I'm just an actor

Chapter 492 ask for advice

Considering Cheng Yu's height, before Cheng Yu opened the door, Xu Rong took a step back and stood in the corridor to avoid causing him psychological pressure.

He looked at Cheng Yu's fat hand holding the doorknob lightly, and said with a smile: "Look at what you said, Mr. Cheng, so I can't come to see you if I have nothing to do?"

"Where is this, of course."

Cheng Yu looked at the rare kindness in Xu Rong's expression, and when he heard him say "teacher" in the left and "you" in the right, his heart chugs for no reason.

Because of his own image, he has played many heinous villains, but no one who knew him thought he was a bad guy. On the contrary, Xu Rong was tall, sunny and handsome, but he never heard from other colleagues. I've seen comments like he's a nice guy.

He can be sure that Xu Rong may be a good actor, but he is definitely not a good person. He must have been blessed by fate to make it to where he is today. He may have done some good things, but it has absolutely nothing to do with the concept of "good person".

Therefore, in Cheng Yu's view, Xu Rong's courteous attitude at this time is no different from a weasel giving a chicken New Year's greetings.

Seeing that Cheng Yu was holding the doorknob, Xu Rong had no intention of letting him in at all, pointed to the room, and said with a smile, "Teacher Cheng, won't you invite me in?"

Seeing Xu Rong talk about this, Cheng Yu became more and more wary and could only let him into the room, saying: "What is the main reason, the room is too messy, there is no place to set foot."

"Haha, I always throw things around at home. At the beginning, my wife always argued with me very angrily. Later, she talked a lot, and I don't know what happened. Every time at that critical point, my wife Ears, brains, it’s like not being yourself at all, you can’t hear anything, you can’t remember anything.”


Cheng Yu closed the door without hesitation, and when he heard Xu Rong's words, he hurriedly turned around and looked at his back in amazement for several seconds.

Looking at Xu Rong who had already sat on the sofa, he felt a little dazed, because Xu Rong's character was really complicated and contradictory.

With an observation mentality, he sat on the sofa beside Xu Rong, waiting for his next words.

For a moment, he was a little uncertain about what kind of person Xu Rong was and what identity he was looking for.

Xu Rong saw Cheng Yu's concerns, so she didn't explain why she came straight to the point, but said: "I was busy before, so I didn't have time to express my gratitude. To be honest, I never thought about the process at first. Teacher, you will finally agree."

Like many main actors, Cheng Yu also starred for free.

Cheng Yu put his palms together between his knees, and said with a smile, ""Peking" is a rare and good book. If you don't accept it, I will definitely regret it later."

Seeing that this topic did not have the expected effect, Xu Rong immediately changed his tone and asked, "Mr. Cheng, I heard that you and the team leader are good buddies?"

"Leader?" Cheng Yu looked at him puzzled.

"Oh, it's Li Youbin."

Cheng Yu heard him call "Li Youbin" by name, and said suspiciously: "Ah, you say him, yes, we have known each other for more than ten years, how should I say, we are one of the few who can talk together."

He paused, then looked at Xu Rong suspiciously: "Isn't he your godfather?"


Xu Rong looked at Cheng Yu's earnest doubts, the smile on his face froze slowly, and slowly leaned forward against the back of the sofa, and asked, "He, is that what he told you?"

Cheng Yu first nodded his forehead twice, but seeing Xu Rong's face became more serious, he was not sure, and asked uncertainly, "Isn't that the case?"

"of course not!"

Xu Rong immediately denied it categorically, and said to the curious Cheng Yu: "Actually speaking, it's a coincidence that I know him well. I was still a newcomer when I was filming "Bright Sword" in 04. I hadn't seen much in the world. What did the company ask me to do?" Just what to do, the group leader, it was difficult at home at that time, and I decided to accept this drama because no matter how small a fly is, I remember that it wasn’t long before I joined the group, and CCTV went to visit the set.”

Cheng Yu slowly withdrew his hands from between his legs. After listening, he realized that Xu Rong's version seemed a bit different from Li Youbin's.

In Li Youbin's remarks, the reason why he took over "Bright Sword" was because he could tell at a glance that the show would definitely be popular, but when it came to Xu Rong, it was because of his livelihood.

He was keenly aware that Li Youbin and Xu Rong must be bragging. In contrast, Xu Rong's "forced by livelihood" was more convincing, because Li Youbin was 47 years old at the time, especially in "Anti-Japanese War films". Can fire" This reason is too far-fetched.

"Actually, I'm not afraid of your jokes, Mr. Cheng. I just came out of the countryside, and I didn't even know what a reporter was."

In the end, Xu Rong gave a final conclusion on the past events of the year: "It can be said that if I didn't have my eyesight and hands to grab him quickly, the head of the team would have to lie in the hospital for at least half a year, if it is serious."

Xu Rong showed a knowing smile, and said: "You know the leader, he is a real person."

Cheng Yu nodded, he believed Xu Rong's statement a little bit.

"Since then, the head of the group always thought that I saved his life, and felt sorry for it. He always took me to film, including the roles in "Stepfather" and "Crossing Guandong". Ming said, but in his heart he regarded me as a reborn parent.”

Hearing the last sentence, Cheng Yu was stunned for a long while, he couldn't believe his ears, and asked, "Again, reborn parents?"

Because it was completely opposite to what he heard from Li Youbin.

Li Youbin said that Xu Rong lacked paternal love since he was a child, so he has always been treated as a father, but why did Xu Rong lose his stature, and Xu Rong became Li Youbin's reborn parents instead?

He carefully recalled the two people's descriptions of the past, and even though he thought it was impossible emotionally, his rationality always thought that what Xu Rong said was the truth.

Because Xu Rong described all the details of the cause and effect as well as his mental journey, in contrast, Li Youbin's narration was more vague.

The most important thing is that Xu Rong's story is logically consistent, while Li Youbin's words are full of loopholes.

You, a 47-year-old actor, accepted a salary of 55 because you thought "Bright Sword" would be popular?If there is no miracle, how can the anti-war film become popular?

If you don't have the heart to repay people, why do you bring them back from filming?

Moreover, Xu Rong is only a small supporting role in "Bright Sword". Even if CCTV reports, it will definitely report on the main actors, and will never give Xu Rong a shot, so Xu Rong has no motivation to actively perform at all.

After a careful analysis, Cheng Yu basically deduced the whole incident, and Xu Rong basically restored the whole incident, but he reckoned that Xu Rong must have been a little nervous at the time, after all, it was CCTV.

Cheng Yu laughed, and said, "I just said, so that's what happened."

It was a pity in Xu Rong's heart. Cheng Yu's circle was very narrow, and he was not a big-mouthed person, so it was difficult to spread the "truth" of the incident back then.

Seeing that Cheng Yu was no longer as alert as before, Xu Rong suggested: "Teacher Cheng hasn't eaten yet, why don't you go out and eat?"

Cheng Yu hesitated for a moment, but only for a moment, then nodded and said, "Wait for me first, I'll take a shower."


Xu Rong was not surprised that Cheng Yu would agree.

For the real actor, this is a rare opportunity to observe what the group he represents is in private.

The purpose of the other part of the peers is relatively simple.

And the reason why he took the initiative to drink with Cheng Yu for the first time was also very simple, Cheng Yu definitely had something in his stomach, and it was something he didn't understand.

When they arrived at the place to eat, Cheng Yu saw the wine that Xu Rong was holding, and immediately became more energetic, and said, "Oh, Moutai, isn't this bottle cheap?"

Xu Rong didn't eat at the hotel, but chose a big plate chicken on the street. He waved to the waiter and said, "Take a wine dispenser and two wine glasses."

"No, just take two disposable cups." Cheng Yu hurriedly stopped him and explained, "That small wine cup can't even moisten the lips, so it's not enjoyable."

Seeing Xu Rong's unnatural expression, Cheng Yu vaguely sensed something, and asked, "How's your drinking capacity?"

"Two or three taels."

Cheng Yu opened his mouth several times, and finally said: "I heard that you usually don't eat hot dishes for half a catty in your hometown, so you probably can't even eat cold dishes, right?"


"Then let's do whatever we want, just in moderation."

It didn't take long for Xu Rong's voice to fall, and when the peanuts were brought to the table, watching Cheng Yu drink a half of it in one gulp with a disposable cup, he felt extremely grateful for the "casual" proposal just now.

He took a sip, and then said straight to the point: "To tell the truth, Teacher Cheng, I invited Teacher Cheng out today because I have a question I want to ask."

Cheng Yu drank half a glass of wine, watched Xu Rong calmly explain the reason, and felt an inexplicable impulse in his heart. He didn't ask Xu Rong what he wanted to ask, but said: "Then let me tell the truth, you are a good man." He is an actor, but he has a bit of style, which makes people look down on him."

Of course Xu Rong could feel his attitude, and said: "I know, sometimes I look down on myself, and sometimes I envy Mr. Cheng and you. I just regard acting as a pure job."

Cheng Yu's eyes straightened for a moment, although Xu Rong's face was still young, but at this moment, he didn't dare to look at him as a junior anymore.

After a while, he picked up his wine glass and said, "Don't say anything, brother, it's done."

Xu Rong looked at him puzzled, and said, "Teacher Cheng"

"If you can afford it, Brother Shout."

"Okay, Brother Cheng then,"

Xu Rong was holding a glass that seemed to be drunk but didn't drink, looking at the almost bottomless wine glass in Cheng Yu's hand, he didn't know whether to hold it or put it down.

According to Cheng Yu's drinking speed, he really can't drink as much as the cold dishes, and he hasn't even served the cucumbers yet.

Cheng Yu put two peanuts into his mouth, then stretched out a thumb and said, "You are in this realm."


"I can't tell what's going on, but what you said just now dispelled all my bad impressions of you."

At this moment, he finally understood why so many of his peers had made friends with Xu Rongping. Ability and status were one aspect, and the most important thing was his mentality that was completely inconsistent with his age.

Xu Rong understood what Cheng Yu was referring to. Being "looked down" by others, his normal reaction would be to get angry, no matter how bad he was, he would be unhappy, but he knew that something he did was inappropriate, so he neither got angry nor felt angry. unhappy.

From the perspective of language technology, this is a game of communication initiative.

In communication and even quarrels, frankly admitting one's own shortcomings and praising the other party's excellence will instantly destroy all the other party's desire to attack.

He changed the subject again and asked, "Brother Cheng, I'm watching your play today, isn't it an experience?"

Cheng Yu nodded, and said: "Actually, it's not absolute. What kind of experience is not experienced, how to use it how to do it, laymen only say who is what school and what school, isn't this the same thing?!"

Xu Rong became more and more puzzled, and asked: "But your play gives me a wonderful feeling, that is, no matter how you act, it is particularly contagious."

Cheng Yu knew what Xu Rong was curious about, and he shook his head: "I understand what you mean, I can't summarize it for you theoretically, how should I put it, I never thought filming should be called 'acting', which is more accurate It’s about expressing, expressing roles, so I never take on roles I don’t understand.”

Xu Rong understood what was going on, Cheng Yu also knew "doing" but not "knowing".

But he can be sure that an extremely rare skill played a key role in Cheng Yu's internal processing. To be more precise, it should be some kind of acting instinct or talent, which Cheng Yu himself did not realize. But it distinguishes him from other Chinese-speaking actors.


Xu Rong pondered for a few seconds, raised his head again, and stared at Cheng Yu with burning eyes: "Then first, what preparations do you usually make before expressing? Second, after making these preparations, you can be sure of your mental image." Is it accurate? Is it a character you understand? In the end, how can you be sure that the result of your expression must be reasonable?"

Cheng Yu stared blankly at Xu Rong who was sitting across from him. Hearing the series of questions he asked in an almost cross-examining tone, he got a deeper understanding of him, and said with a smile: "Now I'm sure, I'm sure." You're more of an actor than anything else you do."

"More like?"

Xu Rong was not in a hurry. He reckoned that Cheng Yu's instinct or talent was probably the same as his own "inner activeness". Nor is it possible to learn overnight or even at all.

Cheng Yu smiled and said, "Didn't someone say that those who engage in art are more or less different from other people."

Xu Rong saw that his plump hands were going to hold the wine glass again, and said, "Actually, this is very necessary. It can even be said that, Mr. Cheng, you are also a maverick in the eyes of the public."

"It's necessary?" Cheng Yu was attracted by Xu Rong's words, and suspended his plan to serve the wine glass.

Xu Rong nodded and said: "Group psychology believes that no matter what education level or cultural background people form a group, that is, in a certain situation, some people have the same goal or purpose, regardless of their Whether they are similar in lifestyle, work, personality or intelligence, as long as they form a group, they will form a collective psychology, which makes them perceive, think and act in a different way. Ability and wisdom will disappear, and they will be coerced by the crowd."

"But artistic creation is just the opposite. The most attractive part of it is the flash of inspiration and wisdom, and many contemporary artistic creations are often completed in groups, just like when we shoot a movie or a video. When everyone agrees, even if you I thought it was not good at first, but I will gradually doubt my own point of view, and then change my mind." Seeing that the big plate chicken was finally served, Xu Rong heaved a sigh of relief, "Let's eat the vegetables first."

At this time, Cheng Yu understood what Xu Rong wanted to say: "You mean, normal people can't do art because they live in society and are easily influenced by the will of the group. Only those who can maintain their own individuality in group collaboration can give full play to their own wisdom and aura?"

"On the one hand, the will of the group is like a raging river. A person with a distinctive personality is like a stone in the river. He has his own weight to ensure that he will not be engulfed by the will of the group. But if it is only this, it may only be able to create works of art. , but unable to complete some great undertakings, because distinctive personality and maverick often means lack of leadership, if the leader of any group is a deviant person, it will be difficult for this group to have any combat effectiveness and cohesion.”

Xu Rong quickly ate two pieces of meat, and then said: "So, another type of people appeared. Most of the time, they looked like normal people, even more normal than normal people, but faced with the will of the group, they always It is to be able to 'repel the crowd', strengthen one's own ideas, and finally prove the truth that 'the truth is always in the hands of the few'."

Cheng Yu neither nodded nor shook his head, because he was thinking about whether Xu Rong's theory made sense. (end of this chapter)

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