Chapter 491
In the rest area, student Xiao Zhang tightly held a small pink hand-held fan in his hand, and almost all his attention was focused on Cheng Yu in front of the camera.

Compared with roommates such as Yang Mi and Yuan Shanshan who have gained a firm foothold in the entertainment industry, although she failed to become popular, she has a very high starting point in the film and television industry. The second female lead of the big productions "Latent" and "Snow Leopard".

Now, she is about to start filming her fourth work in the strict sense of her career, "All Quiet in Peking", and she will play the leading role of He Xiaoyu.

In the film and television industry, especially in the circle of actresses, there is a recognized "practice" that cooperating with Xu Rong has a great chance of being nominated for three awards.

For every female artist, this is an unparalleled temptation. The nomination is just an honor, but the works starring Xu Rong mean huge exposure, massive attention, excellent market reputation, and the possibility of wealth and freedom.

Of course Xiao Zhang understands the root cause of this phenomenon. In the past, when Mr. Xu was still in Hairun, he was able to create huge profits for Hairun. In turn, Liu Yanming's spare no effort to support him allowed him to be self-willed within an appropriate range. Now, he His own industry status allows him to exercise the power of "supervisor" more recklessly.

And actresses who are destined not to be nominated will fail him in the first place.

She understands the real situation, but most people who don't have an in-depth relationship with Teacher Xu don't understand it. They simply attribute this phenomenon to metaphysics. Maybe some people understand it, but they pretend not to understand it.

Whatever the real reason, she didn't want to be that "exception".

But after watching Cheng Yu's play today, she suddenly lost confidence.

Cheng Yu's presence in the film and television industry is not high. Her deepest impression of this middle-aged actor with a short head and chubby head is that he has repeatedly accompanied Mr. Xu when he was competing for the three awards.

It wasn't until today that she suddenly discovered that this senior who used to run with her in the past was so expressive, even "hearing, seeing, and feeling" was as easy for him as eating and drinking.

She began to worry a little about whether she could maintain the "convention". She might not be favored by the judges, but she could at least be recognized by the audience.

Thinking of this, she subconsciously turned her head to look at Yuan Yu next to her. Seeing her subconsciously biting her lip and frowning, she felt relieved.

There is a high probability that I cannot be the best one, but I must not be the worst one.

Xu Rong also stared at the monitor intently.

In the monitor, Cheng Yu was sweating profusely and squatted on the table with a hoarse voice: "I know that if you turn [-] tons of rice, you can double the profit, but if your profit doubles, I will die here." Good scolding, keep on scolding, and when you’re done scolding, I’ll go to the five-person investigation team to pour beans out of the bamboo tube and let them shoot me! If you shoot me, they’ll come to you directly, okay?”

As Cheng Yu said, he picked up the teacup, but he didn't realize that the water had already been drunk by him, so even if he drank the cup upside down, he could only drink a few drops of water, not enough to wet his lips.

Xu Rong looked at this scene expressionlessly.

This scene has exactly the same set as Zhang Xilin's in the morning, but one scene was filmed in the morning, and the other didn't start until mid-afternoon, and there was another scene in the middle, which seemed very strange.

Relying on his rich experience and the loud side drums played by Luo Jinfu and others, he quickly figured out the ins and outs of the matter.

Kong Sheng disliked that the people in Yourong Media were not easy to use, so he replaced all the core positions with his own people. Such a change of command was handy, but he ignored a more crucial point.

The Hong Kong crew signed a labor contract with Yourong Media.

For this group of low-level employees in the film and television industry with low educational level, a labor contract is undoubtedly an iron rice bowl.

Temporary workers and regular workers have completely different levels of respect for the rules.

As an old fried dough stick, Luo Jinfu also receives kickbacks, but he knows how to grasp the scale, no matter how courageous he is given, he will not dare to take kickbacks to delay the normal shooting.

Because he is too aware of the virtues of his boss, and if he offends the management in Hong Kong, usually he can get away with it with a beating, and if it is serious, he may have to remove some body parts. Prefers to cut people off without physically harming them.


"knock off."

As Kong Sheng's voice fell, Xu Rong was about to get up, but just as he got up, he couldn't help taking a deep breath.

Sun Molong, the director of photography with a thin face beside him, saw his grinning face and asked with concern: "Mr. Xu, are you alright?"

Xu Rong smiled wryly and pointed to his almost completely unconscious right foot, saying, "Maybe it's numb after sitting for too long."

Because Xu Rong came here on the first day, Liu Heping didn't go anywhere today, seeing him rubbing his calf with a weird expression, he said cheerfully: "I knew you were going to be numb, and you have kept this posture for almost half an hour."

"Then why didn't you remind me?"

"I'm not waiting to see you numb!"


Xu Rong also laughed along with Liu Heping, Kong Datou, and Sun Molong. After a while, when he regained consciousness a little bit, he didn't shy away from Liu Heping and Sun Molong, and said, "Director Kong, you've spoiled me enough today. I got up before dawn, but after waiting for a whole day, I didn’t get a single scene filmed.”

The smile on Kong Sheng's face paused, and he wanted to explain that today was a special situation, but considering that Xu Rong would probably ask why it was "special", he said instead: "It's because I didn't think it through."

Xu Rong waved his hand to interrupt his powerless speech, and said, "Of course I can trust your ability. If it is delayed because of excellence, I understand and absolutely support it, but if it is due to human factors, I cannot accept it."

"Forget it this time, if Lu Chao dares to do this again in the future, I will definitely not spare him lightly." Xu Rong didn't ambiguous any more, and called out Lu Chao's name bluntly.

Hearing Xu Rong's words, Kong Sheng let go of his heart that had been hanging for a day. He was not afraid of Xu Rong's censure, but he was afraid that Xu Rong would pretend not to know if he knew it. He nodded heavily and said, "Mr. It will happen again."

"Okay, then I'll go back first."

Sun Molong watched Xu Rong leave, glanced at Kong Sheng who shook his head and smiled wryly, and Liu Heping who was surprised, and muttered, "I feel like Teacher Xu has changed."

Kong Sheng didn't say anything, but just silently lit a cigarette.

Liu Heping patted his butt, and said meaningfully: "Actually, I think it's normal. The emperor doesn't use a golden pole."

Kong Shengbi groaned for two seconds, his thick nostrils smoked, and tapped twice.

After Liu Heping also left, Sun Molong asked curiously: "What does it mean that the emperor doesn't use a golden pole?"

Kong Sheng sighed silently: "He is saying that a person's likes and dislikes, the way of dealing with others, and even his values ​​all change with his vision, wealth, and status. To achieve success, his experience and living environment will inevitably lead to changes in his way of doing things."

"In the novel, it is impossible for a person to go from being poor to having tens of billions of wealth through his own efforts, but he always acts with a constant logic of thinking and behavior. In that case, it is because of luck Wealth can only be lost quickly through strength."

In the car, Xu Rong looked at Wang Yaqin who was driving ahead, and asked, "Yaqin, have you bought the wine yet?"

"Buy it, where's the trunk."

"Oh, the more I think about it now, the more I think I voted for "Peking" back then."

Xu Rong was about to lament the wisdom of his original decision, but suddenly stopped in the middle of speaking. He had been in the car for a while, but he didn't hear other people's words.

Besides him and Wang Yaqin, there were Xiao Zhang, Song Yi and Yuan Yu in the car.

Not to mention the three of them gathered together, even if they were brought out alone, none of them could be quiet for 10 minutes, but today the three of them were surprisingly quiet.

Combining what he saw and heard throughout the day, it was not difficult for him to guess the reason, and comforted him: "Don't be discouraged, Mr. Cheng has Mr. Cheng's strengths, and you also have yours."

"Huh?" Xiao Zhang expressed his doubts in a nasal voice.

"Ah, is there?" Song Yi looked at him suspiciously.

Only Yuan Yu remained silent without making a sound, but she, like Xiao Zhang and Song Yi, turned her attention to him, looking forward to his next words.

Xu Rong kept tilting his head to pay attention to the reactions of the three of them. After realizing the small movements of the three of them, the comforting words in his chest disappeared in an instant.

Because at that moment just now, he found that the three of them made a similar movement at the same time, and in the process of looking at him, they glanced at the other two in no particular order.

He suddenly realized that maybe, what they were worried about was not Cheng Yu, but each other who were also actresses.


He bought a few seconds with an uncommon opening sentence, quickly organized his thoughts and words, and said: ""Peking" is not very friendly to your role positioning. Among all the female characters, the most pleasing is Fang Buting's wife, Cheng Xiaoyun, fulfills all the fantasies of traditional Chinese men about the role of wife, followed by Cui Zhongshi's wife Ye Biyu, she is a typical woman in Shanghai, with a knife mouth and a bean curd heart, although Cui Zhongshi married her and had children just to complete The task given by the organization, but she still loves her husband deeply, she can get the sympathy of most of the audience."

"But your roles are just the opposite. He Xiaoyu's transformation from falling in love with Liang Jinglun to gradually falling in love with me has completely stood on the opposite side of traditional moral standards for judging women. Xie Mulan's innocence and childishness always cost others unnecessary Trouble, and this kind of innocence that eventually led to her own death can even be said to be stupid, as for Song Yi, the wife of Deputy Director Kong that you want to play, is positioned as a villain, and there is no possibility of likability."

"It can be said that among the Chinese film and television works in the past ten years, there are unique heroines like He Xiaoyu and Xie Mulan who are not likable in themselves."

Yuan Yu asked suspiciously: "Then why does Teacher Liu still write like this?"

"Because they are all real people." Xu Rong sighed, but he only sighed halfway, paused for a moment, turned his head to look at her, "How about Liang Jinglun, in real life, If I could be more kind and sincere to you, I should be closer to this person."

Yuan Yu was stunned. In the past, she could not understand why He Xiaoyu and Xie Mulan liked Liang Jinglun so much, a young Yanda economics professor.

Professor of Economics.

For Liang Jinglun who has this title, it is a pity that he does not learn well at a young age.

For Xie Mulan, who likes to have this title, she is simply blind.

Because the nature of the preconditions and goals of economics is very similar to the conditions and goals of another behavior.

Economics refers to the conditions of "economic man" and "complete market" to guide the economy to develop better, faster and more stably, to create wealth and improve people's living standards.

Chuanxiao refers to the behavior of obtaining membership qualifications and obtaining wealth through developing personnel or requiring the developed personnel to pay a certain fee as a condition.

And Liang Jinglun is precisely the professor who has mastered this kind of deceptive trick research based on the impossible "economic man" and "complete market".

At this moment, she suddenly understood everything Xie Mulan had done.

She may know he's lying to her, but she's still willing to believe it.

Classmate Xiao Zhang and Song Yi looked at each other, and they both found the surprise in each other's eyes. He actually knew that he was not kind or sincere enough? !

Seeing the different expressions of the three of them, Xu Rong didn't understand that the three of them had lost their minds again, but he had already become accustomed to it, and said meaningfully: "Because of this, everyone can understand that you can't act well, but if you act Well, not to mention other female actors, even our male actors can't hide your brilliance."

After he finished speaking, he glanced at the three of them lightly, and as he expected, the three of them suddenly fell into deep thought.

After a few seconds, classmate Xiao Zhang raised his head quietly, glanced at Yuan Yu indiscriminately, but quickly looked away.

Immediately afterwards, Yuan Yu also made a similar action.

Xu Rong looked at this scene with satisfaction, and wondered if it was because of the iron rice bowl, the three of them competed with each other for a salted fish, and there was no sign of a female artist doing whatever she could to get ahead.

After returning to the room and taking a shower, Xu Rong went downstairs and knocked on the door of another suite.

"Tuk Tuk Tuk."

Cheng Yu, who was resting on the sofa, heard the knock on the door and tilted his ears. He hadn't been back for 3 minutes, and he was still out of breath.

"Tuk Tuk Tuk."

The knock on the door sounded again.

He leaned on the armrest of the sofa to prop up his body, walked over and opened the door, and when he saw Xu Rong standing outside the door, he didn't react for a while.

He was not sure how to get along with Xu Rong, in terms of age, Xu Rong was only a few years older than his son, in terms of seniority, Xu Rong was his junior, but in terms of status in the industry, Xu Rong was much higher than him.

Cheng Yu's eyebrows flashed a smile that was more polite than doubtful, and asked, "What's the matter?"

(End of this chapter)

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