I'm just an actor

Chapter 482 come


Hong Tao, deputy director of Mango TV, watched Zhang Xiaofei walk into the ticket gate, and the smile on his face was gradually replaced by worry.

Although Zhang Xiaofei swore that Xu Rong was really not angry, until now he was still in a state of turmoil.

Luo Xin who was on the side looked at the faint wrinkles in the corners of his eyes, and said in an uncertain tone: "Director Hong, I think maybe we don't need to worry too much."

"Why?" Although Hong Tao knew that Luo Xin was comforting each other, he still wanted to hear her reason.

Luo Xin recalled the process of getting along with Zhang Xiaofei in the past two days, and said: "She is different from ordinary women, she is very generous, and she is very tolerant. The joke Yuan Shanshan made before, thinking in another way, even if I don't turn my face, I will never It won't give her a good look, but have you noticed that she didn't take it to heart at all, but laughed at herself along with them."

"A woman with such a big picture, do you think he will really fall in love with a narrow-minded man?" Luo Xin gave her own opinion from a female perspective. Her deepest impression on Zhang Xiaofei came from her relationship with Xu Xing Compared.

Xu Xing is now a frequent visitor to various variety shows, and he often talks about Xu Rong in the shows, but when the two talk about Xu Rong, their tone is completely different. Xu Xing's tone is more like a man talking about someone he met by chance at a wine table. A big shot doesn't hide his pride at all, and Zhang Xiaofei is like most women talking about their husbands.

I can't get all three of the advantages together, and I can't stop complaining at all.

Hong Tao nodded, deeply convinced, but after hesitating for three seconds, he said uncertainly: "But, Xu Rong's reputation in the industry. You should also understand it."

Luo Xin understood what he meant, and said: "Hearing is believing, seeing is believing, a man who can make a rational person like Mr. Zhang admire from the bottom of his heart, it is absolutely impossible for him to be as unbearable as the gossip media reports, Mu Xiuyu Lin Feng will destroy it, perhaps Xu Rong's biggest shortcoming is that it is too dazzling, so that it covers up the light of others, causing jealousy and slander."

"When you are close to the vermilion, you will be red, and if you are close to the ink, you will be black. Your reminder is reasonable. Xu Rong was able to achieve such a high achievement at a young age. Luck, ability, and character are all indispensable. As for people, the most invisible thing is others. good!"

Xiao Zhang didn't expect that helping Yang Mi to promote the film would unknowingly improve Xu Rong's reputation in the industry.

Before coming to Changsha, she planned to spend about a week in Changsha.

After being with Teacher Xu, they almost never went on a trip together. This time, she took the opportunity of coming out to catch up with the announcement, and planned to take a good look around Changsha with Wang Yaqin.

It is not necessary to visit all the fun places, but it is bound to eat all the delicious snacks.

But after only staying in Changsha for two and a half days, under Song Yi's urging, she had to return to the capital again.

With her leaving, Xu Rong put all his energy into his work.

But this is a pain for the colleagues in the courtyard.

After the performance of "Thunderstorm" last night, under Xu Rong's strong insistence, Renyi released an announcement on the official website that night: Because the performance was seriously below the normal level, in order to live up to the support and expectations of the audience, and at the same time guarantee that Renyi will always contribute the best The drama work, "Thunderstorm" will be suspended indefinitely from today, and self-examination, self-correction, and self-awakening will be carried out. The specific rerun date will be notified separately.

Xiao Zhang saw this news early this morning, but at the time she only thought it was a good thing. "Thunderstorm" was suspended due to "the performance was below normal standards", and was highly praised by People's Day for carrying out the party's consistent self-criticism. , The spirit of self-innovation.

And it is certain that "Thunderstorm" will definitely be able to reach a higher level when it is rerun again.

But it wasn't until after nine o'clock that Song Yi sent a message asking her when she would go back, that she realized that the matter seemed a little bit more serious.

Song Yi didn't finish his "homework", and was mercilessly scolded by Teacher Xu.

Classmate Xiao Zhang didn't dare to go shopping and eat anymore. She called her grandfather last night and heard from his grandfather that Teacher Xu insisted on finding a nanny.

It seems that because of her departure, everything is wrong.

waiting room.

Classmate Xiao Zhang happily took a sip of the happy water that he hadn't had for a long time, and asked Wang Yaqin who asked for a cup of oden: "Yaqin, Song Yi just said that Teacher Xu has suddenly changed a lot, do you feel this way?"

Wang Yaqin was chewing fish balls, and when she heard her words, she frowned and thought for a while, then said vaguely: "There are some."

She swallowed the fish balls, and then slowly said: "It's just a feeling, many things that he used to think are important, but now they don't seem to be that important, and things that he didn't think are very important in the past, but now they are very important."

Classmate Xiao Zhang nodded his head thoughtfully.

Wang Yaqin's view is relatively reasonable.

From Wang Yaqin's answer, she got the answer she wanted. She and Teacher Xu are indeed just capitalists and employees.

As for what has changed in Teacher Xu, she feels it more deeply than anyone else, and she doesn't need to seek answers from others.

In her feelings, since Teacher Xu was dubbed a "master" by the outside world and served as the vice president, a lot of pressure seemed to have increased out of thin air on his shoulders.

The prosperity of Western theater proves that this art form is not outdated, but the decline of human art is an indisputable fact.

The glory of Renyi is due to the joint efforts of many masters such as Guo, Lao, Cao, Jiao, etc. Zhu Yu is the first, and as the successor, he cannot be without pressure.

At the report meeting a while ago, Mr. Li Xuejian’s question was not just his own doubts. All the mainstream media in the country praised the "harmony theory" on the altar, and they valued its cultural soft power attributes.

But this set of theories is incomplete and has not yet formed a systematic system.

Teacher Li Xuejian is by no means the only one who has asked and will ask similar questions. Maybe some laymen are more anxious than experts.

The change of his role and the change of external stimuli made it impossible for him not to make corresponding changes in his feedback to external stimuli.

But what most people don't realize is that he hasn't changed.

After getting off the plane and seeing Xu Rong who came to pick him up, she became more and more convinced of this intuitive feeling.

Classmate Xiao Zhang looked sideways at Xu Rong who was pushing the suitcase, and said with a smile: "I heard that Xu Yuan lost his temper a lot. Who is so ruthless to make the leader unhappy?"

Xu Rong glanced at her and said, "Song Yi told you?"

"Do you know what she said about you?" She said, holding his arm, "Want to hear it?"

"In no mood!"

Xu Rong didn't need to guess to know that Song Yi would never say anything nice about him, he explained with a smile: "Actually, it's just to change the way of pronunciation, she hasn't practiced well after practicing for so long, I'm really worried for her, Getting angry is not actually angry with her, and I also know that she is either useless or just plain stupid."

The smile on Xiao Zhang's face immediately faded away, even though she knew he was talking about Song Yi, but she always felt that he had brought herself along.

Just plain stupid?

It would be better to be useless!

Xu Rong pressed the elevator, didn't seem to notice the change in her expression, and continued: "I originally agreed with the director that all the box office revenue of "Thunderstorm" this year will go to the film and television center. Not enough."

"What's going on?" Xiao Zhang asked curiously. In fact, she had heard him tell the reason before, and when she asked again, she didn't forget, but gave him a channel to talk.

And she can also be sure that Teacher Xu will not realize that he is talking about this matter for the second time, because she finds that he will clearly remember some important things he thinks for many years, such as the lines of some classic dramas or There are wonderful passages in some literature, but memory and goldfish are simply difficult for some content that he considers unimportant, such as most of the content of ordinary chats with family members.

"When everyone was in Group B, they were holding their breath. Now they are in Group A, and they have set a phenomenal record of 36 consecutive performances. It is inevitable to be complacent." Xu Rong said with emotion, "If you really comprehend that sentence, the young dragon slayer will eventually become a giant dragon."

"Then will the establishment of Group B solve the problem?"

"It's hard to say." Xu Rong shook his head uncertainly, "The root of the problem is not whether there is a group B. The establishment of a group B is only a solution to the symptoms, not the root cause. Now I have figured it out. It’s the same as a disease, you can’t cure the root cause right away, it will easily lead to a series of uncontrollable chain reactions, you have to treat the symptoms first, and then slowly cure the root cause.”

Because of the blind spots involved in knowledge and experience, it was inconvenient for Xiao Zhang to answer the conversation. The three of them just walked to the side of the car. She stopped the topic while getting in the car, and moved to another place: "Have you hired the babysitter?"

Xu Rong heard this, turned his head and glanced at Wang Yaqin, and said, "Yaqin, you have been staring at this matter these days."

Wang Yaqin laughed dryly, knowing that he had sensed his and Zhang Yang's little thoughts, and said, "Okay."

Although grandpa has inconvenient legs and feet, he can take care of himself. Even if Xu Rong, Miss Zhang, and Xu Xing are not there, they come here to wash clothes, cook, and clean up, which is not a great contribution.

But it was a great toil.

And once you hire a nanny, you can never get the hard work again.

Xu Rong started the car, glanced at the two of them, and asked, "Have you eaten yet, go eat something first?"

"I'm not hungry." Xiao Zhang shook his head.

"I ate it on the plane." Wang Yaqin waved his hand.


"I'm really not hungry." Xiao Zhang shook his head, but quietly swallowed.

"I really ate it on the plane." Wang Yaqin waved her hand. Compared with the last refusal, she not only shook her hand slowly, but also only shook it back and forth. It seemed that the symbolic meaning was greater than the actual meaning.

Xu Rong and the two looked at each other, and said with a smile: "I want to eat, and then you two will help me share some of it?"


Classmate Xiao Zhang and Wang Yaqin looked at each other, and they both realized the contrast between the front and the back and their insincere words before, so they couldn't help laughing.

After laughing for a while, classmate Xiao Zhang suddenly realized an important thing, and asked, ""Thunderstorm" is closed, should we enter the group early?"

"No, we still have one important thing to do next." When Xu Rong said this, the corners of his mouth couldn't help but curl up slightly.

"important things?"

"No matter how important things are, we can't delay Xu Rong's business!" Liu Tiezhu said loudly to a young reporter wearing glasses.

Liu Tiezhu, 46 years old this year, is the highest chief executive and village party secretary in the village.

Originally, he really didn't dare to think that he would still be an official in this life, but people's fate and destiny are always so bizarre.

To be honest, he only did a few insignificant things in total.

The first is to take Xu Rong to work in Jilin Province, and the second is to help the old man Xu, the old and the young, and his grandson and grandson a little bit during the busy farming season in previous years, and lend them threshers, tractors and other items.

But he didn't dare to help too much, the family surnamed Xu in the village was eagerly waiting to inherit Xu's two mu of land and two homesteads, so every time he helped, he would do it in front of the neighbors , and accepted the two packs of loose flower cigarettes bought by old man Xu.

To prove that he and old man Xu are just a pure transaction, without any other extravagant thoughts.

But no one thought that Xu Rong, who usually doesn't talk much and looks like a gourd, would have such a great future!
After school in 04, I went out to work as a steel bar worker with him, or how can I say that I went to high school and was educated, so I was picked by the director of the National People's Congress to act in TV at a glance.

He didn't know what happened afterwards, but he heard that he went to school while working part-time.

In 07, Xu Rong suddenly became a big star. He was often seen on TV and news. It is said that he lived in Dabieye in the capital.

All the people surnamed Xu in the village watched eagerly, hoping that Xu Rong could help their children, but Xu Rong ignored that at all, and never entered the house after taking old man Xu to the capital.

A while ago, I didn't know what happened. The Beijing News and the county TV station that often reported on Xu Rong on weekdays never mentioned the word "Xu Rong".

Two kinds of theories began to circulate in the village, some said that Xu Rong became an official, and others said that Xu Rong committed a crime.

Everyone felt that the culprit was bigger, because they had never heard of Xu Rong being an official before.

Furthermore, to be able to buy Dabie wild officials in the capital, there is probably a problem with the source of the money.

If you don't commit a crime, why don't those little media and gossip news stop reporting it?

What worried Liu Tiezhu even more was that the door of Old Man Xu's house was broken into, and all valuables and insignificant things in the house were stolen. Not to mention the furniture, there was not even a chopstick left.

So blatant, no one except their surname Xu would dare to do it.

It's just that Xu Rong is not on the news anymore, and he hasn't said how many years he will be sentenced.

This is temptation.

What Liu Tiezhu was worried about was whether this year's wheat was still his own, and he was the one who contracted the two acres of old Xu's land.

This worry continued until half a month ago.

That day, he was repairing the water pipes for watering the ground. Suddenly, some people came to the house and asked him about his relationship with Xu Rong.

At this juncture, how dare he have a relationship with Xu Rong?

I can only say that it is a neighbor I saw without looking up.

But strange to say, the next day he became the village party secretary.

He himself understands his own weight, and after thinking about it, he thinks that this matter probably has something to do with Xu Rong. He has no knowledge, but he can guess that some people probably think that he has become the village party secretary, and Xu Rong takes it for his sake Contribute more or less to your hometown.

He bravely called Old Man Xu and talked about the situation before realizing that he was right.

Xu Rong has indeed developed, so developed that the hosts of the county TV stations dare not make fun of him anymore.

And the day before yesterday, he received another call from Xu Rong. What he couldn't understand was that Xu Rong made a strange request.

The two mu of land is no longer rented, and he wants to come back to harvest crops by himself.

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