I'm just an actor

Chapter 489 Features

Chapter 489 Features
It was midsummer, and the weather in Beijing was so hot that people couldn't breathe, but the entire film crew in the studio was quiet, as if they were not affected by the sweltering weather at all, and even the necessary communication was deliberately lowered.

Holding the unfolded script in one hand and fanning the wind in the other, Cheng Yu listened to the slender-faced executive director Wang Yongquan finish the play. The fan in his hand suddenly stopped. With a tabletop 60 cm wide, a bit of embarrassment appeared on his face.

Wang Yongquan also knew that the request was a bit "too much" for Cheng Yu, looking at his expression mixed with three points of encouragement, three points of expectation, and four points of pleading, he said in a low voice: "Teacher Cheng, I hope you can overcome this problem." .”


The lack of food in Peking due to corruption at the upper echelons of the Kuomintang led to student unrest as the beginning of the whole drama, with anti-corruption and auditing as clues. On the surface, it is a conflict caused by something, but in essence it is a contest between people or between groups.

The same is true of "Peking", which not only shows the struggle between the country and the Communist Party under the background of a special era, but also shows the life-and-death contest caused by the different interest demands of various factions within the Kuomintang.

Ma Hanshan, played by Cheng Yu, is the director of the Beiping Civil Affairs Bureau and the former head of the Beiping Station of the Secrecy Bureau. As a matter of course, he became the core figure in the entire corruption incident. Before many bigwigs at the top of the Kuomintang went down in person, Ma Hanshan indisputably became the focus of contradictions in the struggle of multiple forces.

The scene to be filmed is that due to lack of food, students besieged North China again to suppress the general. In order to avoid the five-person investigation team sent by Nanjing, Ma Han hid in the polling warehouse warehouse to urge food to the Yangzi Company run by the Kong family. plot.

The description in the original text of the script is: Ma Hanshan has already stood on the table at this time, holding the microphone with both hands, lest the microphone will fall off, his body sometimes turns left and sometimes right. .

For young actors, this physical performance is hardly too difficult, but with Cheng Yu's chubby figure, it is hard not to doubt whether he can stand on a 60 cm wide table to complete a series of performances.

With Cheng Yu's fame and status in the industry, and an ordinary small crew, the director must have changed his tricks long ago.

However, Kong Sheng did not immediately raise objections to Liu Heping. At the beginning of the cooperation between the two, Liu Heping put forward the only condition that the script should not be changed.

He didn't want to conflict with Liu Heping because of such a trivial matter.

Secondly, he had already written the script for this scene. Cheng Yu stood on the table, bent over, holding the microphone with both hands, as if holding a life-saving straw.

Cheng Yu and Wang Yongquan were in a stalemate for a few seconds, without saying anything, reached out and pressed the tabletop, took a breath, and said, "Please help me up."

Without Cheng Yu's words, Wang Yongquan had already held his arm.

Cheng Yu stepped on the stool and just stepped on the table with one foot, before the weight of his body was fully supported, the table immediately made an overwhelmed "click" sound.

Cheng Yu withdrew his feet and said incredulously: "Director Wang, I can't help stepping on this, let's change another table."

A middle-aged man in the props group not far away changed his face when he heard the words. "Change a table" is very simple, but he has been busy for a long time, but the most important thing right now is to ensure normal shooting.

In order to strive for authenticity, the props used by the crew have fixed style characteristics, and many props are specially customized. The cooperative furniture factory can make them with an extra fee, but they may not be able to make them old.

Kong Sheng Wang Yongquan beckoned, and after he understood what was going on, he called Luo Jinfu, who also served as the coordinator, over with his usual expression, and asked in a low voice, "Mr. Luo, can you adjust the shooting sequence?"

"We can shoot Teacher Zhang Xilin first." Luo Jinfu's Mandarin is still not standard, but it is enough for Kong Sheng to understand what he wants to express, "but he only has one line."

Zhang Xilin plays Wang Xingxing, the chief dispatcher in the play.

Luo Jinfu looked at Kong Sheng's gradually serious face. There was almost no expression on his round face, and he said in a business-like tone: "Teacher Dong Yong can only come here at night."

Other scenes in this scene require Dong Yong to act, and Dong Yong's absence means that the first day the boss joins the crew, the film crew may have to waste most of the day, and maybe even only one scene can be filmed today.

Kong Sheng once again had an extremely uncomfortable feeling. The production team of Yourong Media is really "dedicated", just like Luo Jinfu right now, he can know exactly which scenes are in every scene, and he can also arrange the shooting work He is so organized that no one can find any flaws, but there is only one thing, he only does what he is supposed to do, and he never asks more questions about things that have nothing to do with him.

Not only Luo Jinfu, but all the people from Yourong Media are like this. Everyone can do their work very well, but that's all.

In order to be able to shoot smoothly, he replaced some key personnel of the crew with his own people, such as the team leaders of several teams.

The tabletop of the prop table made of plywood couldn't bear Cheng Yu's weight. To put it mildly, it was due to the negligence of the props team.

However, with such a large production crew, hundreds of thousands of expenses per day, according to industry practice, everyone will take what they should get.

He glanced at his watch, it was already [-]:[-], Teacher Xu would be here soon.

Xu Rong is the lead actor, but in addition to his identity as the lead actor, he is also an investor. On the first day he joined the group, he saw the whole group resting and waiting for props or transitions. There is a high probability that they would doubt his ability as a director.

He turned his head, looked at Liu Chao, the head of the props team who was tall and thin, and asked, "Liu Chao, how long will it take you to get the table?"

After a moment of hesitation on Liu Chao's dark face under the peaked cap, he said, "Four hours."

Kong Sheng said nothing, just stared at him expressionlessly.

"The budget is so tight, I can't pay for it myself." Liu Chao saw that Kong Sheng was about to eat him alive, and gradually lowered his voice, "I'll arrange it right away."

Kong Sheng stared at the pig teammate, and a ray of evil fire burst out of his heart inexplicably.

But in the end he suppressed the anger, getting angry would not solve the problem, and would only burn through the wrapping paper.

Kong Sheng turned his head slowly, looked at Liu Heping who was sitting safely on the chair, took out the cigarette in his pocket and walked over.

When he arrived in front of Liu Heping, he slapped two lines on both sides of the bridge of his nose, and said, "Old Liu, look, it's really inconvenient for Mr. Cheng, why don't we let him sit on the table?"

Liu Heping saw everything that happened before, and naturally understood what Kong Sheng meant. He hoped that he would change the script so that the crew could shoot smoothly today.

But why didn't Cheng Yu's weight be considered in advance when purchasing props?

Is it not thoughtful, or other reasons?
His gaze slowly passed Liu Chao, the head of the props team.

At this time, Liu Chao was not worried about doing something wrong, but looked as if he had been greatly wronged.

That's right, every item of the crew's expenses was compressed so there was no room for maneuvering, which was unreasonable for Liu Chao, who was used to the rake rules.

A flash of lightning suddenly flashed across his mind, and a doubt that he had been puzzling over recently was suddenly solved. Thanks to the overwhelming evaluation of "Da Ming Dynasty 1566" on the Internet, he is preparing to continue writing "Da Ming Dynasty 1587" recently, telling the story The content of the book is the story between Hai Rui standing at the foot of the mountain and Zhang Juzheng standing on the top of the mountain in the post-Jiajing era.

In the process of consulting materials, he gradually felt that Zhang Juzheng, a historical figure, was getting farther and farther away from him and became more and more unfamiliar. He was always strict with others and lenient with himself. In terms of bribery, he was relentless. He asked his subordinates to abide by the basic rules of feudal society, but he himself was the biggest breaker of the rules. .

The most typical example is the 19th year of Hongwu, when 364 officials were announced and sent. One year later, 6 people were killed for corruption, and 358 people were sentenced to death for corruption and the crime of exile has not yet been executed.

completely annihilated.

Everyone knows that Zhu Yuanzhang is jealous of greed, he catches one and kills the other, but the Jinshi of one subject is still going forward and corrupting one after another.

It's like Liu Chaoming knew that the entire crew was Xu Rong's eyeliner, but he still did it.

Maybe he just felt like he wasn't getting his fair share.

He didn't understand, why did he, the producer and screenwriter, give in in the end when a group of people kicked the blankets and showed their buttocks?
Seeing that Liu Heping is easy to bully?

"Teacher Xu is here."

A certain scene manager yelled abruptly, and the staff of each group of the crew paused for a moment and then went back to their respective jobs.

Seeing this, Liu Heping and photography director Sun Molong, who got up after hearing the words behind the monitor, stopped at the same time, feeling a little embarrassed for a while.

Compared to others, they seem too flattering?
Liu Heping pointed in the direction of the studio door with his cigarette in his hand, and said, "Director Kong, Teacher Sun, Teacher Xu has just arrived, let's go and greet him."

"it is good."

Because the three of them maintained a steady pace, even a little unhurried, halfway through, Xu Rong had already led Xiao Zhang and the three of them into the gate of the studio.

To Liu Heping's surprise, someone was faster than them.

As soon as Xu Rong stepped into the studio, Zhang Xilin had already greeted him. He held Xu Rong's hand with great enthusiasm, and said, "Mr. Xu, I hope you are here. How is it? The journey is going well, right?"

Xu Rong looked at this colleague who rose up in "Before Dawn", and said with a smile: "Brother Xilin, you are getting fat again."


Xu Rong seemed to have noticed something, turned his head, and saw Cheng Yu not far away, with his hands behind his back, staring at him with squinted eyes, but he didn't intend to say hello.

He smiled and nodded.

What caught him off guard was that the moment he nodded, Cheng Yu looked away.

He knew Cheng Yu very well, because he and Cheng Yu had a mutual friend.

There are some colleagues in this circle who behave very out of gregarious style, such as Li Xuejian, even if some younger juniors greet him, he will stand up and return politely, and Cheng Yu is another kind of out of gregarious, he is in the entertainment circle He has very few friends, and only plays with people who he thinks are right-tempered, such as Li Youbin.

Cheng Yu also knew Xu Rong, but his understanding came from Li Youbin's evaluation.

When Xu Rongyun calmly withdrew his gaze, and continued to chat with everyone as if nothing had happened, Cheng Yu once again shifted his gaze to Xu Rong, looked at the moderate smile on his face, and confirmed his guess.

The Xu Rong that Li Youbin knew was not the real Xu Rong, or it was just Xu Rong's side, but the combination of Xu Rong and the Xu Rong that Li Youbin knew was the real him.

A technocrat who is both sincere and hypocritical.

Sitting behind the monitor, Xu Rong noticed that line of sight followed him like a shadow, and frowned subconsciously.

He knew that Cheng Yu was observing him, but the other party's observation was so blatant that it made him a little uncomfortable, as if someone was scratching and scratching a hair on his body.

It wasn't until he asked Wang Yaqin to take the cap and put it on his head that the discomfort was relieved a lot.

As the filming officially started, Xu Rong looked at Zhang Xilin in the camera, and didn't have much comment in his heart. In the film, Wang Xingxing played the role of the chief of the Beiping Food Blending Committee. This identity determines that he must be a smart person, and All the unintelligent behaviors are just his disguise. This kind of role is not difficult for Zhang Xilin who has played such roles for decades.

As Kong Sheng's "card" sound fell, Xu Rong keenly noticed that everyone in the crew fell into silence, and countless pairs of eyes subconsciously glanced at Kong Sheng.

The silent ones include Kong Sheng, who has watched the replay three times in a row.

Xu Rong's eyes also moved to Kong Datou's face, paused for a moment, and said with a smile: "It seems that I came at the wrong time?"

"Ah, what did Teacher Xu say?" Kong Sheng smiled dryly.

Xu Rong smiled and looked at Kong Sheng who was holding the earphones for a few seconds, then suddenly yawned and said, "I'm a little sleepy, I'll go to the car to catch up on my sleep."

Looking at the back of Xu Rong leaving, Cheng Yu who had quietly walked around behind Xu Rong stared blankly at this scene.

The whole story, if Xu Rong really wanted to find out, it would not be difficult, but he seemed to be pretending to be confused, but since he was going to pretend to be confused, why did he say "It seems that I came at the wrong time?" This kind of embarrassing Kong Sheng Woolen cloth.

"What are you doing in a daze, preparing for the No.11 game."

Hearing Kong Sheng's yelling and seeing the seriousness in his expression, Cheng Yu vaguely seemed to understand.

The greatest power of the butcher's knife is that it has not yet fallen.

Xu Rong raised the knife, but it didn't fall down, but just held it like that.

Looking at the back of Xu Rong's departure, Liu Heping sighed suddenly: "A person who can see through the essence of things in a second, and a person who can't see the essence of things in a lifetime are destined to have completely different fates."

Hearing this, Cheng Yu couldn't help but let out a wry smile. He suddenly had a premonition that no matter how much he observed, he might not be able to play a three-dimensional Ma Hanshan.

Because he does not have the characteristics of Ma Hanshan and Xu Rong that are destined to make his fate different from others.

(End of this chapter)

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