others insisted on getting off the field even though the media and audience in the mainland, Hong Kong and Taiwan had already stood in line. , Take the lead in helping B encircle and beat A.

The results naturally speak for themselves.

Their purpose may not be to beat B, but it is even less likely to be for A's sake.

The lessons learned by Zhang Weijian are still in front of us. If Zeng Zidan is really considered, this dispute that is bound to hurt both sides should be quelled as soon as possible, instead of ending up in a siege.

Some people seem to regard Donnie Yen as a knife.

Therefore, as the incident spread more and more widely, so that it became out of control, China-Singapore, People and other mainstream media quickly stepped forward to suppress public opinion and quell the dispute.

And during the Zhao Zhen battle, after the Hong Kong film and television star left the stage, the first artist in the mainland to roll up his sleeves exceeded everyone's expectations. Yang Mi, one of the four small female roles in the mainland, is known as the floor of actors and the ceiling of traffic.

With Yang Mi's shrewdness, and having spent so many years in the vanity fair of the entertainment industry, since she was not on Weibo, she almost stopped doing business at a loss. The end is naturally driven by profit.

"Great Wudang: The Code of Heaven and Earth", which she collaborated with Zhao Wenzhuo, has not yet been released.

But she is not short-sighted enough to offend the entire Hong Kong circle for a small-budget movie.

Since the Olympics, with the significant increase in national power and the continuous strengthening of the people's sense of national pride, the mainland has tolerated the ambiguity and repeated erratic attitudes of Hong Kong film and television professionals on key issues to the limit.

The representative person among them is her old classmate who forced Du Qifeng to say "No one stipulates that the male lead must be played by a Hong Kong actor".

Regardless of Xu Rong's own attitude, his identity determines that he must not end or even speak out in similar incidents, but as Xu Rong's good brother, she has no such concerns.

For the classmate who is second only to Han Laosan in the industry, Yang Mi, after years of envy, jealousy, and fruitless competition, gradually sobered up, finally felt a little bit of life, and made great achievements with one blow.

Xu Rong paid attention to this matter from the beginning to the end, and discovered an interesting phenomenon. In the Zhao Zhen battle, the two who suffered the most heavy losses were Zhao Zhen, followed by Shu Qi, Li Ming, Wang Jing, and others who were on the key supervision list. Huang Boming et al.

And Yang Mi is the only or the biggest winner.

Her act of taking the lead in standing in line has gained a lot of favor from mainland audiences, film and television workers, and regulators, including him.

As for what Yang Mi thinks and whether she weighs the gains and losses, Xu Rong doesn't care too much, he only cares about what she does.

Therefore, even though Yang Mi invited Xiao Zhang to promote the movie, it was obvious that he was not interested in drinking, but he turned a blind eye and pretended not to know.

Besides, Yang Mi couldn't find any troubles. After all, she was a college classmate, so he felt that he knew her well.

A very clever person who only looks at the first two inches of the eye and never the third.

Wang Lei waited for Zhang Xiaofei to leave the office before asking curiously, "Leader, how did you know that I was outside?"

"What's so strange about this?"

Xu Rong pointed to the chair opposite, motioned for him to sit down and chat, and said, "Go and ask, whoever has been the front desk for more than a year, at least you can tell the size of the leaders of their unit and whether they are happy or not just by listening to their footsteps." happy."

Seeing Wang Lei's puzzled look, Xu Rong smiled and said, "For example, a woman wearing high heels, every time the heel of the high heels, the sole and the ground rub against the ground, the priority of the collision, and the rhythm and rhythm are all due to her personality, psychological state, and physiology. The external expression of the condition, to observe life, we should not only see with the eyes, but also listen with the ears and smell with the nose. Eyes."

Listening to Xu Rong's casual theory, Wang Lei had never heard of it, but he always felt that what the other party said was very reasonable.

He looked at Xu Rong, who was smiling lightly, and couldn't help but wonder. He was only 26 years old, how did he manage to have so many great insights into acting?
Wang Lei suddenly remembered Xu Rong's life-observing skills mentioned by Wu Gang three years ago. Strictly speaking, Xu Rong was still an idol actor at that time, so he didn't pay much attention to it. I remember Puyuan's comment on that technique: it has no meaning of popularization, and it can easily lead to mental problems.

After being dazed for a few seconds, he hurriedly took out his mobile phone and said, "Wait a minute for the leader, I'll make a note first."

Xu Rong smiled and waved his hands to stop his movement, and said: "Okay, okay, I don't know why some people talk about me behind my back, Guan Gong is playing big swords in front of the gate."

Wang Lei smiled awkwardly. In terms of age, skills, and rank, Xu Rong may not be ranked first in the courtyard, but when it comes to flattering skills, everyone is sincerely convinced.

He put away his mobile phone and asked, "I heard that we are going to form Group B of "Thunderstorm"?"

When Wang Lei came to the door, Xu Rong had already anticipated the purpose of his coming, and said, "I have this idea, why, which role do you want to play?"

"Can I still choose?" Wang Lei expressed doubts, but did not hesitate, "I want to play Lu Dahai."

Lu Dahai is the result of Wang Lei's deliberation. At his age, he can either play Zhou Ping or Lu Dahai.

Xu Rong nodded slightly and asked, "Then do you think you can act now?"

"I will work hard." Wang Lei expressed his determination, rather than a negative answer like "can't".

"Then get ready and come to me when you feel ready."

"it is good."

Wang Lei still didn't get up, because he was not sure whether he could pass Xu Rong's assessment in the end, but no matter whether he could or not, he was determined to hold this thigh, so he asked: "Xu Yuan, for the role of Lu Dahai, what do you think?" Any good suggestions?"

"Suggestion? If you want to talk about suggestions, I don't have any good suggestions." Xu Rong hesitated for a moment. After thinking about it, he decided not to talk about his understanding of the role of Lu Dahai for the time being, but to give full play to Wang Lei's subjective initiative. See if there will be something different, "Read more, read good books, and read well."

When Xiao Zhang got off the plane, he saw the red banner "Welcome Ms. Zhang Xiaofei" pulled at the exit, his eyes widened a little.

There are even fans picking up the plane?

Have you become so popular unknowingly?

Wang Yaqin on her side seemed to have expected it a long time ago, and reminded in a low voice: "Keep smiling, have you seen the short-haired woman in white short sleeves at the right front of the banner? Her surname is Luo, and her name is Luo Xin. The chief director of Base Camp, go over and talk to her."

Xiao Zhang felt relieved when she heard the identity of the visitor. In fact, before she came, she also had various worries. Among her roommates back then, Yang Mi is now the top four female stars and top actresses. Lock Bead Curtain" has become the hottest actress in the mainland film and television industry, only she and Jun Yan are still little transparent in the film and television industry.

She was very worried about being left out, neglected and put in an embarrassing situation, and even thought about how to relieve the embarrassment along the way.

But the more so, the more she wanted to come out and have a look. Jia Ling had told her more than once that she didn't understand this most realistic, snobbish and even dirty industry at all.

This time, she came to see how realistic, snobby and dirty the industry really is.

But when Luo Xin, the chief director of "Quick Book", came to greet her at the airport in person, she suddenly realized that not only was she worrying too much, but she also couldn't realize her original intention of seeing the true face of this industry.

Maybe I have seen it, but from another extreme.

After being amazed, she took a few steps forward quickly, smiled and shook hands with Luo Xin, as if she had met a fellow Anshan fellow: "Director Luo, why bother you to come here in person, we can take a taxi there .”

While looking at Xiao Zhang, Luo Xin was as enthusiastic as seeing a fellow Changsha: "Our director Hong originally said that we would come to pick you up, but because we have an urgent business trip, we specially asked me to apologize on his behalf."

Xiao Zhang didn't know who "Director Hong" was at all, but she still took over the conversation very naturally: "Thank you Director Hong for your kindness, you are too polite, I really don't need it."

She has not eaten much pork, but she has seen too many pigs running.

"It's not polite!"

Luo Xin half-jokingly and half-seriously said: "I was about to complain to you. As soon as you set off, the leader gave me an order to entertain you well."

After all, classmate Xiao Zhang didn’t eat much pork, and gradually he couldn’t bear Luo Xin’s enthusiasm, and his smile didn’t start to be so natural: “Please thank the leader for his concern, I appreciate the kindness.”

The expression on Luo Xin's face was also a little unnatural: "The leader I'm talking about is Xu Yuan?!"

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