Feng Yuanzheng's thin figure stood in the corridor, twisted his neck slightly, and looked back at the office near the end of the corridor.

Maybe the corridor was too long, maybe the weather was not good today, he always felt that there seemed to be a cloud of shadows around the door, so that he couldn't really see whether the door was open or closed.

When he first heard the news that Xu Rongsheng was the vice president, it took him half a day to recover.

He was admitted to Renyi in 1985, and it has been 27 years.

And Xu Rong was admitted to the hospital in 2009, and it has only been 4 years since he was fully charged.

He is very aware of the weight of Xu Rong's academic achievements, and can understand the organization's decision, but he can't restrain the grievance in his heart.

It's not out of jealousy, but I just feel that God is too unfair. Some people are born with the best materials and talents. As long as they work a little harder, ordinary people can't achieve it even if they spend their entire lives.

Xu Rong is the object that he can't reach in his whole life.

But Xu Rong's series of actions after taking office made him feel a little different soon.

It was that private conversation that really rekindled his hope.

"Yuanzheng, think about it, how many months can the dean stay in the courtyard? How long can the Puyuan be? You can even say a big word, I, Xu Rong, can't retire from our human art, can I?"

"You have to believe in your contribution, and the organization will not ignore it."

Even at this moment, he can still think of Xu Rong's meaningful tone and eyes.

He knew that Xu Rong was painting a cake for himself.

But he had to admit that Xu Rong's cakes really moved him.

The dean is about to retire, and the Puyuan is about to arrive. In addition, there are Secretary Ma and another deputy secretary in charge of discipline. There are no special circumstances in the past few years.

On the other hand, Xu Rong's behavior of dismissing Yang Lixin mercilessly made him chill and even fearful.

After all, Yang Lixin was his old leader.

But another thing Xu Rong did today moved and confused him.

Xu Rong entrusted him with the assessment of the actors in Group B of "Thunderstorm".

He still remembered what Xu Rong said before he left: You are the person in charge of the actor team, I always join the actor team, how do you manage it?I can rest assured that I will leave the things in the team to you.

In fact, he has always been worried that Xu Rong would directly intervene in the management of the actor team, which would put him, the vice-captain, in a rather embarrassing situation.

What Xu Rong said and did made him feel relieved.

And Xu Rong's respect and trust in him made him inexplicably moved and impulsive. Although he was also the vice captain in the past, he was not much different from ordinary actors except for his name.

Yang Lixin didn't let him and Xu Rong intervene in the specific affairs of the actor team at all.

Now, Xu Rong, as the actual person in charge of the "Thunderstorm" crew, is also in charge of the actor team. In theory, the vice-captain's consent is not required at all to transfer actors.

But he didn't do that.

He can't let down Xu Rong, no, Xu Yuan's trust.

He vaguely felt that Xu Yuan made him responsible for selecting the B group actors of "Thunderstorm", maybe not just pure trust, but also a test for himself.

Looking at the end of the corridor, he suddenly understood why it took Xu Yuan only 4 years to get there from a newcomer.

The sky seemed to be a little darker, so that he could not see the outline of the office at all.

"I don't understand, can you give birth if you keep Dongfeng or what?"

In a chess and card room decorated in Chinese style, Chen Runsheng saw Xu Rong lighting the cannon again, and stretched out his hand to spread out all his cards. When he saw the lonely Dongfeng in it, he looked at him in great puzzlement.

There were four people in the room, besides Xu Rong and Chen Runsheng, there was Han Lao San and a chubby middle-aged man whom Chen Runsheng called "the boy who gave money".

Yu Dong, who was sitting at the bottom, smiled awkwardly. Before he came over, he was ready to lose from the beginning to the end, but since he sat down, both Han Sanping and Chen Runsheng were winning, but Xu Rong had already lost four times. , Counting this one is already the fifth one.

Han Laosan also looked at Xu Rong in puzzlement: "Why do you want to stay in the east?"

"I don't want to stay either!"

Xu Rong stretched out his hand to pick up the cards he had played in front of him, and looked at the three of them with displeasure: "Do you think I don't want to play Dongfeng?! Take a look, I played [-] to [-], and [-] to [-]. What the hell is [-] and [-], Dongfeng is the most likely card in my hand to make a pair."


"You are paying tuition."

"That's not what I said just now. It's good to be a novice, and you can win as much as you can. It's really how you win, you win!"


Yu Dong also smiled and looked at the scene curiously. He didn't expect Sanye Han to call Xu Rong over.

In the past, he had always heard that Xu Rong's connections were wild, but he didn't have a clear idea of ​​how wild they were.

Today, I got a glimpse of it. It seems that he has known Mr. Han and Chen Runsheng for more than a day or two, and Xu Rong is not as inferior to them as he is.

Holding the cards, Xu Rong said, "Speaking of which, I would also like to thank Mr. Yu. The current results of "Drug Wars" are due to the face given by Mr. Zong. Unlike some people, I said early in the morning that June 6 It will be released on June 15th, and you must compete with me for the box office."

Han Sanping showed her two front teeth, and said, "You really can't rely on me for this matter, it was suggested by Runsheng."

"I have confidence in you, and I will support you."

Yu Dong hurriedly smiled and said: "Xu Yuan, you really don't need to thank you. To be honest, I don't want to arrange it, but I really dare not. Isn't it rushing to lose money when it is released at the same time as your movie?"

"Look, President Yu represents what the market thinks."


Xu Rong remembered something and said, "I'll tell you something, I'm going to be on the Spring Festival Gala this year."

Han Sanping adjusted the cards, raised her drooping eyelids a little: "Aren't you embarrassing others?!"

"Who is it difficult for?"

"Dongfeng!" Han Sanping beat Dongfeng out as soon as he came up, "You can't keep Dongfeng."


After the laughter fell again, he said: "The director team or the review team are not satisfied with your program, can they really cut it for you?"

Chen Runsheng also slapped Zhang Dongfeng, saying: "So, you have to learn not to express your opinion easily, let alone express ambiguous attitudes. It is not only for your own good, but also for the good of others. For example, you say you like to eat pasta, but when it comes to specific Those who work, after passing on layer after layer, they can't grasp the scale of "like" at all. In order to avoid trouble, they will change this sentence to "only pasta is allowed" during implementation, which may not make you [-]% Satisfied, but at least there will be no problems."

"But is that your intention? Of course not."

Xu Rong was thoughtful when he heard the words, Han Laosan and Chen Runsheng each managed huge companies, and both had very rich management experience, which he needed to learn.

"Ring bell bell."

Han Sanping glanced at the caller ID of Xu Rong's phone, and raised an eyebrow at Chen Runsheng: "Hey, I checked."

Yu Dong sat under Xu Rong. Although he didn't see the name of the caller, he guessed from the raised eyebrows of Mr. Han that it was probably his wife.

But he wasn't entirely sure.

At this time, He Yi, Wei Jia, Yang Mi, Jiao Junyan and others all looked at the mobile phone in Xie Na's hand with anticipation.

Xie Na held the microphone in one hand and the mobile phone in the other, and next to him was the confident student Zhang.

There was no sound in the studio.

Everyone is very curious, what is the usual way of getting along with Xu Rong and his wife?
A rather leisurely voice came from the phone: "Are you done?"


Xiao Zhang responded first, and then said: "Just arrived at the hotel, what are you doing?"

"Talking about work with a friend..."


A voice that many people felt vaguely familiar suddenly resounded in the studio.

"Red!" followed by a voice full of spirit.

"Touch!" came another voice full of air.


There was a burst of laughter on the phone, and then a voice that some people felt vaguely familiar came, it was the middle-aged man who called "Hongzhong" just now: "Sister and sister, Xu Rong is with us, don't worry, it won't be too late. Just go back."

The person who said "Beng" before also said: "I promise to deliver it to your home."

"What are you doing"

Xie Na, who was holding the phone, looked at each other with He Yu, Wei Jia and the others beside him, the smiles on their faces were almost out of control.

Before making the call, they paved the way for too many extraordinary things about the master, and imagined too many elegant things the master might do.

The only one who didn't expect the master to play mahjong while his wife was on a business trip.

They can already predict that after this broadcast, it may create the highest ratings record for "Quick Book".

"What's going on, is there a fight?"

"I can't, did something else make my brother and sister angry?"

While "Hongzhong" and "Peng" were talking, Xu Rong's almost certain voice came from the phone: "You guys, are you recording a program?!"

The other end of the phone suddenly fell into silence, as if hanging up, and there was no more sound coming from the phone.

Director Luo Xin suppressed a smile at first, she vaguely felt that the voices of "Hongzhong" and "Peng" sounded familiar, but she couldn't remember who it was for a while, but subconsciously thought it should be someone from the circle. peers.

At the same time she signaled Zhang Xiaofei to continue, she suddenly found that the deputy director Hong Tao who was standing by her side rushed into the studio quickly, quickly came to the phone held by Xie Na, bent slightly He said in a friendly tone that is rarely seen: "A few leaders, a few leaders, I am Hong Tao, the deputy director of Mango Channel, we were recording a program just now, I am really sorry, because it was a temporary addition, I didn't have time to tell you in advance Leadership report."

There was no answer to the phone, no one seemed to be listening on the other end.

Hong Tao knew that there were three people, no, at least four people were on the other end of the phone, and this deadly silence made his back sweat very quickly. He took a light breath, and called softly again: "Leader?"

The phone was silent for about three or four seconds before Xu Rong's deep and cold voice came out again: "Stop this episode."

"Good leadership, I'm really sorry."

"toot toot"

Before Hong Tao could finish his sentence, the phone was hung up.

Xie Na, who was holding the mobile phone, heard Xu Rong's deep voice, and looked at the increasingly stooped back of the deputy director, shivering inexplicably.

It wasn't until this moment that she realized that something was wrong, and she only felt that what she was holding in her hand was not a mobile phone, but a burning red soldering iron.

The studio fell into silence for a while, and no one thought that Xu Rong would hang up the phone mercilessly.

Luo Xin also ran over at this time, looking worriedly at Hong Tao, who was sweating a little on his forehead: "Director Hong, Director Hong?"


Hong Tao suddenly came to his senses, Han Sanping, Chen Runsheng, Xu Rong, the three top figures in the Chinese film, TV, and drama industries were all offended by him at once!
But he never thought that the bosses would be so careless about their image in private!

Moreover, at least four people are required to play mahjong. Even if you think about it with your ass, you can know that the person who can sit at a table with these three people to play mahjong will definitely not be an ordinary person, or even the leader in charge of his own line.

Seeing Hong Tao's mournful appearance, Yuan Shanshan asked curiously, "Xiao Fei, who were those two talking just now?"

"Oh, Han Sanping and Chen Runsheng."

Xiao Zhang's voice was not loud, but she didn't suppress it deliberately, so everyone around her understood why Hong Tao suddenly lost his soul.

Luo Xin turned her head slowly and looked at Zhang Xiaofei in disbelief. Behind her, the relief on the faces of He Yu and others had already faded away.

A phone call actually exploded three big bosses.

It was explosive enough, but Xu Rong's behavior of hanging up the phone was obviously expressing his dissatisfaction.

Luo Xin whispered: "Director Hong, do you want to stop recording?"

Hong Tao waved his hand: "Stop first."

"Look, I told you a long time ago, he will definitely not cooperate." Xiao Zhang put away his mobile phone and said, "Shall we rest first, or directly record the next session?"

Luo Xin forced a laugh, auntie, what kind of program is there to record after such a big accident? !
Before designing this link, some people proposed to communicate with Xu Rong in advance, but it was rejected by a majority of votes.

According to Xu Rong's habit of not appearing in variety shows in the past, there is a high probability that he will be rejected if he communicates in advance.

Besides, the caller was not an outsider, but his wife.

Hong Tao realized something, turned around suddenly, and looked at Xiao Zhang as if he had grasped a life-saving straw: "Mr. Zhang, can you explain to Xu Yuan and the leaders, I will definitely come to apologize tomorrow, really , I really didn’t expect this to happen.”

"Apologize?" Xiao Zhang looked at Hong Tao suspiciously, "What are you apologizing for?"

"Xu Yuan just hung up, isn't that an expression of dissatisfaction?"

"No." Xiao Zhang looked at Hong Tao's nervous face and said seriously, "He just hung up because he felt embarrassed."

Hong Tao couldn't believe it, he almost begged and said: "No, no, I didn't think carefully about this matter, please help Teacher Zhang."

Yang Mi, Yuan Shanshan, and Jiao Junyan watched this scene in bewilderment.

Theoretically, it was Xu Rong's rudeness to hang up the phone without warning, but why are Hong Tao and Luo Xin panicking?

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