I'm just an actor

Chapter 485 Expectation

Chapter 485 Expectation
"Gee chi."




Li Gen opened his eyes in a daze. The leaves of the tung trees in the yard outside the window were shaking gently. At a certain moment, a glare of sunlight flashed through the gap between the branches and leaves. There is a rush of singing.

"Gee chi."


The summer breeze swayed cheerfully on the branches. Li Gen tilted his head, looking at the dappled sunlight among the sycamore trees, and listening to the melodious melodious melody. For more than 20 years, he always thought that this kind of scene only existed in on paper.

"Its shape is also as graceful as a frightened bird, and graceful as a swimming dragon."

"Rongyao Qiuju, luxuriant spring pine. It seems like the moon is covered by light clouds, and the snow flutters like the flowing wind. Looking at it from a distance, it is as bright as the sun rising to the morning glow."

Song Yi's penetrating voice broke the tranquility of the morning.

As soon as Song Yi's voice came out, his sister-in-law's voice fell from the main room: "Song Yi, don't memorize it, Mr. Xu is going out at dawn."

"Going out?" Song Yi was standing in the courtyard in her pajamas with her hair loose. She just got up to go to the toilet, and was about to go back to her room to continue sleeping when she had a whim. Isn't this the best time for Teacher Xu to understand how hard she is studying? Good time? !

She, Song Yi, got up before six o'clock to recite ancient poems, and some people who didn't get up until 06:30 to do morning exercises shouldn't feel ashamed? ? ?

It's a pity that he went out!

Among the endless golden wheat fields, Zhu Guangquan looked at the hunched figure at the end of a ridge of straw that only reached his ankles, and fell into deep thought.

Xu Rong mentioned to him last night that he woke up at five o'clock this morning. He thought there was something important, but he didn't expect Xu Rong to cut wheat in the dark.

With him, there are colleagues in Taili and Xu Rong's assistant Wang Yaqin.

He turned his head, looked at Wang Yaqin, and asked, "Mr. Wang, did Mr. Xu receive a similar script? He was required to act as a farmer."

"I have indeed received a similar script." Wang Yaqin nodded first, then shook his head, "It was written by Teacher Gao Mantang, but Teacher Xu rejected it. In fact, I still don't know why he came back to collect wheat. , this land was previously contracted by the village head.”

Wang Yaqin thought about this question for half the night last night, but she couldn't come up with a clue. She knew the script Xu Rong was going to shoot, but so far, there was really no relevant invitation.

And he will soon go to the crew of "Peking" to participate in the filming.

Zhu Guangquan pondered for a few seconds, and said in an uncertain tone: "I don't know if my guess is right, but at least, we shouldn't use normal people's thinking to understand him."

Wang Yaqin and the female colleagues on the side were all waiting for his next words, especially the female reporter who did not hide her curiosity at all, because Zhu Guangquan herself was not a person who could understand with normal people's thinking.

"Only in terms of secular life, he may be able to predict everything he can achieve, and he has already recognized the limit that he can never go beyond." Zhu Guangquan looked at Xu Rong who put a bundle of wheat on the wheat ridge, and said softly, "In Confucian culture, this is called knowing the destiny."

Wang Yaqin's education is not high. In the past few years, under Jin Fangfang's supervision, although he has supplemented a lot of knowledge, they are all practical reference books, and he has no interest in philosophy and literature at all.

Therefore, she didn't understand what Zhu Guangquan wanted to express at all.

The short female reporter next to him thought seriously for a few seconds, then slowly opened her mouth wide. She turned her head gently and looked at Xu Rong in the distance in disbelief.

Her mouth squirmed a few times, as if she wanted to say something, but in the end, she couldn't utter a single word.

Because these are just Zhu Guangquan's guesses.

Zhu Guangquan remained silent. Before he came into contact with Xu Rong, he had always regarded him as a normal person, because his behavior in the past was very normal.

Even if his habit of not appearing in variety shows is nothing unusual to him, most old entertainers are not keen on variety shows.

But after the real contact, he always felt that Xu Rong was too normal, and the normal was a bit abnormal, which made him feel that everything he saw was what Xu Rong wanted him to see.

The reason for this judgment is that according to his understanding, people like Xu Rong have values ​​that are not completely consistent with ordinary people, just like an elite person he had contacted once bluntly stated that The existence of most people in society is a great waste of resources.

In particular, the biggest difference between them and ordinary people is that their endless wealth has reduced their material needs to a negligible level.

In most people's cognition, the richer the person, the bigger the house they live in, the better the car they drive, and they need to be equipped with all kinds of planes and yachts, but in essence, this is the thinking of "the emperor's golden pole". Because pursuing these things has no meaning to them.

But Xu Rong didn't show any behavior that was different from ordinary people, which was the most abnormal.

Feeling the weird atmosphere, Wang Yaqin looked at the female reporter uneasily, forced a smile, and asked, "Mr. Zhu, Mr. Wang, shall we go back to eat first?"

Seeing the doubts on the faces of the two, she explained: "Mr. Xu said that farmers never make a special trip home to eat during the busy farming season. Sometimes it is enough to bring a few steamed buns. When we come later, we will help you." He brings food."

Zhu Guangquan heard the words and said: "Then go back, and bring me something to eat when you come."

"OK then."

About an hour later, Li Gen came from the entrance of the village in a Dongfeng three-wheeler.

In the car, students Xiao Zhang, Song Yi, Yuan Yu, Wang Yaqin and a female reporter stood respectively.

When the three rounds of Dongfeng arrived on the ground, everyone got out of the car and looked at the wheat field that had been cut by a quarter, and they were all stunned.

Didn't you agree to work together?
"Mr. Xu, it's time to eat." Zhu Guangquan, who was already so hungry that his chest was pressed against his back, shouted at Xu Rong.

Looking back, he explained: "Today's highest temperature is 38 degrees. Teacher Xu came earlier to take advantage of the cooler weather in the morning."

"Then why didn't you call us to join us?"

Li Gen glanced at her: "Do you know how to cut wheat?"

Someone who spoke just now dared not speak anymore.

Xu Rong had already stopped at this time, while fanning the wind with his straw hat, looking at the fruits of his labor in the middle of the morning, he was a little dissatisfied.

After all, I haven't landed in seven or eight years, and the efficiency has dropped a lot compared to the past.

He walked to the ground, sat under the shade of a tree, took the bamboo basket Wang Yaqin brought over, called Zhu Guangquan, peeled the eggs, put them in the steamed buns, squeezed them hard, and then bit off a small half.

Zhu Guangquan followed suit, but his eating was a little more gentle than Xu Rong's, which was a rare experience for him.

Xu Rong watched Xiao Zhang, Song Yi and the others spray the sunscreen spray from head to toe and then from foot to head as if they didn't need money, took a sip of water, swallowed the steamed buns, and said, "I'm not a member of the Ancient Tomb Sect today. Saintess?"

He was referring to the way they dressed with only one pair of eyes showing yesterday.


"Teacher Xu is so annoying!"

Seeing that Li Gen was about to cut the wheat with a sickle, Xu Rong reminded: "Put on gloves, we don't have calluses on our hands, and if we don't wear gloves, our palms will blister after a while."

"Oh, okay."

"The edge of the sickle is facing outwards. Have you ever seen pulling the erhu? That's almost what it means. You can easily cut your own leg by pulling the sickle toward your arms like this."

"Bend down, the stubble is too high, and when you turn back to plant corn, your legs will be pierced. That thing is no worse than a sickle in terms of sharpness."

Xu Rong put one steamed bun down three times and then picked up the second one.

Temperatures climbed rapidly as the sun moved into the sky.

Song Yi stood in the sun for half an hour. Although she didn't cut much wheat, she estimated from the amount of sweat she sweated in the past half an hour that she had lost at least half a catty. She planned to see where Xu Rong was. Standing up, her eyes suddenly went dark, but she had anticipated this, and when she looked back, the air was evaporating like boiled water, distorting her vision.

After the initial novelty, Song Yi had conceded in her heart. Taking advantage of Xu Rong's bending over to cut the wheat, she smiled embarrassedly at Zhu Guangquan and the female reporter behind her, and crept to the ground and got under the motor tricycle .

A cool place that won't be discovered by Xu Rong.

Since Song Yi accidentally pushed open the door of the dressing room that day, she had a complete epiphany that she would no longer force herself because of Xu Rong's likes and dislikes.

At worst, he will be expelled from the division!

Anyway, she didn't pay the tuition.

"Oh my god, I'm exhausted." Xiao Zhang stood up with his waist supported, but when he turned his head, he found that Song Yi, who was only a little behind him, had disappeared.

She frowned and looked around, muttering, "Go home and go to the bathroom?"

When her eyes touched the Dongfeng tricycle on the ground, a bold idea suddenly rose in her heart.

She quietly turned her head and glanced at Xu Rong, turned around, smiled embarrassedly at Zhu Guangquan and the female reporter behind her, and also tiptoed towards the wind direction of the three rounds on the ground.

When she got to the side of the car, she lowered herself down and was about to get in, but found that Song Yi was crawling underneath!

Looking at each other, the two of them were like a thief meeting a thief, and they were frightened, but soon, they both understood each other's intentions.


Zhu Guangquan in the distance looked at this scene with a smile, no wonder the two of them couldn't play with Yuan Yu.

Xu Rong seemed to be aware of the movements of the two behind him, but he didn't seem to be aware of it, and he was still cutting the wheat in silence, like the ground under his feet.

Yuan Yu was already exhausted, and now she was relying on a willpower to hold on, the clothes under the sunscreen were soaked, and her body was itchy from the wheatgrass. If you can learn from Miss Zhang, you can go wherever you want.

She squatted on the ground, neither cutting the wheat nor leaving, because Xu Rong was not far in front of her.

"Many years ago, I squatted in this field like you, thinking about why I have to work, can I not work?" Xu Rong wiped the sweat on his neck with a towel, and squatted on the ground not far away. Yuan Yu, "But real farmers don't think about this issue. They have no choice. If they don't work, they have to go hungry, look down on doctors, and can't afford clothes. If you really have a serious illness, even if it only needs two or three million yuan to be cured, most farmers will choose to spend ten yuan to be treated by Feng Shui master.”

"To put it bluntly, you are waiting to die."

"This group is not an individual or a minority. The rural population of our country is currently 9.47 million. At least half of them have been tied to the land all their lives, just maintaining the most basic food and clothing." Xu Rong paused and continued, "Now and It doesn't make much sense for you to say these things, you just need to remember the hard work of the farmers."

Yuan Yu lowered her head, a bead of sweat slipped from her forehead, along her cheeks and chin, and fell straight onto the ground, breaking into several petals.

She stared blankly at the trace of the drop of sweat slowly disappearing under the high temperature, and felt an inexplicable shock. It was only at this moment that she understood that the hard work of farmers is far from "face to the loess and back to the sky" or "hoeing grain". In the afternoon of the day, drops of sweat drop to the soil." It can be summed up.

She raised her head, looked forward and bent down, silent again Xu Rong who was like the land, this was his previous life.

This is the life of [-] million farmers in China.

This is the life of Chinese farmers for more than 2000 years.

Pulling all the wheat to the wheat field, it was already dark, Xu Rong didn't grind it with a stone roller immediately, the strength of a large number of people may not be great, except for Li Gen who can help a little, Xiao Zhang, Song Yi, Yuan Yu and others can only join together head.

These are not areas they are good at, and it is not really excusable. Let them follow them, just to feel the hard work of the farmers.

After dinner, Xu Rong looked at a small book handed over by Zhu Guangquan in surprise, and asked, "Mr. Zhu, what is this?"

Zhu Guangquan smiled and said: "I just went to the city to buy it at Xinhua Bookstore. I asked, they were there more than 20 years ago, and it is the same store as "Up and Down 5000 Years". Teacher Yu Hua's masterpiece "To Live", Mr. Yu Hua said , the vast majority of Chinese people have to endure all kinds of hardships in life, I think this sentence may not be suitable for you, you live, you have to endure an unattractive future."

Xu Rong was stunned for a moment, took it with a smile, and said, "Thank you."

"Actually, you may have misunderstood. I am actually full of expectations for the future."

Xu Rong patted the book lightly, and said with emotion: "Maybe my personal understanding is wrong, that is, our whole society has fallen into a strange circle. The only criterion for learning and doing is to be 'useful', even if the investment income Education with a relatively long cycle is also aimed at being 'useful'. Even our human existence itself is divided into 'useful' and 'useless', talents and non-talents. This is the criterion for judging. It is quite boring. I used to be like this , I always do what I think is useful, and don’t do what is useless. The things I’m doing now are doing some ‘useless’ things, which have nothing to do with life and death.”

After the show ended, Wang Yaqin looked at Li Gen: "Do you believe what Teacher Xu said?"

Li Gen chuckled, squinting his eyes, his expression self-evident: "Do you believe it?"

(End of this chapter)

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