The sun, which is whiter, brighter and hotter than incandescent lamps, hangs high in the sky. Under the sun, on the east side of a semi-new three-room tile-roofed courtyard, there is a bustling residential area. The width is equivalent to that of a small courtyard, and it is also a pattern of being wide from north to south and narrow from east to west.

This is the homestead left by old man Xu. It was originally used to build a house when Xu Rong married his wife.

In the past few decades, no family in the village thought that this house could build a new house, maybe it could, but it would definitely not be Xu Rong's new house.

Apart from the little retirement salary, the father and father don't have any other income. Both of them have headaches and brain fever, and they have to spend money on eating and drinking. In addition, old man Xu is so focused on supporting Xu Rong to go to school, where can he get money to build a house?

In the 90s, rural children did not go to school, mostly not because they did not want to go to school, but because they could not afford it.

The combination of tuition fees and living expenses is a huge burden for a rural family that can only rely on the land for a living.

Facts have proved that the eyes of the masses are discerning, and old man Xu really failed to build a house on this homestead.

The homestead has been restored to its original purpose after being idle for many years.

At this time, there were more than 20 sets of equipment standing on the east side of the house, and beside the equipment stood forty or fifty well-dressed, clean men and women who were incompatible with the environment.

There are more people on the west side of the open space. The women's clothes are generally colorful, and the men's skin is mostly dark.

Although they were dressed differently, they stood under the same sky and breathed the same scorching air. People on the east and west sides of the house kept wiping the sweat from their foreheads.

"Dong dong dong dong dong."

The roar of tractors and the sharp chirping of cicadas interweave in the boiling air boiled by the sun, which makes people feel irritable.

But no one showed this irritability, everyone looked at Xu Rong who was driving a brand new tractor in the middle of the house in puzzlement and kept circling around in the open space.

A cylindrical stone roller is pulled by a rope behind the tractor, behind which is tied a bundle of willow branches with fresh branches and leaves.

People on the east side of the house wondered what Xu Rong was doing?
The villagers on the west side of the house knew what he was doing, but they couldn't figure out why he was doing it.

At this time, they all knew that Xu Rong not only didn't go in, but also developed, but since he was so developed, why did he come back to farm?

Rural people are desperately supporting their children to go to school, isn't it just to let the next generation stop suffering from the hard work of facing the loess and turning their backs to the sky?

Besides, there is already a harvester now, so there is no need for threshing.

The vigilant villagers saw the camera on the opposite side and vaguely guessed the clue.

Xu Rong is acting.

"dong dong dong"

The roar of the tractor, every sound was like a heavy hammer, hitting Liu Tiezhu's heart.

As the chief executive of the village, Liu Tiezhu changed into the most decent attire today, with gray short sleeves tucked into black trousers, and a pair of brown leather shoes on his feet.

But this most decent attire did not dispel the anxiety in his heart.

The leaders of the village have been waiting for half an hour.

The number one, two, three, four, and five in the county have also been waiting for 10 minutes.

But Xu Rong had no intention of responding at all, and still kept pressing the wheat field alone.

He looked at Xu Rong who was wearing a straw hat, long-sleeved shirt, trousers, and sneakers on the tractor, and he couldn't help but sigh in his heart: My ancestors, when will the wheat field not be able to be suppressed, so many leaders are waiting dryly beside him , we are big stars, that's right, if we really make people unhappy, how can we have a better life in the future?
But he didn't dare to go up and interrupt.

Before the leaders of the township and county came, several equipment and reporters with the words "CCTV" printed on it had already stood quietly aside.

He is familiar with this symbol. In the past, every household could receive it from the satellite cooker bought on Jishang.

Right now it's not working.

On the day it was confirmed that Xu Rong was going back to the village, no. 20 people were dispatched from the county and township to clean up the satellite pots in the village from door to door.

Said to develop tourism agriculture.

Liu Tiezhu didn't know how to engage in tourism and agriculture, so he hoped that Xurong County would stop and say hello to the leaders.

"dong dong dong"

Liu Tiezhu didn't know how long he waited, but when he saw the tractor finally turned off, his heart finally stopped.

He hurriedly waved his hands and shouted: "Xu Rong, hurry up, this way."

Contrary to his expectations, Xu Rong got off the tractor with his forefoot, and the leaders of the county and village who were standing in front of him flocked to Xu Rong: "Welcome the leader back to his hometown."

"Leadership has worked hard."

"Welcome the leader."

Liu Tiezhu stared blankly at this scene, unable to react for a while.

Xu Rong, the leader?
He knew that Xu Rong was well-off, but he couldn't imagine that he was so well-off that even the leaders of the county had to call "leader" when they came.

Xu Rong looked at the hands stretched out in front of him, spread them out, and showed a pair of dusty hands in front of everyone, saying: "My hands are dirty, so I won't talk to you folks."

Before he finished speaking, he was grabbed by a pair of generous hands, and held them cordially and forcefully: "The leader came back after a long time, and it was to benefit our hometown. We are all native farmers. If you feel kind, why would you feel dirty?!"

Xu Rong smiled, raised his eyebrows at the CCTV reporter not far away, and said, "Pay attention to the influence."

"Ah, thank you Mr. Xu for benefiting my hometown. On behalf of the folks in my hometown, I warmly welcome Mr. Xu"

Xu Rong really couldn't stand the other party's enthusiasm, and said: "Stop, stop, you do what you do, I do mine, let's not delay the business."

"Ah, fine."

Before Xu Rong came back, he had greeted the county. If he simply wanted to farm, Panggezhuang could rent two acres of land.

But in the end, he chose to return to the land where he grew up.

He will not give money to the villagers, that will only raise idlers and enemies.

What he can do is to give the village, township, and county a chance. As for whether they can boost the economy and generate income and money for the villagers, it depends on their own abilities.

He has farmed land and worked as a part-time worker, and he knows that no one would leave his hometown to work on a construction site if he is not forced to do so.

As for the CCTV reporters, they were recording material for the documentary "Masters of the Century".

After research, the jury of the Art Research Institute finally decided to position him as a master of drama, but when they were soliciting opinions, they did not expect that someone raised objections.

Shang Changrong.

Shang Changrong wrote to the jury, firmly believing that Xu Rong will become the most influential Peking Opera master after Mei Shang Chengxun in the future.

Shang Changrong's personal letter posed a big problem for the jury.

Xu Rong's current influence is mainly limited to the film and television industry, and he is still a complete rookie in the opera industry.

But they couldn't ignore the opinions of Shang Changrong, the current master of Beijing opera.

Once Shang Changrong's prediction comes true, the jury will be scolded.

After deliberation, the jury really thought of a way to single out Xu Rong.

Xu Rong was born in the 21th century, grew up in the 21th century, and made contributions across many fields such as film and television, broadcasting and hosting, but he was active in the [-]st century, so the jury singled out Xu Rong as the last of the "Century Master" series A master who spans the twentieth century and the [-]st century and inherits the past and ushers in the future.

Xu Rong has long been accustomed to watching the crowd, and he is also very clear that after the initial novelty, both the media and the audience will gradually disperse.

The high temperature is as high as 37 octaves, and it is the busy season of farming. How can I have time to watch a movie here?

As he expected, the villagers dispersed one after another after watching for half an hour. At noon, the staff at all levels in the county and township also left one after another, leaving only four law enforcement officers as a precaution.

And a group of media workers who neither left nor stayed.

Xu Rong hadn't done farm work for many years, and he was suddenly basking in the sun for a long time. At this moment, he couldn't help feeling a little dizzy. He turned off the tractor, and wiped the mud on his face with the towel hanging around his neck. sweating, walked to the side of Xiao Zhang, Song Yi, Yuan Yu, and Wang Yaqin, who were sitting in a row under the shadow of the corner, wrapped tightly with only a pair of eyes exposed, and asked: "You are so tightly covered, really don't you?" Is it hot?"


"I'll teach you a way to quickly dissipate heat, stick out your tongue, and breathe like this."

Several people listened carefully at first, but after understanding Xu Rong's meaning, they all reacted: "Mr. Xu, you are so annoying."

Xiao Zhang squatted on the ground, looked at the solid wheat field pressed by the stone roller, and asked, "Mr. Xu, is this all right?"

"Not yet." Xu Rong shook his head, "We'll have to pour water on it later, and then grind it. Before there were no tractors, we used oxen or donkeys to pull the stone rollers to grind it hard. Then we took the wheat back and spread it on the ground, and then used it to grind it. Stone rollers are used to separate the wheat from the straw."

Song Yi asked curiously: "Before? When you were young?"

"To be more precise, similar methods were used for thousands of years before, and wheat, sorghum, and soybeans were harvested in this way."

Seeing Xu Rong resting, Li Gen walked to the tractor, looked east and west, and after a while, he turned his head and asked, "Brother, how does this thing start?"

Xu Rong patted the "Z" solid steel rod pinned to the waistband of the trousers, that is, the tractor crank, and said, "Here is the key."

Li Gen's eyes lit up, he rushed over and said, "Let me drive for a while."

"Can you drive?"

"Let's see the meeting soon." Li Gen took the handle without any explanation, and rushed to the side of the tractor again, looking at the large "key" in his hand, he was stunned.

He turned his head slowly and said with a smile: "Brother, why don't you tell me how to start this thing?"

After some guidance from Xu Rong, Li Gen asked uncertainly, "Is it that simple?"

"It's that simple! Take it easy, loosen the decompression valve and shake it half a circle at most. Be sure to pull out the handle, otherwise this thing will directly dislocate your jaw."

Li Gen had already memorized the essentials, patted his chest and said, "I, Li, am known as the God of Mountain Cars, and a tractor is within reach."

"Okay, then be careful yourself."

As Xu Rong said, he retreated to the edge of the wheat field, took the water glass handed over by Wang Yaqin, and whispered: "Prepare to call 120, just in case."

When Wang Yaqin, Xiao Zhang and Yuan Yu heard his instructions, their eyes widened suddenly.

Why do you still need to call 120?
If it wasn't for Li Gen, they would have wanted to try it too.

"Is driving a tractor so dangerous?"

"The engine of this tractor is 18 horses, and it is powerful enough to start." He pointed to the crank in Li Gen's hand, who had already bent down. Fracture starts."


The sound of Li Gen raising his breath attracted everyone's attention. Xu Rong looked at Li Gen without much worry. The first time he drove a tractor was when he was 12 years old, but the engine at that time was 15 horses.

Under everyone's gaze, Li Gen slowly shook the handle.

Then, it still shook slowly three times, as if adapting.

Then, he slowly shook it three more times, as if he was still adapting.

Then, he turned slowly three times again, as if he hadn't fully adapted yet.

Xu Rong looked at Li Gen, who was blushing and had a thick neck, and seemed to remember something, and shouted, "Li Gen, the pressure reducing valve, you have to twist the pressure reducing valve, otherwise it won't move."

Li Gen stopped, exhaled slowly, and said, "I'm screwing!"

Xu Rong handed the water glass to Wang Yaqin, and took a closer look. Li Gen was indeed screwing on the pressure reducing valve. He stood aside, ready to run away at any time. There is a high probability that it will be thrown to the sides, and there is a high probability that blood will be seen when it is smashed.

He watched carefully, and said to Li Gen who was puzzled, "Try again."


Li Gen breathed a sigh of relief, the muscles on his arms instantly knotted, and the handle was slowly turned again under the push of strength.

"Hurry up, this speed is too slow."


"No, you are walking like an old lady, shake it up, shake it up quickly, otherwise the water and oil will not be able to fully burn in the combustion cylinder."


Seeing that Li Gen's neck and face were flushed with blood, Xu Rong was stunned for a moment, he reached out to stop Li Gen, and said: "It is said that this is just bought and shouldn't cause problems, just wait, I will try it." .”

Li Gen stepped aside as promised, Xu Rong took over the handle, twisted the pressure relief valve, took a breath, and shook it vigorously three times quickly.

"Dong dong dong dong dong."

A plume of gray smoke from the chimney signaled the tractor had been started again.

Xu Rong looked at the crank in his hand, then at the tractor that had already started, reached out and turned off the engine, looked Li Gen up and down, and said uncertainly, "You, don't tell me you have so much strength?"

Seeing that Xu Rong was not much stronger than himself, Li Gen took the "key" with some disbelief, and said, "Impossible, I'll try again."


Li Gen took a deep breath, then lunged down, sinking his qi into his dantian, uniting his body and mind, and his qi and strength. After feeling that he had reached his best state, he imitated Xu Rong's posture just now and exerted all his strength on the "key." ".

Turn the handle slowly again.

After shaking it around, Li Gen stopped, supported his waist with one hand and the "key" with the other, turned his head, and looked up at Xu Rong who was also looking at him suspiciously.

At this moment, Li Gen felt a deep sense of despair. He always thought that Xu Rong was just smarter than himself, and definitely inferior to him in strength.

Because there is not much difference between the two in terms of stature, but he often plays basketball, and he definitely exercises much more than Xu Rong.

It's just that the tractor is like a big toy in Xu Rong's hands, but when it comes to me, it can only shake slowly even with the strength of breastfeeding.

His eyes finally fixed on Xu Rong's not-so-strong arms, and doubts arose in his heart.

If he hit him with a punch, would he beg him not to die?

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