I'm just an actor

Chapter 484 Confused

Chapter 484 Confused
The fine golden glow of the setting sun floated on the surface of the river, and Li Gen stood shirtless by the river, looking at Xu Rong who flickered like a fish in the river, eager to try but trembling in fear.

The river is about 30 meters wide. Because it is close to Eargrass, the upstream sluices are opened to release water. The blue river flows silently, firmly, and slowly into the distance.

At a certain moment, Xu Rong's trace suddenly disappeared from the river surface, and after about ten seconds, he appeared very abruptly not far from them. He shook the water droplets on his hair, smiled and said to Li Gen: "There is no water heater at home. If you don’t wash it now, you can only wash it with a bucket of water later.”

Li Gen swallowed, he could swim, but he had never swam in such a wide wild river, especially looking at the slow but seemingly irresistible river water, it was even more creepy.

A camera was set up behind Li Gen, and behind the camera stood a tall man and a thin girl.

Xu Rong swims against the current and slowly reaches the three of them, looks past Li Gen, and looks at the middle-aged man wearing glasses and shirt next to the camera: "Mr. Zhu, why don't you come down to play for a while in such a hot day? "

The middle-aged man whom he called Teacher Zhu shook his head with a wry smile: "No, no, I'm not good at swimming."

The female reporter next to Teacher Zhu was weakened by Xu Rongqian's calf. Seeing Xu Rong approaching, she persuaded: "Mr. Xu, why not, let's go back. Swimming in the river is too dangerous."

Xu Rong stood in the water, the water had just reached his waist, he gestured with his hand, and said: "It's actually not deep, I have been swimming in this river since I was in the fifth grade of elementary school, and I come here to play for half an hour every summer after school , Wait until the hair is just dry at home."

"Here." He said, and raised his chin in the direction of about 300 meters upstream, "These are not the same."

The middle-aged man called Teacher Zhu looked at Li Gen's feet as if they had taken root, and reminded him kindly: "Mr. Li, you'd better not go down. Swimming in extremely hot weather is easy to catch a cold."

"Ah, really?" Li Gen quickly picked up the shirt next to him and put it on his body as if he had been pardoned.

Seeing that Li Gen was timid, Xu Rong no longer forced himself. He was about to go ashore when he seemed to think of something. He looked at Zhu Guangquan on the shore and asked, "Is Teacher Zhu still recording?"

"It's recording, what's the matter?"

Xu Rong smiled and said, "I'll do an experiment."

As he spoke, his figure suddenly jumped, and he swam upstream against the current. After swimming about 50 meters, he turned to the center of the river and changed breaststroke to backstroke.

After swimming for a few seconds, he suddenly stopped the movement of his arms and legs, and put his hands behind his head as if lying on a deck chair, with his right leg on his left knee.

At this time, in the monitor of the camera, Xu Rong stopped his movements and then sank quickly.

"Teacher Xu?"

While the female reporter was shouting, Zhu Guangquan took off his shirt, shoes, and pants in one go, and jumped into the water with a bang, ready to catch someone.

"Teacher Zhu, wait a minute, look!" Li Gen's unbelievable voice came immediately after Zhu Guangquan fell into the water.

Then, he saw the most unforgettable scene in his life.

Xu Rong put his hands behind his head and his right leg rested on his left, like a fairy in a story, lying on the water and slowly floating.


Even though Zhu Guangquan was well-informed, he couldn't help but widen his eyes at this moment. If this kind of situation happened in the Dead Sea with extremely high salt content, it would be very normal.

But this is a small river in Yu Province that may not even have a name, and Xu Rong's body fat content is not high, and he does not have the conditions for natural floating at all.

The three of them were strangely silent, their eyes seemed to be tied to Xu Rong, moving slowly with him.

When he got to the front, Xu Rong turned over and swam to the side of Zhu Guangquan, looked at the female reporter on the shore, and asked, "Is everything recorded?"

"Recorded, it's recorded." The female reporter stared blankly at him. At this moment, some mysterious rumors about Xu Rong that she had heard about Xu Rong appeared in her mind.

Zhu Guangquan was quite surprised when he heard Xu Rong's panting. Xu Rong's employment in Zhongchuan was not only due to his innovation in performance theory.

With his basic skills, emotional intelligence, and literary literacy, if he wants to, he can immediately switch careers and become a professional host.

However, Xu Rong did not do strenuous exercise, but he was gasping for breath at this time. Obviously, the "floating" of 50 meters just now was also a heavy burden for him.

In other words, Xu Rong's chic floating just now required superb skills.

He asked curiously, "Mr. Xu, how did you do it?"

Xu Rong explained: "The balloon is filled with water and thrown into the water, and the effect is naturally different from the half-filled half-water thrown into the water."

Zhu Guangquan understood the principle and said, "I'll try it too."

He also started with backstroke, and then took a long breath. He imitated Xu Rong and planned to put his hands behind his head, but before he could do it, his body sank quickly as soon as his arms came out of the water.

Fortunately, he is not bad at water. Knowing that he must not open his mouth or inhale when he is drowning, he turned over and stood up again, looking at Xu Rong more and more curiously: "Mr. Xu, why can't I?"

"It's not just a matter of inhalation. Didn't you record the video? You'll know when you go back and watch it." Xu Rong looked at Zhu Guangquan with a smile. He remembered that this guy said he couldn't swim, but he dared to go into wild water. All of them are confident in their own technology to the point of swelling.

He pointed to the bridge about 1000 meters away from the two of them: "Mr. Zhu, they are all down anyway. Let's see who gets to the bridge first?"

Zhu Guangquan glanced at the female reporter on the shore, and said with a smile: "It's not interesting to just compete, let's make a bet."

"What bet?"

"It's the next recording. I hope you, Mr. Xu, can cooperate a little bit." Zhu Guangquan finally expressed his helplessness for a day's recording.

Xu Rong's lack of cooperation made him feel that this job was more difficult than he imagined.

When choosing who to be the reporter, Taili took a lot of thought, Xu Rong is not an easy person to deal with.

For the questions that Xu Rong didn't want to answer, he either avoided the topic directly or kept silent. Although they had only been together for three days, this was the most difficult interview for Zhu Guangquan since he worked in CCTV.

Seeing Zhu Guangquan holding the winning ticket, Xu Rong had a bad premonition in his heart.

"Why, Teacher Xu is afraid of losing?"

"Haha, just come."

"ready, go."

Li Gen and the female reporter couldn't help being stunned as they watched the two of them appear like two white lines that stretched out in the blink of an eye.

Why did these two suddenly compete?

After about five or six minutes, an electric car came slowly. Xiao Zhang got out of the car, looked at the clothes of Li Gen, the female reporter and the shore, and asked, "Where are Teacher Xu and Teacher Zhu?"

Li Gen pointed to the two heads faintly visible on the river in the distance, and said, "Hey, who will swim to that bridge first?"

"Than swimming?"

Xiao Zhang frowned upon hearing this. Teacher Xu has a lively side, but under normal circumstances, he would never show it to outsiders.

After a while, when the three of them looked at Xu Rong and Zhu Guangquan wearing shorts and trotting along the embankment in their direction, they were stunned.

Li Gen subconsciously looked at the female reporter, who knew that the female reporter was excitedly setting up the camera to shoot the two of them along the embankment.

Classmate Xiao Zhang pointed to the two thieves-like figures on He Ti, and asked uncertainly: "Mr. Wang, do you want to shoot this too?"

"Of course, we want to record the master's side as a 'master', but more importantly, we need to record the side of the master as a 'human being'." The female reporter said excitedly without looking at Li Gen and Xiao Zhang from the beginning to the end, "What else is there to do?" Now it can better reflect Teacher Xu's 'human' side?!"

"By the way, sister-in-law, why are you here?"

"Calling you to eat!"

After dinner, everyone in the yard held cattail fans to drive away flying mosquitoes and flies.

Zhu Guangquan took a bite of Wang Yaqin's freshly cut melon and asked, "Mr. Xu, I remember that you graduated in 09. You were 22 years old at the time, but you took a year off from high school after your senior year. Did you skip a grade?"


Xu Rong sat on the stool, sharpened his sickle, and said, "That's not true. There are no kindergartens in the countryside. There are only half grades, also called preschool classes. I was four years old when I was in the first half grade, but I only went to three years in total." sky."


"What then?"

Xu Rong reached out to scoop up some water from the basin and sprinkled it on the whetstone, saying, "In 992, I was sent to school for the second time, and it was the broken tile houses I pointed out to you earlier."

"I guess it's about the same."

Xu Rong stretched out his hand to test the edge of the knife, and then said: "It's actually much better now. At that time, we didn't have electricity. Every night at this time, adults would sit in the street and gossip. Children usually go to the wheat field. Play hide and seek or wrestle."


The sound of the sickle and the whetstone complemented the silent night, Xu Rong whispered: "Such a quiet night is rarely seen in the city,"

Zhu Guangquan was keenly aware that Xu Rong always avoided certain topics intentionally or unintentionally, so he stopped shaking his cattail fan and asked, "Mr. Xu, it seems that your childhood was not very pleasant?"

Xiao Zhang hesitated to speak.

Xu Rong was silent, and after a while, he said: "Students in elementary school are actually children from the four villages before and after. Everyone knows that I am a wild child without father and mother, and no one plays with me."

"Actually, it's okay. At that time, I couldn't understand it. I didn't offend them, but they always had trouble with me."

"Can't make it through?" The female reporter looked at him puzzled.

Xu Rong was still sharpening his scythe seriously, and said: "They like to scold me very much, but I can't talk back, or a group of people will beat me together immediately. This is the reason why I dropped out of school for the first time. It can't be said to be unpleasant, but it can't be said to be happy either. "

"These people are good and bad."

Xu Rong shook his head and said, "What do they know? In fact, the main reason is that we are too poor. The countryside and farmers have been praised by literati for 2000 years. The beautiful words of simplicity and kindness have all been imposed on them. But in reality, it's all a lie."

Zhu Guangquan understood the meaning behind Xu Rong's words, so he took advantage of the opportunity to expose the topic: "Then, what happened later?"

"Later." Xu Rong raised his head suddenly, and said with a smile, "Later I scared them so much that I never dared to show any kindness when they saw me. Although they scolded me behind my back, but in front of me In front of everyone, no one dares to say a bad word."

Hearing Xu Rong's relaxed tone, Zhu Guangquan couldn't help shivering even though it was a hot summer day.

What a familiar scene!

Isn't this a true portrayal of him in today's film and television industry? !

In the entertainment industry, Xu Rong has been the "No. [-]" for many years. He has blocked many people's money, but the reality is that no matter how he is cursed behind his back, no one will speak ill of him in public.

Everyone knows that once they become enemies with Xu Rong, they will either kill him or be killed by him, there is no third possibility.

Just like He Shengming, who was in full swing in the past two years, seems to have evaporated in the world now.

Zhu Guangquan suddenly realized that Xu Rong's personality was not formed after entering the entertainment circle, but formed in the battles with his peers in the abandoned schools at the entrance of the village.

At that time, he learned that only if his fist is hard enough can he not be bullied.

The way the others looked at Xu Rong was also strange, because the Xu Rong they usually knew was not a person who solved problems with fists.

"As far as I know, most of the people who have experienced the same experience as you have fallen into society early. Why did you do that?"

"There are many reasons, but I think there are only two that are the most important." Xu Rong said, walked into the main room, and when he came out again, he was holding a piece of mudguard with the word "Dongfeng" printed on it. , "Really speaking, it should be this thing that changed me."

He dipped his hand in some water, wrote the character "Xu" on the fender, and said: "Our family used to have a writing brush, but there was no ink. When I was young, that writing brush and this fender occupied me. Half the joy, most of my early learning came through this mudguard."

He said, sharpening his sickle again: "The other half of happiness is an illustrated book called "Up and Down 5000 Years". When I was about three years old, my grandfather took me into the city on a bicycle. It was the old phoenix. Brand bicycle, it was very hot that day, even hotter than today. When I entered the city, my grandfather bought me a bag of very sweet soda. It was the first time I drank soda. , Later, when I passed by the entrance of Xinhua Bookstore, I saw a book on the window with a red picture on the cover, and I later found out that it was called "Up and Down 5000 Years", and it was about the size of a palm."

Xu Rong said, stretched out a finger, and said, "One yuan and twenty cents."

"I told my grandpa, I want it, but at that time I knew I shouldn't, because it was too extravagant for us to spend a dollar and twenty cents on a book, but I really liked the cover so much, so Can't hold back."

"Grandpa did not refuse. I read the little book with more pictures than words countless times. I didn't know until I was in junior high school that the content of that book was not 5000 years old. It started from the Wagangzhai Uprising. Yes, but it showed me a magical world, and only then did I know that the world is so big."

Song Yi, Yuan Yu and the female reporter looked at Xu Rong, whose head was lowered, his face hidden in the shadows, with tears in his eyes.

They have always thought that he was very lucky, and he achieved achievements that his peers could not achieve in his life at a young age. They did not realize until today that he only ate up the suffering of most people in the first 17 years of his life.

Looking at Xu Rong, Wang Yaqin became more and more puzzled. She had been with Xu Rong for many years, and she knew very well that Xu Rong was a very purposeful person, and everything he did had a starting point, but today, she was confused.

What exactly is Teacher Xu going to do?
(End of this chapter)

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