As a very "sensitive" person, Xu Rong is always extremely sensitive to the emotions contained in his sight.

Attention is important. If you stare at the back of someone's head for three seconds, there is a high probability that the other person will notice it. When this "sensitivity" reaches a certain level, the intuitive feeling for the line of sight that contains different emotions is also different. Its effect is almost the same as that of language, except that one relies on sound as the medium for transmission, and the other relies on light transmission.

The moment he nodded, he was aware of the sudden sights around him, and it was strange that the emotions contained in these sights were very different, there were dissatisfied people and admirers, compared to more But ignore.

Xu Rong has long been used to admiration and indifference. He traced the source of that uncomfortable gaze, and finally fixed his gaze on an actor with a long thin face, small eyes, small nose, and small mouth.

Wang Yue.

Xu Rong was stunned, but there was a kind smile on his face.

Wang Yue originally watched Xu Rong faintly become the center of the entire program group, and felt more and more uncomfortable.

He is a well-known master of the net practice today. He is a master of Tongtonghammer, Zongqiu sect, and Xu Rong is a student of Shang Changrong, and he is a versatile painter.

This is one of the reasons why he doesn't like Xu Rong, but it is really inconvenient for him to criticize Shang Changrong, not because he is afraid of Shang Changrong's status in the industry, but because of the good of the Beijing opera industry.

Secondly, in the painting "Tongguang Thirteen Wonders", originally there was no painted face, but now there are not only painted faces, but two painted faces in the show of the same name in the Spring Festival Gala.

The most important thing is that he, a famous actor with a colorful face, only has one line, but Xu Rong has a total of six lines.

Those who didn't know thought he, Wang Yue, was the newcomer!
With Xu Rong's fame and status at stake, and being a disciple of Shang Changrong, the Taishan Beidou in the industry, he couldn't stop him from going to the Spring Festival Gala.

But with the same face, Xu Rong not only finished the finale, but also had 5 more lines than the other male actors.

He was not targeting Xu Rong, but for the good of the Beijing opera industry. Fans should have the consciousness of fanciers. It’s okay to sing and sing in private. But the Spring Festival Gala is not an ordinary stage after all. , A fancier six sentences, isn't this a signboard for smashing the quintessence of China?
At that time, the audience will take a look, okay, this is what Peking Opera is like?
But seeing Xu Rong's kind smile, Wang Yue was stunned for a moment, and then hurriedly returned a slightly hasty smile.

The reason why he chose to pretend to be a snake was not because he was afraid of Xu Rong, but because of the good of the Beijing opera industry. He, a Peking opera performing artist, had conflicts with a layman, and it would inevitably make people laugh when it was spread.

Xu Mengke vaguely sensed the unusual atmosphere in the rehearsal hall, and used his middle finger to push the metal-framed glasses on the high bridge of his nose to avoid colliding with anyone's eyes. He understood the purpose of Mr. Shang, and took Xu Rong, a popular film and television superstar, as a bond , Drainage for the Peking Opera at Sunset West Mountain.

In the entire modern art industry, no one is more suitable for this role than Xu Rong.

Xu Rong has a huge fan base covering all age groups, especially among young audiences who are most in need of replenishment in the Peking Opera business, and has a huge appeal, and this appeal has been tested by the market.

The unpopular drama "Da Ming Dynasty 1566" has been aired twice since its production was completed, but both of them had no choice but to stop the broadcast because the ratings fell below the ratings record of the established station. However, after Xu Rong became famous, it somehow became popular on Beijing TV. It was out of control, and was called a "divine drama" by netizens. The Douban score soared from 2.5 to 9.8, becoming the highest rated Chinese TV series.

In today's information-flooded era, good wine is also afraid of deep alleys, and Xu Rong's appeal can just make up for the shortcomings of good wine with deep alleys.

Although the opera program is the "recommended student" of the Spring Festival Gala, this year is slightly different from previous years. This year's Peking Opera joint singing, Xu Rong is responsible for drainage, and as for retention, it is the work of the remaining nine teachers.

In other words, Xu Rong didn't come to divide the cake, but to make the Peking Opera cake bigger.

But obviously, some people didn't understand the causal and logical relationship behind Xu Rong appearing on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala as a Peking Opera actor, but simply judged whether he was qualified to go to the Spring Festival Gala by kung fu.

A person who has just studied drama for half a year, how high can you expect him to be?

What's more, Yu Kuizhi has completely turned to Xu Rong for the ideal of "the world is full of peaches and plums". Offending Xu Rong, an outsider who will hardly have any interaction in the future, is completely harmful but not beneficial.

Xu Mengke looked at the crowd forming an irregular circle as if she didn't understand anything, and said, "Every teacher is familiar with the lines, so let's start with Teacher Li and go through them first."

"Get ready, three, two, one, let's go!"

"Hard to hear"

Hearing Li Shengsu's voice, Xu Rong suddenly turned his head and stared at her in disbelief.

Li Shengsu's tone was neither high nor low, continuing the Mei School's "tepid" style.

But this style is precisely the most difficult among vocal arts. Like popular music, treble is always easier to win the applause of the audience, but its essence is relatively low in technical content.

But Li Shengsu's "tepid" contains a heroic spirit that is about to burst out.

Especially her wide open bright eyes, full of mighty meaning.

"The sound of the golden drum and the sound of the painting horn are booming."

"Awakens me to break the sky and reach the sky."

When the word "cloud" fell, Li Shengsu pinched orchids with both hands and designated them on both sides of the top of his head.

Xu Rong's thinking also froze with her actions.

For a while, he couldn't even find a suitable adjective to describe the extreme beauty of "awakening my broken sky and high ambitions." This sentence was interpreted by Li Shengsu.

He even has a feeling that if he closes his ears and only looks at her figure, it may be difficult for the audience to see the line "Arouse me to break through the sky.", but they should have similar feelings. On the contrary, if Close your eyes and it won't be too far off.

This is the ultimate pursuit of acting!
He has been in the industry for nearly ten years, and he has seen too many great presentation forms, but he has never been as shocked as Li Shengsu's two lines "Mu Guiying is in command".

Her facial expressions and body changes slightly with the libretto, but no matter what kind of changes, while each other can interpret another part, it is always full of artistic beauty.

"I think peach blossoms were majestic and majestic back then."

"Enemy blood splatter pomegranate skirt."


When Li Shengsu sang the fourth line, the admiration and admiration on Xu Rong's face turned into doubt in an instant.

After the fall of "Majestic and Majestic", the beauty of Li Shengsu's body and lyrics is rapidly declining.

"You should fulfill your responsibilities in your lifetime, how can an inch of land belong to others."

At the fifth sentence, the doubts in Xu Rong's heart dissipated and turned into regrets. He had seen her two performances in the past. In his memory, the current level is the one who is known as the "No. [-] Beauty in Peking Opera". The normal standard of actors, and the amazing performance in the first three sentences just now, where every move is beautiful, is really a super-level performance.

This kind of regret is like a beautiful ice sculpture melting in the sun. I have witnessed its breathtaking artistic beauty, but there is nothing I can do about it disappearing.

While regretting, he couldn't help but rejoice.

He was glad that Li Shengsu could only say three beautiful words, because it was hard for him to imagine that he would have a strong appreciation for a opposite sex who was nearly 20 years older than him.

Although this kind of appreciation is love house and black.

He couldn't help thinking of Cheng Yanqiu's middle-aged anecdote, and Mei, Shang, and Xun always kept their bodies different. Cheng Yanqiu's love for braised pork caused him to gain weight after entering middle age, so that he was always called "big fat man".

His chubby figure caused the audience to roar with laughter every time he appeared on the stage, but the laughter usually lasted for five or six minutes at most, and at the end, he could win a lot of applause.

This kind of transcendent artistic attainment that turns decay into magic has created Mei Shang Chengxun's lofty status in the history of Chinese drama, but on the other hand, it has to be admitted that Mei Lanfang and Cheng Yanqiu cannot be copied.

He suddenly remembered the words of John Gielgud, the most famous British actor in modern times: To this day, acting skills are still a mystery. It has been passed down to us through countless comments and notes, but it is impossible for us to understand. it.

What it wants to express is that performance theory and skills can enable actors to play their roles well, but the most wonderful performances in the world often come from the talents of individual actors that are difficult for ordinary people, and such wonderful performances are difficult to replicate.

"Feng Xiaoxiao is used to long-distance war horses."

When Xu Rong only thought about three sentences because of Li Shengsu, Wang Yan picked up "Princess Shuangyang". With its fleeting beauty, Xu Rong finally understood the meaning of the practice Shang Changrong said.

The first three lines that Li Shengsu sang just now must have been practiced countless times, just like Wang Yan's equally beautiful "Wind and Xiao is used to the Long March". Shang sent a famous teacher to guide him, which led to the rapid decline of the beauty of his body and libretto.


"Suddenly I heard my mother come outside the tent."

After Du Zhe sang the only line, Xu Rong lifted his arms slightly, raised his chin slightly, and narrowed his eyes.

Seeing Xu Rong's series of actions, Wang Yue, who was waiting for him to "show his face", was stunned for a moment. Although Xu Rong hadn't opened his mouth yet, his heart was already raised.

"The Han Dynasty is in decline and the world is in turmoil."

But when Xu Rong opened his mouth, his hanging heart slowly let go. Before Xu Rong opened his mouth, he faintly saw the demeanor of a certain painted-faced master from Xu Rong's body.

"Princes from all walks of life rise from all directions."

Chi Xiaoqiu, the descendant of the Cheng faction, looked at Xu Rong and felt like a thorn in his throat.

Xu Rong's song can't be said to be bad, but it can't be said to be good either. "Mother Xu Scolds Cao" is adapted from "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms". Liu Bei got Xu Shu's help to defeat Cao Cao. Called to Cao Ying, Xu's mother refused to scold Cao Cao's treacherous story.

Xu Rong raised her arms, raised her eyes, and narrowed her eyes. The stable and taciturn young master disappeared, and the person in front of her seemed to be Cao Mengde, an incomparable and treacherous official. The aura of the first life was immediately displayed, but his body movements and the stylization of his singing were not so standard.

On the one hand, he is like a master of Peking Opera, and on the other hand, he is like a beginner in Peking Opera. This feeling is the root of her discomfort.

Yu Kuizhi was next to Xu Rong, and also carefully watched his every move. Looking at his figure and listening to his libretto, he couldn't help being stunned for a moment.

In his opinion, there is a certain gap between Xu Rong's figure and singing style and Wang Yue's, but he has grasped the essence of opera.

Stylization is one of the basic characteristics of Peking Opera, but it is not the highest pursuit of Peking Opera. The mode of word of mouth in Peking Opera determines stylization as its characteristic. ".

As a master of drama theory, Xu Rong has a theoretical foundation far superior to that of Peking opera actors, directly bypassing the process of programming and reaching the core "spiritual likeness".

This also caused his performance to give people a weird impression, not so standard, but it can give people a very good feeling.

If judged by traditional Chinese medicine, all Chinese medicine often start from the principles, methods and prescriptions, and finally learn the "Emperor's Internal Classic", which is the general outline of the traditional Chinese medicine system. Xu Rong completely reversed it. He first integrated the "Huangdi Neijing" before turning to Excessively learn the knowledge of various principles, methods and prescriptions.

Xu Rong also noticed the complex expressions of everyone, and smiled embarrassedly.

While feeling ashamed, he silently calculated the time for the Spring Festival Gala in his heart.

You still have time.

In the play "Mother Xu scolds Cao", he felt that the best thing he practiced was the movement of swinging his sleeves when he appeared on the stage, but right now there is no entry link planned, so he is simply useless.

The four masters of Peking Opera each have their own strengths. For example, Cheng Yanqiu is good at water sleeves, but being good at them does not mean that they must be used. For example, when Cheng Yanqiu performed the play "Wujiapo", he only used the big water sleeves four times.

No matter how superb the skills are, using them when they should not be used will only destroy the "god" of the characters.

As an expert, Xu Mengke naturally saw the weirdness in Xu Rong's body, and when she looked at Xu Rong, her eyes became very strange. If Xu Rong switched to Peking Opera in a down-to-earth manner, she might not be able to become the founder of the sect, but Gai It shouldn't be a big problem to press the first generation.

But he also knew that this was absolutely impossible. Xu Rong is a master in the field of film and television performance theory today, and he would be throwing himself at the end of the stick if he devoted himself to Peking Opera.

After Kuizhi finished singing, Yuan Huiqin suggested, "Shall we have a chorus at the end?"

As soon as Xu Mengke's face collapsed, he was afraid of this. It's not impossible to sing in chorus, but the difficulty of writing lyrics immediately increased by more than ten times.

"Xiao Xu, with your expression, do you not want to do anything?"


After practicing for half an afternoon, Xu Rong saw that the time was almost up, and said, "Everyone, I have a performance tonight, so I'll go back first."

"Okay Xuyuan, you go first."

Li Shengsu took the initiative to come over and said, "Mr. Xu, I'll see you off."

Xu Rong was not surprised when he heard the words, and even Li Shengsu's "Teacher Xu", he felt that he deserved it.

After leaving the rehearsal hall, Li Shengsu smiled and said, "Thank you, can I leave your contact information?"

"Actually, I have a lot of problems. Every time I see you, I am in a hurry. I am afraid to waste your time, so I have never dared to ask for advice."

Xu Rong smiled, he understood what she meant by "thank you", Li Shengsu's singing borrowed from the vocalization method he pioneered.

He is happy to see the success of this. As the founder and founder of the system, he is not afraid that others will learn it, but what he is afraid of is that others will not learn it.

"of course."

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