It's like I'm not reborn

Chapter 12 Pure Love

Chapter 12 Pure Love
Jian Sichun, who knew the way from the university to Shi Hai's house well, came to the entrance of the subway station near the school one step earlier than Shi Hai and waited for him.

Since it is a stalker's behavior to secretly follow the past, it doesn't matter as long as you go together openly!


When Shi Hai saw Jian Sichun looking at him expectantly, he held his forehead and let out a sigh.

It seems that today's suffering is not over yet.

"I really lost to you... Is it really okay for you to be like this?"

It was only at this time that Shi Hai understood, no wonder Senior Tianshui emphasized those few words at the end, I'm afraid she had already seen that Jian Sichun still had the idea of ​​going home with him.

Jian Sichun also knew that what she did was causing trouble for Shi Hai, and she followed her home on the first day or something, and she was not a homeless girl who was treated by God... She was a bit shameless.

Even in the previous life, the relationship between the two was gradual, and they started living together because they didn't get along well with their roommates. Shi Hai couldn't see it, so he let her live in his home.

So, no matter how you look at it, slowly pulling in the relationship is a better choice...


Jian Sichun felt that now that she had given up on being his girlfriend anyway, what did she care about his liking for her?
In the future, I will be a friend who specializes in assists and acts as a it doesn't matter if it's annoying to pester me now!

Recently, no, isn't there such a character in future anime?
Under the pretext of taking care of the withdrawn senior, the cow schoolgirl engages in all kinds of nonsensical entanglements...

That's right!You can also learn from others!
Going to a friend's house to play, get to know his mother, and spend the night by the way, isn't it normal!

Jian Sichun, who had successfully persuaded himself, summoned up his courage and said.


"As a friend?"

Jian Sichun nodded heavily.

"Yes! As your friend, going to your house to play should be a very common thing, right?"


It's not uncommon for people to become friends from the first day they met.

The strange thing is that the friend who has known each other for less than an hour is going to the other party's house...

Shi Hai felt that if he complained, he would lose.

"Okay... I see."

"Did you agree?"

"Beforehand, I don't live alone, and my mother may be at home."


Jian Sichun didn't care at all, she had been living in Shi Hai's house since she was in college, so she had already met Shi Hai's mother.

Moreover, the relationship between her and Shi Hai's mother is no longer at the level of 'harmonious relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law', and there is nothing wrong with saying that they are biological mother and daughter.

In fact, Jian Sichun worried that Shi Hai's future also had the factor of "being influenced by Shi Hai's mother".

Shi Hai saw that she didn't intend to be persuaded to quit at all, thinking that since the most worrying situation would not happen, he also compromised.

Anyway, she doesn't care, why do I care so much?
Isn't it a good thing that girls are willing to come to the house?
"Let's go then."


Jian Sichun bounced to Shi Hai's side, and walked into the subway station with him.

After entering the subway station, she originally wanted to take out her mobile phone to scan the QR code, but suddenly remembered that in 2012, the QR code has not yet been fully popularized.

"What's wrong? Didn't you bring your card?"

"Wait a minute, I'll look for..."

After searching on herself, Jian Sichun found a brand new cross-stitch wallet.

She still has an impression of this wallet, and remembers that her interest was transitioning from cross-stitching to making clothes at this time, but making clothes is much more difficult than cross-stitching.

Therefore, Jian Sichun soon felt that this kind of needlework was not suitable for her, so she turned to learn painting.

However, it was Shi Hai who inherited her interest and started making handmade clothes, and what he did was much better than her. The cos clothes worn by Jian Sichun in the future are basically handmade by Shi Hai.

Jian Sichun especially likes the clothes made by Shi Hai, and she keeps all his clothes in a separate closet to distinguish them from other clothes.

Because it was her most cherished treasure...

"did you find it?"

"Ah! I found it, I found it! Go there now!"

Jian Sichun was woken up, and quickly took out the subway card from her wallet and swiped through the gate.

While waiting for the subway to enter the station, Jian Sichun rubbed her cheeks vigorously and alerted herself.

Don't think about it anymore...don't think about it anymore.

Otherwise, it will become more and more difficult to let go...

Naturally, Shi Hai noticed all these, but he didn't ask any more questions.

At four o'clock in the afternoon, the subway was not very crowded at this time, and the two found a vacant seat and sat down.

But after sitting down, neither of them took the initiative to speak, so the atmosphere became awkward.

Jian Sichun didn't know what to talk about, because no matter what feeling she talked about, it would bring back her own memories.

Even at this moment, she was thinking 'When was this embarrassing situation between me and him?We obviously had a good chat from the beginning...', and then felt aggrieved.

But Shi Hai simply doesn't know how to find topics.

You can ask him to answer the call, or be a listener, but it is a bit difficult for him to initiate a chat.

Is it possible to say something like 'today's weather is so nice'?
Farewell, I'm afraid the atmosphere will freeze directly.

Jian Sichun found that after removing all the common topics, the only topic that could be talked about was Tianshui.

Suppressing her displeasure, Jian Sichun still asked.

"Shi Hai, what do you think... how is Tianshui-senpai?"

"Are you asking me what I think of Senior Sister Tianshui, or how I feel about Senior Sister Tianshui?"

"Ask both sides."

"Well... I think she is a very powerful person."

It's really's a bit too powerful, Jian Sichun replied in his heart.

But Shi Hai continued to analyze her personality.

"Her confident attitude is probably not due to her family background, but she has absolute confidence in her own abilities, and she doesn't have the arrogance of a superior person. In fact, she is quite easy-going."

Although it wants to be a little teasing.

But that's also a sign of approachability.

A really cold person wouldn't even look straight in the eye.

"I'm afraid senior, no matter what kind of work she is engaged in in the future, she will be able to shine, keep climbing, and achieve great achievements that ordinary people can't do."

Shi Hai folded his arms and gave the final evaluation.

"All in all, Senior Sister Tianshui is the type that people can't help but follow her. If she is my boss, she should be very lucky."

"I see, it's very suitable to be a about being a lover?"

"Sure enough, that's the question you want to ask."


"She is indeed beautiful."

Shi Hai had admitted it in front of Tian Shui, so this was what he thought from the bottom of his heart.

"It's the type that makes men feel strongly possessive. To put it bluntly, it's 'I want her to be my woman'."

Jian Sichun felt sore in her heart.

Although she asked it herself, she was still jealous.

This is the first time she heard him express his interest in other women so simply from Shi Haikou.

Never seen him interested in another woman before!
"But I won't pursue Senior Sister Tianshui."

"Hey? Why?"

"A flower like her that attracts bees and butterflies just by standing still, wouldn't it be fun for a person like me to get close to her?"

Shi Hai still felt that Tian Shui was mostly teasing him.

But Jian Sichun's sixth sense as a woman told her that Tianshui really meant that to Shihai.

She hesitated whether she should help Tian Shui and asked at the same time.

"So, you just think you can't chase her, so you don't chase her?"

"Well... If I have to say it, it's because I don't know her well enough."

This answer stunned Jian Sichun for a moment and blurted out.

"Because you don't understand enough?"

"That's right, didn't I say that before? I only met Senior Tianshui at noon. How could I know what kind of person she is in such a short time?"

"Didn't you fall in love with her at first sight?"

"Does love at first sight mean that there is a reaction in the lower body?"

"Well, I think there should be some differences..."

"Then I didn't fall in love with Senior Sister Tianshui at first sight."

"Why are you so sure? Senior sister Tianshui is so beautiful and so rich..."

That's the perfect rich woman!

Is the man's dream lover!
The men who fell in love with her at first sight could fill a football field!
"Senior Tianshui is very beautiful, even men would be greedy for her body, and most of the families are rich and powerful, I also want to become rich... So these are actually the manifestations of my selfish desires, aren't they?"


Shi Hai continued to explain.

"I like beautiful women. This is no problem for any woman who fits my aesthetics. The same is true for the additional attribute of being rich. Senior Tianshui just happens to have these two characteristics."

"Well, it sounds so convoluted..."

Shi Hai also felt that his statement was a bit long-winded.

"To put it simply, if you only like beautiful and rich women, then Senior Sister Tianshui is fine, right?"


This is true.

Jian Sichun suddenly realized.

That's why Shi Hai said 'I don't understand yet'.

For most people, these external factors may be the most important. After all, the purpose of many people looking for a partner is actually 'to make themselves better off'.

But Shi Hai is not someone who cares about external factors.

"I don't quite understand what it's like to fall in love at first sight...but love at first sight should be a fateful encounter, right?"

Shi Hai felt that if "love at first sight" is real, it should be the emotional impulse after removing the "external factors".

At least so far, Shi Hai thinks that he has not met a woman who makes him have such an impulse.

" was a fateful encounter..."

And Jian Sichun recalled the sweet experience of dating him, and suddenly felt that everything became clear.

He really never did anything that would make him doubt, not even once.

I see……

Shi Hai is a pure love party who leads by example!
(End of this chapter)

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