It's like I'm not reborn

Chapter 15 Showdown

Chapter 15 Showdown
Jian Sichun straightened his back, kept his gaze straight, stared straight at Shi Hai's face, with a straight face, like a criminal waiting for the judge to pronounce the sentence.

She thought that if she was alone with Shi Hai, it would be difficult to restrain herself, but she just had to be patient until Shi Hai's mother came back!

Must stick to it!
"It's okay to chat...well, let's talk about you then?"

"Good, good!"

Jian Sichun, who suddenly became nervous, didn't even notice that the volume was raised several degrees.

"The little girl's name is Jian Sichun! She's 20 years old this year! She's a sophomore in the Animation Department of the Academy of Fine Arts!"

"Hobbies are drawing pictures, cosplay, cover songs and dancing, and my specialty is high-intensity live broadcasting and playing games!"

"Height 165cm, weight 48kg, from top to bottom are [-]..."


Shi Hai hurriedly stopped.

Almost heard the numbers that would be engraved in my mind.

"It's not a blind date, don't be so serious..."

And even if it's a blind date, you won't report your measurements, right?

Jian Sichun reported all her personal information in one go, the main purpose was actually to let Shi Hai hear about her hobbies.

"By the way, are you from the animation department?"

I'm coming!

His curious eyes!
They started chatting because of their interests and hobbies!
Regarding two-dimensional topics, Jian Sichun boasted that she could chat for days and nights without repeating the same thing.

After all, she is a pure house girl.

Jian Sichun usually likes to play games and watch animations, and also likes to play some difficult hardcore games and niche games, and has made and uploaded strategy videos.

In her previous life, Jian Sichun was a UP host mainly live broadcasting and posting videos, and had accumulated millions of fans.

Shi Hai helped her with content planning, copywriting, and video editing.

The two are a team, and occasionally they will bring in my sister-in-law and mother to shoot vlogs together. It can be said that the operation is very impressive.

"That's right! I'm from the animation department! I'm good at drawing!"

"It's pretty good."

Although Shi Hai also likes to watch anime and play games, but if you have to say it, he is not an otaku.

Because Shi Hai just likes to 'read stories'.

He can watch cartoons with Jian Sichun, watch TV dramas with his mother, look for online novels to read by himself, and usually go to the library to look for ordinary novels.

As long as it is a story that interests him, he will read it.

"So, you wear blindfolds because of this? Is it to imitate a certain character in the animation?"

Following the topic, Shi Hai asked about the blindfold.

"Uh, this blindfold is actually..."

"If you have something to hide, don't tell me."

"That's not true...I'll take it off and show you."

"is it okay?"

"Well, it doesn't matter if I show you."

Jian Sichun took off her blindfold, and lifted her bangs.

Then what caught Shi Hai's eyes was...

Orange-yellow pupils, with a faint golden glow.

"Let me tell you in advance, I don't wear colored contact lenses!"

"Well, the color of colored contact lenses should not be so obvious..."

In reality, colored contact lenses are closer to a complementary color to the original color. Many times, if you don't pay attention to it, you can't even find it.

But Jian Sichun's right eye is too obvious.

"So it's real different-color pupils?"

"To be precise, it is heterochromia, which is said to be very common in wild animals, but humans rarely get it. Only 0.01% of people in the world will get this symptom."

This cold knowledge was told to her by Shi Hai in the future.

"So you wear blindfolds because you really can't see?"

"That's not true. I went to check it many times when I was a child. The doctor said that it has no effect on vision, and there is no color blindness. It is congenital heterochromia caused by genetic factors."

"So that's it. If it's not a vision problem, is it because you were discriminated against?"

"Well... I was called a freak by my classmates before because of the different color of my eyes... I've been wearing an eye patch ever since."

"Sorry, you can stop what you don't want to say."

This is already uncovering other people's scars, so Shi Hai apologized first.

Jian Sichun used to be very concerned about this matter.

It can even be said to be traumatic.

Otherwise, I wouldn't have been wearing blindfolds even in college.

And this trauma was completely healed after meeting Shi Hai.

She now wants to hear Shi Hai say that sentence again.

"It's okay, it's actually okay. After I went to college, the people around me didn't care so much."

This is deceiving.

In her previous life, Jian Sichun quarreled because her roommate copied her design draft, and then her eyes were scolded by the other party as a point of attack.

That's why Jian Sichun couldn't bear it and ran to cry with Shi Hai, and was finally taken home by Shi Hai.

"And my dad has always said that my eyes are pretty and cool, like a chosen princess or something..."

Jian Sichun really believed these words when she was a child.

Then it was a matter of course that the second disease of the middle school broke out, and the words and deeds became weird, and I also liked to dress up in Gothic style.

This made her lose the right to make friends throughout the middle and high school stages.

After all, the second illness in reality is to leave people with the impression of being a weird person, always talking strange things, and can't even communicate well. Who would want to make friends with such a person?

It was because the entire high school years passed alone that Jian Sichun had learned from the past and applied for the animation department with the idea of ​​finding a fellow student.

As a result, I didn't meet anyone in the same department I was chatting with, but I met Shi Hai instead.

"Indeed, I think the same as my father, and the different-color pupils are cute."


Shi Hai in Jian Sichun's memory also said similar things.

——Isn’t that a great cutie point? ——

I'm coming!

The scene is reproduced!

Jian Sichun was ecstatic inside, but she still pretended to be very shy and asked back.

"Yes, is it? Wouldn't it be strange?"

"I think it's pretty good-looking, and it has that flavor."

"Then, that smell?"

Jian Sichun's color radar started beeping again.

The scene where Shi Hai approached and raised his chin was already imagining in his mind.

However, the next sentence of Shi Hai, who was puzzled, made her throw herself on the table.

"Well, the taste of the second disease."


In the end, it was still regarded as a secondary disease!

Jian Sichun thumped the table and got up and shouted.

"I wear blindfolds just because I don't want to be treated as a second child!"

"But wearing a blindfold is also like the second disease..."

"Then I can't help it. I also tried wearing black contact lenses, but they couldn't cover them well, and there would still be chromatic aberration... Huh, if the left eye is not as obvious as the right eye, then alright."

"Is your left eye also heterochromatic?"

"Yeah, in fact, the color of my left eye is also a bit come closer and take a look."


Shi Hai stretched out his head slightly.

"Go a little further! You can't see clearly from such a distance!"

Jian Sichun directly stretched out both hands to hold his side head, and pulled him in front of her.

The distance is so close that even the warm breath exhaled by the other party can be felt with the skin of the cheek.

Although you can't eat it, you can still smell it, right?
Jian Sichun asked while enjoying the taste from Shihai.

"Look carefully, it's a little reddish, right?"

"Indeed... it's dark red, but it looks almost black from a distance."

"That's right, so the left side is actually fine, but the orange-yellow color on the right side is too obvious."

After letting go of Shi Hai's head, seeing him sitting back to his original position, Jian Sichun felt a little unsatisfied.

However, after adding a wave of 'Shi Haisu' at close range, she was able to restrain her impulse for the time being.

"I can't cover both eyes, can I?"

"Well... Actually, that's just a little bit cute."

Shi Hai felt that there would be a kind of hazy beauty even if he couldn't see his eyes.

And Jian Sichun actually wore a full-coverage blindfold, it was for the cosplay of the fire prevention girl and Miss 2B.

"But wearing a blindfold, and there are different-colored pupils under the blindfold, no matter how you explain it, it's like the second disease."

"But I'm really not a second child! I speak normally, right? Dress normally, too?"

Speaking of which, Jian Sichun stood up and turned around in circles.

She is wearing a loose hooded sweater today, with a short skirt and stockings underneath, a cute look.

Shi Hai pinched his chin and asked as if he was very puzzled.

"So... you really don't have a second illness?"

Jian Sichun was afraid that Shi Hai would not believe her, so he nodded heavily, put his hands on his chest, and swore to the sky.

"I swear with my life, I really am not a second child! I have already graduated from the second child!"


And this is actually what Shi Hai wants to hear.

Because as long as he gets the important clue that 'Jian Sichun is not a second-time doctor', he can draw a conclusion.

At this point, Shi Hai decided to have a showdown.

"In other words, you are a reborn?"

The moment Jian Sichun heard this question, he took a deep breath.

She felt like her heart had stopped beating.

 Thanks for the codename Jiuwu Erqi and Sishi Naizhong fans for their rewards~
  There is also trouble, readers, you must read the latest chapter!
  I heard that pursuing reading is the most important thing, so don't keep it!

(End of this chapter)

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