I'm just an actor

Chapter 490 Association

Chapter 490 Association
"Beep beep."

"Beep beep."

Hearing the sound of the alarm clock, Xu Rong stretched and pulled off the blanket covering his body.

He did catch the feeling of being back in the cage.

For the film crew, he has only one request, to complete the filming of "Peking" within the stipulated time limit with quality and quantity guaranteed.

After seven or eight years in the vanity fair of the film and television industry, he has a deep understanding of the truth that "there is no one to observe", and the essence of the creation of all commercial value is the exploitation of surplus value. , he is the only exploiter, and Liu Heping, Kong Sheng, Liu Chao, Luo Jinfu and others, even Song Yi and Xiao Zhang, are exploited, and they contribute their surplus value to create wealth for him.

Liu Chao's behavior is a form of resistance to exploitation, but as long as this resistance still leaves a lot of room for exploitation, it is within the scope of his tolerance.

In other words, as long as the film crew can work together to create a great work, it doesn’t matter if he suffers a little bit personally. Meaningful works are also obliged to leave valuable things of this era to future generations, so as not to let the latecomers think that the film and television practitioners of this era have gotten into the eyes of money.

But the latter is the public account and the media used by the audience at the time of announcement. If people deceive themselves, it is roughly equivalent to covering their eyes and ears, and it is difficult to discover the essence of things through their appearance.

Walking into the studio again, the setting is nearing completion.

Xu Rong saw Cheng Yu, Zhang Xilin and another actor with a slender figure and a bumpy face walking in the scene from afar. He thought for a while, and instead of walking in the direction of the monitor, he came to the back of the camera, and just settled down. He fixedly stared at the three of them.

Especially Cheng Yu.

The reason why he made up his mind to invest in "All Quiet in Peking" was that the script was Liu Heping's painstaking work, and the chance of becoming a classic was extremely high. After carefully studying the script, he subconsciously felt that there was a high probability that Chen Baoguo, Wang Qingxiang and others would not reject it.

"Peking" is a rare opportunity to observe and learn from peers, especially for a peer like Chen Baoguo who has a high professional level, screen appeal, and commercial value. The opportunity is even more rare.

Although they are in the same circle, due to salary constraints, there is almost no chance for the two to compete on the same stage.

Compared with Chen Baoguo, Cheng Yu's screen appeal and commercial value are much lower, but as a guardian of the people, a professional villain, and a frequent visitor to the three awards, he is also the object of his observation and study.

Before the official observation and study began, he wanted to experience Cheng Yu's play up close.

After the play, Cheng Yu noticed Xu Rong who was holding his arms not far away. He seemed to be thinking about something, his thick eyebrows were slightly frowned, and although his eyes fell on him, there was no spirit in his eyes, probably Thinking about issues related to myself.

Combining the past hearing, Cheng Yu vaguely guessed the reason for Xu Rong's frown.

Among the team, Wang Qingxiang had the closest personal relationship with Xu Rong. According to him, Xu Rong lost both money and favors to push the "Beijing" game, and he didn't hold his fart at all.

There is a general consensus in the industry that Xu Rong's ability to beat all his peers to achieve the grand slam, Jiang Wei, the director and screenwriter of "Latent", accounted for [-]% of the success, [-]% was due to Xu Rong's thick skin, [-]% was due to his own ability, and [-]% was due to his own ability. Success comes down to luck.

The reason why his shame accounted for [-]% was because he actually took four works to hit the three awards at the same time, and they were works with different themes and different roles.

Regardless of whether the judges look at the credit or the hard work, it is not easy to award the trophy to others.

From Wang Qingxiang's point of view, Xu Rong's investment in "Peking" may not be based solely on the intention of dispelling criticism. Among the main characters in "Peking", Xu Tieying, Fang Buting, Zeng Keda, Liang Jinglun, and Ma Hanshan are not as popular as the male lead. There are too few Fang Mengao, if Xu Rong can beat the co-stars, the jury of the three awards will face an extremely difficult problem.

No one doubts that "Peking" will not become a blockbuster. "Written by Liu Heping" and "Supervised by Xu Rong" are two well-known golden signs in the Chinese TV drama industry, and the cooperation between the two has been tested. The last time they collaborated to create the current TV series "Daming Dynasty 1566", which scored No. [-] on Douban, the combination of the two destined "Peking" to book a seat in the top three of the annual ratings.

For a historical drama that is an annual blockbuster, the award is certain, and among them, Xu Rong, who beats half of his peers in the entertainment industry, seems to be winning the award as well.

But the jury of the three grand prizes has to face a very difficult decision.

The first second-round grand slam actor of the three major Chinese TV drama awards was selected.

The most outrageous thing is that this actor is not yet 30 years old.

But in the eyes of the small team, Xu Rong took it too much for granted. The amount of drama is equal, which means that everyone has equal opportunities.

For Yu Chengyu, "Peking" is not Xu Rong's opportunity, but his own.

If you can beat Jiao Huang, Chen Baoguo, Xu Rong and others, the highest honor of a TV personality, the Grand Slam of the Three Chinese TV Drama Awards, is within reach.

The reason why he concluded that "Peking" was not Xu Rong's opportunity was his conclusion after reading the script.
Liu Heping's positioning of Fang Mengao's role is too perfect.

With a prominent family background, outstanding ability, integrity and intelligence, open-mindedness, humor, etc., Fang Mengao has concentrated the character traits that all domineering presidents should have in history. On the contrary, his relationship between characters and living environment perfectly avoid All the settings that are convenient for the president to show domineering.

In "Peking", where the lieutenant general of the Air Force can't survive an episode and the party and state bosses often leave the stage, Fang Mengao, who is only a colonel in military rank, is a small person through and through.

In the turbulent political struggle, the sharp contrast between the identity of the little man and the character of the hero can easily make the audience feel that Fang Mengao is a fool.

Xu Rong, who seems to be the biggest beneficiary of "Beijing", has a high probability of becoming a foil for others.

But "All Quiet in Peking" is still an excellent wedding dress.

Everyone understands that Xu Rong will definitely devote 1% of his mentality to hit "TV Series No. [-]", and with his professional ability, under the condition of going all out, even if the script is set harshly, the lower limit It is also guaranteed.

But the script gave him a hell-level difficulty.

Qin loses its deer, and the world chases it away!

But Cheng Yu was not careless because of this. First, competitors such as Chen Baoguo and Wang Qingxiang were too strong. Secondly, Xu Rong, as a very typical academic actor, may not have a solution to the problem.

As the founder of the harmony system, Xu Rong may be the only one in the world who knows certain theories and techniques.

Looking at Xu Rong who was thinking not far away, he was quite curious, how would Xu Rong interpret the role of Fang Mengao?

"Mr. Xu, if you don't move back, I'm afraid it will affect the shooting later." Wang Yongquan looked at Xu Rong like a supervisor, making everyone nervous, and approached to remind.

"Oh." Seeing Wang Yongquan's reminder, Xu Rong couldn't get too close, and retreated to the sidelines, "I still want to see Teacher Cheng's play."

Cheng Yu, who was buttoning up the buttons, was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect Xu Rong to be so honest, and he didn't even hide his intentions against him.

He glanced at Xu Rong and said nothing.

The scene to be filmed is that after Ma Hanshan and President Kong of Yangzi Company finished the phone call, they opened the warehouse door only to find that the two deployment section chiefs Li Wuzhi and Wang and his party were lying outside the door and eavesdropping.

"The audience is quiet."


"ready, go."

As Wang Yongquan's sonorous voice fell, Xu Rong turned his attention to the play again. Watching the play through the screen and observing it at close range are two completely different feelings.

Standing behind the door, Cheng Yu looked back at the phone on the table behind the camera with his mouth open, and gently opened the door with his hand.


Turning his head, he saw the two people with the cat outside the door. His eyes widened suddenly, his neck was tilted back, and at the same time, his left hand was raised to the level of his eyes. The open palm was like a drowning man, and he quickly and dazedly drew it in front of him. He kicked twice, and also gave two staggering backward steps in coordination with his feet.


Seeing the two people standing outside the door clearly, Cheng Yu was stunned for a moment, and shouted: "Scare me!"

Xu Rong's eyes also widened a little. Cheng Yu's line was very interesting. The word "scared" was uttered in falsetto, and then it went up all the way, and finally the accent fell on the word "jump", which was followed by a psychological pause. "Ouch" in one sentence.

"Bastard bastard"


Director Kong Sheng's voice sounded very abruptly.

Xu Rong understood why Kong Datou called to stop.

Kong Sheng walked over quickly and said to the actor who played Li Wuzhi: "Xiaoyue, your reaction is too weak. You eavesdropped on the leader's phone call and was discovered by the leader. You can't pass by in the blink of an eye. You must know that Ma Hanshan used to be Director of the Secrecy Bureau."

Yue Chang took a deep breath, he felt that he was already acting very well, but Cheng Yu's expressive dimension was too rich, and his acting was quite thin in comparison.

"Take a break and start over."

Seeing that Kong Sheng did not mention Zhang Xilin, Xu Rong looked at Zhang Xilin in puzzlement and asked, "Why are you hiding from the camera?"

Zhang Xilin even blocked his face with the door the moment Cheng Yu opened it!

In the performance, this is a tricky way. He no longer has to compete with Cheng Yu on the understanding and interpretation of "scare", because he doesn't appear in the camera, so naturally he won't act badly.

But he also lost a great opportunity, a chance to impress the audience.

A character can give the audience a huge impact and a deep impression, often because of the vividness of one or a few moments of performance.

As an actor, Zhang Xilin didn't even have the courage to face Cheng Yu at such a critical moment regarding who he was eating? !
He is not even as good as the actor who played Li Wuzhi. No matter how well he plays, at least he dares to practice with Cheng Yu.

Looking at Xu Rong's puzzled expression, Zhang Xilin twisted a faint smile line on both sides of his tall nose, and said, "Teacher Cheng's play is so good, I'm afraid I won't be able to handle it."

Of course Xu Rong could see the reason. The essence of Cheng Yu's series of actions just now was his design before opening the door. That look back brewed the preparation for "true feeling".

Zhang Xilin is used to pecking at each other, but he forgot that only when he is used to fighting against masters can he make progress.

"This is equivalent to two people fighting, and you haven't done anything yet, so how can you be sure that you can't fight?" If it was filming in the past, Xu Rong would only do the duty of reminding, and would never think that he had the duty of persuasion. But it is different now, "Peking" is a play he invested in, and he must ensure that everyone can exert their maximum energy.

Zhang Xilin didn't seem to feel any embarrassment when criticized by Xu Rong, who was dubbed a "master" by the industry, and said with a smile, "I'll try."

"Mr. Xu, long time no see."

"Hello." Xu Rong looked at the actor whom Kong Sheng called "Xiao Yue", and did not hide the fact that he did not remember the other party, "Excuse me, have we worked together before?"

The smile on the face of the actor who played Li Wuzhi froze. He and Xu Rong had indeed worked together in the past, but Xu Rong obviously didn't remember himself.

Kong Sheng saw Yue Chang's embarrassment, and introduced: "Yue Chang, he played Boss Pan when filming "Crossing the Guandong"."

Xu Rong heard the words "Oh", after Kong Sheng reminded him, he had a vague impression, and said: "It's really been a long time, it's been five or six years."

During the filming of "Crossing the Guandong", due to frequent transitions, his state was ups and downs. When he was free, part of the time was adjusting his state, and the rest of the time he was thinking about how to break through the suppression of the leader's aura. How to get along well.

"Get ready, let's walk around and see."

When filming started again, Zhang Xilin didn't dare to play tricks, but his performance was poor.

Cheng Yu opened the door and saw the two, his shoulders and neck tightened at the same time, and he turned his shoulders to the two standing outside the door.

Facing Cheng Yu's series of completely different presentation forms, Zhang Xilin froze for a moment, and then squeezed out an awkward smile on his face.

Yue Chang was a little better than before. At the moment Cheng Yu said "Ouch", he seemed to be frightened by the other party, and his body trembled.


"Teacher Cheng, take a break first, Xiaoyue, Teacher Zhang, you two will think about it later."

Xu Rong looked at Cheng Yu, who was softly comforting the two, and overturned his previous guess. During the last filming, he thought that Cheng Yu had given him psychological hints, forming the effect of "really listening, seeing, and feeling". In the second shooting, he actually expressed the same emotion with a fully contracted body reaction that was the opposite of the first time.

Cheng Yu is not the skill flow he guessed earlier, because everyone's subconscious reaction will not vary so much.

After he walked back to the monitor, he said to Kong Sheng, "Let me watch the replay just now."

Kong Sheng said suspiciously: "Those two are useless."

Xu Rong shook his head, and said indifferently: "It's okay, Mr. Cheng's play just now was very good, I'm studying."

Liu Heping, who was next to him, said, "You're right. Mr. Cheng's plays are always very good. To be honest, his performance satisfies all my fantasies about the role of Ma Hanshan, and even exceeds it."


Xu Rong put on the earphones and stared at the playback carefully. He saw the pig running just now, and what he is doing now is to speculate on the taste of the pork.

After watching the replay three times, the doubts in his heart were not resolved, but became more and more serious. Cheng Yu's performance style gave him a feeling of deja vu, but he couldn't remember which colleague had seen it before. up.

Seeing him read it three times in a row, Kong Sheng asked curiously, "Why, is there any problem?"

Xu Rong pointed to Cheng Yu on the monitor screen, and said: "Teacher Cheng's body language is completely opposite twice, but what's interesting is that he expressed the same emotional state. You said the internal logic between the two What is the connection?"

Kong Sheng looked at him, pondered for three seconds, and expressed his opinion.

"I do not know."

(End of this chapter)

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