I'm just an actor

Chapter 487 Curious

Chapter 487 Curious
"Mom, I'm exhausted."

Under the darkness, Xiao Zhang parked the car, loosened the seat belt, but did not get out of the car immediately, but lay on the seat and sighed heavily.

They entered the house at noon, although her arms were sore and her legs were sore, but she did not rest at home, she put down the salute, and took Yuan Yu, Wang Yaqin, and Song Yi to do facials and hair removal non-stop after a little tidying up.

If it wasn't for the time limit, she still needs to do hair and body care. The reason why she finally chose to do face and hair removal is because it has been 11 days since the last facial treatment, which is 4 days beyond the normal period, and the latter is also more than the original schedule. The program period is 6 days.

She is a girl from the north, compared to Yang Mi, Yuan Yu and others who grew up in the south and lived very delicately, she has never paid much attention to these things.

For her, a water cream suitable for her skin type is enough.

But the card was recharged by Teacher Xu, and she was clearly told that the balance would be cleared at the end of each year.

In order not to waste, Xu Xing, Jia Ling, Song Yi, Wang Yaqin, Yuan Yu, Jia Ling, three college classmates and even Jin Fangfang, she can usually catch one by one, because she and Xu Xing can't use up the balance in the card.

What made her feel most desperate was that although there was a lot of credit in the card, it could only be used to buy nursing care.

Song Yi, who was sitting in the passenger seat, got out of the car mechanically. After a while, he didn't see Xiao Zhang coming down, and opened the car door again, looking at her suspiciously.

"Why are you still sitting?"

Classmate Xiao Zhang picked up the bag and said uncertainly: "You said that we will join the group tomorrow, will we be scolded?"

"Ms. Xu is very fierce on the set?"

Xiao Zhang got out of the car, slung the bag around his neck, and brought out the big bag and small bag from the back row: "It's not him, you haven't heard, many teachers have very weird personalities on the set, just like Teacher Chen, angry See who scolds whom."

"But you are an investor!"

Xiao Zhang’s eyes suddenly lit up, and after being reminded by Song Yi, she finally realized that she was the major shareholder of the producer of “Peking”, but the light immediately faded: “But, I didn’t give them any money. Pay, don't they have no worries about scolding?"


The two entered the door happily, the wall lamp on the first floor was on, but there was no one, but the corridor lamp on the second floor was brightly lit.

Considering that grandpa lived on the first floor, the two deliberately lowered their voices since they entered the door. When they went up to the second floor, Song Yi turned to the bedroom on the right next to the study, and said, "Go back to sleep."

There are many rooms on the second floor, but usually only Xu Rong and Xiao Zhang live there.

Although the second bedroom next to the master bedroom and the bedroom next to the study are unoccupied most of the time, they are also private rooms.

One is for Xu Xing, and the other is for Song Yi.

If it wasn't for Xu Xing's unwillingness, Xu Rong would have wished to let Xu Xing live in the master bedroom.

Although she does not live at home more than 3 days a month.

Xiao Zhang raised the cake in his hand, shook it in front of Song Yi, and looked at her suspiciously: "You don't want to eat?"

They haven't had dinner yet, and they are about to join the filming team, so they must maintain their best figure!
But after discussing on the way back, they agreed that a regular diet is a necessary and sufficient condition for losing weight.

"Ah." Song Yi looked at the cake, his throat moved subconsciously, "But he will get fat."

"Don't you get fat if you drink water?" Xiao Zhang looked at her encouragingly, "It's better to eat something good."

Song Yi frowned, what Miss Zhang said seemed to be fine?
In the study room a few meters away, Xu Rong sat on the chair with his buttocks and left foot, holding a cigar in his hand, and gently sniffing at the tip of his nose, but his eyes were fixed on the computer screen where the picture was frozen, with a rare look of doubt on his face.

What is playing on the computer is the material of "All Quiet in Peking".

The plot is that the rations that should have been distributed to 10,000+ students have not been fulfilled due to the systemic corruption of the party and the state. Students from major colleges and universities in Beiping and Northeast China surrounded North China to suppress the general. The focus of the pressure is the deputy director of the People's Food Allocation Committee. The scene where Ma Hanshan called President Kong of the Yangtse Company to urge food when he was desperate.

At this time, the freeze-frame picture shows Ma Hanshan, played by Cheng Yu, sitting on the table, holding the telephone receiver in his left hand, and stretching out three fingers in his right hand to take out a handful of tea leaves from a teacup and stuff them into his mouth.

Xu Rong and Cheng Yu are neither unfamiliar nor familiar, but they know that this is one of the few peers who can play both positive and negative roles very well. When he hit the TV drama grand slam two years ago, Cheng Yu is one of his strongest competitors on the road to Grand Slam.

I came back today and looked at the recent shooting materials of "Peking", and he had a vague feeling that if Cheng Yu could perform stably, there was at least a [-]% probability that "Peking" would hit Magnolia.

Every character in "Peking" is quite complicated. Ma Hanshan is snobbish, arrogant, greedy for money and even ridiculous. He is full of quack habits, but this is only one side of his character.

So far, Cheng Yu has shown this side to the fullest. As for the other side, probably the related scenes have not yet started filming, so he doesn't know for the time being.

But what puzzled him was that he couldn't fully understand Cheng Yu's performance.

Performance is an external and internal process. Conversely, through the external presentation, the internal skills and mental image construction can also be generally inferred.

It is unreasonable that a shrewd and ruthless villain can make people laugh like a comedy without the comedy plot endowed by the script, and without the use of low-end skills such as stuttering and squinting eyes.

"Tuk Tuk."

Xu Rong raised her eyebrows when she heard the knock on the door. The rhythm of the knock on the door was very short. This is Xiao Zhang's style. guilty conscience.

He raised his head without making a sound, as he expected, with a "click", the door opened.

Classmate Xiao Zhang came in with a small dish of cake: "Mr. Xu, are you hungry? I bought a cake specially for you."

Xu Rong put his left foot down on the chair, put the cigars into the wooden box, and asked, "Didn't you buy my favorite milk tea?"

He said and added: "Shuangpin, big cup, less ice, three-point sugar!"

Classmate Xiao Zhang couldn't hold back anymore, and said sternly, "Are you still eating?"

"Eat, eat, eat."

Xu Rong took the plate and said, "I asked Sister Liu to leave food for you, and put it in the refrigerator. You can eat it after heating it up."

Sister Liu is Zhang Yang's new nanny.

"Ah, we ate."

Xiao Zhang blinked his eyes, not wanting to discuss food anymore, and quickly changed the subject: "Have you read the news, "Drug Wars" was the No. 2 box office yesterday, compared to the No.4 "Ice Age 2600" It's a full 160 million more, Yang Mi is probably going to die of anger, only [-] million."

"It's not Jin Fangfang's fault."

Xu Rong sighed, and the smile on his face gradually faded. Now, he feels more and more that Yourong Media, under the leadership of Jin Fangfang, is like a runaway wild horse, which has completely exceeded his original "small workshop" positioning.

"Sister Fangfang?"

Xu Rong let out a "huh" and said, "Do you still remember Jin Fangfang's promotional strategy of 'unpopular domestic films that pay tribute to the defenders of the people' proposed by Jin Fangfang when "Drug War" was first released?"


Xu Rong shook his head with a wry smile, and said, "Actually, I didn't expect her goal to be a European and American blockbuster that will be released this month."

Xiao Zhang punched his nostrils and made a confused nasal sound: "Huh?"

"If you think about it carefully, what will people think when the two concepts of 'paying tribute to the guardian of the people' and 'domestic' are put together with the concepts of 'unpopular in the market' and 'niche'?" Xu Rong said with a piece of grass I don’t know if it’s sour or for other reasons, and my teeth shuddered slightly, “This is a relatively hidden way of selling patriotism, which is better than those on the Internet who say, ‘If you don’t buy a mobile phone, you’re not patriotic’. , "If you don't buy a car, you are not patriotic" is more clever, but the essence is the same. To put it mildly, it is called moral kidnapping, and to put it more seriously, it is called ulterior motives."

"Drug Wars" can suppress "Ice Age 4", not just the quality of the film, Jin Fangfang's marketing strategy is the most effective in any nation or country with a unified cultural identity, especially against "Ice Age 4" This exotic cultural entertainment product.

But Xu Rong was faintly worried that the success of "Drug Wars" would inevitably cause all walks of life to imitate, eventually forming some extreme phenomenon.

Jin Fangfang and "Drug Wars" are not the initiators of this kind of behavior, but because of the huge influence of film and television works, this kind of marketing strategy is more likely to be learned, researched and even carried forward by marketing practitioners in other industries.

But this kind of behavior itself is a cancer-like existence in the film industry, and it provides a super shortcut for filmmakers.

Film creators no longer need to seriously dig out the problems existing in society and reflect the expectations of the public. As long as they keep selling their feelings, they can help capital keep harvesting the audience's wallets.

The most successful use of this marketing strategy was in a Central European country more than 80 years ago.

Xiao Zhang looked at Xu Rong's eyes of "you understand what's going on", and nodded thoughtfully: "You mean, Sister Fangfang is very good at deceiving people?"

Xu Rong was slightly suffocated, under the attention of Xiao Zhang, he hesitated for a moment, and then said: "You are right when you say that."

"Then will she cheat me?" Xiao Zhang was a little worried, "I signed a lot of signed materials before without reading."

"will not."

"How can you be sure?"

Listening to Xu Rong's determined tone, student Xiao Zhang didn't feel at ease: "I didn't understand the meaning of many professional terms in those documents, so I signed them in a daze."

Xu Rong put the last bite of the cake into his mouth, and said, "You are still the boss of the two companies, do you know the essence of management?"


"It's human."

Xu Rong was about to put the plate into the trash can next to it, but was stopped by classmate Xiao Zhang, who said, "I'll cut another piece for you."

"Come on, the cake isn't that big, I'll eat it if you two still have something to eat?"

"Then, it's fine if you don't eat it." Xiao Zhang pushed the boat along, "What does it mean to be human?"

""Mencius" says that "the benevolent loves others, and the courteous ones respect others. Those who love others will always love them, and those who respect others will always respect them." Its core intention is not simply to teach people to respect and love others, but what it wants to express is As ancient moral standards and resource allocators, the premise of "benevolent people" and "polite people" is to respect and love people. When translated into vernacular, it means all processes, rules, structures, and a series of means to serve management. The core of which is administrator."

"Because as long as there are rules, there must be loopholes."

Seeing the confusion in Xiao Zhang's eyes but trying to keep his brows stretched, Xu Rong didn't continue talking. Xiao Zhang hasn't learned "36 Strategies" yet, and high-end things like "The Analects of Confucius" and "Mencius" are for her. It's so profound.


Out of the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of Song Yi poking his head outside the door, but quickly retracted, he couldn't help shouting: "Song Yi, what are you doing at the cat's door?"

As if being pardoned, classmate Xiao Zhang said crisply and authentically: "Hey, then I won't disturb your work."

Then he withdrew and left with lightning speed, and when he passed the door, he slammed the door behind him, cutting off Xu Rong's sight.

Seeing Xiao Zhang close the door, Song Yi who was standing at the door also let out a sigh of relief.

One thing she learned today caused Xu Rong's impression in her heart to undergo an earth-shaking change.

When she was removing hair, she found that Miss Zhang actually kept the hair in the secret place, which made her unable to understand. For women, hair removal is not only for looking good, but also for maintaining hygiene when they come to the aunt.

But Miss Zhang just missed the key point.

She didn't hesitate, and asked out the doubts in her heart at that time.

Then she learned a big secret, Teacher Xu's strong request!
God! ! !

The first time she saw Xu Rong was at the recruitment site. After entering Renyi, Xu Rong took her seniors. Although Xu Rong is only two years older than her, the image of Xu Rong in her heart has always been A serious yet kind teacher, his status is no less than Yu Yu and his predecessors.

She usually failed his expectations deliberately because she gradually realized that she would never be able to meet his requirements, and it would be better not to have any hope than to disappoint him in the future.

But at this moment, she didn't know how to face Xu Rong.

She really couldn't imagine that Mr. Xu, who is usually so serious and talented, turned out to be an old pervert? !

It's like a fan chasing a star, halfway through the chase, and suddenly discovers that the handsome and shining "husband" looks like a bald head.

Intellectually, she felt it was reasonable, but emotionally, the gap was too strong for her to accept for a while.

At this time, Xu Rong looked at Cheng Yu who was pinching a handful of tea leaves and stuffing them into his mouth on the screen, and became more and more curious.

The Ma Hanshan created by Cheng Yu has a peculiar appeal, and this appeal gives him a "wild" feeling.

After thinking about it for a while, he still had no clue, so he stopped digging into dead ends and closed the computer gently.

In the end, we'll see when we arrive at the crew tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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