I'm just an actor

Chapter 480 Eligibility

Chapter 480 Eligibility
At the entrance of the Chinese Opera, Xu Rong asked Li Gen to drive to the parking lot near the office building on the campus, and got out of the car by herself, carrying her bag, and walked from the school gate to the office building step by step.

"Hey, Teacher Xu."


"Morning, Teacher Xu."

"Well, morning."

"Wow, Teacher Xu, Teacher Xu, here, here."

"Haha, hurry up and go to class."

Xu Rong tried his best to return the most friendly smile to every student who greeted him, until he came to the office building, the smile on his face gradually faded until it disappeared completely.

Walking into the conference room, he looked at dozens of faculty and staff members of the Department of Acting and Peking Opera, and finally fixed his gaze on Hao Tian and Yu Kuizhi, who were seated first on both sides, and asked, "Is everyone here?"

Hao Tian whispered: "Everyone from the acting department is here."

Yu Kuizhi hesitated for a moment, and said in a low voice, "Professor Liu is not feeling well today, so he asked for leave."

Xu Rong let out an "oh" and said, "Then you go to express condolences on behalf of the school later."

Since Yu Kuizhi wants to be full of peaches and plums, he must at least have the skills to be full of peaches and plums.

His current goal is very clear, the management position, especially the management position of the Chinese opera, is to retire.

He is not good at intrigue, but he has already formed his own set of experiences on how to be a hands-off shopkeeper.

Put people in the right place.

Just like Zhang Yang, if she is placed in the company's business department, she can directly shut down the company. On the contrary, if she is placed in an administrative position, she can do a better job than most people. Of course, the premise is that He has to give Jin Fangfang enough trust, and try not to interfere with the company's operations as much as possible, otherwise he will inevitably be dissatisfied with Jin Fangfang with his publicity and domineering, which will turn into wrangling and internal strife within the company.

Therefore, even in front of Li Gen and Wang Yaqin, he would never embarrass Jin Fangfang.

And when Yu Kuizhi became the vice president of Guojing, he should have two brushes more or less. If he can't even clean up a teacher, it's better to take away the thoughts of Taoli Mantian as soon as possible.

Sitting at one end of the conference table, Xu Rong said slowly: "I've been quite busy recently, and I don't have time to sit and chat with everyone. I happen to be free today, so I called everyone over and arranged Let me talk about the recent work, let me first announce the general arrangement of the future work, from now on Director Hao will be in charge of the Performance Department, and the Beijing Opera Department is currently in preparation, the manpower is relatively thin, and for the time being, Director Kui Zhiyu will be in charge."

"The second thing I want to talk about is the academic misconduct incident of Nortel Zhai Tianlin. Director Hao organized everyone to study the specific situation before, and we all know the specific situation." This is one of the key points he wants to talk about today. Zhai Tianlin's problem is far more than simply plagiarizing academic achievements, otherwise Nortel would not have dealt with it so quickly.

"I was suspected of plagiarism and academic misconduct during my master's and undergraduate years. Was it involved in high school?"

Xu Rong's words made the entire meeting room gasp, while most people were thinking about the deep meaning of his words.

Xu Rong didn't continue talking about this matter, and instead said: "I don't care about other departments, but the acting department and the Peking Opera department will never allow similar incidents to happen. I will put the ugly words first. Anyone who dares to If I damage the reputation of China Opera, I will destroy anyone's job!"

"Speaking of which, I think of the wedding held last year. On the day of the wedding, I was really busy from dark to dark. When I sent my relatives and friends away after ten o'clock in the evening, my wife was so tired that she didn't even want to say a word. As a result, when we got home, it was so hard to open the red envelopes that we couldn’t even pull them.”


The atmosphere in the conference room suddenly became much more relaxed. Xu Rong had always treated the students very well. Probably because of his age, he had always treated the teaching staff very seriously. Therefore, most people were a little afraid of this young leader.

Sitting in the middle of the conference table, Wang Zhiwen felt the changes in the atmosphere in the conference room. Looking at Xu Rong in front of him, he couldn't help feeling an inexplicable sigh in his heart. He had heard many people's comments on Xu Rong, but those comments were not Not as shocking as today.

As soon as Xu Rong entered the door, he asked Yu Kuizhi to condolence to Mr. Liu, and the way he dealt with it made the people in the meeting feel sorry for him. Before, many people thought that Mr. Liu could be in charge of the Peking Opera Department, but Mr. Liu followed the path of a secretary. Xu Rong, who doesn't care much about the specific affairs of the school, is not very enthusiastic.

How can Yu Kuizhi make this former competitor feel better?

Because Xu Rong said, "for the time being, Director Yu Kuizhi is in charge of the specific work", this "temporary" determines Yu Kuizhi's attitude.

But turning his head, Xu Rong immediately talked about his lover again, which seemed like nonsense, but it was not.

Women make up the majority of the teaching staff in the two departments, and women always have an inexplicable admiration for successful men who are willing to talk about their wives.

Because men who are more successful in their careers rarely do this.

Xu Rong seems to be acting in a play.

So far, he has performed this scene very successfully. In just a few minutes, he has created two very different character traits. The concentration of these two opposite traits on the same person will inevitably lead to unpredictable image of.

Humans have an instinctive fear of the unknown.

Xu Rong's words suddenly took a 180-degree turn: "But do you know what my wife took out of the red envelope?"

"A check!"

"A check for 200 million!"

Xu Rong's gaze slowly swept across faces that were either familiar or not so familiar, and paused for a moment when he passed a pair of peach blossom eyes, and continued: "To be honest, I was really scared at the time. The problematic money is really not practical to spend.”

"Is Zhai Tianlin's problem really just his personal problem? Is there Zhai Tianlin in our Chinese opera? A few people open the door to others for tens of thousands of dollars or even a meal and a few cigarettes."

On the right side of Wang Zhiwen, peach blossom eyes looked at Xu Rong complicatedly. Before Xu Rong had fully developed, she was sure that he would achieve high achievements in the future, but she never thought that everything would come so quickly. , "Drug Wars" starring him is already far ahead in the box office competition with "Painted Skin 2" starring Chen Kun, Zhao Wei, and Zhou Xun. The status of a top actor on the big screen, in school, he became the youngest deputy dean of Renzhongxi at the age of only 26, and he is in charge of the core departments such as the acting department.

Now she is married and has children, and he has also started a family and business. The stories that happened and didn’t happen at the beginning are all over, and she has long since let go of it. But after listening to him talk about his wife, after a moment of astonishment, after many years, A touch of appreciation that is no longer mixed with utilitarianism can't help but rise again in my heart.

She always thought he was a typical male chauvinist.

"The third thing, I want to ask everyone, when was the last time you performed on stage?"

Xu Rong actually understands very well that the higher the professional titles and the older people here, the longer it has been since the last time they performed on stage, so long ago that they have forgotten what it is like to perform on stage. Like others who teach the course "Career Development and Planning", they can only follow the script, and there are some esoteric or out-of-the-way content. Their only way is to make judgments based on subjective guesswork.

Today's professional colleges and professional troupes have just formed two extremes. Professional troupes only care about performances and do not explore the reasons, let alone theoretical innovations.

He raised his voice sharply: "Everyone, we are the highest institution of drama performance in China. We train actors, not those scientific research institutes that are used to lagging behind the market for an era or even several times. The students we train are to perform on stage. , is for the audience to watch, we as teachers"

Then Xu Rong talked about the teaching level of teachers and the cultivation of students' academic ability from "The Shame of Chinese Opera", and then talked about the value guidance of students in "Bai Jingqing's Murder Case".

Looking at the contents recorded in the notebook, Hao Tian felt a great deal of pressure in his heart. Just cultivating the teaching level of teachers is the biggest problem.

Xu Rong sipped her saliva and said, "One last thing, we usually entertain, don't just drink Moutai and Wuliangye when entertaining, I am not against everyone drinking good wine, the key is that what you drink is real, right? "

"But what you drink is fake wine!"


A burst of laughter erupted in the meeting room.

Xu Rong sorted out the next book, stood it up, tapped it twice on the table, and said, "Let me remind everyone, don't always think that what happened in the past, and what should be done now, don't hold such Common thinking may not always be correct, and I am not just talking about me, everyone, don’t forget, this year is 2012.”

"Okay, the meeting is over."

Hao Tian looked at Xu Rong's back thoughtfully.

In the afternoon, when Xu Rong came to Guojing, he first looked up at the tall and thin man in front of him, wearing a pair of silver-rimmed glasses, looking at the white and clean young man, and then looked down at the program list.

The name of the program is taken from the painting of the same name "Thirteen Wonders of Tongguang", which is a portrait of a meticulous sketch drama drawn by Shen Rongpu in the late Qing Dynasty during the Guangxu period. The painting includes Laosheng, Wusheng, Xiaosheng, Tsing Yi, Huadan, Laodan, and Harlequin. The choice is There are 13 famous Peking Opera actors who became famous after the Anhui troupes of Hui Diao and Kunqiang in Tongzhi and Guangxu years of the Qing Dynasty came to Beijing.

But the actor who is famous for his buffoons is too busy.

"Tongguang Thirteen Wonders" is a Peking Opera joint singing program. It is understandable that Mei Shangcheng and Xun Chuan took the lead, but the subsequent program arrangement gradually became outrageous.

"Wujiapo" follows "The Case of Guillotine Beauty".

As we all know, the protagonist of "Wujiapo" is the ancient scumbag Xue Pinggui, and the plot of "The Case of Guillotine Beauty" is Bao Longtu using a guillotine to kill the scumbag Chen Shimei.

After "The Case of Guillotine Beauty", "Silang Visits His Mother" was followed by "Yuanmen Killing the Son", then "Mother Xu Scolded Cao" and then "Dingjun Mountain".

Literally, these four programs constitute a complete closed loop of the story. Shiro went to visit his mother, but was chopped off at the gate with a knife by his mother who understands righteousness. Later, the mother learned that the misunderstanding between mother and son was caused by Cao Cao. , scolded Cao Cao for not being a son of man, but Lao Huang was too loyal, and led his troops to defeat Cao thief in Dingjunshan.

Seeing Xu Rong's strange expression, Xu Mengke asked, "Yuan Xu, do you think there is no problem with this arrangement?"

Xu Rong couldn't help but look at him more, and said, "I have no objection, what about the other teachers?"

"The other teachers have no objections." Xu Mengke's hanging heart sank slightly. Being a choreographer and director of an opera joint singing is not an easy job.

In the tradition of Peking Opera, if there are many performances, the last play is often the main one, and the singers are all actors with the most exquisite art and the strongest appeal, so they are called "big axis", and the famous Actors whose qualifications are slightly lower than that of the big axis but who are quite powerful will appear second to last, which is called the "finale".

Xu Rong is just a beginner in the Beijing opera world, and he is not even qualified to sing "Kai Gong Opera" on the stage where representatives of various schools perform on the same stage.

But he is a recognized master in the theater and performance circles. In terms of fame, even if he is incomparable to Kuizhi, Li Shengsu, Wang Yan, Chi Xiaoqiu and other famous Peking opera masters combined, there is no one recognized by the public in the Peking opera circle since Mei Shangcheng Xun. master.

Therefore, under comprehensive consideration, he was ranked second to last, that is, the finale appearance, and the major axis was left to the vice president of Guojing, Yu Kuizhi, who was known as the number one old student.

Xu Rong didn't have a clear concept of the main axis and the finale of Peking Opera. Moreover, in the history of Peking Opera development, there were not one or two people who frequently encountered embarrassment due to the status of the finale. Among them, Mei Lanfang was the most. Mei Lanfang was very popular with young audiences. At that time, Tan Xinpei and Yang Xiaolou, who were more famous and experienced, often came on stage after Mei Lanfang. However, some young audiences left after watching Mei Lanfang's performance. This made Tan Xinpei and Yang Xiaolou, who became famous first, quite depressed.

If his singing and workmanship are better than Yu Kuizhi, the audience may not be able to leave the stage, but they can turn on the "eye protection mode".

Xu Mengke looked at the people in the rehearsal hall and said, "Then let's go through it and try it, and record a sample as soon as possible and send it to the Spring Festival Gala program group for review."

Hearing that Xu Rong did not express any objection to the program, many eyes in the rehearsal hall passed him intentionally or unintentionally.

Among them, Xu Rong is the youngest, even Zhang Jiachun, the descendant of the Xun School, is four years older than him, and has the shortest time in art, only half a year.

But because of his background as a film and television star, his fame and influence are the greatest.

Moreover, as the deputy dean of People's Arts and Chinese Opera, although he is in the drama industry, he can greatly affect the distribution of cakes in the drama industry.

Because for the audience and the upper class, opera and drama are similar art forms, which can be seen from the fact that the drama association is mainly composed of two members of drama and opera.

Now the honorary chairman of the Drama Association is Shang Changrong, and the chairman is Pu Cunxi.

One is his Peking Opera teacher, and the other is his drama teacher.

They did not deny Xu Rong's authoritative status in the drama world, but does Xu Rong really have the qualifications to be the finale?

(End of this chapter)

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