I'm just an actor

Chapter 486 Fighting

Chapter 486 Fighting
It was still dark, and the headlights of the two cars pierced the dark night that enveloped the village, illuminating the narrow and winding concrete road.

Classmate Xiao Zhang, Song Yi and others stood by the side of the road, watching Xu Rong lock the door with the lock, the drowsiness of being forcibly shouted gradually faded a lot.

In the past ten days, for the first time, they experienced physical labor that they had never experienced before, such as pressing the field and cutting wheat. Even the construction of meaningful objects requires complex skills.

At this moment, they were about to return to the capital.

After getting in the car, feeling a little chilly, Xiao Zhang subconsciously tightened his coat, and looked at Xu Rong beside him: "Mr. Xu, when will we come over next time?"

Xu Rong handed the key to Wang Yaqin, who was in the front co-pilot seat, and said, "I probably don't have time to come back for weeding and drought relief. I'll come back when the corn is harvested. You can count the 24 solar terms for the specific time. Wheat is harvested in the ear, and corn is harvested in the autumn equinox." , even if it’s not absolutely accurate, it’s still within a few days.”

Student Xiao Zhang was slightly startled when he heard the words, so that he looked at him curiously. The children in the village, even many young people who were only four or five years younger than Teacher Xu, could no longer call out their names, but he still used the word "hui". Come here to express, what else makes him nostalgic?
Wang Yaqin reminded: "At that time, you were still on the set and couldn't come back."

Her tone was very firm, so firm that people subconsciously thought that there must be the second half of the sentence as a necessary supplement to this firm attitude, but contrary to everyone's expectations, she did not continue to explain the reason for "can't come back".

Xu Rong sensed her unfinished intentions, and said, "Why, what new situation did you learn?"

As he spoke, he glanced at the inside of the car and said, "There are no outsiders here, why, what else can only be heard by me, Xiao Zhang and the others can't know?"

Wang Yaqin blinked and said, "There are some disputes in the creation of the crew."

"The controversy can still be based on 'creation', which shows that the controversy is still within the controllable range, and it is not necessarily a bad thing." Xu Rong smiled, more or less expected what Wang Yaqin said, and Kong Datou Status in the industry, there is a high probability that they cannot hold back the 'suggestions' of so many big-name actors, and most of the crew members are employees of Xiao Zhang's company. It is normal to have differences. "This industry is still different from other industries. As an investor, if you see a proposal and you don’t know any of the directors and actors in it, then you definitely can’t invest in the money. You know all the directors and actors, and you can’t invest in it. When the crew is pulled together, if there is no disagreement , conflicts, let alone hesitation, the capital must be withdrawn immediately, otherwise no matter how much money is spent, it will be in vain.”

Everyone was quietly thinking about the meaning behind Xu Rong's words, except for the two of them. The student Xiao Zhang was fighting desperately with his upper and lower eyelids, as if he was about to fall asleep, but he didn't seem to be asleep yet. Song Yi's eyes widened, and he looked at Yuan Yu beside him in bewilderment. She was distracted just now, why did she miss the important gossip?
"It doesn't matter if you can come back by then."

Xu Rong moved his eyes to Li Gen, who was darker and thinner than when he came, and said, "Li Gen, you must guarantee that I have 4000 catties of corn for the two acres of land."

After nearly ten days of busy farming, Li Gen is no longer the ignorant trainee farmer ten days ago. He glanced through the rearview mirror in bewilderment. The yield per mu is 2000 catties. Even experts dare not boast like that? !

Seeing the determination on Xu Rong's face, he said quietly: "How about I make you a movie with a box office of tens of billions?"


Yuan Yu and Song Yi in the back row giggled, and at the same time, a very inappropriate voice sounded in the car: "Then I want to be the heroine of tens of billions!"


"Mr. Xu, there is a question I have never thought about. What is the significance of our return?" Wang Yaqin took the mobile phone and calculated the expenses of the past ten days. My wheat was only sold for 16.4 yuan, a loss of 1178 yuan.”

Seeing classmate Xiao Zhang's eyelids start to fight again, Xu Rong took out a blanket and covered her body: "What if we spend 16 for a team building?"

"These things are at best a little eye-opening for you, and you know what the essence of the terms 'farm work' and 'farmers' are, but for us." He said, pointing at himself, classmate Xiao Zhang, and Song Yi and Li Gen, "It's very important. For example, in the filming of "White Deer Plain", grievances and grievances are one aspect, but if the grievances and grievances are not based on agricultural production, no matter how wonderful the performance is, it will be a castle in the air."

"Mr. Xu, are you going to shoot "White Deer Plain"?" Song Yi immediately realized the importance of the matter, sat up straight immediately, and took on the responsibility of a senior disciple in a rare way, "Then, as your first student, daughter For such a strenuous role, should I do it?"


Hearing the laughter in the car, Xu Rong glanced at Song Yi in the back row, and said, "Hey, Teacher Song has learned to 'strength'?"

"Then, green comes out of blue." Song Yi shrank his neck and muttered.


As for Xu Rong's "sarcasm", everyone seemed to ignore it, and they were more accustomed to Song Yi's ability to hold back Xu Rong at just the right time.

Xu Rong seems to have completely given up on the idea of ​​cultivating this first disciple with average emotional intelligence, and pinned his hopes on Yuan Yu, who is more transparent and talented.

Xu Rong looked at this scene, the current results were unexpected, and the main purpose of bringing a few people back to harvest crops was not what he said.

After the suspension of "Thunderstorm", he no longer has any repertoire in the theater. This situation is completely harmful to the improvement of his own performance system. Compared with the distant film and television center and actor assessment, these will inevitably affect the direction of talent and art. With the implementation of the major strategy, he currently focuses on two works in Renyi, one is the rehearsal and rerun of the reserved play "Thunderstorm", and the other is to direct and act in a new play.

A new play that has certain practical significance and is more accepted by the masses.

Unexpectedly, the biggest gain of this trip is the strengthening of the cohesion of the core team.

Xiao Zhang is one of the people he trusts the most. The relationship between the two has changed from a teacher and a student to a classmate, and from a classmate to a lover and husband and wife, but the trust has not diminished.

But the distance between the rest of his core team and him is getting stronger and stronger. For example, Li Gen, who he has been training as a younger brother, fears him more than other emotions, and Yuan Yu, who he values ​​most, is getting more and more in front of him. Be cautious.

He can ensure that the small group is always closely surrounding him through interests, but because of the combination of interests, one day in the future it will inevitably fall apart because of interests.

He still has a lot to do. The vast majority of ordinary executives naturally use interests to mobilize and use rules to restrain them. As for the core team, in the absence of common ideas and goals, favors and loyalty are the most important. good choice.

When Xu Rong brought classmate Xiao Zhang and others were about to fly to the capital, in a certain studio in the capital, Yang Mi looked at the latest box office data, as if someone had splashed her head with a basin of water to wash her feet.

Her big-screen debut "The Code of Great Wudang" premiered on July 7 with a box office of 1 million!
Compared with the opening box office of "Drug Wars" of 7300 million half a month ago, God seems to have made a huge joke with her.

In the past, compared with Xu Rong's success, she felt powerless and helpless, but she had never been so desperate at this moment.

In terms of hard work, isn't she hard enough?
In terms of talent, a few years ago, she was often called "good talent" and "spiritual".

She knew that the biggest difference between herself and Xu Rong was that the two chose different directions, but countless precedents in the industry have proved many times that her choice is the right one, a shortcut to the end.

But why are the results of the right choice so ridiculous?
She stared blankly at the dazzling "160" on the screen of her mobile phone, and once again tasted the pain of missing out on the honor of "Behind the Scene". The 160 million premiere box office has already declared her failure to hit the big screen for the first time. According to the law of film and television actors, The next shock will probably take another three years of dormancy to accumulate popularity.

But for an actress who is already eating a bowl of youth, how many three years can she have in her life?

Before the movie was released, Yang Mi had already made relatively bad plans, but she never thought that the situation would deteriorate to this point. The number of screens in the country is fixed, which means that no matter how many movies are released at the same time, the total box office is impossible. Exceeded the "productivity" of theaters at that time.

When the cake is so big, if someone cuts an extra piece, someone will definitely be hungry. In summer, European and American blockbusters will be released together. The release date of "Big Wudang" is forced to be at the same time as "Ice Age 4". I know that I lack the level of Jin Fangfang. It is impossible for "Great Wudang" to win the myth of "Drug Wars" with a box office of 2.5 million in three days, so she expects the total box office of "Great Wudang" to be around 1 million.

The minimum expectation is 8000 million.

Without a box office of 8000 million, she would be abandoned by the film market immediately.

and many more.

Yang Mi quickly turned her attention to "Ice Age 4", this European and American blockbuster that has received much attention.

The box office on the first day was 2100 million.


She immediately realized that something was wrong. The total box office of the day was limited. The total box office of "Ice Age 4" and "Great Wudang" was only 2260 million, but July 7st was the first day of the summer vacation, so the box office shouldn't be so low .

When her eyes shifted and she saw that a "niche movie" that was supposed to be removed from the shelves yesterday continued to lead the summer schedule with a box office of 4700 million in a single day, she almost didn't come up in one breath.

As of July 7, when Xu Rong broke his career box office record, the total box office of "Drug Wars" climbed to 1 million, surpassing "The Avengers" in one fell swoop, and became the second largest box office in 5.5 after "Titanic". , "Mission: Impossible 2012" annual box office runner-up.

Yang Mi stared blankly at the news, doubting the correctness of her choice for the first time.

Although Xu Rong was equally brilliant in the past, she never doubted herself, because Xu Rong's current industry status is more derived from the combination of drama actors and film and television actors, but if it is purely in the film and television industry, she believes that marketing is king strategy.

But for someone like Xu Rong who never sells himself, it is reasonable for "The Founding of the Party" to earn 5 million at the box office, but it is simply unreasonable for the second film to earn 16 million at the box office within 5.5 days of its release.

She suddenly remembered the general characteristics of those big bosses that Xu Rong accidentally mentioned during the meal, firstly, they were not very happy, and secondly, they were all stubborn and firmly believed that their ideas were correct.

At the moment when her concept was impacted, she did not choose to follow the trend, but to analyze the deep-seated reasons. In the end, she tapped her finger on the screen of the mobile phone, and a girl with a round face and big eyes popped up on the web page.

After opening her mind, she suddenly realized that Xu Rong did not market himself, but Jin Fangfang behind him was the best marketing agent in the film and television industry.

A manager who can praise Xu Xing as a first-line artist without any works.

Unlike Yang Mi who started to analyze Jin Fangfang's marketing ideas and strategies and turned them into her own use, after the box office data came out on July 7, the market immediately went crazy, as if she wanted to use the greatest praise in the world for "Drug Wars superior.

Since the second day after "Drug War" was released, most insightful people in the market have realized that Du Qifeng's so-called "only 15 days of release" is just a gimmick created by the publisher of "Drug War".

With the momentum of "Drug Wars" in full swing in June, even if it loses in the competition with European and American blockbusters after July 6, it is afraid that at least another 7 million box office can be reaped.

But in July, the performance of "Drug Wars" completely broke the consistent characteristics of Chinese-language films "insiders in civil wars, outsiders in foreign wars". Showing a posture of riding the dust, and miraculously suppressing the high-profile European and American super blockbuster "Ice Age 7" 6 days after its release.


The entire film market was in an uproar.

Different from Yang Mi's focus on Jin Fangfang's use of selling patriotism, petty bourgeoisie, and other human-oriented marketing strategies in the marketing strategy of "Drug Wars", the market once again focused on a phenomenon that the TV drama industry did not dare to ignore in the past. .

Produced by Xu Rong!

Although the use of light and shadow and the composition style of "Drug War" are generally similar to Du Qifeng's previous style, the humanistic spirit in it is a typical feature of "produced by Xu Rong".

And after half a month of accumulation, word-of-mouth brewing, especially after suppressing "Ice Age 4" in the box office competition, the evaluation of "Drug Wars" on the Internet and the media instantly reached unprecedented heights.

""Drug Wars" pays tribute to the guardians of the people and the conscience of filmmakers!"

"This summer vacation, you must watch this Chinese movie "The Light of Light."

"On June 6th, Xu Rong will be the producer, who will fight!"

(End of this chapter)

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