Chapter 488

In the dark room, Liu Heping, who was sleeping soundly, suddenly woke up from his dream. Looking at the direction of the window, he was still in a daze. Only then did he realize that he was just dreaming. After taking a long breath, the tense muscles all over his body slowly relaxed. Relax.

After lying on the bed for a while, he reached out and took a look at the mobile phone on the bedside table.

Four quarters past four.

He closed his eyes again, but he couldn't fall asleep no matter what. The turmoil in the crew for the past month was like the material of filming, which could not stop appearing in front of his eyes.

He saw all the big and small things in the crew, but he didn't intervene too much. Firstly, the leader once said that there is no party in the party is the emperor's thinking. Secondly, he is not good at handling these trivial matters, so as long as it can be maintained , he turned a blind eye.

Nearly a hundred people live and eat together every day, and they also have to work together to achieve the same goal, and bumps and bumps are always inevitable.

Just like his doubts about Kong Datou's style.

He does not disapprove of Kong Datou's professional ability. Kong Datou's directing level is top-notch in the industry, and his use of color, composition, and light and shadow is at its peak. However, the use of camera language always gives him a feeling that he is not satisfactory.

"Peking" is a work he created with three years of painstaking efforts. He consulted a large amount of materials from the mainland, Taiwan, Taiwan and Taiwan for every plot, and there are vague images in his mind of every scene.

Kong Datou can basically meet his requirements.

But that's about it.

He couldn't help but think of the scene of Yang Liren in the TV series "The Right Way in the World is Vicissitudes" who took the ferry to Taiwan after the defeat of the national army.

Yang Liren is full of passion and ambition to save the country, but the building will collapse, and his efforts will only add to the misery of the little people under the torrent of history.

Zhang Li used a very strange lens when filming Yang Liren going to Taiwan.

Under the dark and low sky, the whistle of the ship roared. Yang Liren stood on the bow of the ship in military uniform, leaning on the side of the ship, and the hem of the military coat fluttered in the wind.

Without any words, movements or even voiceovers, Zhang Li only captures the rattling clothes and the dark sky through the angled lens, and the heavy and desolate feeling of history blows over his face.

Screenwriters can describe such emotions through gorgeous or simple rhetoric, but it is a difficult technical task for the director to convey them to the audience as they are.

If directing is an exam, Zhang Li scored 100 points for "The Right Way in the World Is the Vicissitudes of Life", and Kong Sheng also scored 100 points for "Peking", which has been filmed so far.

But Zhang Li scored 100 points in the test because the total score of the test paper was only 100 points.

Liu Heping couldn't help but think of Xu Rong who was about to join the group. It was widely rumored in the industry that "Supervisor Xu Rong" would improve the overall standard of film and television works. As a practitioner, he actually knew very well that it was just rumors, and Xu Rong could not change anything.

In terms of acting, Xu Rong is an expert, but in terms of directing level, he probably doesn't deserve to lift Kong Datou's shoes.

But he still looks forward to Xu Rong's arrival.

Xu Rong is not only the leading actor and actual investor of "Peking", but also the core link of the entire production team.

What's more, the name of the person, the shadow of the tree, and Xu Rong's reputation in the industry should be able to calm down the thorns that are not easy to restrain on weekdays.


Liu Heping turned on the bedside lamp and picked up the "Ming Shilu" on the side of the bed. After the production of "Peking" is completed, he will start writing a new script.

"Da Ming Dynasty 1587".

Different from "The Great Ming Dynasty 1566", the protagonists of the new script will be transferred from Jiajing and Hai Rui to Zhang Juzheng and Hai Rui, focusing on the story of "two people standing on the top of the mountain and looking at each other at the foot of the mountain".


The hotel's sound insulation is not very good. As soon as the light in Liu Heping's room was turned on, Kong Sheng next door immediately noticed it. He even knew that Liu Heping had formed the habit of getting up at five in the morning every day.


Sure enough, about 5 minutes later, the sound of the toilet flushing came from the next door.

He can naturally see Liu Heping's occasional regrets, but as a director, he feels not only physically exhausted, but more importantly, mentally tired.

The entire production team is also top-level configuration in the film industry, but many things in this world do not follow the rule of one plus one equals two. According to domestic practice, directors have the right to modify the script more or less according to their own ideas, but The existence of Liu Heping, the "top supporting screenwriter", led to the complete deprivation of this right that belonged to him.

Also according to the usual practice, actors should perform according to the effect required by the director, but there are too many big names in the crew, and sometimes he has to compromise even for the sake of affection, for example, some actors with a certain reputation in the industry come as guest stars. It really can't be justified without even giving a close-up.

What bothered him the most was the estrangement between the director team and the various working groups. Now, he completely put an end to his plan to fool the Hong Kong team into his home.

Firstly, because he was Xu Rong’s person, he didn’t want to offend Xu Rong for this, and secondly, these Hong Kong people all had their eyes on their foreheads. If he hadn’t forced him, he would have formed a bright face with the director. conflict.

It is very efficient, but it is not easy to use.

Now, he can understand why "producer Xu Rong" is easy to produce high-quality products. With Xu Rong's influence and skills, the director will indeed lose part of the right to speak in the process of cooperating with him, but he himself can coordinate all parts and reduce Unnecessary friction.

Because of his existence, he will suppress and resolve all the contradictions and disputes within the crew.

On the one hand, he expected Xu Rong to come over soon, on the other hand, he didn't want to see Xu Rong.

Xu Rong will copy the materials he shoots every day, but so far, he has not heard a single word of affirmative or negative answer.

If you don't say you are satisfied, you are not satisfied. This is the basic rule in dealing with adults.

At the other end of the corridor, Cheng Yu opened his eyes inexplicably.

He usually sleeps well, but today he rarely suffered from insomnia. He probably drank two extra sips of water during the rehearsal last night.

The Ma Hanshan he played was based on Ma Hansan, the former head of the Beiping Station of the Security Bureau.

Ma Hansan was born in an ordinary family in Panggezhuang, and later joined the Northwest Army, and then transferred to Director Dai, and was deeply appreciated by him.

Director Dai once said to Ma Hansan, "Ma Hansan, I use him as a 'dictionary' to 'look up'.", "His social activity ability is quite strong, and he usually mixes with traitor groups, which is like mixing with red gangsters." The team is the same, no one will be aware of him.” Waiting for comments, Ma Hanshan was executed because he supported Li Delin to replace the principal.

From a peasant boy, Ma Hanshan climbed to the position of head of the Beiping Station of the Secrecy Bureau and director of the Civil Affairs Bureau in one of the five major cities of Beijing, Shanghai, Pingjin, and Guangzhou in the political arena of the Republic of China. He must have something extraordinary.

In Cheng Yu's view, if Ma Hanshan was born in a contemporary era where the distribution of resources is relatively fair, his achievements may be higher.

He understands these principles, but he lacks "Ma Hanshan" around him, so he doesn't know what advantages and disadvantages he should have.

The object he wanted to observe was Xu Rong. Although Xu Rong is a junior in the show business circle, he has one of the highest status. Moreover, Xu Rong and Ma Hansan's experiences are very similar. They are both good at making money and occupying high positions. The similar growth environment and social status will inevitably lead to similar parts in the way they behave and even their personalities.

But he was full of plans, he and Xu Rong had only had a few face-to-face meetings, and Xu Rong's attitude was like a deep pool from the beginning to the end.

Is Ma Hanshan such a person?
Cheng Yu didn't know, he wasn't even sure if the Xu Rong he saw was the real Xu Rong.

But he was sure that Xu Rong could become the deputy director of Renyi and Chinese Opera at a young age, and it was by no means as simple as "good at flattering" as some gossip said.

He planned to observe Xu Rong carefully when he entered the group, try to see the bright spots in him as much as possible, and then integrate into the role of Ma Hanshan.

Time passed bit by bit, and the silence in the hotel was gradually diluted. Chen Mengmeng slowly opened her sleepy eyes. As she got up from the bed, the sleepiness in her expression gradually faded away, and she became more cautious. .

She is the financial director and management representative of the crew of "Peking". Before Xu Rong joined the crew, she was theoretically one of the highest decision makers of the crew.

The reason why she can be the financial director of such a huge investment is not because of her outstanding ability, just like her immediate boss Zhang Yang, who doesn't really understand financial management.

She is a veteran of Yourong Media. Before joining Xu Rong's studio, she was the general back office of a large state-owned life insurance company.

In the past, she worked step by step every day, with almost no big disturbances. Zhang Yang didn't know much about finance and could only control the ins and outs of funds, rather than some seemingly professional but layman leaders who love to direct blindly all day long.

But after entering the crew as a management representative, she realized that financial work is far from the work she did in the past.

Technical work is simple, but when it comes to management, communication immediately becomes quite complicated.

According to the regulations, most expenses cannot be reported. For example, if you buy a light tube, the invoiced one costs 60 yuan, and the same brand only costs 40 yuan without an invoice.

Which to choose?

From a management point of view, it is necessary to choose 60 yuan. Standardization will cause certain losses, but non-standardization will inevitably lead to greater losses.

If you consider it purely from the perspective of cost, 60 yuan may not be a reasonable choice.

Most of the conflicts are born because of money. As the custodian of the funds rather than the owner, it is also one of the concentrated points of the contradictions.

The daily expenditure of the crew is not a small amount. She has to work hard every day to avoid being taken advantage of to enrich her own pockets. The composition of the crew is too complicated. There are all kinds of people here, even Hooligans and rascals are also common.

She also knows that no matter how strict she is, as long as there is capital exchange, it is inevitable that someone will benefit from it.

This is an unavoidable problem for any organization.

Only in the last few days has she relaxed slightly.

Teacher Xu is finally coming.

Her impression of Mr. Xu has changed several times. Before joining Xu Rong's studio, she even thought that he was omnipotent and one of the most perfect men on the planet.

But after she got to know more after entering the company, she gradually realized that Xu Rong was just an ordinary person.

To a certain extent, they are even inferior to ordinary people. When choosing a script, ordinary people will most likely not reject a script like "Latent", which is bound to be a hit, and they will not fill so many related accounts as important management positions in the company.

For example Zhang Yang, Wang Yaqin, Li Gen and others.

From her past feelings, the main reason why Mr. Xu has his status today is that he has a powerful and outrageous manager.

Artists without any works by Xu Xing can be promoted by her, and there is a high probability that there will be no big difference if they are replaced by others.

As an employee of Yourong Media, Xu Rong is far less glamorous than in the past in his eyes. The company's development to today is basically due to Sister Fangfang alone. Maybe the company may develop even better if someone else is the boss. good.

What makes her most dissatisfied is that her salary is too low.

But after she came to the crew and started to take charge of her own work, she realized how wrong she had been in the past.

Although there were all kinds of obedience and injustice, no one ever found fault with her face to face, and everyone was quite kind and even polite to her.

In the one month since the filming started, Mr. Xu has only shown one side of the crew, but he seems to exist at any time, especially in the past few days, she even found that the entire film crew has worked hard a lot, and the actors who usually complain No more complaining.

The assistant director who had quarreled with her before even bought her two boxes of fruit yesterday, and that bright smile made her feel a little uncomfortable.

This made her suddenly realize that the reason why the crew supported her was not because she was in charge of the money, because Teacher Liu Heping had the right to withdraw the money.

The reason why my status is detached is because I come from Yourong Media, because behind me is Teacher Xu.

In the past two days, she suddenly became curious about what kind of charm Mr. Xu possessed, which made Sister Fang Fang, who is so capable, wholeheartedly work for him, and made Zhang Yang, Wang Yaqin, and Li Gen follow him wholeheartedly, and made so many colleagues stand in awe.

At this time, Xu Rong was on his way to the set.

Glancing at classmate Xiao Zhang and Song Yi who had already returned to the cage, he pulled the curtain of the car window slightly, leaving only a gap, and looking at the cold street outside the window through the gap, he couldn't help but think of "Da Ming Dynasty 1566" seven years ago. "The past events during the filming period.

At that time, Chen Baoguo was the biggest actor in the crew, but he never felt superior to others just because he was the actor.

In recent years, with the rise of his status in the industry and the expansion of his influence, he has inevitably become stronger in his actions, which has also led to mixed evaluations among his peers.

"Produced by Xu Rong" is not a good word.

After a period of labor reform, he regained a little bit of the mentality he had when he first entered the society.

 Recently, I have been troubled at work and delayed the update. I think Hong is young, his subordinates are obsessed with others, and colleagues are also tempted in various ways. After Hong cleans up and behaves, the grandsons will update normally.

(End of this chapter)

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