I'm just an actor

Chapter 477 Influence

"I often watch your programs, especially the game session, which is very fun."

Luo Xin wasn't sure whether Zhang Xiaofei was out of politeness or if she had actually watched it, and she didn't need to ask "Which game do you remember the most?" The result of hard work, you don’t know, in fact, in order to do a good job in each episode, we have racked our brains, while satisfying the needs of the audience, we can also fully take care of the feelings of the guests.”

"Is that too stressful?"

"It's actually okay, because we recorded in advance, unlike you who perform directly every time."

Luo Xin was chatting with Zhang Xiaofei while observing her. There were various rumors about her in the outside world, but those who really knew her would often use words like "sincerity" to describe her.

After real contact, she gradually realized that Zhang Xiaofei is a girl with a very high emotional intelligence.

She seldom talks about herself, and always talks about others. This is a very simple but extremely difficult skill in communication, because people always have a desire to talk, and the most rare thing is that she never hesitates to praise .

Among the friends around her, those who have these two habits are almost unpopular.

"Sister Luo, are you married?"

Luo Xin blinked and said, "Ah, do I look so young?"

Classmate Xiao Zhang looked at her carefully. Luo Xin had short hair, a small face, and showed two rows of bright teeth when she smiled. Besides, she was not tall and looked very small. She nodded seriously: "You should be about the same as me." Bar?"

"Haha, thank you." Luo Xin suddenly realized that she also liked this girl very much, because she really felt her sincerity, "Actually, I am 35 this year."

"Mom, how did you take care of it?"

Luo Xin looked at Xiao Zhang's surprised gaze and slightly exaggerated expression, and suddenly felt like returning to her school days: "Haha, I'll send you a copy later, this is the actress who came to our show with me It was gathered from small talk."

"Also." She said, and whispered something in Xiao Zhang's ear.

"Wow, I feel that the luckiest thing I've come to Changsha this time is to meet you, Sister Xin."


Luo Xin laughed, and finally understood why Xu Rong's wealth and achievements would give such a little-known girl his heart.

A girl with explosive emotional intelligence.

This is the conclusion Luo Xin came to after chatting with Xiao Zhang all the way. She has a very clear sense of boundaries, and the topics she talks about are always interesting to others, but they will not be abrupt. The most important thing is her The sincerity and equal vision shown make people feel comfortable.

It is completely different from her husband who is extremely polarized in the circle.

"Drink water, drink water."

In the hot pot restaurant, He Yu and Xie Na warmly welcomed Yang Mi, Yuan Shanshan and Jiao Junyan who came from all over the country.

The three of Yang Mi secretly looked at each other, and they all saw that they were speechless.

They have all been drinking water for half an hour, and they can raise fish if they drink any more.

He Yi glanced at his watch, and changed the topic to Jiao Junyan, who had hardly spoken since arriving: "Junyan, has filming been particularly hard lately? It feels like you weren't so thin at the New Year's Eve party last time?"

"Ah, is it?"

Jiao Junyan was surprised that He Hao remembered herself, and said, "Maybe it's because we seldom eat on time when we're filming, and we can't eat when we're hungry, and then we're not hungry anymore when the meals are served."


"No way?" Xie Na laughed and continued, "So filming can still lose weight?"

"Be sure to bring me with you next time you film."

Yuan Shanshan also knows that "Quick Book" is one of the highest-rated variety shows in the country. Even though her stomach is growling, she still has to cheer up and continue chatting: "Then when Xiaofei comes, you can talk to her , she is now the boss of Yourong Media."

The ease on Xie Na's face faded a lot, but he still asked with a smile: "What's her personality like, is she like Xiang Tai, with a particularly strong aura?"

Originally, she wanted to pick up the plane with Luo Xin, but she was stopped by Luo Xin's one-sentence question: Teacher Zhang got off the plane, only to see a bunch of your fans around, what do you make people think, get off your horse?
She had never met Zhang Xiaofei, and even used "Xu Rong's girlfriend" or "Xu Xing's sister-in-law" instead in gossip in the past, but she couldn't bear the price of such misunderstandings.

As the host of a variety show with the highest ratings in China, she has long since discovered that female stars can be great in everything, except that their minds compete with each other.

"Several, this way please."

Hearing the voice of the waiter at the door of the private room, He Yu and Xie Na in the room stood up indiscriminately. When Luo Xin carried her into the door, they left their seats one after another and greeted the door.

"Hi Xiaofei."

"I was talking about you with Yang Mi and Shanshan just now, but I didn't expect you to arrive soon."

Yang Mi, Yuan Shanshan, and Jiao Junyan looked at their reaction, as if they were a little unresponsive, neither standing nor not standing.

Xiao Zhang looked at the two of them and greeted them politely: "Hello, Teacher He, hello, Teacher Xie."

When the two of them heard her address, they couldn't help feeling a little astonished. Before that, they had even prepared for the worst.

Zhang Xiaofei herself is the boss of a film and television company, and she is not a newcomer in the film and television industry. She has also starred in the popular dramas "Latent" and "Snow Leopard". Her husband is a top boss in the industry, but this way of greeting is too modest, right?
"Haha, don't be dazed, sit down and chat." Luo Xin reminded after realizing the surprise of the two, "We didn't buy standing tickets."


Xie Na looked at Zhang Xiaofei and still found it incredible. Fame in this industry is often directly proportional to temper. The less famous the person, the more he behaves with his tail between his legs.

Just like her husband, their program team sent out so many invitations back and forth, and they didn't give him any face.

But he is a leader, so he does have the qualifications to not give face.

In her expectation, Zhang Xiaofei was probably the kind of woman with a particularly domineering personality, but the first address she met changed her impression greatly.

But He Yi thought of other aspects. Xu Rong usually contacts with executives and bosses of various film and television companies, or leaders of TV stations, or big names in the industry. As Xu Rong's wife, she also manages Yourong Media , such situations are probably commonplace.

Seeing a few people seated, he handed over the menu and said, "You're all hungry, let's order first, and you can see what you like to eat. By the way, the hairy belly in this restaurant is very delicious."

"No need."


The four people gave two different answers.

Xiao Zhang and Yuan Shanshan both said "yes" at the same time, and planned to reach out to take the menu, but Yang Mi and Yuan Shanshan wanted Luo Xin, who is the chief director, to order first out of politeness, so they waved their hands at the same time.

But Luo Xin, He Yi, and Xie Na were only a little surprised by Yuan Shanshan when they saw the four people's different reactions.

As for Zhang Xiaofei's reaction, it was within their expectations.

As the boss of a company, this aura is a matter of course.

The last time Mrs. Xiang had dinner with them, she was not polite at all.

The four of you looked at me, I looked at you, and smiled very abruptly.


Xiao Zhang smiled and pushed the menu in front of Luo Xin: "Sister Xin, you order, we will eat whatever you order!"

Xiao Zhang gave up the idea of ​​ordering food after careful consideration just now, and she suddenly remembered that when she was in the capital, Teacher Xu always asked herself, who was more familiar with the situation, to order.

Once he encounters something he thinks is unpalatable or he can't finish it in the end, he will immediately beat him back without hesitation: You ordered these, don't you want to eat them?
Luo Xin always thought that a person could be seen through a meal. Now, apart from her high EQ, she once again saw Zhang Xiaofei's strong side. Although Zhang Xiaofei was young, this strong woman's temperament did not lose Xiang Tai.

"The quality of their dishes is very good. Let's order two of our favorites, shall we?" Luo Xin said, looking past the four of them, "Do you have any taboos?"

"I'm not vegetarian!"


At this moment, classmate Xiao Zhang's phone rang. She glanced at it and said, "I'm going to the bathroom."

As Xiao Zhang went out, Luo Xin put down the menu and asked, "Is this your first time in Changsha?"

Yang Mi couldn't help being stunned when she noticed Luo Xin's little gesture, and He Yi and Xie Na who kept silent about ordering food at the same time.

The people who were still arguing to order food just now seemed to be in no hurry.

At this moment, she suddenly realized that she was the fourth little Huadan, and it was also the protagonist of the show.

But Xiao Fei's arrival determined that from the very beginning of the dinner, the protagonist was not herself.

As she expected, when Xiaofei came back and chatted a few words, He Yi brought the topic to Xu Rong.

"He and I are still colleagues, but we haven't had a chance to deal with him except for the one meeting at the awards ceremony before. Was he like this when you were in school?"

"It's that low-key."

This topic took care of everyone at once, because Yang Mi, Yuan Shanshan, and Jiao Junyan are Xu Rong's "good friends" and they all have the right to speak.

As Xu Rong's wife, Zhang Xiaofei was also very interested in what her roommate thought of her husband.

He Yi felt that the atmosphere in the private room was a little too warm, and Xie Na, who was usually very active, seemed to have met his nemesis.

Yuan Shanshan took up the topic without hesitation, and immediately said: "He was not like this before. He was very funny when he first went to college. That's when he loved to study. We just started a month of school, and he taught himself the freshman's professional courses. After learning it, but he didn’t fully understand it himself, he took his notebook to ask the teacher every day.”

"At first, the teachers liked him." Jiao Junyan laughed, "Every teacher likes to praise him when he comes to teach us, saying that our class should learn from Xu Rong."

Regarding Xu Rong's past, the self-media has already reported it badly, and it is as famous as Li Youbin's story of jumping from Xu Rong's back into the ravine in order to be on the news network, but listening to the self-media and witnesses are two completely different feelings.

"Then how did the legend of 'Death Note' appear later?"


Yuan Shanshan smiled: "Because the more courses he learns, the faster he will preview later. After the freshman, he will learn the sophomore, and after the sophomore, he will learn the junior, and then there will be more and more questions. There were several times when he caught the teacher asking questions until early in the morning, and then took a taxi to take him home."

"There was also an older teacher who was arrested for a week and then took sick leave."


The four of them all thought of the time when the teachers in the performance department of Nortel were in turmoil, and the laughing people turned their heads.

As the audience, Luo Xin and the three looked at each other in dismay: "No way?"

"Is this too exaggerated?"

"It's really not an exaggeration at all. At that time, he was the only student in our school whose teachers expected him to skip class."

"There was a situation in our department at that time. The moment the teacher entered the classroom, if he found that Xu Rong was not there, you could find that he would obviously be relieved, and then he would happily ask, 'Is Xu Rong not here today? Ah , Hahaha' That kind of thing, you can obviously feel that he has unloaded his mental burden."

"Also, if you see a teacher running desperately at school, don't even think about it, Xu Rong must be chasing after him."


The three people who laughed turned their backs on their backs. They had no idea that these things were actually done by Xu Rong.

"What about now?" Luo Xin suddenly asked a question, "Is he the same as what we see in private?"

Everyone turned their attention to Xiao Zhang, because she was the only one who knew the answer among all the people present.

Xiao Zhang thought for a few seconds, and said, "I don't know what to say, even if you are with him, you are clearly Zhang Huaimin, but you don't know who Zhang Huaimin is."

Xie Na subconsciously asked, "Who is Zhang Huaimin?"

Luo Xin noticed the smile on Xiao Zhang's face and asked, "What kind of joke is this?"

"Look, that's how it feels."

Xiao Zhang explained with a smile: "It was the night of October [-]th, the sixth year of Yuanfeng, when Su Dongpo couldn't sleep at night and went to Chengtian Temple to find his friend."

He Yi was in a daze, and a look of admiration flashed in his eyes. He had known for a long time that the master's wife and the master must have a common language. He would quote poems as a random example. Seeing a few people who were puzzled, he recited it The source of the example given by classmate Xiao Zhang: "On the night of October [-]th in the sixth year of Yuanfeng, I undressed and wanted to sleep, and entered the house under the moonlight, and set off happily. Those who thought nothing of joy, went to Chengtian Temple to look for Zhang Huaimin."

"The greatest achievement of Zhang Huaimin's life is making Su Dongpo his friend."

Yuan Shanshan suddenly said: "I remember what you said, I seem to have learned it before!"

Xiao Zhang took a sip of water and said, "I feel this way every day when I'm with him. Although you know he didn't do it on purpose, he will always make you realize that you are Zhang Huaimin. The most annoying thing is you still I don't know what Zhang Huaimin does!"

"If you put it that way, it's terrible to marry Xu Rong."

At this time, the three college roommates also stared blankly at Xiao Zhang, a little unbelievable that this was the same roommate who liked to sleep and watch dramas in the past, and they all used ancient poems for examples? !
Is the influence of a cultured husband really that great?

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